Questions tagged [aws-cli]

aws-cli is the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface

aws-cli is an open source project that provides a command line interface to the Amazon Web Services APIs.

The project is hosted on GitHub:

366 questions
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Commands for AWS FSx shadow copy

We have enabled shadow copy in AWS Fsx I want schedule triggers with IST timezone there is no commands are mentioned in documents please help with the commands to schedule shadow copy with IST…
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How to retrieve binary file from aws secrets manager using aws cli

After uploading a binary secret using something like aws secretsmanager create-secret --name my-file-secret --secret-binary fileb://mysecret.file I'm having trouble retrieving the file using the CLI. How can I do this ?
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AWS CLI Usage Issue

In our scenario, We previously had some AWS keys. The IAM interface show/showed no usage for it but the employee has been able to upload resources. Could anyone advise how to check if the interface is just erring or if they were perhaps not using…
0 answers

Providing working-directory in AWS CLI ECS run-task command

Is there any way of overriding the working-directory from the task-definition default when starting a task from the CLI? It seems like a fairly easy thing and a potentially important thing, but, if it is available, it looks like it's going to be…
Dustin Oprea
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How to download millions of s3 files and compress them on the fly?

I have an S3 bucket with millions of files, and I want to download all of them. Since I don't have enough storage, I would like to download them, compress them on the fly and only then save them. How do I do this? To illustrate what I mean: aws s3…
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S3 Logs event Issue

Is there a way to see what actions the 'g2' IAM user is performing in S3, and which IP(s) they are running from? I have already enabled the logging of S3 actions. One point I’m still not able to figure out is that when I’m trying to find logs in…
0 answers

Why does AWS take a long time to change the password of DB Clusters?

I'm running this command to change the master user password of a DB Cluster on AWS: aws rds modify-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier development-db \ --region us-east-2 --master-user-password newpassword --apply-immediately \ --no-cli-pager…
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ERROR: NotSupportedError - The EB CLI cannot find your SSH key file for keyname

Trying to deploy an app on AWS and this is only one of the hurdles I've had to deal with. I am trying to connect to an Elastic Beanstalk instance and when I attempt to connect with the awsebcli tool I get this error: ERROR: NotSupportedError - The…
0 answers

How to Bulk Delete 1.4 Million AWS S3 Access Logs

We hadn't specified a target bucket for our AWS access logs & I believe we set up an infinite loop leading to the creation of 1.4 million access logs since…
1 answer

Is it possible to upload files along with initialization script on EC2 instance when running it with AWS CLI?

I have nginx configuration files which I would like to deploy on my Ubuntu EC2 instance. I create instance using AWS CLI: aws ec2 run-instances --instance-type t2.micro \ --count 1 \ --image-id ami-0f8b8babb98cc66d0 \ --key-name…
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How to show which resources are connected to (depend on) which other resources in AWS

Is there a way to show which resources are connected to what other resources in AWS? Basically the kind of information that would allow one to understand/view the current architecture. There are CLI tools like list-application-dependencies and…
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determine IPv6 address of AWS EC2 instance from CLI

Previously, I was able to find the auto-assigned IPv6 address of an Amazon EC2 instance with something like the following: aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-west-2 --instance-id i-09eca7af84e1ef806 \ | jq…
Rich Remer
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how to download archive in aws s3 glacier

first, sorry for my bad english. i create a vault in glacier service and then i uploaded an archive into vault and in out-put, aws gave back me a archive id. then using the archive-id, i created a job for downloading using this command: aws glacier…
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1 answer

Ansible EC2 metatadata options?

I'm trying to get Ansible EC2 to provision instances that require IMDSV2. Through the aws ec2 run-instances I'm able to do it by adding --metadata-options "HttpEndpoint=enabled,HttpTokens=required" to my command. I'm not seeing a matching option in…
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How can I let apache server work always on my ec2 instance?

I am learning aws's EC2 server. I configured apache and php. I started the apache server with the command Sudo service httpd start But every time I stop my pc, or the next day, when I want to continue the course. I have to start again the apache…