Questions tagged [zsh]

64 questions
10 answers

Unique Features of bash compared to zsh

I have been a zsh user for quite some time (before that tcsh and before that csh). I am quite happy with it, but was wondering if there are any compelling features of bash that do not exist in zsh. And conversely, are there zsh features which do not…
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Is there any reason to use bash over zsh?

I'm curious about why one would want to run bash instead of zsh. I mean zsh is fully backwards-compatible with bash. Don't get me wrong: I don't dislike bash or anything. I just genuinely want to know if there are any advantages to using it over…
Jason Baker
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2 answers

How do I make zsh completion act more like bash completion?

I'm a recent convert from bash to zsh (which I'm using "oh my zsh" with), but one thing annoys me: When I hit the tab key, the first autocompletion is filled out automatically, and you need to cycle through the completions by hitting tab repeatedly.…
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How to edit command completion for ssh on zsh?

I'd like to set up command completion on zsh to display host names after I type ssh [TAB] taking the names out of my .ssh/config file (and preferably from known_hosts and /etc/hosts and anywhere else that makes sense) and presenting one single…
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Copy a range of files in command line (ZSH/BASH)

I have a list of files with consecutive numbers as suffixes. I would like to copy only a range of these files. How can I specify a range as part of my cp command. $ls P1080272.JPG* P1080273.JPG* P1080274.JPG* P1080275.JPG* P1080276.JPG*…
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1 answer

ZSH not sourcing zprofile

I'm running zsh 5.1.1 on Ubuntu 16.04. It seems that ~/.zprofile isn't sourced at login nor new terminal. ~/.zshrc is sourced however. I am running oh-my-zsh. Any ideas on why this is or how I can fix it?
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4 answers

How to delete empty source directories when moving folders with rsync?

rsync can be coaxed into moving folders very similarly and superiorly to traditional mv with the following options: rsync -axvvES --remove-source-files source_directory /destination/ However one thing I cannot yet seem to get it to do is to remove…
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How to change default shell in FreeBSD?

The default shell in FreeBSD is sh and I really can't stand it: autocomplete is very limited, and rehash commands kill me. I feel like a one armed and one legged man... How can I change the shell globally to zsh or bash - for root and for all…
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4 answers

Keyboard shortcut to store typed command and clean the line

You know the situation: You are halfway through typing a long command (for example a commit message) and realize that you have forgotten to execute some prerequisite command that can not be added with &&. Normally when that happens to me, I select…
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3 answers

ls gives me "illegal option"

I recently installed zsh and now whenever I ls or ls -l or ls anything I get "illegal option". Not sure where to start looking to fix this.
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How to set the default shell when chsh is not present

I've a Synology DS412+ NAS box running Busybox, which has a default shell of ash. Previously, ipkg install optware-devel was run and it installed bash and set it as the default shell. Running ipkg install zsh has installed zsh but not set it as the…
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3 answers

Excluding Environment Variables from ZSH Autocomplete

Quick example: ~ $ wor ~ $ WORDCHARS= …
Bryan Veloso
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How can I open a file whose name starts with "-"?

I am running Ubuntu, and would like to open a file whose file name starts with "-"(minus). When I try to open the file with pico or vim, the command thinks that the "-" sign is an option for the command. I tried enclosing the file name with quotes…
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2 answers

Unable to understand the benefit of Zsh's autopushd

I have in .zshrc setopt autopushd It makes cd acts like pushd. This means that we have no stack at all. When I have used it, I have not used stack at all, since it removes stack from me. I am not sure what is the benefit of autopushd. What is the…
1 answer

Removing history or line numbers from ZSH history file

For some reason I get these odd line numbers or history numbers of some sort into my ~/.zsh_history file like so: : 1266694881:0;rake db:migrate I'd rather not have to resort to regexing out the beginning, but I'd like my lines to be something…
JP Silvashy
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