Questions tagged [502-error]

HTTP Error 502 Bad gateway

The HTTP Error 502 (Bad Gateway) is an HTTP status code, that means that one server received an invalid response from another server.

83 questions
0 answers

Nginx not forwarding some requests

I have a set-up where Nginx is set up as a reverse proxy forwarding requests with some pre-defined strings in URL to a checkout server. Other requests are sent to a load balancer which further distributes it to other web servers. The problem is…
1 answer

Passenger + RVM returns 502 for ruby 1.8.7 (passenger_root lies in ruby 1.9.3)

I'm using Passenger + RVM + Nginx, and my Rails applications which are configured for Ruby 1.9.3 work fine, but those for 1.8.7 always return a 502 error. Can anyone spot the trouble? My config is as follows: worker_processes 1; events { …
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1 answer

custom 502 error page for nginx with unicorn not working, driving me insane ;)

I tried several times and on multiple occasions to try and fix the below code for nginx with unicorn, but it just isen't working. So now posting here in last report some of you more talented could see my mistake and others can benefit from it…
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custom 502 bad gataway for nginx, cannot get it to work, whats wrong?

Im trying to catch a 502 bad gataway for nginx with unicorn. This error is thrown when unicorn is not running. Im trying to use a custom error page instead for when unicorn is not running to no avail. What did I miss? according to docs this should…
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1 answer

Communication failure between nginx and PHP-FPM

I've received my very first VPS just today, and wanted to install a nginx + PHP + MariaDB setup on it. And, well, I actually did it, but I've got a problem configuring it. Getting nginx to serve a static .html-file was no problem, trying to serve a…
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1 answer

IIS7 - HTTP 502 in IE8 over HTTPS

I am developing web app using .NET 4.0 I'ts hosted on IIS7 and served over HTTPS. When I try to request a page with IE8, it doesn't load completely. So I looked into fiddler, and it shows me an HTTP 502 Error for js file included in the page... It…
1 answer

How to config Apache to get error 502 Bad Gateway for testing?

I'm developing a website with ajax allow many queries insert many many row to database in the same time. It's run ok on localhost, but when I deploy onto server (free Amazon server), it's often get error 502 Bad Gateway. Now, I also want get Error…
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4 answers

502 error after adding module to a Django project running on nginx and gunicorn

I am trying to add a module to an existing Django project, but once I have done it I get a 502 error. The server is running Ubuntu. I don't think it has to do with the applications code because I got it running on the django development server. It…
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0 answers

connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream Nginx

I'm working on the deployment of the app with the backend and frontend using Nginx as a proxy. However I'm facing the 502 Bad Gateway, the error says [error]: connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:…
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0 answers "broken pipe" HTTP status on my Bluehost Wordpress Nginx

Issue: 502 Bad Gateway So our team always reaches out to Bluehost Support regarding the issue. They can't fix it by themselves. We can't fix it either on the WordPress dashboard. Please see attached photo for the HTTP status of my…
0 answers

app engine using react.js and node.js. Our database is on Cloud SQL, when a call is made from the app, it returns with 502 error nginx

When a user clicks on the button to create a new record in the database these errors are returned: (anonymous) @ xhr.js:210 e.exports @ xhr.js:15 e.exports @ dispatchRequest.js:56 u.request @ Axios.js:112 r.forEach.u. @…
0 answers

Nginx 502 bad gateway SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert decrypt error:SSL alert number 51

I'm handling a website build using nginx as web layer and apache as app layer, previously the website running smooth, but recently, the website start showing 502 bad gateway nginx, the 502 bad gateway is not always showing, it only several minutes…
0 answers

nginx always serves 502 Bad Gateway

I am trying to run a proxy with Nginx and I implemented the following tutorial as preparation. I did exactly as instructed here and I was served a 502 Bad Gateway result when I entered…
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Django Vue.js Nginx POST request ERROR 502 (Bad Gateway), when using DRF API

I have deployed Vue.js and Django E-commerce on VPS, where I set up Nginx and Gunicorn. All pages are working fine, all pages from Vue.js and the Admin area of Django. But when it comes to use forms and basically do anything related with /api/v1/ it…
0 answers

Throwing 404 errors AWS

What might be the possible reason why the 502s were being returned here? The 403s also look like WAF is firing them. Could anyone please suggest a way to allow those resources to be safely given to clients? Below is a list of the errors: Non 200…