Questions tagged [amazon-cloudwatch]

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and management service for Amazon-hosted (AWS) cloud applications.

183 questions
2 answers

Cloudwatch freshness checks like Nagios passive checks

Nagios has a nice feature called passive checks. You can define a passive service and configure a "freshness_threshold". That works great for regular jobs (i.e. backup jobs or similar) where the admin only needs to be warned if the job did not…
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Grant CloudWatch Full Access to IAM role for specific namespace

Could not find this in the documentation anywhere — let's say I want to allow an IAM role to have full CloudWatch access but only for a single namespace of my choosing. Is this possible?
Jordan Reiter
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How can I level out my auto scaling checks?

So, I have been playing around with my auto scaling config and my Cloudwatch alarms to try and keep all my instances purring but not roaring. I can't seem to get rid of a constant yoyo. CPU usage goes up, introduce an instance, CPU usage goes down,…
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CloudWatch not honoring alarm settings

I have a CPUUtilization alarm setup for my ec2 instance. The settings for the alarm are: CPUUtilization >= 95% for 15 consecutive periods of 1 minute (15mins total) We are still receiving alert emails even though the instance does not appear to…
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Cloudformation Cloudwatch Template

We have a bunch of existing servers in EC2. Future servers are created with Cloudformation with Cloudwatch integration. However, I need to setup Cloudwatch for servers that weren't created with Cloudformation. I have been asked to create a…
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How to Monitor "NetworkIn" Activity on AWS?

Last night our AWS EC2 Linux Web Server started sending out CloudWatch notices due to high CPUUtilization. We had a normal number of users active, so I am struggling a bit to figure out where the issue is coming from. I have been looking at the…
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When EC2 instance goes down, how to bring up new machine with existing EBS volume?

We've got an app where customers upload data and documents to a number of EC2 instances. We store the uploads on EBS volumes. Occasionally our app will fail. Sometimes it's something in our app server, and sometimes it's bad EC2 hardware. How can I…
3 answers

Cloudwatch alarms from Amazon AWS EC2 instance are always in UT, how can I change the alarm time zone to Eastern?

I am running an Amazon linux AMI and the alarms that I've setup are coming in all showing UT (universal time). It is inconvenient reading these alarms and I'd like them setup to read in eastern time zone (or America/New_York). I've already set my…
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how to analyze cloudwatch data?

What is the best practice to analyze whether the EC2 server/loadbalancer is overloaded? We can get some stats from Cloudwatch . But is there a user friendly way to analyze Cloudwatch data ?? Question update What I have implemented is I have a…
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Inconsistency between CloudWatch alert and Container Insights

I am running a .NET 6 container in ECS Fargate. My task definition defines the task size: Task Memory: 1024 Task CPU: 512 The task has 2 containers running - the service and the envoy proxy. The containers define the following: .NET Service CPU…
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amazon-cloudwatch-agent shuts down on every application reload

I have a Tomcat app on Elastic Beanstalk, and I want to send logs to Cloudwatch Logs. To that end, I set up log4j to write to file, and in .ebextension, amazon-cloudwatch-agent is installed and run. commands: # 00_download_and_install: # …
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Distinguish virtual host in AWS CloudWatch Log Group entries

I am wondering how I can know what host an event in httpd's access/error logs corresponds with once that data is brought into CloudWatch. I use virtual hosts on apache. I currently have a file per vhost like…
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Using CloudWatch to monitor concurrent users

I'm looking for a good way to monitor concurrent users in my server. The server's got a websocket connection, so it's easy to determine whether a user is connected or not. After looking into CloudWatch for a bit, I have a plan: Every minute, each…
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Amazon CloudWatch Agent Logging Error and Output

I am having an issue with CloudWatch Agent on a specific EC2 instance. I have tested on several other instance with no issue. I have attached the defined CloudWatch Agent IAM Role specified here to the instance (test instances as well):…
0 answers

Can I monitor a rolling window using Cloudwatch?

What I'm looking to do within Cloudwatch dashboards is to monitor the performance of my application over 14 days, but re-evaluate that performance every hour. However, from everything I've tried so far, this doesn't seem to be possible within…