Questions tagged [amazon-ecr]

Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Registry is a software-as-a-service hosted private Docker registry that can be used to store private Docker container images in AWS data centers.

Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Registry is a software-as-a-service hosted private Docker registry that can be used to store private Docker container images in AWS data centers.


36 questions
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ECR IAM policy document for EKS node access

What is the correct way to manage EKS node access to ECR via the IAM policy documents when I want to limit who can start jobs using different images? In a simplified example, I have users A and B and ECR repositories C and D. User A has access to…
Ai Su
  • 21
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2 answers

Automatically login on Amazon ECR with Docker Swarm

We have Docker images hosted on Amazon ECR and the goal is to run them on EC2 instances using Docker Swarm. The services are configured in global mode so that they are automatically replicated on new nodes. An auto-scaling group can automatically…
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1 answer

"unknown shorthand flag: 'e' in -e" from 'aws ecr get-login'

I am trying to push a docker image to the aws ecr When i try to login to ect, aws ecr get-login It expands to something like this docker login -u AWS -p eyJwYXlsbXXXXXXVZIn0= -e none I got…
Anthony Kong
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0 answers

Why can't I use AWS EC2 ImageBuilder to create a RHEL based container?

In the AWS console for EC2 ImageBuilder the option to create a Container Recipe using RHEL as the base image seems to be disabled. From EC2 Image Builder console -> Container Recipes -> Create container recipe. The 'Base Image' section for 'Image…
0 answers

ECR Lifecycle Policy to exclude certain tags

Is there a way to exclude certain tags/images from a cleanup policy? E.g. say I have a repository with images and the related SHAs for the Pull Request which triggered their creation. When these are approved for deployment to an environment the…
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1 answer

Is it possible to have a failover/backup docker registry?

Since the failure of last week everyone in the company recognized how important is the service. And this raised this question on my head: If this happens again, how can my infrastructure be prepared to use a secondary docker container…
0 answers

AWS Elastic Container Registry login blocked

We are trying to log in to AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) to pull down docker containers from our private registry. The login is failing with this error: Error response from Daemon: Get https://... EOF We believe that the AWS CLI is making a…
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1 answer

Why does a custom CodeBuild image require aws configure, but not a managed one?

I have an AWS CodePipeline with the build step using CodeBuild. I was previously using a managed image for this build job and I was able to use the follow command without issue: aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-east-1 Now I've…
1 answer

Give one user read-only access to ECR repo

How can I give a_user read-only access (i.e. no permission to Push) and b_user is not banned? What I have done so far: Added my AWS access + secret key with aws configure Made an ECR repo and did the aws ecr get-login ... command to get my…
Theo Walton
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0 answers

Best strategy for deploying Docker to Elastic Beanstalk

I'm not sure if this is the best place to put this question. But for a few days I'm struggling to find a good deploying process to Elastic Beanstalk and I want to know the opinion of people with more experience with that. First, my plan was to have…
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0 answers

Environment variables aren't availiable during SSH session to AWS ECS container

I have configured ECS containers. Everything works, however when I'm connecting to a container through SSH, there are no environment variables that are defined in a task definition. Is there a way to persist them?
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2 answers

Command Execution Error while executing ecr login command

I am getting error in PRE_BUILD section of Code Pipeline while deploying ECS. While executing commmand for ecr login, i am getting exit status with error code 255. please see below image. Command : - $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region…
Sreeraju V
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Setting environment variable in kubernetes before pulling an image

Is there a way to set the environment variables in kubernetes before it pulls the container image? For some context, I'm looking for alternatives to what I've asked in ECR IAM policy document for EKS node access. According to the kubernetes docs…
Ai Su
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2 answers

Docker login to AWS ECR fails with "dial tcp xxxx:443: i/o timeout"

I'm stepping through a "Scaling Docker for AWS" course which specifies using "aws ecr get-login" to get a "docker login" command line. I'm running docker version 1.12.6. When I run the output command line, which specifies an "AWS" user and a long…
David M. Karr
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1 answer

AWS ECR - Getting an image's age

Is there a way to find the age of a Docker image pushed to AWS ECR? When I ask for the image manifest with aws ecr batch-get-image --repository some/repo --image-ids "imageDigest=sha256:abcdef..." then it returns the AWS reply with the embedded…