Questions tagged [amazon-api-gateway]

64 questions
0 answers

ECS task to VPC endpoint/NAT Gateway routing

we have an ECS task that makes Rest API calls of two types: /path1 and /path2 in a Private subnet. We route the requests to Internet Gateway through a NAT gateway present in a public subnet. Flow: ECS task -> NAT Gateway -> Internet Gateway. Now, we…
1 answer

AWS HTTP Gateway: private integration routing without path variables

I've been setting up an HTTP gateway for the first time and came across an issue with private integrations. I want all my integrations to be private but it doesn't work well with routing. I have a private integration with a $default route and it…
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What is causing BadRequestException when calling the ExecuteStatement operation on Aurora Serverless db

I have a lambda function that retrieves records from AWS Aurora Serverless db. Now I thought of adding api gateway to trigger the lambda function but I get this error Connect an AWS Lambda function triggered by API Gateway to Aurora Serverless MySQL…
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How do I use AWS SAM to deploy an AWS API Gateway and AWS Java Lambda including POST caching and disabling logging

How do I deploy a lambda Java function with an API gateway REST interface including caching POST methods using AWS Serverless Application Model?
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How can I track user requests to my external API on AWS?

I'm a bit of a beginner but I'm working on creating an external API with AWS SAM (using API Gateway and Lambda), and I want a way to track & monitor usage. Some options I was considering: 1. Store the requests in a database Pro: It would allow me to…
2 answers

On AWS, is it possible to have CloudFront proxy requests to API Gateway while maintaining the request's query string?

I have a CloudFront distribution configured with multiple Origins, including an API Gateway deployment. I'm trying to create a Behavior on CloudFront so that any requests received to a /api/* path will be redirected to the API Gateway and what I did…
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Serverless Lambda infrastructure for listening to Websocket

I'm still new in the AWS Lambda & Api Gateway world, but it seems a good fit to my new project. I still have some concerns, and I'll be very happy if you can assist. In my new project (Financial data), I need to deliver different type of data :…
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How to solve python POST response 405

How to solve python POST response 405? import requests import json from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth myHeaders = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Killbill-CreatedBy': 'demo', 'authorization':'Basic…
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Why use AWS API Gateway instead of naked Lambda?

This is more of a suggestion that I need. What is the need for API Gateway when we can directly execute Lambda functions from the apps? What are the missing pieces provided by API Gateway which we will otherwise miss while using naked lambda?
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API Gateway and VPC access lists

My understanding is that controlling IP address access to AWS api-gateway is via Resource policies. This does not sound ideal as it would involve deploying the API each time new access was required (change control issues). Can this access not be…
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HAProxy to Amazon API Gateway with custom domain

Hi we have been trying to handle an inbound request from HAProxy and use API Gateway to handle the request. The flow is is the end point at HAProxy. HAProxy should then forward to request to a API Gatway on amazon which is using a custom…
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AWS API Gateway in China

We are planning to launch an app that will be available globally, including China and we plan to use AWS for this. However, because of the "Great Firewall of China" we may run into problems: The app may not be permitted to connect to an API…
aljo f
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Unable to authorize Amazon API Gateway using API Key

As per amazon's documentation ( I am supposed to see a dropdown near API KEY. Although I have admin access I don't get such an option. Please…
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How to block a request which does not has a header using Amazon Web Services

My application back-end was laid on AWS Lambda and exposing API's using API Gateway. And forntend on CloudFront. I want to block a request which does not has a header using AWS service. Can anyone suggest me which AWS service will helpful to do this…
1 answer

Does basepath mapping create a CloudFront Distribution

Does basepath mapping on an API in API gateway use a 'hidden' cloudfront distribution? I have an API on API Gateway, with base path mappings on a domain. However, this doesn't go through cloudfront--and thus no https, only http. When I try to create…