Questions tagged [fedora-20]

32 questions
5 answers

Correctly setting the hostname - Fedora 20 on Amazon EC2

Context I have a Fedora 20 cloud image running on Amazon EC2 (henceforth called the "instance"). And I have some uncertainty about persistently setting its hostname. Goal In this case, let's say I want to set the instance's hostname to…
David Tonhofer
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1 answer

Fedora's firewall-cmd shows more available services than configured

So yeah, configuring Fedora 20's firewall-cmd. Tried to limit inbound traffic to only http, https, and ssh. However, the machine still responds to pings, and the --get-service command shows a laundry list of things I do not use. Why the…
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3 answers

How to configure SELinux to allow specific services to communicate with Avahi?

I have a service, running on a Fedora 20 machine, that when started attempts to register services with Avahi. This works perfectly if my service is started while SELinux is in permissive mode, but the service will not register when SELinux is…
Louis Daprato
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2 answers

Connect two networks to a single server using its two ethernet ports

I have two separated local networks (two routers, each is connected to its ISP for the internet connection) and a server with two ethernet ports. The server is running a local website service which I would like both networks to be able to…
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1 answer

Apache httpd doesn't respond to remote browser

I installed httpd 2.4.10-2.fc20 and it runs: $ systemctl -l | grep httpd.*running httpd.service loaded active running The Apache HTTP Server ... and listens: $ netstat -pant | egrep 'PID|httpd' Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address …
Gerold Broser
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postfix RCPT TO Temporary lookup failure 451 && mail transport unavailable

i configure Postfix and dovecot in fedora 20 my problem is when set RCPT TO return me 451 4.3.0 : Temporary lookup failure my postfix Configuration # postfix config file # uncomment for debugging if…
mohammad mohsenipur
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2 answers

How do I configure LXC to allow the use of SCHED_RR in a container?

Any ideas on how I can configure LXC/cgroups, to allow the use of SCHED_RR for applications in a container? On the internet I have seen mention of unmounting the cpu-cgroup, I have tried that, manually (running umount on the cpu cgroup) that did not…
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2 answers

How to use the new ifdown and ifup?

I would like to change the MAC address on a Fedora 2o webserver, but it seams that ifdown and ifup doesn't work like they used too before systemd were introduced. This is what I would like to do ifdown eth0 ifconfig eth0 hw ether…
Jasmine Lognnes
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1 answer

"CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout after 10 seconds" HTTPS / SSL

I have configured NAGIOS server on IP address AA.BB.CC.DD (Linux Fedora 20), and Monitoring the host with IP address LL.MM.NN.OO (Linux Fedora 20). I have configured NRPE to run on port # 15666 on both the machines, and configured iptables. I…
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1 answer

How do I correct LogWatch error on Fedora 20?

I have LogWatch running on a Fedora 20 server. Logwatch gives the following every night: --------------------- Connections (secure-log) Begin ------------------------ **Unmatched Entries** CROND: pam_env(crond:setcred): Unable to open env file:…
Roger Creasy
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0 answers

SCM Manager's scm-server service start bind error

I perform: # service scm-server start SCM-Server will now be started # service scm-server status SCM-Server is running PID: 2166 PID: 2167 After a few seconds: # service scm-server status SCM-Server is not…
Gerold Broser
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2 answers

Configure firewalld for OpenVPN (server-bridge) in Fedora 20

I've installed an OpenVPN server (server-bridge) on Fedora 20, but I cannot get it to work. I'm almost sure that It's a firewall issue. I'm trying to connect from an OSX client, but I can connect (just connect to VPN server, without access to…
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1 answer

How to avoid PHP errors during server reboot?

I found a PHP error in my server log that says: [02:09:27 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory' in /var/www/include/db_connect.php:7 Stack trace: `#0…
Question Overflow
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2 answers

Fedora 20 - How do I use firewalld to only allow ssh from a range?

I have been seeing a lot of brute force attempts on a fedora box. How do I use firewalld to block all ssh traffic outside of a given range? I'm looking for something like the iptables: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 22 -m iprange…
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1 answer

Convert manual network commands into networking scripts

On a dedicated server with an hypervisor as host and Fedora 20 as guest, I successfully used the following commands in the guest VM to enable network with a IP failover: ip route add /32 dev src ip route add…
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