Questions tagged [ransomware]

5 questions
3 answers

Is SMB safer than iSCSI for connection to a NAS?

Recently one of our customers undertook an IT network audit from another (third party) IT audit firm. The results were generally good, although they pointed out that we had used iSCSI client on Windows Server as a means of connecting to the NAS,…
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1 answer

Windows defender ransomware protection and SQL Server

Our small company has organized several levels of virus protection for Windows servers, but there are always fears that this is not enough. Is it correct to configure Windows Defender Ransomware Proteсtion to directories with data and transaction…
0 answers

Restore hyper-v VM from HRL file

We have been hit by ransomware and some of our Hyper-V image has been encrypted (primary & replica server). The one that didn't get hit, the client OS (Windows Server) was still running but almost all the files inside it got encrypted too. We had…
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1 answer

AWS Glacier and Ransomware

I'm trying to understand the structure of how AWS Glacier works because I have a problem. Problem: I have a NAS that backs up to Glacier about once a week. About two weeks ago the NAS got infected with ransomeware so if I retrieved the data now I…
3 answers

Any ideas how could I've been ransomware hacked?

A couple of days ago our clients reported our Solarwinds website was down. So I connected to check through remote desktop and there it was, a fullscreen html-like interface where you could only use the mouse to type using the interface…