< Yogscast Minecraft Series

Yogscast Minecraft Series/Headscratchers

  • Peculier apparently told his sister tales about Israphel some time ago, with Isabel implying that he kidnapped their mother. Peculier seemed aware of rumours about Reverend_John (Israphel's supposed father) being taken over to the dark side, but not that the crypt Daisy was taken into shared the name of this pale-faced man?
    • Old_Peculier didn't start remembering certain things until the Taint was cured. Lysander said that the time spent in Terrorvale probably poisoned him. One of the first things he forgot was probably the name of the evil. Also the presence of two graves with the name Israphel suggests that there may have been two individuals with the name, one being the original evil entity and the other being Reverend John's son. Peculier may not have thought there was a connection as he knew the son when he was alive.
  • So, how exactly DID Simon gain those dwarf magic powers to escape from that control room in the Skyhold? Even IRL?
    • Multiplayer servers often have server commands available for quick transportation. Simon and Lewis use teleport all the time, but flying is another available option. You can see Peva3 use it during the Granny Bacon's Funeral video. Simon likely just got impatient to get on to the next quest location and made up the "television powers" to hand wave his cheating away.
  • Yeah, Stonehold is made out of STONE. How do you burn stone anyway?
    • He probably meant do all damage possible with fire to destroy the inside, not the outside.
  • How much of this is staged?
    • Barring the occasional outtake, I'm pretty sure that Simon is completely in the dark, whereas Lewis probably knows a little bit from talking to the NPC-writers.
    • Lewis and Simon are both blind on this, with most of the information being in the form of where they're supposed to go.
  • It would be much easier for them if they used blocks, being in Minecraftia and all. Why do they always seem to forget to use them when they're most beneficial?
    • While they're not against cheating it probably wouldn't be in the spirit of the game to just build towers and trains of blocks ALL the time, and there's usually a way through something without cheating. To be fair to them,they almost always at least TRY to succeed in something the correct way before heading straight for cheating. A lot of the games are frickkin' hard and they are trying to tell a story.
      • I think the OP is asking about using blocks in the Shadow of Israphel saga, not the maps. And I think the answer is, since they made the switch from Let's Play to Machinima (about the time they walked into Terrorvale), the time they spend gathering new blocks after they use up what they've got could be better spent adventuring. And with the exception of things like getting to Fumblemore's tower or the cage Um_Bongo was in, there's usually an easier way to get where they're going.
  • So wait, what went on with them at Minecon? From what I've been able to tell, apparently Notch was making dick jokes the whole way through, and then kicked them out for supposedly dropping an F-bomb in front of kids.
    • That sounds like a bit of an exaggeration to me, they apparently weren't getting along brilliantly during the event but Notch was tired and crabby, as is kind of understandable given their circumstances. Lewis and Simon may have been a bit too jocular (as they are about you know, everything), but both deny deliberately insulting anyone and apparently weren't warned in advance not to swear despite their having been copious time for them to BE warned. They probably should've noticed if kids were in the audience but hey, I wasn't there so...
      • Also, Notch later withdrew his statements against them and apologised. Everyone makes mistakes.
  • This may sound silly, but why DID Israphel spend so much time trolling the guys at the beginning? And building those seemingly random constructs? I get that they were slowly fuging from Let's Play to Machinima, but why would he be deliberately baiting guys who he probably knows are going to bend up involved with the guy who's all but destined to stop him? Sometimes he even seemed to be HELPING them (i.e. You should close the door.) Heck he literally LED them to Terrorvale and set the whole story arc going (though that may not have been deliberate). Is this just a plothole caused by a spontaneous change of content, or is Israphel even more or a Xanatos Gambit player than he already seems?
  • Just a minor one, but was it ever mentioned who is the older brother in regards to Fumblemore and Swampy?
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