Questions tagged [502-error]

HTTP Error 502 Bad gateway

The HTTP Error 502 (Bad Gateway) is an HTTP status code, that means that one server received an invalid response from another server.

83 questions
1 answer

Cloudfront 502 error with ALB origin in different region

I have a CloudFront which has one of its origins as an application load balancer, this load balancer is available in a different region from the CloudFront which is only available in N.Virginia and is using a different SSL certificate, as its domain…
1 answer

phpmyadmin error 502 Bad Gateway on nginex

i just installed phpmyadmin on my ubuntu 20.04 server but when I try to go to the site I have a 502 bad gateway error ... here is what I have in my LOG file : 2021/02/05 14:43:33 [crit] 662288#662288: *1 connect() to unix:/run/php/ failed…
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502 Bad Gateway when uploading files (NGINX and NodeJS)

I am developing an app where the user can upload files. While the backend call seems to work fine, the call when uploading files returns a 502 Bad Gateway message. The files actually get uploaded but the error message comes up. I think it has…
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502 Error from nginx server after setting up http2 and ssl

I am getting a 502 error from my nginx server. I used certbot to configure the ssl and am trying to get http2 enabled and somehow i broke the server. when I run sudo nginx -t it reads: nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "" on…
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1 answer

Laravel docker cron nginx 502 bad gateway issue

I am using my laravel app in a docker container. Everything worked fine until I added a cron to the dockerfile. I need to schedule a job so I need a cron. My compose file looks like this version: '3' networks: laravel: driver:…
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1 answer

Nginx custom 502 page with nested proxies

I know how to create a custom 502 page for an upstream error and did it without problems many times, however in this particular case where one proxied response is passed to another proxy I can't find correct config. General workflow looks like this:…
1 answer

Lighttpd/Nginx Non-Functional

I'm using the Blackboard AMI from AWS and can't get the lighttpd to function on it. I continually get 502s. I've run service lighttpd status which gave me back: ● lighttpd.service - Lighttpd Daemon Loaded: loaded…
0 answers

centOS 7 nginx 502 bad gateway error

im using VPS with 2 cores 3GB ram 1.5GB swap i been using nginx for more than year and i have not had any problem, nginx only uses between 300 to 700MB ram only my website is not so busy i get between 400 to 500 visitors a day, im using unmanaged…
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