Questions tagged [unattended]

134 questions
5 answers

How can I configure unattended installation of Ubuntu?

I'd like to configure an installer for Ubuntu which runs in 'unattended' mode and answers all the questions with defaults or pre-configured settings. Ideally it should run and reboot on it's own, resulting in a working system with no user…
Mark Renouf
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4 answers

Office 2010 silent activation after unattended installation

I've created an unattended install of Office 2010 using the OCT. We are using a MAK rather than KMS (not my decision). Is there a way to activate Office 2010 after the install? Even though the key is set during the install, it does not activate. I…
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3 answers

How to remotely detect windows has completed patch configuration after reboot

We're planning to automate the creation of VMs for our build infrastructure so that we can: Scale the build resources based on demand, e.g. by adding more build agents when required and removing them when not required Recreate all or part of the…
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8 answers

automated installs vs. drive imaging

What are the pros and cons of deploying via automated installs vs. drive imaging? For Windows I know there are issues around SID generation when cloning drives. Are there any similar issues for deploying Linux via an image?
Charles Hepner
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3 answers

What is a minimal useful unattend.xml file for SysPrep on Windows 7

Could you provide a minimal unattend.xml file for use in Windows 7, which will be manually installed, updated and configured on one workstation, then SysPrep will be run like this: C:\Windows\System32\sysprep> sysprep /generalize /oobe…
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6 answers

Windows Server 2008 install: wpeinit -unattend:unattend.xml does nothing

I'm trying to set up automated installations of Windows Server 2008 x64. I have it working using a DVD and autounattend.xml on a USB key, but now I want to make it work over PXE so I don't have to put the DVD in the drive on some overseas…
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1 answer

Unattended Windows 7 install with non-DHCP DNS Server: Domain join fails, claiming it can't find the domain

I'm trying to build an unattended Windows 7 image script that will do a simple domain join. The catch is that the DHCP-provided DNS server knows absolutely nothing about my domain, so I need to set the DNS server to something that is aware of the…
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4 answers

Non-interactive (silent) install of MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

MySQL 5.7 (5.6+ actually) changed how mysql_secure_installation works. This made it hard to find a working, silent, scripted install for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. How would you install MySQL securely in a scripted noninteractive way?
Michael Johansen
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6 answers

Unable to perform an unattended domain join using WDS and an answer file on Windows 8.1

I've already looked through the other questions related to this and none of them were able to help me. I've already spent several days on this damned unattended process and, miraculously, I was able to get it to work ONCE yesterday but, alas, I did…
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1 answer

Windows 7 unattended install and disk/partition wiping

Im currently having a problem when trying to setup an unattended install of windows 7. When the hard drive has no partitions the install goes fine. However if the hard drive has any existing partitions, it throws up an error message saying it can't…
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1 answer

Unattended installation with preseed -- give a custom device to partman-auto

I'm doing an unattended installation of Ubuntu-14.04-server with a USB drive and a preseed file on different type of servers (HP Proliant ML110, ML310, ML350). On the ML110 and ML310, the hard drive is in /dev/sda and the USB drive takes…
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1 answer

What are the attributes required by the `` element in Windows unattend.xml files?

The element in an unattend.xml file -- used to provide information required by fully automated Windows installs -- is generally presented with a number of attributes, for example:
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2 answers

Unattended installation of Windows Server 2012 on KVM

I am trying to perform an unattended install of Windows Server 2012 into a KVM virtual machine, using virt-install. The installer is complaining, "Windows cannot read the setting from the unattend answer file", and I've been unable to…
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2 answers

Automatically deploying Windows Server 2003 and 2008 unattended

We are currently using PXE boots to automate the installations and reinstallations of our dedicated servers. This is working great for all Linux based systems like Debian, CentOS, VMware and Ubuntu in combination with kickstart/preseed. However, for…
3 answers

How to do an unattended / silent CPAN install / setup

Is there a simple, backward-compatible way to install a Perl module silently using CPAN? PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT doesn't work for older versions that don't detect a default continent; CPAN will just loop at Sorry! since you don't have any existing…
Craig Ringer
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