Questions tagged [asp]

86 questions
1 answer

Difference between limit number of connections setting in IIS and the Max Pool Size

I am trying to understand the difference between the "Max Pool Size" setting in the connection-string against the Limit setting in the IIS server manager...whether they are referring to the same thing? if not what does each do? To make it clear, I…
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WMI Impersonation levels within vbscript / ASP code

I have an IIS 7.5 web site running "classic" ASP code (not ASP.NET) where the site is running under the normal service context, and only "Windows Authentication" is enabled. Users and navigate the site without any problem, regardless of having…
2 answers

Understanding IUSR_ account

Namely how is setting read/write permission for this account different from giving read/write access in the IIS (Windows 2003, so it should be IIS6 if I am not mistaken). Here is the issue: It looks like we had a security sweep and as a part of that…
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5 answers

New Session Failed

We've started to see instances on our Intranet server where for any page the server just responds with the error page 'HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed'. It seems we can fix it by running IISRESET but this feels like we're only treating the symptom. The…
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Server.CreateObject_Failed error when creating a COM object on IIS7 using classic ASP

I am trying to migrate a classic ASP application from a Windows Server 2003, IIS6 server to a Windows 2008, IIS 7 server. The ASP page comes up fine, but the first time it tries to use our .NET interop DLL, it fails with the following error in the…
4 answers

ASP/ASP.NET Best way to handle write permissions?

Say you have a public ASP.NET (or Classic ASP) application on IIS with a script/page that needs to write or update files in a specific folder that is located within the web publishing folder tree. 1) What is the proper way to set this up? My main…
Matias Nino
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14 answers

Issues moving an IIS site from w2k to w2k3

Old server is windows 2000, and the original setup guy's answer to pretty much everything was C:\ --> Everyone --> Full Control. However, there WAS a setup doc, that seemed to work up to a point. Created a local admin com user Created COM+…
Kara Marfia
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1 answer

ASP Fails with 500 Error

We have a server setup as an IIS box and have some static pages with a few asp pages that handle the form submissions. The asp is really vbscript that sends a CDO message. When moving these pages to the new server the form will not submit, it gives…
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Issues with Classic ASP on IIS7

The project I'm working on is currently using classic ASP running under IIS7. We are considering migrating to ASP.NET for portions of the code, but would still likely have some classic ASPs around still. It is my understanding that our ASP.NET code…
Bert Lamb
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1 answer

Inetmgr.exe not recognized as command

On my Windows 7 machine, I've just installed IIS and it should work, but doesn't! Well, finding it anyway... and when I run inetmgr.exe the command prompt doesn't recognize it. C:\Windows\system32>inetmgr.exe 'inetmgr.exe' is not recognized as an…
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2 answers

IIS where ASP pages aren't working

ASP pages don't seem to be working if they contain any ASP code. Is there a way to test the setup of IIS6?
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classic asp app not working in IIS 8.5

I've moved my classic asp app to win 2012 R2 (IIS 8.5). This app uses COM component. I've registered this component using regsvr32 and also exported older components from II 6 to II 8.5. I can see those components in control pane->component…
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Classic ASP site only works if server is open via remote desktop

I have deployed the classic ASP website onto IIS 8 on a server. Now the classic ASP site only works if I have kept the server desktop open via remote desktop. If I close the remote desktop window and try to access the website, I get 500 Internal…
Dharmesh Tailor
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1 answer

What identity does IIS use to instanciate COM objects from ASP pages?

I was tasked to port and move an old ASP application from a Windows 2003 server (x86) to a Windows 2008R2 server running IIS 7.5 A number of things needed to be changed (mostly related to registry access) but I stumbled across one problem that I…
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3 answers

Why am I getting random 500 errors on my MVC and ASP websites on iis7?

It seems to happen on almost every site and does not matter if it is an ASP or .NET website. if you refresh right after you get that error it goes away and won't come back by just hitting refresh a bunch of times. I have two servers working with…
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