Elves, High, 2nd Variant (3.5e Race)

This is a variant for the race of High Elves that appears in the 3.5 PHB.

High Elves

The High Elves are a manifestation of the ultimate expression of the Elven race. While retaining his delicate complexion, his mental attributes go beyond those of their "younger brothers". They are a race that has been devoted to studying the arcane magic, learning to master their secrets.


Pride, altruistic and wise, the High Elves also have a joyous and festive spirit, so they are called by the other races "the good folk". Becoming physically mature by the age of 25 and, despite his intellectual superiority, emotionally mature at around 125; they are also famously long-lived, capable of remain eternally youthful. Possessed of innate beauty and easy gracefulness, they are viewed as both wondrous and haughty by other races; however, their natural detachment is seen by some as introversion or xenophobia.

Physical Description

Slightly taller than the average human, are also noticeably more slender and graceful, averaging between 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 feet and 95 to 135 pounds. They skinned, and his hair can have various colors. His eyes are usually clear and thin and have long pointed ears. Males are slightly more muscular on average, and females are slightly shorter, and neither sex grows facial hair. Their features in general may be described as more angular and defined; including long, pointed ears and wide, almond-shaped eyes. Most elves have fair skin and dark hair, though this is no more true of all elves than it is of humans. They have a reputation for careful grooming, more so than perhaps any other race. This frequently extends to their clothing, which is luxurious and well-kept, though not to the point of impracticality.


High Elves prefer to keep at bay with the other races, but maintained good relations with them, especially in terms of trade. However, they have a old grudge against Orcs and Drow, races which carry a eternal dispute.


Normally Chaotic Good. High Elves have a free spirit and tend to be emotional, but are beings dedicated to the good side.


They live in deep forests or highest mountains. Its cities and towns normally remains magically concealed to the non-elven races.


The High Elves worship the gods of Seldarine.


High Elves speak elven (ancient and normal) and common (old and normal). They also learn as many other languages as possible.

Racial Traits

  • -2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma. High Elves are mentally superior, but his delicate complexion makes them somewhat fragile.
  • Humanoid (Elf).
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, high elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • High elf base land speed is 30 feet.
  • The Firstborn: Elves are immortal, and can thus not die by aging or suffer from disease.
  • Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • Spell resistance equal to 11 + class levels.
  • Low-Light Vision: A high elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A high elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
  • Weapon Proficiency: High elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.
  • Spell-Like Abilities: High Elfs can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: mage hand, sleep, faerie fire. Caster level equals the high elf’s class levels.
  • Automatic Languages: Common (old and normal) and Elven (ancient and normal). Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
  • Favored Class: Wizard or Sorcerer. The player must choose who will be his favorite class during the character's creation. The decision cannot be changed. A multiclass high elf’s wizard or sorcerer class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Vital Statistics

Table: High Elf (Variant) Random Starting Ages
110 years+4d6+6d6+10d6
Table: High Elf Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male6’ 0”+2d685 lb.× (1d6) lb.
Female5’ 5”+2d680 lb.× (1d6) lb.

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gollark: That might be doable. The corpus callopsum thing between the two hemispheres is apparently not a very high-bandwidth link.
gollark: Then you'll probably just have problems with the brain not having control logic for the new ones. Also, is there *room*?
gollark: You might run into control problems. I don't think there are spare nerves for the extra arms.
gollark: You would need to modify all chairs.
gollark: Fortunately, all the genes for tails are still there but commented out.
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