Questions tagged [32bit-64bit]

123 questions
2 answers

Rsync 32bit Ubuntu to 64bit instance

I am running Ubuntu Maverick (10.10) 32bit VPS on Linode. I want to use RackSpace for "functional" backups, but they only offer 64bit on their CloudServers. Ideally I would like to be able to RSync /, but I suspect that will cause a mess with…
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Restoring an 64 SQL server 2005 backup to a 32 bit installation

I am under the impression that this cannot be done, but would love to know if it can. And if so, why?
Preet Sangha
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Can Windows Server 2003 (32 bit) host a 64 bit boot image for WDS?

I'm running WDS on a Windows Server 2003 (32 bit) system and need to capture a Windows 7 (64 bit) image and then image a lab of computers with the 64 bit image. Can my 32 bit server host a 64 bit boot image, as well as capture a 64 bit machine for…
1 answer

What benefit do I get from using a 64-bit server?

Possible Duplicate: What benefits are there to running a 64-bit Operating System? I bought a small 256MB slice from slicehost and installed Ubuntu 10.04 64bit and wordpress on it. Performance was dismal as apache was eating up all my memory. Once…
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32bit vs 64bit guest VM and RAM usage

Why does a 32bit domU (Xen guest VM) use less RAM than a 64bit? Notes: The same software complied for a different arch(AMD64 vs. 686). Obviously this is Linux or BSD or something easily ported. Maybe this is also a good one for SO. I've read this is…
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3 answers

What is the maximum memory a process (MySQL) can consume on a 32-bit OS?

I have MySQL running on a 32-bit RHEL box. The server itself has 4GB total memory with 2GB allocated to MySQL. I would like to know the max amount of memory I can put in the box and how much of that I can allocate to MySQL. I have heard both 2GB…
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Crash when attempting to install 32bit delphi service on 2008 r2

I have an old 32bit delphi application (with no source code), that is used as a windows service. It runs fine on windows 2003 32bit. I do not know if it has been created as a service originally, or converted to one later on. It is supposed to get…
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Should I install GCC 64 bit on a new server?

I am going to rebuild my server and I am wondering whether I should install GCC 32 or 64 bit. I develop in Python and I use some libraries that would benefit from a 64 bit GCC installation but I am not sure if I am going to run into problems with…
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Installing MySQL 32-bit on Ubuntu 22?

Simple question really, I'm trying to compile a 32-bit code-base on a 64-bit system (ubuntu 22). Getting the error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient: No such file or directory I know it's because the linker can't find the 32-bit mysqlclient…
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Trouble running a 32-bit VB app under Windows Server 2008 64-bit. Is WoW automatic or not?

I have an application developed by a third party which is written in VB. It's a 32bit application and the missing DLL's are olepro32.dll and ieshims.dll Where do I obtain these from? I want to download direct from Microsoft NOT a third…
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Enable 32-Bit Required In Only One of Three Environments for the Same Website

We have three environments (DEV, QA, PROD). Each environment has two IIS web servers. We got the following run time error on PROD only: Server Error in '/' Application. Unable to determine granted permission for assembly. Description: An unhandled…
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0 answers

cups' imagetopdf crashing Gnome Ubuntu 16.04 for Brother QL-700

I have installed printer drivers for a label printer according to directions here: One thing I noticed is that the printer driver depends on 32-bit libstdc++ I'm able…
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ArchLinux Availability of lotus notes dependencies in multilib repository

I'm a Debian (Stretch 64bit) user for several years and am currently in the process of testing Archlinux (64bit). I have sucessfully installed Juniper Network Connect (VPN) in my Archlinux distribution, using the necessary dependencies available in…
3 answers

Centos 7.1 - 32 bit program on 64 bit OS

I have successfully installed a piece of 32 bit software on a 64 bit VPS running CentOS 7.1. I had to install the 32 bit library before it would install but now when I try to launch it I am getting this error: [root@001 bin]# bash ./nre ./nre:…
Drew Caplan
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WDS Answer Files - 32bit works, 64bit doesn't

We're getting very stuck in our office at the moment. We're upgrading all of our old XP machines to Win7 over the summer holiday while the school is closed. As we have so many machines we have set up a WDS server. Last week we had both 32bit and…
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