Questions tagged [aws-cli]

aws-cli is the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface

aws-cli is an open source project that provides a command line interface to the Amazon Web Services APIs.

The project is hosted on GitHub:

366 questions
3 answers

Is there a way to export all AWS Security Groups to CSV? moreover, is there a recommended way of keeping track of SR changes?

We have a relatively small dev environment in AWS with about 50 Security groups with multiple permission entries. is there a recommended way of keeping track of SR changes, Access, etc? My manager dont want to use AWS config (Price wise), so the…
0 answers

Can i access an EKS cluster , if i don't have access to iam user that created it?

An AWS admin , created an IAM user , and that user created an EKS cluster. Now , we don't have access to that IAM user. If , we try to execute , kubectl , commands on that EKS cluster from a new IAM user that has admin level permissions, we still…
1 answer

AWS Glacier and Ransomware

I'm trying to understand the structure of how AWS Glacier works because I have a problem. Problem: I have a NAS that backs up to Glacier about once a week. About two weeks ago the NAS got infected with ransomeware so if I retrieved the data now I…
0 answers

Terminating AWS ECS services and tasks automatically

We have created a ECS cluster with Fargate and have created few tasks in service to be used in a CI/CD pipeline. Service has desired count of 1. So if we terminate any task, new task comes up automatically. Is there a way in which we can make sure…
0 answers

Copy old data from local Centos to AWS S3 bucket

I have the following task to complete. I hope someone can provide the feedback to get me started. We have a directory with thousands of images in many folders and sub-folders The goal is to have a script run through the images and move anything…
1 answer

Add Error Logging to script

I have the following Big Sur Mac OS script: #!/bin/zsh /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp /Library/FileMaker\ Server/Data/Backups/S3/noon_db_* s3://testbackupnoon rm -rf /Library/FileMaker\ Server/Data/Backups/S3/* What syntax of code and where would I…
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How to check via aws cli if a Security Group description contains a secific string?

Using aws cli, I would like to be able to fuzzy search for a part of a string in the 'description' of a Security Group. For example let's say Security Group sd-afafaf00 contains "Hey there kaipee" in the Description field. The following works but…
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AWS WAF Web ACL Rule -- programmatically get details

While adding resources to protect with AWS Shield Advanced through the console, the 'wizard' created a Web ACL rate-limiting rule, which I can see in the console under AWS WAF > Web ACLs > MyACL > Rules > MyRateLimitingRule How can I get (and set)…
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AWS backup is not in the list of command line interface commands

When I'm trying to use aws backup on my AWS server through command-line interface, but it's not in the list of available commands. How do I add this in? Currently when I run aws backup I get the following: usage: aws [options]
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1 answer

Cannot Delete S3 Bucket even though the IAM user as S3FullAccess policy

I cannot delete the bucket from an IAM user account which uses a virtual MFA device profile I have generated session toekns and added it to the profile section of ~/.aws/credentials file. and the profile config is added to the ~/.aws/config file ❯…
Anadi Misra
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0 answers

Launching RStudio Server from AWS EC2 instance on Chromebook Linux/Debian Terminal

So I was able to install and activate the rstudio-server but I'm not sure how to launch the server so I can start writing and running script through a local host as described in with…
1 answer

VM ram requirement for aws s3 sync job

I have a VM setup to sync 15TB of data split in 25GB volumes to S3 using the latest awscli v.2. I have a 100Mbps upload capacity, and the job will probably take 16 days. I haven't had any experience with this until now, I am am trying to limit the…
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How do I poll for when the ssm agent is started and session manager can connect for newly created instances?

I use SSM to connection to windows ec2 instances with the cli: aws ssm start-session --target It takes the ssm service on a windows instance a few mins to start sometimes I can check when its done initializing like this aws ec2 wait…
1 answer

SSH public key must be specified when running with AWS - error thrown while creating the kops cluster

I followed every steps as per the standard documentation described in both the aws & kubernetes. But still I get this error. May I know the reason behind this prompt?
0 answers

Did AWS stop allowing PUTs to S3 locations more than one directory deep through the AWS CLI?

On our various servers that have a product that includes a database, I create a job that runs a small script that makes a backup of the database, compresses the file, and sends it to S3. I have one version of the script for windows / SQL Server,…
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