< Yogscast Minecraft Series

Yogscast Minecraft Series/Tear Jerker

  • Karpath's note to his son, Peculier.

Karpath: Son, if you are reading this, then I am dead. I have walked through the portal to seal it shut. Know that I died to protect this land from a terrible evil. In the Nether is a spirit, who would destroy the world. It must not be allowed into Minecraftia at any costs! If it somehow get's loose once again, you must vanquish it. My armour and blade are here. It falls to you and those that stand with you to save the world. K. Peculier. Fight well, my son. And know... that I love you... *cue a small cutscene of Peculier retrieving his father's blade and putting his armour on.*

  • Isabel's tale in Part 24. You might find a tear or two in your eyes or on your cheek from how incredibly powerful and moving the tale is. It also makes Isabel and Peculier, who is her brother, both woobies.
    • Even more so when you consider that Isabel probably thought her brother way plain crazy. All these years and all she saw was him driving himself mad, which was probably at least part of why she ran away in the first place. And then she discovered the truth and probably couldn't find him again to tell him she was sorry. And now she'll never have the chance.
  • Poor Peculier in Part 34... He through a lot of Break the Cutie in this episode... Finding out that his love, Daisy, is going to be a human sacrifice to the Sand God, believing that he has failed and his father and grandfather are disappointed in him... Yikes... It becomes even more of a Tear Jerker when Simon and Lewis cheer him up... *sniff*

Knight_Peculier: We are too late...it is done. The evil that my father and my grandfather died to seal away is now free again...I have failed.
[Knight_Peculier remembers they have three days]
Knight_Peculier: Wait...three days? Enough to cross half the world! Enough to seal away an ancient god? With nothing but a sword and this accursed broken map...

  • Episode 35 has Peculier relaying his past to the heroes. When they first found him he was trying to kill himself, and considered poisoning them with the milk before realizing they were uncorrupted.
  • Days 3 and 4 of the Advent Calendar have Israphel destroying Simon's Santa grotto and the Christmas tree blowing up.
  • Happy Valentine's day
  • Knight Peculier's death in episode 38. Made even worse by the reaction of Simon and Lewis. Yeah, at first they're being their usual selves (you can tell they're trying to keep up their usual irreverent, jocular behaviour and they partly succeed), but they're most likely genuinely shocked.
    • On that note, Simon and Lewis realizing that, with KP gone, they're completely screwed.

Simon: There's still Daisy to think of, and the world of Minecraftia.
Lewis: But we don't know what we're doing...
Simon: We never do, Lewis! We never do!

    • All to Daniel Yount's All Is Lost.
    • The fact that Lewis immediately tried to backtrack onto the pitch dark, monster filled railway to see if he could see anything, followed by an alarmed (and genuine sounding) 'Oh... shit!' when Simon reminds him of the Foreshadowing about their maybe having to leave Knight Peculier behind, does not help.
    • Not only that but it was so sudden. Not even a proper goodbye or anything. And it wasn't a blaze of glory against a horde of foes, it was a minecart trap and radioactive lava. He didn't even reach Israphel, and what stings even more is that if he had picked a different minecart it wouldn't have happened.
    • One can only wonder how much pain they will inflict on Israphel for this. Roaring Rampage of Revenge much?
      • But the real kicker is that it wasn't even Israphel's fault. Granted they'll still complete the quest/save Daisy in his honor and stop Israphel on principle, but it really was just an accident.
      • Of course, it still leads back to Israphel, since he's the reason they're even on that adventure in the first place. So really, it might as well be Israphel's fault.
    • Upon rewatch, this troper noticed that Lewis was probably about to get into that minecart, but let Peculiar get on first. Makes one realize how this could've been easily avoided...
      • Look closer, It wasn't that Lewis let Peculier get on. He got into the minecart, got back out again to find the launch button, and when he turned around Peculier was in his minecart. Peculier's player knew which one was a pitfall trap, and quickly hopped into it so that it'd force Lewis to get in another one.
      • It's also possible that all the carts had tracks that could lead to the pit via switches.
    • Another kicker? Peculier's player knew all about this. Also the reaction by the fans, with comments on the video mainly being little tributes to good ol' K.P as we all believe he is really, truly, gone.
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