Questions tagged [azure-networking]

Questions related to azure networking: Virtual Networks, Load Balancers, routes, gatewayes and vpn/expressroute

334 questions
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What can you expect for Azure upload speeds?

I am running a Azure VM (DS1_v2) with Windows 2016 on it. I notice that my download speed ins around 300Mbps and my upload is about 30Mbps. Is there anyway to make that upload faster? I have tried different VM sizes, and that does not seem to work.…
Dan Belkie
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Azure NSG not allowing traffic

I am having an odd issue. I have a Windows server in Azure which I have installed Splunk on and I can't get to the web UI. I created it from the default template and I have deleted it and tried to recreate it. I have made an NSG rule to allow port…
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Azure Webservices, Auto-scale, and Load Balancers - Does auto-scale handle load balancing automatically?

Software engineer here, not a ton of experience managing servers, but wanting to understand how auto-scale works. Here's the background: We have a stateless application running on the azure cloud, which talks to an Azure SQL database behind the…
2 answers

Azure VM key fingerprint

I just created an Ubuntu VM on Azure. It says to use ssh to connect to the VM. When I try to SSH for the first time from the command line, it asks to verify ECDSA key fingerprint, but I cannot see it anywhere in the Azure Portal, whether it is the…
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Azure and DNS services

I have a Virtual network (MyVPN) resource in Azure, being a class C network, MyVPN has Azure provided DNS service as DNS servers, so all virtual machines with a NIC connected to this network are able to resolve their hostname successfully, for…
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Does Azure support IPv6 that's statically assigned?

Seems like when checking the box for IPv6 when creating a load balancer, it gives me the option to use dynamic or static. However, if I pick static and click 'ok', it then gives me an error that static is not supported. Why is this option there? How…
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What is the difference between an Azure network security group and a VNET?

I have made some virtual machines in Azure. I can see that a vnet has been created for my VMs. This is great as they need a network and I would (of course) like them to be able to connect to each other. I can also see that a network security group…
Neil P
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Change scale set virtual network default address

By default, when creating a scale set through the Azure Portal, that scale set has a a virtual Network with the default address, even if you are already using that Network for other instances. 1) Does anyone knows how i can change that…
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Empty network configuration in Azure (networkconfig.xml)

I've recently created an Azure trial account, and we've got it set up and connected to our on-prem network (via IPSec tunnel over ASA). I can communicate with a Linux VM I threw up in Azure from my machine on premise. Now, I'd like to include a…
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When does Azure Load-Balancer Health Probe return to normal state?

Last week I created an azure LB routing HTTPS traffic on port 443 to an alternate port on the back-end web servers. The health probe for the LB rule was using the same alternative port. Sometime later in the week I experienced an issue with each of…
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What is the difference between basic and standard public IPs in azure?

Whenever I create a VM, it is taking directly from "Public IP Addresses - Basic" quota,when it will use standard? And where to set that? And what is the difference between them?
Sara June
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Azure Virtual Machine - An Internal Error Occurred

There is a Azure Virtual machine that has been running for many months. Lately attempting to RDP to the VM is causing RDP to show "an internal error has occurred" within a second of clicking connect. Attempted to setup Azure Bastion as a workaround…
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Expose Container in virtual network to public Azure

I have an Azure cosmos DB instance configured to allow access from a private virtual network: icy-horizon. I also have an API deployed using Azure Container Instances with port 80 exposed attached to icy-horizon network as it needs to communicate…
3 answers

Remove WAF policy on Azure Gateway

On Azure, I need to disassociate an existing WAF policy that is tied to an Azure Application Gateway but cannot find a way. I've created a new WAF policy and associated it with my Azure Application Gateway. I do not like the way it is configured and…
Frank Fu
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Azure VM can't access internet

I've set up some windows VMs and and a single linux VM on azure and none of them can access the internet. None of the VMs have a public IP addresses. I can RDP into the windows boxes/ssh into the linux box due to inbound NAT rules on a load…
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