Questions tagged [amazon-cloudwatch]

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and management service for Amazon-hosted (AWS) cloud applications.

183 questions
0 answers

Auditd to CloudwatchLogs to IDS alerts?

I'm administering a relatively simple AWS stack with about 5 heterogeneous Linux EC2 instances. All instances already have been setup to ship important logs to Cloudwatch Logs. Now I want to setup a basic HIDS for this system covering all nodes.…
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How do you get a metric of cloudwatch log group size?

I want to track and alert if my logs go awry. But I can't find a way of tracking the stored bytes for a log group. Is it possible to even add that as a metric?
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Seeing Java Spring Boot logs from AWS Elastic Beanstalk in AWS CloudWatch

I'm reading the documentation but I'm not understanding simple Java application log access via CloudWatch from AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have a simple Java Spring Boot Application deployed on Elastic Beanstalk as a JAR file using the Java Corretto 11…
1 answer

Push log files to AWS Cloudwatch

I have a log file (example: apilog.txt) inside my docker container running in an EC2 instance. I need to push the content in that file to AWS Cloudwatch log groups. How can I achieve this task . Thanks in Advance
0 answers

Mysterious, intermittent Read I/O on Ubuntu 18.04 based EC2 server - iotop shows no disk reads

I have an EC2 server based on Ubuntu 18.04. With CloudWatch detailed monitoring enabled I'm seeing spikes of Disk Read Operations that last less than 1 minute (shown as 1-minute spikes on the graph) and happen every 2-7 minutes (~12x / hr): I have…
1 answer

AWS CloudWatch metric for EC2 security updates

Is it possible to create an AWS CloudWatch metric which keeps track of the pending security updates on an EC2 (Ubuntu) instance? The idea is to have a quicker overview of EC2 instances who are in need of security patches. By creating a metric for…
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How does AWS Lambda pass logs to CloudWatch Logs?

AWS somehow aggregate stdout and stderr of a lambda. I once bumped to a situation where a subthread of a lambda process stopped logging in the middle(using async technology was such a bad idea). I'm curious who aggregate the logs. Is there some kind…
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Route 53 Health Checks and CloudWatch Event(s)

I have a Route 53 health check configured that is used to move a web site in and out of "maintenance mode" in the event that the checks fail. Works all very lovely and automated. The Route 53 health checks have the option to configure alarms and…
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CloudWatch Alarm doesn't show Auto Scaling Groups

I'm trying to trigger an EC2 auto-scaling based on a CloudWatch alarm. I've created the auto scaling group in EC2 - same region and account - but when I try selecting it from the CloudWatch console, nothing shows up. How do I get CloudWatch to…
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AWS EC2 Windows CloudWatch Agent to push memory and disk space metrics

I am trying to configure custom metrics for windows server in EC2. I need memory utilization and free disk space metrics from perfmon. So, the document says we can use AWS SSM and cloudwatch agent to push these metrics. Have enabled SSM and attached…
1 answer

Monitoring EKS Kubernetes LoadBalancer service Type

I have created few services in Kubernetes with type: LoadBalancer. Platform: EKS. Is there a way to get number of 4xx or 5xx errors from this LoadBalancer? I have tried the following: Prometheus - Does not seem to be any metric collected for…
1 answer

Email notification when login attempt fails on RDS SQL Server DB

I need to get notified when there is an attempt to access our SQL database with the incorrect credentials. Is this something that I can do in AWS or do I need to do it in SQL Server? I can manually look at the database log showing failed logins but…
1 answer

How to manage AWS CloudWatch per-instance alarms for instances created with Auto Scaling?

I set up a per-instance CPUUtilization alarm on CloudWatch, which appears to require an instance ID. How do you add a per-instance alarm on instances that have been created with auto scaling? I would not know the instance ID or even that the…
B Seven
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Creating an AWS Cloudwatch Alarm to monitor an AWS SQS Dead Letter Queue

I want create a CloudWatch Alarm that triggers every time a message is sent to an SQS Dead Letter Queue and then clears 5 minutes later, unless one or messages are sent in the interim in which case the alarm should remain I think the easiest…
2 answers

How to remove a cloudwatch event rule using aws cli?

I am using terraform destroy to destroy some resource. However it failed at this step: module.restore_db_from_snapshot.aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.event_rule: aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.event_rule: AccessDeniedException: User: …
Anthony Kong
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