According to aws documentation, this is the command to install the aws-log agent:

sudo yum install -y awslogs

However since I am using ubuntu, I have to use apt-get. But the aws-log package is not available.

Is there an equivalent of the aws-log for ubuntu? If not, how can I install it?

Anthony Kong
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2 Answers2


Please read http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/QuickStartEC2Instance.html for installation instruction for ubuntu/debian:

Get installer with

curl https://s3.amazonaws.com//aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/awslogs-agent-setup.py -O

and run the installer

sudo python ./awslogs-agent-setup.py --region us-east-1

After you have installed the agent, proceed to the next section to configure the agent.

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The CloudWatch Logs agent awslogs RPM package is only available on Amazon Linux. If you have Ubuntu Server, CentOS, or Red Hat, you'll need to manually install it.

You need to have Python installed and apt-get update is recommended before installing the CloudWatch Logs agent. You have two options.

  1. Run directly from the internet:

    curl https://s3.amazonaws.com//aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/awslogs-agent-setup.py -O
    sudo python ./awslogs-agent-setup.py --region us-east-1
  2. Install standalone:

    curl https://s3.amazonaws.com//aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/awslogs-agent-setup.py -O
    curl https://s3.amazonaws.com//aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/AgentDependencies.tar.gz -O
    tar xvf AgentDependencies.tar.gz -C /tmp/
    sudo python ./awslogs-agent-setup.py --region us-east-1 --dependency-path /tmp/AgentDependencies

With both options the --region can be us-east-1, us-west-1, us-west-2, ap-south-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, or sa-east-1. For details, see Install and Configure the CloudWatch Logs Agent on a Running EC2 Instance.

Esa Jokinen
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