Questions tagged [avahi]

Avahi is a free zeroconf implementation - A service discovery protocol. It can be used to find services on a network and also to publish services to be found by other Zeroconf clients.

60 questions
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SSH to an ubuntu machine using avahi

I have an ubuntu box that I connect to using avahi. Connecting to that box works fine for all services (I regularly use AFP, SSH and SMB on it) but I've noticed that whenever I connect to it from a mac using SSH (and using the ".local" dns name…
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Fedora client persist old address after router advertisement

I have a linux-based DSL router, running radvd Because the prefix from my ISP may change, so I have to change the radvd.conf when prefix changes. For example, like this. interface br-lan { AdvSendAdvert on; MinRtrAdvInterval 20; …
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2 answers

Different Avahi/ZeroConf Services for different VLANs

I couldn't find any reference in the man page for Avahi so here is my question: Is there a possiblity to configure one service (printer) for only one VLAN and another service (printer) for another VLAN with a single Avahi Daemon? I don't want to run…
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Can't discover a IPv4 link-local address when having an static IP configured

I have link-local addresses working out-of-the-box when coupled with DHCP, since when there's no DHCP, the device doesn't get an IP, only a link-local one. Still, I need to have link-local addresses working even if I'm setting up interfaces…
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Failed to find user 'avahi'

So I'm trying to setup CUPS + AirPrint support and one of the packages required is Avahi. I have installed it via ipkg, and have tried running the daemon, however I get the following error. Failed to find user 'avahi' How can I fix this?
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Multiple ethernet interfaces same IP address space

Am I allowed to have multiple ethernet interfaces on a WinXP/Win7 host, that share the same IP-subnet? Scenario: There are multiple USB adapters, that are using RNDIS (usb-ethernet-gadget) and Zeroconf to communicate to the host. Thus if I plug in…
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Is it possible to automatically import mDNS entries into a bind9 .local zone file?

It's nice to have a zeroconf setup with mDNS, but some of my machines (like docker containers) do not contain the avahi-daemon and by that they are not able to resolve .local hostnames. Now I could create manually a zone file for all my .local…
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Why are Nix programs not able to resolve mDNS names when native programs are?

My native programs (on Fedora) are able to resolve mDNS / Avahi / zeroconf names, like so: $ ping felonyspork.local -c 1 PING felonyspork.local ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64…
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mDNS service is discovered but not reachable

I've some problems connecting to services on my raspberry pi. I desire the following: 1x Raspberry Pi running multiple services (like openhab, mosquitto, nagios, etc.). Each of these services is running in a separate docker container. To bring…
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How do I resolve .local. DNS names on Debian 10?

I have a small local Ethernet network which I am using as a prototype for an industrial automation network. The network currently has 2 machines, both running Debian 10. There is no DNS server configured on the local network. Instead, the host name…
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centos7 avahi avahi-browse large timeouts on networks with many devices

I have been struggling with regular usage of the avahi-browse command on all CentOS 7 servers placed in a large network with many devices reporting out avahi/mdns data. Part of an application run this command: avahi-browse -ltrp .._tcp I am able to…
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Publishing CNAME to Avahi over DBUS requires long lived process

I am attempting to setup CNAMEs in Avahi in order to broadcast multiple hostnames. I've found a variety of examples online that all work but they all require long lived…
Stephen L
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several RPis sharing wifi internet by cable, with same hostname. Precedence lookup?

I've a Lab with a wifi AP. Students connect their laptops to this AP. Each student has a RPi3 that shares wifi internet by cable. i.e each student laptop acts as a gateway with wlan0, the external internet interface and eth0 the internal LAN…
2 answers

linux redhat + how to resolve the issue about Invalid response packet from host

we have thousand of the following message in /var/log/messages we also have strange issue that machine restart each of couple dayes what need to do in order to avoid these messages? Apr 25 00:08:31 app_linux02 avahi-daemon[953]: Invalid response…
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cannot ping link-local address from other subnet when defaut gateway route is seted

I have a problem with my route table I don't know why it doesn't work. I have two test cases, I did draw a network map for each case. currently I can't resolv the goal. The goal: laptop-1 can ping raspberry pi over zeroconf ip laptop-2 can…