Questions tagged [avahi]

Avahi is a free zeroconf implementation - A service discovery protocol. It can be used to find services on a network and also to publish services to be found by other Zeroconf clients.

60 questions
6 answers

Can I have dots in a hostname?

I'm using names like "a.alpha" for the hostname of my linux box, but it seems that these names are not completely usable. The response of a hostname shell command is correct (a.alpha). But the name printed after my user account is "user@a" instead…
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1 answer

Using Avahi on DreamPlug Ubuntu with iPads

I have the following very peculiar issue with using Avahi on the DreamPlug (which is a plug computer running Ubuntu Jaunty). After spending days on this, I think I've managed to narrow down the issue. The DreamPlug acts as the WiFi access point, and…
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3 answers

How to prevent Avahi adding -2 to hostnames

Often (maybe 80% of the time), when I reboot a machine running Avahi, it starts using machinename-2.local as it's hostname. All the machines on my network have unique hostnames, so there is no collision. How do I prevent Avahi from appending -2 to…
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avahi-daemon binds to eth0 udp ports 5353 and 53791

avahi-daemon continues to bind to eth0 ports 5353 and 53791. Is there any way to tell avahi-daemon to only bind to localhost and not eth0 ? /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf use-ipv4=yes use-ipv6=no allow-interfaces=lo deny-interfaces=eth0 netstat…
Waleed Bons
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What exactly is AVAHI?

CentOS 5.2 My VPS host rebooted (checking with host support now) and I noticed the following in /var/log/messages Aug 28 11:57:52 echo avahi-daemon[21633]: **Found user 'avahi' (UID 70) and group 'avahi' (GID 70).** Aug 28 11:57:52 echo…
Mike B
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Is there a way to set up Avahi to implement "anycast name resolution" on a LAN?

First, some background: We've got a lab containing a handful of dedicated Linux servers that run on an isolated LAN. All the servers run the same OS (Debian Linux) and the same proprietary server software, and the server processes communicate with…
Jeremy Friesner
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2 answers

Multicast routing across two subnets with FreeBSD 9 (Bonjour between subnets)?

I have a FreeBSD 9 router (a Soekris net6501) connected to the internet via a dsl modem (bridged), doing NAT for two internal subnets, (LAN) and (wifi net). There are routes between the subnets and things like ssh host-A.wifi…
Erik Tjernlund
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1 answer

avahi stops publishing after a few minutes

I've got a couple of virtual machines (running Scientific Linux 6.2) that publish Workstation records so that they can easily be found on the net. Some of the virtual machines stop publishing after a few minutes, i.e. I can reach them via…
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3 answers

How to configure SELinux to allow specific services to communicate with Avahi?

I have a service, running on a Fedora 20 machine, that when started attempts to register services with Avahi. This works perfectly if my service is started while SELinux is in permissive mode, but the service will not register when SELinux is…
Louis Daprato
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1 answer

Why doesn't Bonjour for Windows see my IPv6-only Linux hosts?

On my LAN I have three essentially identical Debian Linux boxes running Avahi. One of them has both an IPv4 address and and IPv6 address, and the other two have only IPv6 addresses. They all show up in Bonjour Browser on my Mac, like…
Jeremy Friesner
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1 answer

Connecting to host using avahi gives error: Name or service not known

I'm creating and destroying virtual machines all the time, in order to test various services or applications, and so I'd like to use avahi to connect to them by their names so I don't have to use valuable space in my head for dynamic IP addresses…
Michael Hampton
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1 answer

getting warning messages "avahi-daemon[3201]: Invalid query packet." on suse 10.1 server with raid 1

I had recently replaced a failing hard drive on my software raid 1 system with suse 10.1 , and i am checking for any warning messages on " var/log/warn " and i found this message "avahi-daemon[3201]: Invalid query packet." more than 12 times , i…
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1 answer

Configure Avahi nss-mdns not to use local suffix with hostnames because of issue in mounting Samba share

How to configure Avahi & nss-mdns to resolve names in my small home network in the same manner as Windows does with NetBIOS or more recently LLMNR. For Linux, there are two options: Winbind aka NetBIOS for linux, marked as DEPRECATED by many…
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1 answer

Make avahi advertise multiple machine

Is it possible that a single machine running avahi advertises other machines sharing files over afp ? I have different machines running Gentoo but I don't want to run avahi on each server.
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0 answers

How does ping determine the IP address of an mDNS service?

I am trying to write a Python 3 program which, when given the name of a service, returns the IPv4 numeric address of the machine running the service. (I don't want to use the zeroconf module.) Using and…
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