Questions tagged [amazon-api-gateway]

64 questions
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How do I setup Route 53 to point to Api Gateway

I'm writing a Cloudformation config file to create a website all in one go. This includes, creating lambda functions, creating the API Gateway, Setting up a S3 Bucket, Creating the Route 53 zone and records. So far: Creating Lambda functions and…
4 answers

How can I use AWS CloudFront and API Gateway side by side for the same domain?

I'm putting that static assets of my website on S3, and setting up CloudFront to distribute them. These essentially holds the content users would need for any GET request on my site, to existing paths that is, with a catchall for errors. I also have…
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AWS Api Gateway- no integration defined for method

Though I have defined the integration when I try to deploy an api gateway I keep getting "No integration defined for method" error similar to…
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AWS API Gateway Lambda Authorizers + Client certificates

I'm evaluating the use of client certificatates to improve security in an application i'm working on. It all run behind on AWS and pass through an API Gateway with an attached Lambda authorizer. AWS documentation states that API Gateway do not…
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Should I use CloudFront in front of API/Web just because I want them on a single domain?

I typically develop my applications with frontend single page application on S3 and backend APIs on a server typically elastic beanstalk (so ELB + EC2). I am confused over what is a good choice to put in front of my ELB & S3 - mainly CloudFront or…
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AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway, AWS Cloudfront gives 403 error

I run a Django project deployed on AWS lambda using serverless Zappa framework. This can be accessed by a randomly generated link from AWS API Gateway lets say:- I have also created an SSL…
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AWS API gateway as proxy to EC2 based microservices

I have a couple of microservices running on EC2. My intention is to use the AWS API gateway to allow internet access to the EC2 APIs. Incoming Traffic is: internet -> API Gateway -> EC2-server I am planning to use a geedy HTTP Proxy on AWS…
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Binary body passthrough from API Gateway to Lambda

I think I've closely followed the documentation and tutorials I've found so far, but I still get this to work. I just can't convince AWS not to touch the binary data I'm posting in the body. In my app, I'm setting both the Content-Type and Accept…
Ates Goral
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AWS ECS Fargate Target Group Failing HealthChecks

The SpringBoot application is running as an ECS Task in a ECS Service of an AWS Fargate Cluster. The ECS Service is LoadBalanced as such the Tasks spawned by the Services are automatically registered to a target group. I am able to call the Health…
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Different http error code and html body

We are using AWS to host our applications. Yesterday we had an issue and were by accident deleted the "Custom domain names" from the API Gateway. The issue was resolved and the services started working again. Deleting the API gateway was the only…
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How to configure Cloudfront for API Gateway with API key enabled?

I configured two API Gateways one with API-key enabled and the other with API-key disabled. For both the API gateways I configured and enabled CloudFront. For the API-gateway which has API-key disabled, the request is served from…
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Error while invoking private API in AWS

I have created a Private API in AWS API gateway using Internal Application LoadBalancer as HTTP_PROXY integration Request for GET Method. I also attached Resource Policy to this API and created interface EndPoints (VPC EndPoints) for subnets. When I…
ajay jindal
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AWS API Gateway with Lambda and KeepAlive (persistent connections)

I'm a bit confused about Keep-Alive with AWS API Gateway. Is this something I need to configure? or maybe be careful with this setting? Because I will use API Gateway to execute Lambda functions, and because Lambda price depends on the execution…
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Pointing google domain subdomain at an aws api-gateway API

I have a google managed domain, and a lambda based api in aws api gateway. I want to create a sub domain that points to api gateway. I created an ACM Certificate using aws certificate manager. This included creating CNAME credentials, which were…
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Allow other AWS services to invoke Lambda using IAM

Is it possible to grant AWS services (e.g. API gateway, Secrets Manager) permission to invoke a Lambda function using only IAM roles? Normally this is done in the function's policy (resource-based policy), but I wonder if this is the only way. The…
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