< Yogscast Minecraft Series

Yogscast Minecraft Series/WMG

Israphel and his minions will be imprisoned in The End

The only way to escape that dimension is to die.

    • Semi Jossed. You can escape The End in the more recent versions. You just gotta kill dragon to do it.

Israphel isn't the true Big Bad

It just seems weird to me that some guy from Terrorvale who was resurrected by a Nether portal would suddenly have control over The Sand, and be the leader of a gigantic horde of monsters, and the God of a large Pagan cult. Perhaps he was a sorceror or a worlock in life, but even so, the idea is still hard to swallow. Therefore, I believe that there is a Man Behind the Man, who is using Israphel as a herald, a vessal, or a general. Who could be the evil behind this conspiracy? My money is on Karpath. He went off with his son Verrigan to fight the Great Evil, and never returned, having supposedly lost his life. It could also be the Great evil.

  • Possibly Jossed as of episode 24, Israphel can travel through time using Nether Portals.
  • Actually, Verigan was the father who lost his life in the Sand War and Karpath was the son. Karpath disappeared after establishing the Templars, presumably to go start a family. It's believed at this point that Karpath is Peculier's father who went through the portal under Mistral City and sealed it behind him. Karpath might still end up being the big bad though if his time in the Nether corrupted him.
  • As of the latest episode... pretty much confirmed. The sand is actually A prison for something much MUCH worse.

Based on the above entry, there is a Man Behind the Man. However, it is not Karpath

I believe it to be the ultimate evil, the antithesis of good, harmony, and all that is right. The antichrist of Minecraftia and the Brother of Notch himself: The evil HEROBRINE!!

  • I can see where you are going with this but than wouldn't Herobrine be a devil? It is known that notch is worship as a god in their world than you can't take him down.
  • Perhaps Notch isn't omnipotent, but just a powerful entity with Godlike powers. That would make Herobrine his Evil Counterpart. He would just be a powerful Humanoid Abomination.

Israphel is Israfel

Because it's just awesome. Also, their faces look similar. I wonder when Israphel will reveal his ability to split himself into two entities.

  • Right after (before?) our heroes follow him back in time, thus explaining how he has a grave in Terrorvale and one in Mistral City.
    • Or he could just, I don't know, be screwing with Simon and Lewis. After all, those weren't real graves.
  • I made this connection the first time I heard the name, and didn't actually notice that they were spelled differently until now.

Skylord_Lysander is not actually The Mole

Based on Skylord_Lysander's character and personality, it just doesn't seem like him to betray the heroes. I believe that the real traitor is Skylord_Jasper, and he framed Lysander. It just seems like that, as Jasper is a very secretive individual. This is further supported by the prophecy made by Madame_Nubescu for Lewis: "You will meet a man in blue and a man in red. Do not trust them, for thay are not who they seem to be." Jasper wears red, and Lysander wears blue. This may mean that They will run into Lysander and Jasper, with the two each claiming the other is evil. Lewis, being The Smart Guy, will remember the prophecy, and realize that Jasper is the evil one.

  • Partly-jossed as of episode 24. It seems that the man in red was referring to Jock the pirate, as he has burned down BBQ bay. Hower also possibly-confirmed as Jock admits to burning down Minstral City, which previously was blamed on Lysander. Maybe he was framed after all.
  • The exact phrasing was "You shall be met again by a man in blue and a man in red." The heroes hadn't met Jock by this point so that disqualifies him from the prophecy. Jasper is still the most likely candidate for "man in red." Whether this means he might be a follower of Israphel or the prophecy means something less insidious is still up in the air.
  • Confirmed by episode 27, when he's in the dark about the murders in the Skyhold. Confirmed further episode 30, when Lysander prevented the Cult of Israphel from taking control of the Skyhold.

Israphel isn't an NPC.

He's a player character just like Xephos and Honeydew. Like most people who play Minecraft, he likes building weird shit, and like most people who play SMP, he's a bit of a troll. He'd heard about Herobrine and thought it would be funny to do something similar, but when the NPCs and the overarching storyline appeared, he was just as bemused as Simon and Lewis were. And just like how Simon and Lewis have adopted their heroic roles in the story, he decided to go along with his designated role of villain, and recruited a couple of friends to help him (Creeper Boss and Zombie Boss, anyone?). Unfortunately, his enter key is broken, so he can't talk and explain the situation.

  • Or he just likes to stay silent to freak them out.

The adventure map playthroughs are flashbacks.

There's plenty of precedent for this one, considering Survival Island became the tie-in for the second season, and Professor Griswald made it into the Legend of Verigan. Lewis and Simon were only playing Minecraft for about an ingame week before meeting Old Peculier, and yet are heralded as famous heroes? Doesn't make sense, unless stories have spread of their "past" exploits, exploring strange lands, defeating evil monsters, etc. (Although presumably no one knows about the time when Lewis became the Grim Reaper, since they didn't really leave enough survivors to tell tales.)

  • This means that Griswald isn't going to be the only familiar face, and now that they're in the Nether we'll be seeing the wizard Burgmund with his pigmen buddies.
  • Blast. The last bit is Jossed with the playthrough of The Return. The rest of it still stands, though.
    • Alternativly, they are sidequests.

Israphel can control people with cynicism and the potential for evil in their hearts.

This one is quite long, so be ready to be here a while.

This could lead to many possibilities for people being possessed, and well as a possible explanation for Skylord_Lysander's Face Heel Turn . However, This Troper is worried about Lewis. Simon will probably be okay due to his childlike innocence, as well as the fact that he is, in some ways, too stupid to be evil. However, Lewis Became the Grim Reaper in "The Journey", so he might have the tiniest bit of evil in him.

This may include things like hallucinations of Israphel giving him orders, Simon asking what the hell he is doing and Lewis replying he can't control his character and being unable to log off, occasional lapses in control where Lewis tries to fight off the madness, and Lewis hunting down and trying to kill the other heroes. He will probably be saved from it by Simon or an NPC, fight it off just before making Simon Killed Off for Real, or by being exorcised by Madame_Nubescu, Fumblemore, or Swampy_Bogbeard. If the latter happens, we may see Lewis' character Xephos thrashing around and moving his head in seizure-like jerks. Lewis will then swear revenge on Israphel for what he made him do. He may also be forced to kill a beloved secondary character, such as Knight_Peculier. This will become a Brick Joke, with Israphel trying it again later, only for Lewis to resist easily.

  • Jossed, at least on what happened to Lysander (others like Vitali and Jock, who was the actual one to burn Mistral City is up in the air).

Israphel's plan to get rid of Simon and Lewis involves eliminating the respawn system.

Israphel doesn't like the fact that our heroes are functionally immortal. His plan will be to send a minion to sneak over to the checkpoint and surround it with bedrock. This bedrock chamber will be constructed from walls that go all the way from the bottom layer to the top. He will then fill the entire chamber halfway with a sea of lava. This way, if he manages to kill the heroes, they will Respawn in the lava, burn to death within five seconds, respawn again, and burn again, ad infinitum, with no way to escape or die for good.

In the climax of the story, Simon and Lewis will get superpowers.

They will both have massively increased defence, damage and knockback(Things they hit will fly back about 7-10 blocks if nothing is in the way). They will also be able to fly, and move 2-3 times faster than a normal NPC. They will use these abilities to destroy an entire army of mobs over the course of a few minutes, OneHitKOing everything. in sight. They will then engage in an epic final battle against a powered up Israphel in The Nether. In addition, Lewis will gain a ridiculously overpowered phaser, and Simon will gain Beard senses. They will then punch out Herobrine.

  • They may just use the thunder gun mod. Ooh, that would make a good phaser, wouldn't it?

Lewis: Um, I think Creeper_Boss is immune to phasers. In fact, I think I made it worse.

The entire quest for the Map Fragments is just a Xanatos Gambit of Israphel's

After the heroes begin searching for the Map Fragment which will help them locate and hopefully defeat him, don't you think he would have tried more drastic measures, like, say, sending a Zerg Rush of 10,000 Creepers at them and raining The Sand down from the skies while they were in the temple? I think that the whole Map Fragment jazz is meant to lure Simon and Lewis into a trap, as he seems Genre Savvy enough to predict that the Map Fragments were a danger to him.

Reverend John's Son is not the real Israphel, and his corpse is the only thing holding Israphel into this world

Reverend John had a vision from Israphel to name his son after him and later on, to get him to be killed. After a few years, John had second thoughts so He built St. Creepers and mourned for his son. When Simon and Lewis came and made their Portal, Israphel came through and found the blasted corpse in the crypt. After instructing Reverend John, He went and made his first appearance. When he disappears, he actually ran down and started construction on his castle. Later, Israphel manipulated the portal so that when Simon and Lewis went through it, they ended up on the island. When Simon and Lewis go to the future, You can see he turned the normal world into the nether after chocking all life from it. This is probably because he can really only survive in netherlike conditions.

There are two Israphels

In both Terrorvale and Mistral City, there was a grave with Israphel's name. One being Reverend John's apparent son. Therefore, there are two Israphels in the game, one being the Big Bad, and the other perhaps not. Old Peculier said that John's son died 5 years ago, yet there was also the time Israphel attacked Isabel, so why should Peculier still be in contact (and perhaps friends) with the father of someone who attack Isabel?

One of the four main heroes is going to be Killed Off for Real

Episode 29 of Shadow of Israphel showed that the Yogscast could pull off real drama and horror. What would be more dramatic if one of our heroes died with a Heroic Sacrifice in the final battle? As it would be very unlikely that Xephos and Honeydew would die being THE main characters, that means either Knight_Peculier or Skylord_Lysander. Both have lost their homes and family to Israphel or his followers. They both have more personal reasons for wanting Israphel stopped for good than possibly any other character we've seen and they're both brave enough that they'd make the sacrifice needed to kill Israphel for good.

The Israphel we see is not the true Israphel

This Israphel is a mere puppet of a corpse, mutated into its current form and controlled by the True Israphel, the Dark Pharaoh Lehparsi. Lehparsi, being sealed off from the outside world by an obsidian barrier, is using Israphel as his avatar.

  • Lehparsi's tomb is located in a sandy area and made of sandstone: a connection to The Sand.
  • Simon and Lewis are attacked by a large number of undead at Lehparsi's tomb, possibly acting as guards to keep the heroes from stopping the evil at its source. A connection to the monster army that Israphel seems to have at his disposal.
  • Lehparsi's Tomb is blocked by obsidian, and is marked by a sign warning against entry. There has to be something important down there.
  • The tomb was possibly sealed by Verigan himself, as several signs were left by him warning against entering. Also the Livestream special "The Legend of Verigan" suggests that Prof. Grizwald may have been the one who originally set the great evil loose in Minecraftia. Some Grizwald's stuff is found at the tomb. This all suggests a strong connection between Lehparsi and Israphel.
  • Leshparsi is Israhpel spelled backwards so there probably is a connection.

Lepharsi is the real Big Bad, and Israphel is his vessel.

The reason behind the similar names is to give Israphel a Sdrawkcab Name / Meaningful Name. Lepharsi needs a vessel in the surface world to control The Sand, because he cannot leave the Nether. This makes Israphel an evil version of The Chosen One, adding more weight to the "Ultimate battle of good vs evil idea.

Simon has been possessed by the ghost of Professor Grizwald

This is the reason the Simon continues to become more and more hammy, and sometimes breaks out into the Grizwald voice. Grizwald is able to improve Simon's impressions and comedic ability at the cost of causing him to become slowly more scatterbrained than usual.

  • Remember the fourth note from the Pyramid adventure and the 'funny' bit after they read it? "It appears that I have died! I am writing this note from beyond the grave. If you find this note I'M GOING TO HAUNT YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH"
    • That part of the letter was improvised by Simon, it wasn't actually on the letter.
  • This might be true in Real Life, because Simon admitted that for a while he completely forgot his own voice and started yelling out orders for food in his Grizwald voice.

Alternatively, Honeydew, the character, is a reincarnation of Grizwald.

Thus explain why Simon is always going into the Grizwald voice. It's Honeydew going back to his past life's voice.

Knight_Peculier is going to perform The Last Dance with Israphel.

In episode 28 of Shadow of Israphel, Lewis and Madame_Nubescu were able to extend Skylord_Baako's life for a few minutes with a rudimentary version of Fumblemore's healing potion with a couple ingredients missing. Knight_Peculier got a much more high quality potion, so his life was extended by, oh, let's say, a month. He realizes this, but is keeping it a secret from the other heroes. He wants to defeat Israphel before he bites it. In the final battle, Knight_Peculier will reveal this to Simon and Lewis, telling them to go on without him. He will then pull a You Shall Not Pass on Israphel's army, holding them off for a little while before being killed by either them or The Taint, So that Simon and Lewis can go destroy some kind of portal or artifact keeping Israphel alive/in this world.

    • Jossed as of Episode 38(?), sadly.

Simon will use bread as a weapon at some point.

Come on, who DOESN'T think that would be funny?

  • Well, if they add some traits to their dwarfs from Terry Pratchett's Discworld then they could include dwarf battle bread. It would be pretty funny if Honeydew's greatest weapon turns out the be a loaf of dwarf bread.

Honeydew is a dwarf from Dwarf Fortress.

He has quite an impressive beard, his mood occasionally fluctuates wildly, he supposedly loves beer, and has an uncontrolable urge to mine valuble minerals when he sees them. He also has a tendency to die in humorous ways.

  • "Honeydew, Miner cancels Construct Stone Staircase: Interrupted by Israphel."
  • "Honeydew, Miner cancels Construct TNT Bridge: Interrupted by Creeper."

The heroes' first encounter with an Enderman will not go well.

Because really, since when does anything the Yogscast duo do go well? My bet's on Simon being the one to cursor-over the new mob, simply because an Enderman attacking the camera hits a little close to home. And they'll probably see places where the Enderman has griefed the server before they see the Enderman itself.

  • I think it's a foregone conclusion that Simon and Lewis are going to get owned by any new mobs. Though my money is on either one of them getting it first. Their Minecraft videos aren't scripted for the most part and if they do run afoul of an Enderman it won't be a planned event.
    • As of the Minecraft 1.8 leak, they were exploring an abandoned mine housing a total of 3 Endermen. No one was hurt.

The Zeppelin Mod will be used to make the skyhold fly at one point.

This won't be done until the bugs are worked out. However, just imagine how epic it could be.

  • The only problem is the block limit: You can't have any more than 1024 blocks in your ship, and the Skyhold easily breaks that limit. Furthermore, every block must be connected, otherwise parts will be left behind, not only meaning parts could go missing but certain objects on the inside would stop the fort from moving altogether, and they would have to move it back to the exact place it had been and fix it.

In the final battle, The Cavalry will arrive

In the form of Hannah, Sips, Total Biscuit, and all of Simon and Lewis' Yogscast buddies. It will include Hannah making a Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner, and when Total Biscuit is questioned about how he vowed to never play minecraft, he will say "I Lied".

    • Yogscast buddies? Almost certainly. Hannah? Possibly. Sips and Total Biscuit? Doubt that, sorry. Though I do agree with everyone they've met so far joining them, such as Isabel and the pirates, Lysander and the entire Skyhold, etc.
    • I think there will be an open call for fans with non-ridiculous Minecraft names... at least so they can let loose a Rain of Arrows. It would also be cool if Israphel used server commands to render him and his minions to be ignored by mobs, and spawn hordes of Skeletons, Zombies, and a few Ghasts... who would be taken out by the Skylords, flying planes.
    • That would be one epic moment!
    • As of where we are now in the case, we have a lot of people pledging their support. There's Fumblemore, [[spoiler: Skylord_Lysander and Skylord_Jasper with the Skyhold and other possibly future skylords, Isabelle_Peculiar with Pirate_Tinman and the other Pirates of BBQ Bay Adephon and the Templars... There's also likely to be Spackard, the other non-zombified dwarves of Stoneholm, the carnies... Plus they could also call for help like Neia and Misconduct did and get a ton of people involved.

The Mod Spotlights will serve some purpose in the story.

Just came to me as I made to edit a WMG. Lewis' character has always been mentioned as being a spaceman in somewhat Medieval times yet no one moves to ask him if he has any spage-age weaponry to aid them in battle. I think that will about to change come the final battle against Israphel and all that (vanilla) Minecraftia can throw at them. There will be a sudden change in perspective (someone else takes up the recording job, and it has been shown that Simon does have a recording device) as Lewis says something like "Hold them off! I have an idea!" And goes off. He's gone for a few episodes and then once everything is bleak, Lewis/Xephos comes in decked out in the best armor and weaponry from the mods he was showcasing during the filler, guns blazing and swords drawn. Israphel gets an Oh Crap moment when he gets hit by the Uranium Mod's Nuclear Bomb and he's barely alive as Xephos comes up to him, forces him through the Lunar Portal and traps him on the Moon.

OR, Like what a previous WMG said, Lewis could offer up the idea to use space-weaponry, and Israphel might just kidnap him and (from Simon's perspective) they hold a rescue mission to get him back, and it's either they find him locked up and about to be tortured for information, or him wearing the full black Dark Matter Armor and Dark Matter Sword and under some very intense Mind Control which results in a "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight with Simon/Honeydew.

Bruno and Simon will become friends.

I'm not sure when this will happen, but I think that sometime in the future, Israphel or one of his minions will attack the carnival or just Bruno. Simon and Lewis will save the carnival/him and he'll say these words to Simon: "You, strong. Strong in heart. And strong in might. Me sorry. Will us be friends?" And the two will make up and Bruno will never cheat again!

  • Oh, he'll cheat. Just offscreen or won't cheat Simon or something.

Israphel will be defeated by...

Simon digging a hole. It may be a hole that will lead to lava, may be a hole surrounded by obsidian, ect. But Simon will dig a hole and cry out "I AM A DWARF AND I DIGGY DIGGIED HOLE!"

The real hero isn't Simon and Lewis...

It's Knight_Peculier! We're just looking at the story from Simon and Lewis' point-of-view.

  • Heck, this is practically confirmed, in some senses. Not sure they're all out Decoy Protagonists but they're definitely Supporting Protagonist's. Whatever hearsay and urban legend exists for Simon and Lewis is mostly made up, while Knight_Peculiar is pretty much prophesised... Then again, they could also be prophesised to stand with him. Either way...
  • Possibly jossed as of episode 38, due to his death.

Lewis realized the connection between Israphel and Lehparsi.

In Part 22 of Shadow of Israphel, Lewis was dead set on taking refuge from the mobs that were spawning by breaking down the seal on the tomb, until Simon's started breaking it down. He started to reconsider and could be heard saying "Oh", as though he figured something out. Lewis knows there's a connection between Israphel and Lehparsi, he just doesn't want to tell Simon... for some reason.

  • Probably because he figures the writers are up to something and doesn't want to ruin the story.

Fumblemore and Swampy will have a big damn heroes moment together

At some point the main characters will be drastically outnumbered and on the brink of death when the brothers arrive at their side and with a mighty shout unleash a bunch of magic (from the Wizardcraft mod). Fumblemore will use the fire spells while Swampy uses the plant and earth spells.

Simon will betray Lewis.

The WMG above the one above this one supports this. Simon isn't elaborating on the connection because he wants Lewis to be clueless!!

Next time the heroes battle Israphel, he will have new Bosses.

Specifically, an Enderman_Boss, and worse, Silverfish_Boss.

Israphel IS the Sand God, with the God' form being his original body.

He possessed Reverend John's son, also named Israphel, to use as a host, but is seeking to simply regain his full power to terrorize the land.

Israphel and/or some other character is a time traveler.

There are multiple instances of highly advanced technology that doesn't seem to have been made by dwarves, and Israphel has a grave in at least two locations and a tomb with a Sdrawkcab Name so a time paradox may be happening here.

In the end of everything, everyone who dies will Respawn

Why are Simon and Lewis able to come back after they die, but the NPCs don't? Maybe Israphel has messed with the respawning system of the world, but it hasn't affected our main heroes. So when he is defeated all those who have died will return, hopefully as themselves, and it will be a big happy ending.

  • Or they get a wish or magical powers or something that allows them to bring people back.
  • Xephos said they were blessed by Notch, so potentially Jossed. Or...

Peculiar will meet Herobrine in The Aether.

Many people believe Herobrine to be The Grim Reaper himself. Perhaps Herobrine will allow Peculiar to kill Israphel on one condition: He returns to the Aether with Daisy in tow. Tell me what you think.
  • I don't know if they could use the Aether mod that way, and Herobrine hasn't been mentioned at all...
    • Well, in universe, Notch is the "God" of Minecraftia, and many people believe Herobrine is Notch's dead brother, so if one exists, the other does too. Plus, it would be an outright awesome way to use Herobrine as something other than a digital BEN-esque killer.

Knight Peculiar will return from the dead soon

  • His death was way too anticlimatic for him. I could just see him showing up again soon to save the guys when things go wrong.
    • See my theory above for exactly how I personally think this will be accomplished.
    • That or he returns as a zombie. Or a radioactive zombie.
    • My reasoning: In a recent Custom Map they played, Simon ended up falling into lava but didn't die because there was a secret room underneath. Maybe the same thing happened to KP, and he's just stuck deeper inside the monster now.
      • The initial theory kind of makes sense. I mean, he didn't leave the game after trying to swim in lava, and that kind of bridge dropped ending for a character that's had so much said about him (we KNOW he's relevant even if we're not sure how) seems clumsy. Israphel clearly has a personal beef with his family line and while it's realistic in... well, reality for people not to actually make it to the end of this kind of crisis, it just doesn't seem like a typical narrative for this kind of story, whereas thinking somebody's dead and their coming back to life would. They could be going for a nontraditional narrative by pulling an unexpected plot twist, in which case good on them for trying to subvert our expectations and for playing with the common tropes, but... I don't know. Could go either way at this point, depending on the writers.
      • Actually, I think they may have used that to show that even the bravest of heroes can slip up, causing their death.
        • Could be. In which case, good on them for trying to do something against the usual plotline, it's a good aversion. It's very likely that it was scripted and not a total accident as some assume - Peculier seemed quite eager to get on that particular minecart the second Lewis got out of it, which isn't like the Pecilier actor, who usually only forges ahead when leading the way to something, and the player must had the time to type out the words we're getting seperated in the approximately five seconds between that, and him going headlong into a radioactive lava pool, which suggests it was typed in advance. As Terry Pratchett says, it's sometimes more entertaining if the hero gets the flu and the milkman has to go and save the world, and if you buy the possible theory that KP was the hero while Lewis and Simon were in more of a Supporting Protagonist role -they fully admit they're admirably, but completely blindly, fumbling their way onwards without really knowing what they're doing- this becomes even more relevant. Still the initial theory has some weight, especially if it was an accident.

Israphel/ The Sand God or whoever the Bigger Bad is created/is linked to creepers.

- Israphel has the same face as them. - The first hostile mob the guys saw in Minecraft was a creeper. Maybe it was a spy/avatar looking to summon it's master by hanging around players who were brave (stupid) enough to build a nether portal? - Creepers -> gunpowder, gunpowder -> fuel, fuel -> giant mechanical monster thingies?

  • Half-jossed. The creepers came from a meteorite that hit Minecraftia shortly before the Verigan special.
    • Where is that from? I don't remember that part? Maybe the Sentinels/giant robot thingies are from space?
      • In the legend of Verigan special, they reference a meteor that hit the planet. After that, the creepers started appearing.

If The Sands are a prison, Israphel is the guard

  • Pretty self explanitory now that we know that The sand isn't actually evil. It's a prison. Knowing that, it's pretty safe to say that prisons need guards. And the one most connected to the sand, is Israphel. He's there to keep people out and keep people safe.
    • Or he was, but he was corrupted when the sands were because of his connection to them.
      • This is actually pretty likely. Good theory.
      • So once the sand crisis is over he might undergo a Heel Face Turn ?
        • It's a distinct possibility, yes.

Peculier is also blessed by Notch.

  • It's entirely reasonable that he just doesn't know because he's never died before. Notice how, in Episode 37, he was able to teleport Simon back after the latter died, teleportation being something NPCs can't normally do. Also, he never logged out of Minecraftia, and at Granny_Bacon's funeral, he fell into a pool of lava and came out completely unharmed.
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