Often (maybe 80% of the time), when I reboot a machine running Avahi, it starts using machinename-2.local as it's hostname. All the machines on my network have unique hostnames, so there is no collision.

How do I prevent Avahi from appending -2 to hostnames?

(This turns out to be an incredibly difficult thing to Google for...)

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    Did you find a solution? In my case I have an apple macbook on the same network and two raspberry pis running with avahi-daemon and one of those RPis generates this conflict – ffleandro Mar 24 '21 at 14:59
  • @ffleandro Just wanted to join on to that "Did you find a solution?" (I started getting the problem with a simple normal install of ubuntu 20.04 desktop, about a week after setting it up.) – Owen_AR Apr 01 '21 at 17:05
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    I haven' found a solution yet. Do you have more than one avahi server in the same network? Found this ticket on the project, but it is still open. There is already a PR open but hasn't been merge: https://github.com/lathiat/avahi/issues/117 – ffleandro Apr 02 '21 at 13:54

3 Answers3


This is also the case with OS X machines.

If the hostname is already in use on the network it bumps the counter to make the names unique again. I would suspect that the machine in question may have two netcards to the same network (cabled and wireless) or that you have a bonjour proxy running (which may be unknown to you) which helps sleeping machines by holding their hostname active. To be more certain you may want to describe your network better.


In my case, this behavior is caused by a Plex Media Server inside a docker container which runs its own avahi-daemon. I'm using this docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/plex/

The number was increased very often, without need to restart.

After stopping the docker container and a restart of avahi-daemon.service, the numbers disappeared.

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I have the same problem on a Raspberry Pi. Until a better solution comes along, Ive added a crontab entry to run this script every day.


echo $(date) >> /home/pi/avahirestart.log
aname=$(avahi-resolve -a $(hostname -I|cut -d' ' -f1)|cut -f2)
if [[ "$aname" = *"-2"* ]];then
sudo service avahi-daemon restart
if [[ "$aname" = *"-3"* ]];then
sudo service avahi-daemon restart
Ken H
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