Questions tagged [delphi]

9 questions
3 answers

Vmware Esxi - Old 32bit software performance issue on multi core

I've been going crazy for 2 days now and I'm asking for help. I have a program developed in delphi (early 2000s about) that accesses a firebird v3 database, currently installed on the same machine (windows server 2016 x64 - db and program are…
5 answers

Virtual machine : is it possible to run a 32 bits guest OS on a 64 bits host OS?

I am a software developer, and I need to use old version of Borland/Embarcadero Delphi 7 for one software. The others ones are PHP software. I will have soon a 64 bits PC, running Linux, but I need a Windows 32 bits virtual machine for Delphi…
Cédric Girard
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1 answer

Windows 7 security model - differences between Windows XP and Active Directory

I have a Delphi procedure to validate user credentials on my system integrated with Active Directory. On Windows XP/2000, when the user presents invalid credentials, the program/system performs as expected. On a Windows 7 system, the procedure…
1 answer

Supporting embedded PHP on a CGI app with IIS

We have a CGI pageserver (.exe) written in Delphi running on IIS. We'd like to be able to embed PHP in these pages at some point in the near future--say, for a captcha or CMS integration--but are currently unsure how to go about this with IIS. Using…
John Crux
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3 answers

How to replace-live a win32 exe being used by many users in Windows Server 2008?

I have an internal intranet application as a exe file (win32, written in Delphi). I regularly update it with new features and patches. Many people are accessing the same exe (using it with remote desktop). In Windows Server 2003 to replace the file…
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7 answers

Crash when attempting to install 32bit delphi service on 2008 r2

I have an old 32bit delphi application (with no source code), that is used as a windows service. It runs fine on windows 2003 32bit. I do not know if it has been created as a service originally, or converted to one later on. It is supposed to get…
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1 answer

Performance issues on IIS7 and CGI (versus IIS6)

My company is upgrading the app/web server from Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 (mainly because hosting companies don't offer 2003 anymore, and we need new hardware to gain performance). Our app is written in Delphi (CGI modules), and the database is…
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0 answers

VSFTPD not work in delphi application, but fine in Filezilla

I'm using UBUNTU SERVER 20.04 in Oracle Cloud with VSFTP 3.0.3. I can connetct to the FTP server ealisy using filezilla. I can navigate through ftp directories to upload and download files. But my Delphi 7 application (using IDFTP, indy component)…
3 answers

Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V guest disk performance

I have a site who run a very IO-sensitive application (Accredo Saturn); it's an accounting/CRM package written in Delphi with a local flat-file database. For various historical reasons the site was running it on a Windows Server 2008 R2 terminal…