Questions tagged [asp]

86 questions
1 answer

running ASP on a linux machine

My testing environment for coding is currently a LAMP setup on an internal server running Linux Gnome. We've recently gained 2 or so sites to do maintenance for that were written in ASP. I'm now aware I don't have a testing environment for ASP and…
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Run ASP on Apache / Linux

Now I know this is quite a tricky one, but so many different sites say different things about doing this so I'm looking for a comprehensive answer here; I'm currently in charge of moving about 450 clients over to a new hosting platform, and…
Lee Brooks
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Enable ASP classic logging to event log

I thought my need was pretty simple, but I couldn't find a solution... How can I make ASP-classic errors appear in Windows Event Log ? I need it on Windows-server-2000 and Windows-Server-2003. Regards, Frédéric
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ASP uploading/transferring images

I have an ASP web service, that allows to various users to put some data in a database and to upload some images. Since the users have different web sites, the web service uploads the image in a first directory in its own space, then calls an ASP…
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Authenticated User Impersonation in Classic ASP under IIS7

I've recently moved one of our servers from Server 2003 and IIS6 to Server 2008 R2 and IIS7 (technically IIS7.5 I suppose). In doing so I am transitioning a small account management tool written in classic ASP and have run into a problem with user…
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ASP detailed error messages on IIS 7.5

I'm having real issues getting some (externally-written) ASP running on IIS 7.5. ASP is set up and I've enabled error messages in the two places mentioned in articles such as…
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HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed

I'm getting reports from my users that they are getting the following error message when going to my website: HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed It doesn't happen all the time. (I checked my site today randomly about 20 times and I only saw it once.) My…
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Is there a Windows Command Line utility or DLL to convert URL text to clickable Hyperlinks in PDF files?

I'm editing an ASP Classic application that uses a DLL called PDFLib to import existing PDF files, make modifications, and generate new PDF files. The problem is that any URLs that were in the source PDF are not hyperlinks in the generated PDF. The…
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IIS 10 Custom 404 Error pages not working

Windows 10, IIS 10, Classic ASP, .NET v2.0 Classic Custom 404 Error pages that have been working on my test machine for years, with Windows 7, no longer work within Windows 10's IIS. I set everything up in IIS Error Pages. This is my code from the…
Wayne Barron
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2 answers

Administrating Multiple Websites (ASP.NET & ASP)

Scenario I am having 30 applications built using Classic ASP, and 25 applications built using ASP.NET. Currently, they are hosted in a single IIS. Each application is configured as a website. So, there are a total of 55 websites. The question: I…
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2 answers

What would make a Custom 404 page suddenly stop working and show 500 instead?

I have a Custom 404 page written in classic ASP that's worked well for a couple of years. Suddenly, instead of seeing he expected nice 404, instead we're seeing a 500- internal server error. There's nothing been changed in the IIS config (not…
5 answers

Server.CreateObject Fails when calling .Net object from ASP on 64-bit windows in IIS 32-bit mode

I have a server running Windows 2003 64-bit, that runs IIS in 32-bit mode. I have a COM object that was registered using the following command: C:\WINDOWS\\Framework\v2.0.50727>regasm D:\Path\To\MyDll.dll /tlb:MyTLB.tlb /codebase When…
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Classic ASP apps on IIS shuts down when memory usage goes over 90%

I've got an issue where all classic ASP apps on IIS shut down, when the crowded server exceeds 90% memory usage. This is because ASP apps cannot create new sessions any longer. The ASP.NET apps are not affected by this problem and run fine. Is there…
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iis 7.5 wont serve up korean characters in my classic asp application

I have a classic ASP website hosted in IIS 7.5 - using a classic application pool pipeline. I have all my .Net Globalization settings set to UTF-8 encoding. However when my site outputs Korean characters that it is getting directly from a database,…
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IIS 6.1 Handlers for HTML, ASP, INC files

I have a legacy website in which .HTML, .ASP, and .INC files are being used. Problem is all pages have VBScript code not parsed by IIS and thus written on page as static text. I want to fix it. All .html pages include both .ASP and .INC for…
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