Questions tagged [aws-systems-manager]

30 questions
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AWS SSM Agent registration call cannot be proxied?

How do I proxy the amazon-ssm-agent -register call? I want to proxy all the amazon-ssm-agent traffic in a local VM instance through a squid proxy. When the SSM agent is running, it seems to proxy all traffic (as expected) through squid. However, the…
2 answers

aws ssm start-session .. AWS-StartPortForwardingSession .. hangs

I am trying to set up port forwarding between my local PC and an AWS EC2 based on the AWS SSM port forwarding article instance like this: aws ssm start-session --target i-0822c9a6c52ca7394 \ --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession…
Jakub Holý
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AWS system manager : Verify that the IAM instance profile attached to the instance includes the required permissions

I am trying to access an ec2 instance using AWS systems manager for that I've created a role attached to the following policies. AmazonEC2RoleforSSM AmazonSSMAutomationApproverAccess AmazonSSMFullAccess AmazonSSMAutomationRole And the role is…
2 answers

EC2 instance doesn't show up in AWS Systems Manager

I am trying to create an EC2 instance (Amazon Linux, so I shouldn't have to configure the SSM agent as it should be autoconfigured) in a private subnet, and want to be able to SSH into it. According to this post I have to use AWS Systems Manager for…
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I've been locked out of EC2 RDP connection to my Windows 2019 Server instance after resetting firewall rules

I've been using a Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-Base-2020.12.09 EC2 instance in N.Virginia for a while and accidently got my firewall rules reset and it seems RDP port is closed and not accepting incoming connections anymore. Is there anyway I…
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Permanently load environment variable on aws ssm login in windows PowerShell

I am using ssm login for logging into my windows server 2016 data center edition. When I make a RDP connection and run PowerShell from RDP, All the system environment variables are loded correctly however the same fails to load when using a aws ssm…
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corrupted AWS /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users

On one of my EC2 EBS backed instances, /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users is corrupted so I can not sudo I tried pkexec visudo to fix it -- it asks for authentication, but won't accept credentials. What are my options? Wondering if there's a way to…
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Trigger external API Calls with Cloudwatch Events

I am looking for a solution to make a POST Request to an External API when the state of an EC2 Instance changes. I want to use Cloudwatch so that I can pass the InstanceId to the API with the Input Transformer option. Is there a way to do this…
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Can Windows 2016 EC2 instance provisioned by ElasticBeanstalk be connected to SSM

Can Windows 2016 EC2 instance provisioned by ElasticBeanstalk be connected to SSM in AWS? I'm specifically asking this as I don't see the EB default role containing any SSM policies.
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Not able to list all the images

I am trying to list all the images which has the name Ansible*. If i can pull it off, i can use it to clean my AMI's that are created during patching activity. i am trying it via SSM Automation Document. below is the code i have. description: This…
2 answers

Is it possible to connect through session manager to the instance using SSH from an external source like my desktop. And if so, how

I have been clicking through the Session Manager console. Pretty neat. The next question I have with this - I *think we should be able to connect using SSH from an outside SSH client. Meaning, I have a client on my desktop (The client I use is…
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SSH connection getting a Connection timed out in AWS

I have a website hosted in AWS EC2 with the t2.micro instance(Ubuntu 18.04.4). When I tried to connect through Putty or browser-based SSH connection from the AWS console, i am getting a connection timeout error. I tried using the instructions in the…
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AWS SSM port forwarding bind to external interface

I have managed to get SSM port forwarding working to an AWS instance using the following from my "jump server". aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID \ --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession \ …
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How to Centralize AWS SSM with multiples accounts

I'm trying to setup AWS SSM with one environment to administer all organizations/accounts that my clients have. I tried to setup using this article: Centralized Multi-account and Multi-region Patching with AWS Systems Manager Automation but I have…
Luis Fernando
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AWS Config rules with no resources by tag

I have an AWS Config rule set up to look for the 'Certify The Web' application using the EC2_MANAGEDINSTANCE_APPLICATIONS_REQUIRED rule. I have the scope of resources to a tag Key of ACM and value of Managed, so any server with this tag should have…
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