This is Yaiba's Character Sheet page.
Yaiba's Group
Yaiba Kurogane
Voiced by: Minami Takayama
The young protagonist, Yaiba is a strong-willed, easy-going but often cocky kid who was trained by his father Kenjuuro in order to become a great Samurai. After leavng the jungle and returning to Japan, he starts his adventures and the struggle against the wicked Onimaru. Apparently, Yaiba is the chosen warrior able to wield the Raijin Sword without being zapped. Trained by Miyamoto Musashi and with the help of his friends and various magical powers, he fight off the menaces that threat the Earth. As the series proceed, he slowly matures.
- Air Jousting: Whenever he has to face an enemy capable of flight. Usually a courtesy of his pet vulture, Shonosuke
- Ancestral Weapon: The swords he use tend to be really old and powerful. In the last arc he's equipped with his father's Bokken (wooden katana)
- Anime Hair
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: He can use the power of the Giant Orb to increase his size
- Badass: By the end.
- Badass Boast: Ok, maybe not really Badass, but he surely can boast
- Barrier Warrior: With the Ryujin Sword
- Battle Aura: When using a magical sword. Also the Toujin, which allows him to storm the opponent with a flow of invisile slashes.
- Big Eater
- Blow You Away: When using the Fujin Katana and the Supreme King Sword.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Sometimes, he's really annoying
- Calling Your Attacks: Each and ever attack.
- Chick Magnet: At school he seems to be quite popular with girls...
- Combat Pragmatist: He's not above tricking his foes, inventing new techniques on the spot and so on. Justified, since he learned by Musashi himself. And also because his enemies are not nice guys.
- Cool Sword
- Curb Stomp Battle: He delivered one against the revived Batman in the Onimaru's Fortress Arc.
- Death of a Thousand Cuts: His One-shot Doshaburi Giri attack (lit. Deluge Slice) consist in tossing several kitchen knives at the foe from above
- Demonic Possession: When he loses control of the Raijin Orb he turn into a Psycho Electro Oni. He manage to master it later and avoid possession.
- The Determinator: A Earthshattering Kaboom is the least you need to stop this little guy!
- Brought to extreme levels in the last arc, where he manages to force the far more skilled Soshi to give up by sheer determination.
- Diagonal Cut: His Kaminari Giri (Lightning Slice) attack, which leaves a lightning-shaped trail.
- Also his Juumonji Giri (Cross Slice), which doubles with Power Glows and Dual-Wielding
- Dual-Wielding: during the Pyramid Arc.
- Elemental Powers: He wielded many during the Ryujin arc, including: Making a Splash, Kill It with Fire, Dark Is Edgy and Kill It with Ice
- Everything's Better with Spinning: His Senpuken (Whirlwind Sword) consist in removing the Thunder Orb from Raijin's Sword and use the hole left to make it spin at great speed. Also the Kazaguruma (Pinwheel) attack is this.
- The Hero
- Heroic BSOD: After his defeat at the hand of Demon Onimaru. And later after being almost killed by Gekko.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: He was Nabiki Tendo.
- Idiot Hero: He's quite a dumbass, but can come up with smart strategies.
- Infinity+1 Sword: The sword of Ryuujin. The Supreme King Sword and, in the ending post- Time Skip, the Kusanagi sword.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Light'Em Up: The Supreme King Sword. Apparently the Kusanagi blade in the stinger, which can fly fast enough to reach Mars from the Earth in mere seconds.
- Noodle Incident: In the epilogue he and his friends (Musashi, Kagetora and Shonosuke) ended up on Mars where they were attacked by a monstrous demon alien. Oh, and he acquired the Kusanagi sword from Okinawa too.
- Kid Samurai
- Let's Get Dangerous: Whenever he gets serious in battle.
- Lightning Bruiser: Really really fast.
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Made of Iron: Jeez, this boy is really something..
- Never Recycle Your Techniques: Whenever his current attack/fighting style isn't good enough, he soon discard it. However he uses his very first technique before dealing the final blow to Onimaru.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His Jerkassness is the main reason why Onimaru decided to resort to the Fujin Sword to beat him. Also at the end of the Ryuujin Arc.
- No Social Skills: He is not good at handling everyday situations. He grew up in a jungle with only his father to learn from. He can however speak with animals.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red Oni to Onimaru's Blue Oni.
- Shock and Awe
- Stupid Good
- Super Mode: He got several of them, usually using the power of the currently wielded sword.
- Sword Beam: When using one of the magical blades.
- To Be a Master: His goal is to become the strongest in the world.
- Unstoppable Rage: Briefly during the Ryujin Trials. Also after Emerald and Ryujin's deaths.
Sayaka Mine
Voiced by: Kotono Mitsuishi
Sayaka is the daughter of Raizo Mine, an expert kendoka and old rival of Yaiba's father, Kenjuro. At first she sees Yaiba as an annoying brat, but their relationship improves as the series proceed and she travels with the young samurai in his journey to defeat Onimaru. She also carries the Sea-Cucumberman with her. Later in the Kaguya arc, it's revealed that she's the descendant of Taro Urashima and Princess Oto, and thus the new "Dragon Maiden", the Priestess of Ryujin and the key to unleash Kaguya's true form. In the last arc, she manage to wield the Water Demon Longsword and use its powers, and later, in order to stop Orochi's rampage, has Kaguya sealed into her body and manage to restrain her and slowly change her heart.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: She and Yaiba quarrel quite a lot, but once in a long time they share tender moments.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Granted, she doesn't get in many fights herself..
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Towards Emerald in the Pyramid Arc
- Damsel in Distress: Happens quite often, but only in the earlier arcs
- Heroic Sacrifice: At least Three times, the first one in the fifth trial of Ryujin, the Rope of Fate, in order to show Yaiba the right one. The second time when she decided to go with Gekko in order to save Yaiba's life. Then, she accepted to have Kaguya's Ghost sealed into her body in order to force her to help Yaiba against Orochi and Onimaru.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: She was Usagi Tsukino and Pirate Empress Boa Hancock.
- Making a Splash: When she use the Water Demon Longsword.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: During the Kojiro arc, in order to escape some Mooks she put on Sunglasses, an earring and a fur hat and behaved like a japanese comedian. It worked even with her mother!
- Sailor Fuku: albeit with a long skirt.
- She's All Grown Up: After the three year timeskip in the epilogue.
- Tsundere: Type 2.
- Token Girl
- Took a Level in Badass: Well, she managed to keep Kaguya inside her body, and in the end she even made her make a Heel Face Turn!
voiced by: Hisao Egawa
Yaiba's pet Tiger, he's just a fat, gentle tiger and behaves more like a huge housecat than a proper tiger. He carries Yaiba and the others around on his back and sometimes helped him in his trainings. He's also smarter than Yaiba.
- Cowardly Lion: Has his splinters of courage.
- Horse of a Different Color
- Meaningful Name: Kagetora means "Tiger Shadow" and its also the name of the famous samurai and warlord Uesugi Kenshin.
- Non-Human Sidekick
voiced by Masaharu Sato
Yaiba's pet Vulture follows him around and is used whenever he needs to fly. Also he's responsible for beating Onimaru's pet pidgeons, increasing his hatred towards Yaiba.
- Air Jousting: Against Bat Guy and Kotaro Fuuma.
- Horse of a Different Color
- Made of Iron: Well, he can fly high while carrying all the group minus Yaiba...
- Non-Human Sidekick
Musashi Miyamoto
voiced by: Masaharu Sato
Miyamoto Musashi is a 400 years old man who lived as a hermit on Mount Tengu, where the Raijin Sword is kept. After witnessing Yaiba pulling the sword out of the ground he agreed to become his master and teach him the way of the sword. Despite the age he's still a powerful warrior and more than capable of kicking some ass. He also know a lot of techniques and strategies, and he can be very wise.
- Air Jousting: Armed with an everyday katana, riding a huge owl against the Spiderman on a plane. He turned that machine into sashimi!
- Art Evolution: Expecially his eyes and his Eyebrows.
- Badass Grandpa: In his youth he was just a Badass
- Big Eater: He can wolf down HUGE amounts of food in a few seconds, and was known for stealing vegetables from a near village. It was dropped later.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Can't Catch Up: Mainly because of his age.
- Combat Commentator:
OftenAlways. - Combat Pragmatist: Ah-Hem!
- Crack! Oh, My Back!
- Curb Stomp Battle: When Yaiba turned into a crazy Oni for the first time, he knocked him down with a single strike. Wooden stick beats Lightning!
- Dirty Old Man
- Dual-Wielding: Of course. In this case, he uses twin Shirasaya
- Expy: He's part Happosai, part Roshi.
- Genius Bruiser: He's really wise and smart, expecially in the Ryujin's Trials.
- Glass Cannon: Sadly, his age and frequent backaches weaken his stamina
- Implausible Fencing Powers: When he was young, he and Kojiro managed to slice a huge wooden beam into a bunch of chopsticks with their names carved on!!
- Improbable Weapon User: He used a wooden Oar against Kojiro on Ganryujima. Like in Real Life
- I Was Quite a Looker
- Lightning Bruiser: He's really fasta and improves his speed by running away from restaurants without paying the check.
- Miniature Senior Citizens
- Miyamoto Musashi
- Old Master
- One-Man Army: He can hold his own against armies of Mooks
- Wax On, Wax Off: His typical method of training.
Gerozaemon Geroda
voiced by: Kazunari Tanaka
A Former Hakki, Gerozaemon is the first of them, and he's a Frogman. He was sent by Onimaru to kill Yaiba, but he got defeated and joined his group. Despite being a Oni, he's a really good fellow and a good chef. He often fights alongside Yaiba and the others with his trusty hatchet and his tongue. After Onimaru and Orochi's defeat he turned back into a frog.
- Alliterative Name
- An Axe to Grind
- The Big Guy
- Chef of Iron: Well, he's stronger than the average human and can make an excellent Sukiyaki (a sort of stew).
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Enemy Mine: He and Musashi briefly teamed up in order to stop a possessed Yaiba.
- Heel Face Turn
- Overly Long Tongue: It's often really useful in battle and outside it.
- Punny Name: Gero is the Japanese equivalent of "Croak" or "Ribbit".
- Weaksauce Weakness: He's afraid of snakes.
- You Have Failed Me...: Onimaru send the Snakeman to kill him after he failed to get rid of Yaiba.
Kojiro Sasaki
voiced by: Jurota Kosugi
Musashi's old rival, this master swordsman was resurrected by the Spiderman in order to become Onimaru's servant. Bent on taking revenge on Musashi, he later sees a new rival in Yaiba who manage to beat him with the power of Raijin. He the decide to follow Yaiba in order to steal his magical sword, but ends up as a stationary member of the group. He wields a magical Katana named Monohoshizao (lit. Laundry Pole), and its blade can stretch at will on command. He joins the Oda Nobunaga Tournament in the last arc but is defeated along the way by Onimaru.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: His sword can easly cut a cliff in half.
- Calling Your Attack: "Grow, Laundy Pole!!"
- Came Back Wrong: Not really, despite being a zombie he doesn't look different from any other living human.
- Death Is Cheap: He was revived with a Kappa Egg, Dragon Tears, Moth Dust and several slaps on the face.
- Diagonal Cut: His Tsubame-Gaeshi (Swallow Return) counterattack.
- Handsome Lech: He's quite a pervert, but the girls seems to like him.
- Heel Face Turn
- Heel Face Revolving Door: a Running Gag during the Onimaru's Fortress arc.
- Put on a Bus: During the Legendary Orbs Quest arc he was hilariously defeated by Jubei, who took his place.
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: He has red eyes, but he's not really evil.
- The Rival: To Musashi.
- Time Master: It's revealed that his sword can create portals through time, but he keep this power sealed within the handle using wrappings made from a lion's mare.
Jubei Yagyu
voiced by: Takaya Hashi
One of the Seven Swordsmen revived by Lord Onimaru, Jubei is a wandering Ronin and pupil of Musashi himself. He's a man of honor and a very serious samurai, and a skilled swordmaster. However when he gets drunk he turn into a violent Wolfman who attacks anyone in sight. He's also prone to try to commit Harakiri quite often. He's last seen in the Oda Nobunaga Tournament where he fight Yaiba for one last time. Three years later, he's Walking the Earth.
- Badass
- Brainwashed and Crazy: During the Kaguya Arc he's merged with the Moon General Hangestu who take over his body in order to assassinate Yaiba.
- Booze-Based Buff: If he gets drunk he turns into a Werewolf
- Calling Your Attacks: In the last arc.
- The Comically Serious
- Counter Attack: His strongest technique, the "Infinite Stance" allows him to anticipate any incoming slash and strike back.
- Dual-Wielding: A Katana and a Wakizashi. During his Wolf form he once did this while holding the shortsword with his mouth.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: His Wind Gust attack, used only in Wolf form.
- Eye Scream: Lost his eye to his father/master Munenori. It appears to have been an accident though.
- Eyepatch of Power: And it's made from a Katana's Tsuba (hilt).
- Heroic Sacrifice: Quite prone to these.
- Honor Before Reason: Let's just said he doesn't like the pragmatic strategies of his Old Master Musashi
- Samurai
- Master Swordsman
- Nice Hat: He often wears a large straw hat.
- Yagyu Jubei
A mysterious hooded girl appeared in the Pyramid Arc. She saves Yaiba and heal him with her powers. Later she guides Yaiba&co inside the Pyramid (which she seems to know quite well) and help Yaiba against the various foes inside. She's actually revealed to be the Barrier Soldier, one of the four top class Soldiers, ans a Cyborg, created to lure Yaiba inside the Pyramid. However for some reason she sides with Yaiba instead of betraying him. She's blasted into pieces by the Pyramid Core's Lasers defending Yaiba.
- Artificial Human
- Barrier Warrior: She can heal people and create powerful barriers capable of repealling any attack. She IS actually the Barrier Soldier
- The Comically Serious
- Emotionless Girl
- Face Heel Turn: Briefly, then after Jewel's death she's "good" again.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: a quite complicated one: She had her memories about being a Soldier removed, so she only remember the Pyramid and how to stop it. It backfires against her masters in the end.
- Marshmallow Hell: While hugging Yaiba in order to heal him. He was pleased..
- Miss Exposition: During their trip inside the Pyramid.
- Taking the Bullet: First during Yaiba's fight against Diamond, and it costs her arm. Later she saves him from the lasers of the Core and gets Killed Off for Real. Yaiba was seriously shocked by that and went into Unstoppable Rage.
Moroha Kurogane
A mysterious and very rich girl who appears in the last arc and introduce herself as Yaiba's little sister. She tells Yaiba about his "impostor" father Kenjuuro and state that he'll meet him in the Oda Nobunaga Tournament. She later follows Yaiba on Yoroi Island and witness his battles in the Tournament.
- Aloof Little Sister: Despite being his little sister, she basically plays this role
- Arrogant Kendo Girl
- Combat Pragmatist: At least Yaiba knows when to hold his strength, but she says that a true samurai should use all his strenght in any battle
- The Comically Serious: She's very stern.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: As she sticks with Yaiba, she quickly mellows down and learn that a Samurai isn't always a killer.
- Cute Bruiser
- Implausible Fencing Powers: She can knock several adult men unconscious in mere seconds, using a Shinai.
- Lightning Bruiser: See above. She accomplished said feat in a few seconds
- Tsundere: Usually quite cold and bitchy, but has also shown a more tender side of herself.
- Tyke Bomb: She trained herself from a very young age in order to beat Kenjuuro's Killer, who she identifies as Yaiba's Dad.
Onimaru's Main Faction
Takeshi Onimaru
voiced by: Ryo Horikawa
The Big Bad of the series, Onimaru was just a student and a really skilled and no-nonsense kendoka. Eventually, Yaiba manage to humiliate him in an attempt to challenge him and eventually they become bitter rivals. Obsessed with beating Yaiba, Onimaru discovers in a secret cellar of his house the Legendary Fujin Sword, and attempt to master it, turning himself into a powerful and large Oni bent on killing Yaiba and conquering the whole World. He has displayed many powers, and has attempted many plots to Take Over the World. During the Kaguya arc he was forced to join forces with Yaiba. After getting the Devil King Sword he starts his plans of destruction by tricking the Underworld people and awakening the legendary dragon Orochi but eventually is vanquished once and for all by Yaiba who cut off his horns. He was then Put on a Bus, that came back just in time to put him as Final Boss of the Oda Nobunaga Tournament.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: In spades
- Badass
- Badass Cape: Long and red.
- Badass Boast
Onimaru: "I'm no longer a human... I'm a Oni! I'm the Incarnation of Evil!!!
- Badass Normal: Before getting possessed. Also after his training with Kenjuuro, who made him a perfect swordsman.
- Bad Boss: Poor Spiderman...
- Bald of Evil
- Battle Aura: Like Yaiba above. And even him can use the Tojin attack.
- Big Bad
- Blow You Away: Expecially his Tornado Attack, which once drilled throught the earth surface!!
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Does his to the Japanese government members. Ironically, it's revealed that he was like this the whole time.
- Breakable Weapons: His Fujin Sword is broken by Yaiba's Thunder-enhaced Kaminari Giri, but it's repaired later.
- Brought Down to Normal: He's eventually fred by Fujin's influence.
- Calling Your Attacks: Rarely, including the Fujin Ha (Wind Devil Wave), the Tornado attack and all the Devil King Sword attacks.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Even before becoming a demon, he was strong enough to crush concrete pipes with a bamboo sword. Afte Kenjuuro's training he can put all his power in a single slash, resulting in a swordstrike capable of flattening a steel armor and everything around it.
- The Comically Serious
- Cool Sword
- Dark Is Edgy: Can use dark demonic powers. Later he aquires the Devil King Sword
- Demon Head: Once at Spiderman.
- Demonic Possession: After mastering the Fujin Katana he got possessed by Fujin and become a Oni.
- Diagonal Cut: The Iaido strike Yokoichimonji.
- Enemy Mine: With Yaiba against Gekko and Kaguya, and that was awesome.
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Overlord
- Expy: Without the horns, he looks like Tenshinhan from Dragon Ball
- Flaming Sword: He managed to turn his bokuto into one with his ki during the final battle.
- Final Boss: After being trained by Yaiba's father himself.
- Four Is Death: His Four Evil Kings (Shitenno) during the third arc. Later his Four elemental Demons.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Vegeta!
- Jet Pack: Has one in his Armor.
- Laser Blade: Eventually his Devil King Sword turns into one after going all out.
- Made of Iron: When still human he was really resilient, even after falling into a deep hole and having several balls and later iron gym tools dropped on him.
- The Man Behind the Man: For Boss
- Meaningful Name: Onimaru means, well.. Oni (Devil, Ogre).
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Onimaru the Devil King.
- Necromancer: He raised seven famous warriors from the past to aid him.
- Omnicidal Maniac: During the second-to-last arc
- Ominous Floating Castle: His Fortress. Wave Motion Gun included.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Oooh boy...
- Put on a Bus: For a while after the Kaguya arc. The Bus Came Back just in time for the Grand Finale in the Oda Nobunaga Tournament arc.
- Razor Wind: His signature attack.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to Yaiba's Red Oni
- Rival Turned Evil
- Scary Impractical Armor: It looks cool, and doesn't put him in any disadvantage whatsoever.
- Slasher Smile
- Spikes of Villainy
- Taken for Granite
- Villain with Good Publicity: The Japanese people aren't really worried about having a demon as leader. Ok, they attempted an Air Raid on his castle, but..
- Worthy Opponent: Considers Yaiba this. Until the Orochi Arc, at first.
The Spiderman
voiced by: Tetsuo Sakaguchi
The third of Onimaru's Eight Great Oni, he's a antropomorphic spider with Kansai accent who apparently came from Osaka. It serves mainly as Onimaru's righthand man and henchman, but is quite clumsy and incompetent. He briefly sides with Yaiba during the Kaguya Arc when his master is sealed in Carbonite.
- Achilles' Heel: Can't stand loud noises.
- Affably Evil: Come on, you can't hate this guy for being evil!
- Alas, Poor Villain: It seems he won't come back after the Orochi Arc. He's however shown to be living (as a spider) in the Mine's garden.
- Butt Monkey: A Huge one.
- Giant Spider
- The Idiot From Osaka: He speaks with a thick Kensai accent, he's very greedy and he likes Takoyaki a lot!
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Knife Nut: His Weapon of Choice. When not using other stuff.
- Mega Mecha: He's actually the fourth Shitenno, Tortoise Europa, which is a giant Turtle Robot. Which can turn into a Giant Spider too.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Often, and it works!
- Too Dumb to Live
Professor Kanabo
voiced by: Hisao Egawa
A Mad scientist with awful teeth and a penchant for creating really dangerous Stuff. He's hired by Onimaru and provdes him weapons and advice. He also repaired the Fujin Sword and built the Onimaru Cannon, a Flying Submarine and the Furai Bazooka.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Oooh boy..
- Dirty Old Man: In the Chiki Chiki Grand Prix Omake he peeks at Sayaka while she's sunbathing and get slapped like the others.
- Doomsday Device: His specialty
- Mad Scientist: Indeed, but also very loyal to Onimaru
- Made of Iron: He somehow survived the destruction of Onimaru's Fortress by Kaguya.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: After the Kaguya Arc he's not shown again.
Onimaru's Minions
The Eight Great Oni (Hakki)
The first Quirky Miniboss Squad, they're all demons born from animals.
- Achilles' Heel: All of them has one, for example the Snakeman's tail, or Bat Guy's glasses (which protects him from sunlight)
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The Slugman when he first appears is simply Huge.
- Blade on a Stick: The Snake-God Pike, Snakeman's spear.
- Brought Down to Normal: When they're "killed" they simply turn back into their harmless animal form.
- Covert Pervert: The Starfishman, Mantisman and Seacucumberman all fall for Sayaka.
- Embarrassing First Name: Snakeman true name is Julius Zuppopotamus Third.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: The Starfishman.
- Gratuitous English: Bat Guy!
- Heel Face Turn: Gerozaemon and the Seacucumberman ends up siding with our heroes. The Starfishman and Mantisman simply run away when they hav the chance and go back home.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: The Seacucumberman is the most prominent.
- Knight of Cerebus: Expecially the Snakeman and Batman
- Petting Zoo People: Including: Gerozaemon, Snakeman, Batman, the Slugman, Spiderman, Starfishman, Mantisman and the Seacucumberman.
- Punch Clock Villain: The last trio of demons. After being defeated, the Starfishman and the Mantisman go back to Kyushu and Nagoya respectively.
- Recurring Boss: The Slugman attempted twice (the second time as Snailman) and also the Batman
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: The Seacucumberman
- Royal Rapier: Bat Guy's weapon of choice.
- Shoulders of Doom: Most of them wear cloacks with large shoulderpads
- Sinister Scythe: The Mantisman can use his arms as sickles.
Onimaru's Four Evil Kings (Shitenno)
The Four Guardians of Onimaru's castle.
- Alluring Anglerfish: Yakitori, who speaks softly and has a really large stomach
- Berserk Button: Don't call Yakitori Toadstool...
- Four Is Death
- Hollywood Chameleons: Chameleon Bonaparte, the second Shitenno
- Humongous Mecha: The last evil King is actually a Mecha Turtle run on by the Spiderman.
- Killer Rabbit: Dry Dry the Supergorilla is tiny, but super strong!
- MacGuffin Guardian: Guarding places and rooms rather then a specific item.
- Made of Iron: Dry Dry again, who had a wall tossed on him and survived.
- One-Winged Angel: Sort of: After Super Gorilla is defeated, he turn back to normal.... that means a giant, strong and rampaging gorilla. Thankfully, Yaiba manage to tame it.
- Overly Long Tongue: Chamaleon Bonaparte
- Tessho Genda: Dry Dry's Seiyuu
- Turtle Power: Tortoise Europa.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Bonaparte can do this.
The Seven Revived Swordsmen
The warriors from the past summoned by Onimaru in order to kill Yaiba, they include:
- Miyoshi Seikai, a monk and member of the Ten Sanada Braves - Fuuma Kotaro, shinobi and fifth head of the Fuuma Clan - Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, sorcerer and a christian Samurai - Ishikawa Goemon, rogue and former ninja - Yagyu Jubei, ronin and master swordsman - Musashibo Benkei, a Yamabushi (warrior priest) - Matsuo Basho, poet and former warrior
- Affably Evil: Goemon.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Basho Matsuo was a fierce assassin disguised as poet who wanted to Take Over the World with Ryujin Orb.
- Blade on a Stick: Shiro's Cross Spear.
- Car Fu: Taken to Beyond the Impossible levels during the battle between giant Yaiba and Goemon inside the Osaka Castle, where the latter used a whole train as a Nunchaku.
- Carnival of Killers
- Carry a Big Stick: Seikai's steel staff and Benkei's Iron Bat-like Kanabo.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Kotaro Fuuma's departure is quite hasty and anti-climatic, considering that he went really close to actually kill Yaiba.
- Dumb Muscle: Benkei again. Let's just say he's not the brightest crayon in the box.
- Epic Flail: Kotaro's Kusarigama.
- Evil Sorcerer: Shiro Amakusa
- Fat Bastard: Goemon Ishikawa
- Fuuma Shuriken: Strangely, Goemon uses them in his Bear-form
- Hand Seals: Kotaro Fuuma uses a correct Ku-ji spell against Yaiba.
- Humongous Mecha: Goemon controlling the Osaka Castle, which was rebuild as a giant Mecha by Onimaru's goons.
- Improbable Weapon User: Goemon's Kiseru, Iron Parasol and Basho's needles.
- Ishikawa Goemon
- Kitsune: Shiro was actually revived as a Fox-Man.
- Large and In Charge: Kotaro was the fifth leader of the Fuuma clan and he's quite a giant of a man.
- Large Ham: Goemon Ishikawa! King of Thieves! You surely had heard that name before...
- Lightning Bruiser: Kotaro, Shiro, Goemon and Basho are really fast on their feet.
- Ninja: Kotaro Fuuma, who actually uses Ninpo, and Goemon Ishikawa
- One-Winged Angel: Everyone of them turn into an Animal/man as last resort. Seikai in a giant octopus, Kotaro in a hawk, Shiro into a Giant Raiju, Goemon in a bear, Benkei in a bull and Basho in a chimpanzee.
- Petting Zoo People: See above
- Razor Wind: Kotaro's Kamaitachi jutsu.
- Sinister Scythe: Basho's weapon.
- The Starscream: Basho Matsuo want to rule the world.
- Taken for Granite: Basho's needles can petrify people. And it's a hobby of his.
- Verbal Tic: Goemon's :" If you excuse me..."
Onimaru's Demons
The last group of Onimaru's servants and probably the strongest of them all. It's composed by four demons with elemental powers and magical swords. At first they're a bit of a Giant Space Flea From Nowhere
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Their blades
- And I Must Scream: Dark's Dark Pyramid: Delta Zone attack can send any hit opponent into another dimension forever.
- Awesome but Impractical: Rain's longsword can stretch itself and pass through any substance, cutting only flesh. Seems cool? Try to use it to parry an incoming sword strike....
- BFS: Their swords are Tachi (Longsword), and they tend to be quite long and broad
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Unlike the other demons, Plasma has two blades on his forearms, that look like the "wings" of a Manta Ray.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: Dark before revealing himself as The Dragon
- Cool Sword
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Dark's Super Delta Zone is said to exhaust the 80% of his stamina and Life Force
- Dark Action Girl: Rain.
- Dark Is Edgy: Dark has total control of the Darkness and can use it in many ways.
- Elemental Powers: Each of them, namely Water, Fire, Darkness and Light.
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Yaiba managed to beat Rain by using the wind to wash away all the water in the battlefield, but she just make more of it out of her sword. Also Sayaka tries this while wielding the Water Demon Longsword against Burner, but it's not enough.
- Furthermore, Yaiba manage to escape Dark's Dark Zone by shattering it with the light of his sword. And also Plasma, whose illusions are stopped as Yaiba use the Supreme King Sword to cover the sky with dark clouds.
- Fashion Victim Villain: Rain's clothes are really weird.
- Fireball: Burner's main tactic consist in tossing a large number of these at his target. Or a single big one.
- Flaming Hair: Burner, of course, while Rain sports a curious case of "'Watering Hair"
- Flaming Sword: The Fire Demon Longsword can engulf itself in flames and burn down to ashes everything it touches, even the other swords and their wielder.
- Gravity Master: Sort of. Dark's Dark Zone attack can suck inside the shadow projected by his sword everyone standing on it.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Dark falls victim of his own Delta Zone and Plasma has his thunder ray sent back to him.
- Horny Devils: Before facing Yaiba, Rain appears to him as a beautiful schoolgirl and invite him on the roof for "giving him something"...
- Kill It with Fire: Guess who?
- Kill It with Water: Rain, whose powers allow her to create huge water drills, spears and needles made of ice or simply blast huge water bullets from her sword.
- Light Is Not Good: The last demon, Plasma.
- Lightning Bruiser: Dark is quite fast, and Plasma is simply a champion at it... well, being the Light Demon and all...
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Burner's large shield can also spit a stream of fire.
- Making a Splash: Rain and her Sword.
- Malevolent Masked Man: Dark wears a creepy mask and his face is always concealed.
- Master of Illusion: Plasma can turn himself into anyone and cast powerful illusions manipulating the light in the enviroment.
- Meaningful Name: All of them.
- Me's a Crowd: Burner is capable of this, using
ShadowFire Clones. - Noble Demon: Burner is not as ruthless as his collegues. Still this diesn't stop him from demolishing Sayaka's mansion with his Fireball attacks
- One-Hit Kill: The previously mentioned Delta Zone
- Playing with Fire: Burner and his Falchion.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Burner and Rain.
- Shock and Awe: Plasma can use any "light" source to recharge himself and attack, including Lightnings, which later toss at Yaiba.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Dark to a defeated Burner
The Moon People
Princess Kaguya
voiced by: Rika Fukami
The Moon empress and evil counterpart of Ryujin. Unlike her subjects, she appears as a beautyful woman with a Playboy Bunny -like outfit and wielding a small fan. She's really powerful, and can erase mountains from existance with her Ki-blasts. Furthermore, in order to stay young and powerful she must drain the "Essence of Youth" out of young women. Her goal is to conquer Earth and rule the planet forever. It's revealed that a thousand years ago, she invaded Japan but was defeated by Ryujin and was sealed inside the body of the Dragon Maiden, and in order to return to her original form she needs the essence of Sayaka, the descendant of the Dragon Maiden. She eventually managed to absorb Sayaka's energy and turned into her gargantuan, multiheaded true form, and after a long battle she merged with Earth bu was sealed away by Yaiba's Ultimate attack. She's awakened during the Orochi saga and is sealed in Sayaka's body, who compels her to aid Yaiba against Onimaru. She managed to stop the Leviathan's heart in order to allow Yaiba to beat Onimaru and cut his horn. After Orochi's fall, she leaves Sayaka's body, return to her spaceship and order his subject to return on the moon.
- Alien Invasion: And she's leading it.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Her true form is very huge.
- Beam Spam: Can do this with her fan.
- Big Bad: Of her Arc
- Breath Weapon: True form only. And it's Wave Motion Gun sized.
- Complete Monster: With a bit of Well-Intentioned Extremist in it.
- Eldritch Abomination: Her true form.
- Enemy Mine: With Yaiba in order to stop Orochi from destroying the world.
- Energy Beings: Can assume this form. Shown properly when she leaves Sayaka's body and appears as a tall, humanoid female bunny made of light.
- Even Evil Has Standards: She's really reluctant to allow Gekko to use the Devil King Sword.
- Evil Is Sexy
- Evil Overlord
- Fan Disservice: Her "old" form.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Her specialty.
- Fusion Dance: The Gatai power, like all the Moon People
- Genius Loci: After using said Gatai with the Planet Earth!!
- God Save Us From The Princess
- Grand Theft Me: She's possessing a Ryujin's Priestess body.
- Heel Face Turn: Courtesy of Sayaka
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Why Sailor Venus want to kiss Usagi Tsukino so badly?
- Ki Attacks: Several of them.
- Kiss of Death: Her kiss can drain away Youth from a woman. Thankfully after she's defeated the essence returns to the women.
- Les Yay: Ah-Ehm...
- Made of Iron: Even in her weakened form she survived a barrage of Fireballs, Razor Wind and a Whole Frickin' Tornado!!!
- Moon Needs Women: In order to stay young and powerful.
- Modesty Bedsheet: Sleps in the nude.
- Moon Rabbit: She's their Queen.
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- One-Winged Angel
- Opera Gloves
- Pimped-Out Cape
- Playboy Bunny: The main reason so many people knows her.
- Prehensile Hair: Can use them as a trump card
- Pretty in Mink: Her outfit is trimmed with white fur.
- Purple Is the New Black
- Shoulders of Doom
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Weaksauce Weakness: She must feed every 24 hours, or she'll die
- You Have Failed Me...: She obliterated Mangetsu for failing her.
voiced by: Daiki Nakamura
The greatest Moon General, and Kaguya's right-hand man. Is a cold and extremely competent Moon Rabbit and really loyal to her mistress. Apparently, he's Gekko's elder brother, or at least best friend.
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Battle Butler
- The Comically Serious
- The Dragon
- Evil Genius: He's really smart
- Frickin' Laser Beams: After Kaguya entrust him with her fan
- Hey, It's That Voice!: He was Ino's Daddy.
- Ship Tease: With Kaguya.
- Taking the Bullet: He uses his body as a shield to protect Kaguya from Yaiba's Fireball
- The Unfought: He never really fight someone seriously
voiced by: Toshihiko Nakajima
A Large Moon Rabbit who concots a plan to kill Yaiba, which include surrounding Tokyo with gigantic walls and flood the whole city until he shows up. After a quick battle with the Kid Samurai he uses the power of Gatai first on a Lobster, and later (in order to avoid Yaiba's fireblasts, with a propane Tank. Eventually he's outsmarted by our hero, tossed in space and "Fired" back to the moon. He asks Kaguya a second chance, but she simply destroys him.
- Breath Weapon: In his "Tank" form he can spit fire
- The Brute
- Complete Monster: He really doesn't care of harming innocent people.
- Fat Bastard
- Fusion Dance: He's the first Moon Person to show this skill to Yaiba
- Giant Enemy Crab: Or rather a Giant Enemy Lobster, and man, it was really powerful.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Large and In Charge: Subverted, despite being the largest of the Moon Generals, he's also the one with the lowest rank.
- The Starscream: Plans to take Tsukikage's place.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness:
Kaguya:" Take all the time you want. Even the whole eternity!
voiced by: Nobuhiko Kazama
One of the Moon Generals, is a thin, weird looking rabbit who serves in Kaguya Army. When Yaiba attacks Kaguya spaceship in order to save the imprisoned girls, he, Tsukikage and Shingetsu attack Yaiba. He uses Gatai on a Shark to fight him underwater, but has his ears cut off and he's blocked in shark form.
- Elite Mooks: He and Shingetsu are basically this
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks
- Gonk
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a crescent-shaped scar on his forehead, which fits his name. (Mikazuki means crescent moon)
- Lean and Mean
voiced by: Tomohisa Asou
Another of the Moon Generals, and pal of Mikazuki. He's an Elder Moon Rabbit with a long beard who fights alongside Mikazuki and Tsukikage to stop Yaiba. He "merge" with a squid, but suffers the same fate of Mikazuki.
- Combat Tentacles: In his squid form.
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods
- Evil Old Folks
- Those Two Bad Guys: He and Mikazuki seems to be this
voiced by: Ginzo Mastuo
A really short and plump Moon Rabbit, he's Kaguya's Advisor. After Yaiba's raid Kaguya's Spaceship, Jubei is left behind, and Mangetsu uses his powers to Merge with Jubei and take over his body. Later he go back to Mine house, kidnap Sayaka and attempt to kill Yaiba but is discovered. Eventually Musashi manage to make him drunk and awake his Wolfman side, who chase away the Rabbit who gets captured. When Gekko storms Mine house later, he kills him by shooting him point blank with his Bazooka.
- Evil Old Folks
- Grand Theft Me: Does this by using Gatai on Jubei.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Captain
ChaserSmoker! - Oh Crap: When he sees Gekko
- The Unfought
- You Have Failed Me...
voiced by: Kazuki Yao
The only Black Moon Rabbit, Gekko is an insanly powerful warrior who was imprisoned for trying to overtake the Moon. Kaguya free him in order to have him fight Yaiba and kidnap Sayaka. After his first failure, he decide to violate the cell "666" and take the Devil King Sword, which uses to utterly best Yaiba. Eventually, the combined forces of Yaiba and Onimaru manage to defeat Gekko's Sword. After the Orochi Arc he appears along with Tsukikage and the other Moon People when Kaguya "de-merge" herself and return to her "human" form. In the Anime is revealed that Gekko was mistreated and bullied as a child because of his black fur, and only Tsukikage was close to him.
- Accidental Pervert: At first Yaiba thinks he want to kidnap Sayaka to make out with her.
- BFS: The Devil King Sword is quite large compared to him
- Blob Monster: He carries around some strange space monster called Mochi-Ron, who uses to block enemies.
- Carry a Big Stick: His Moon club. More of a Bazooka than a bludgeon.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The Devil King Sword's Fullmoon Blast can easly turn Earth into a dead wasteland, just like the Moon
- The Dragon: To Kaguya.
- Evil Weapon: The Devil King Sword (Maoken).
- Eye Scream: In the past, Ryujin took away his eye with a sword strike. It grows back when he seize the Maoken.
- Freudian Excuse: He had a weddlesome past.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Yup, he's Franky.
- Killer Rabbit: More like Omnicidal Maniac Rabbit, but it fits.
- Knight of Cerebus: The first person to actually curb-stomp Yaiba, even with the Ryujin Sword.
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Pet the Dog: He's nice to Tsukikage and often calls him "Aniki" (Big Bro).
- Psycho for Hire
- Shoulders of Doom
- Villainous Breakdown: After his defeat.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Anime Only.
The Pyramid Guardians
The Third-Class Soldiers
These are the lesser minions from the Underworld Kingdom who defend the Pyramid. Despite being the lowest class soldiers, they're still really resilient and more than a match for the young samurai. They include the Rock Soldier, the Sugi (A Japanese conifer tree) Pollen Soldier and the Snowman Soldier
- An Ice Person: The Snowman Soldier
- Chunky Updraft: The Rock Soldier, when summoning his axe.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The Rock Soldier delivered one to Yaiba, complete with Worf Effect
- Dirty Coward: The Snowman Soldier is a sneaky bastard.
- Dishing Out Dirt: The Rock Soldier can conjure stones to form An Axe to Grind, which, judging from his effects, is Made of Explodium.
- Flunky Boss: The Sugi Pollen Soldier and the Snowman Soldier are assisted by a bunch of trees (the former) and one of little snowpuppets (the latter).
- Human Popsicle: The Snowpuppets dance attack can turn the opponent inside the circle they form into this.
- Killer Rabbit: The Snowman Soldier
- Knight of Cerebus: The Rock Soldier
- Losing Your Head: First played for laughs and later Weaponized by the Snowman Soldier
- Made of Diamond: All of them.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: The Sugi Pollen Soldier.
- Poisoned Weapons: The Sugi Pollen Soldier attack with the eponymous pollen and poisonous steel leaves.
- Slasher Smile: All of them, sooner or later.
- Taking You with Me: Like all the Soldiers, they explode if killed
- When Trees Attack: The Sugi Pollen Soldier.
The Second-Class Soldiers
The Elite Mooks compared to their lower class collegues. They're the Ant Soldier, Budou the Grapefruit Soldier and the Mushroom Soldier.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Budou
- Calling Your Attacks: Budou,'s Muscat Kick and Kyohou Blast attacks, which both features Punny Name
- Dual-Wielding: The Mushroom Soldier uses his scimitar and Yaiba's Raijin Sword to fight him.
- Face Heel Turn: Happens to those who eat the mushrooms in the Mushroom Soldier's Room. It can be reveserd.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: The Grapefruit Soldier falls off the Pyramid when Yaiba hit his arm, making him fire his Kyohou Blast right next to him.
- Ignored Enemy: The poor little Ant Soldier gets this treatment
- Informed Ability: The Ant Soldier is said to have the hardest and strongest body, and able to pick up items several times his size. He's actually Ant-Sized too, and so said giant boulder is revealed to be a normal sized stone.
- Ki Attacks: Budou can shoot purple "grapefruit-like" Ki Blasts
- Mega Manning: Sort of: Mushroom Soldier can pick up and use the Raijin Sword because his masters built him with this ability. Considering that one of his makers may be Onimaru, who possessed the Fujin Sword, another demon katana, it's quite Fridge Brilliance.
- Sinister Scimitar: The Mushroom Soldier.
- Super Strength: The Ant Soldier.
- Turns Red: Budou improves his speed by removing his claws and the "Grapes" around his neck, leaving only his head.
- Wolverine Claws: Budou's Weapon of Choice
The First Class Soldiers
These are the top fighters of the Pyramid, and really powerful. They all look like twins girls, and each of them is specialized into a particular branch of fighting.They are Ruby, the Stong Soldier, Sapphire the Skilled Soldier, Diamond the Genius Soldier and Emerald the Barrier Soldier. They can also merge together to form Jewel, the Perfect Soldier.
- Artificial Human: All of them
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: All of them.
- Blondes Are Evil: All of them.
- The Brute: Ruby
- Combat Clairvoyance: Diamond is so intelligent that she can forsee Yaiba's attack and parry them in time.
- Dark Action Girl: Expecially Ruby and Sapphire
- The Dark Chick: Diamond and Emerald.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Jewel becomes this.
- Doppelganger: Sapphire can replicate any attack and weapon she sees, and Jewel as well.
- Dual-Wielding: Jewel briefly wields two energy copies of the Swords of Fujin and Raijin in order to use the Juumonji Giri against Yaiba.
- Energy Weapons: Including a large battleaxe for Ruby, a copy of the Raijin Sword for Sapphire, a Scythe and several daggers of various size for Diamond. Jewel uses weird Javelin-like Orb and a Greatsword.
- Evil Genius: Diamond fits this trope to a T.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Jewel's ring can shoot them.
- Gender Bender: Apparently, Jewel is male, but the Soldiers that merge to create him are female.
- Girlish Pigtails: Sapphire.
- Jerkass: They're really nasty to Yaiba.
- Mega Manning: Sapphire, the Skilled Soldier, can copy any technique used against her after mere seconds.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Super Strength: Ruby, the Strong Soldier, who can bend the Raijin Katana with a finger.
- Theme Naming
- Verbal Tic: "Bip". Said by Diamond during her fight with Yaiba and right after Jewel's death.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Jewel.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Yaiba has no problem attacking three beautiful girls, but after all, he never said he Wouldn't Hit a Girl either...
The Denizens of Underworld
The Mysterious leader of the Underworld Kingdom, he's always seen sit on his throne behind a waterfall, and he's the one behind the Pyramid and hold a huge grudge against humanity, accusing them of spoiling the Earth with wars and pollution. We find out that he was misguided by Onimaru and has one of his super Warriors turned against him and his kingdom, but is saved by Yaiba. He appears later to help Yaiba and Sayaka against the Yamata no Orochi. He also looks like Kami.
- Big Bad
- Earthquake Machine: His people are able to build these.
- Expy: Of Kami.
- Heel Face Turn:
- Informed Ability: When he finally appears before our heroes, he stated that noone of Yaiba's group (minus Yaiba) could even hope to hurt him. Yet, in the Orochi Arc he's stopped by a Kaguya-Possessed Sayaka with ease.
- Kill Them All: After Yaiba destroys Tokyo's Pyramid he reacts by sending tons of laser-shooting black pyramids all over the world.
- Mr. Exposition
- Orcus on His Throne
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He's not really wrong about humans...
- What an Idiot!: Come on, distrusting humans... but trusting an evil Oni!?
The Super Warriors of the Uderworld Kingdom, they're two black giants with a single eye each. They're really powerful and strong, but not very smarts. eventually Onimaru reveal himself, and use the powers of the Devil King Sword to turn Gold into a Oni, and orders him to destroy the whole underground realm, but Yaiba kills him in time with the Supreme King Sword and full power.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: When Gold is about to finish Yaiba, the cheering Underworld people attract his attention, and he unleash several deadly attacks on them.
- Breath Weapon: As Oni, Gold can shoot a devastating laser out of his maw.
- The Brute
- BFS: Gold's Sword is really large.
- Dumb Muscle
- Enemy Civil War: Yaiba manage to cause a quarrel between the two titans. This lead to Silver's death at the hands of Gold.
- Epic Flail: Silver, who stores it in his stomach
- Eye Beams: Silver can shoot a shocking laser while Gold creates some weird rings that paralyse the victim
- Eye Scream: Silver, and twice.
- Flaming Sword: Gold can heat up his saber.
- Go for the Eye: Yaiba's strategy against Silver.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Silver follows Yaiba inside a small pool of water and gets electrocuted by his own beam.
- Later Yaiba uses Gold's outstretched arm and his strenght to propel himself fast enlugh to pierce him
- Lightning Bruiser: Despite their size, they're really fast.
- Our Giants Are Bigger
- Rubber Man: Their bodies are extremly bouncy (No, not that kind of bounce) and they also can stretch their arms at will.
- Slasher Smile: Sometimes they do this. Perpetual on Oni Gold's face.
- Spikes of Villainy: After being turned into a demon, Gold grow a single large horn.
The Oda Nobunaga Tournament Participants
Unnamed Samurai
The first fighter met by Yaiba, is a stern looking samurai who uses a peculiar sword style involving water. Despite having no name, he serves to prove how hard this tournament will be.
- Cool Sword: Uses a Katana
- Determinator: Seriously, this guy had an amazing iron will, even after being hit several times in vital points..
- Kill It with Water: His Suishin Ittoryu (Water God One Sword Style) uses a combination of swordmastery and water.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Yaiba had to deliver one on him to stop him. And he felt terrible.
- No Name Given
- Samurai
- Tear Jerker: His defeat leaves a sour taste in Yaiba's mouth, and he even cried out of desperation as he was defeated.
Frederick Luther III
A French German European Knight, and Yaiba's second opponent. Despite his noble and proud appearence, he's a slimy, dirty cheater who's not above using vile tricks to win the Tournament and 10% of the final prize which amounts to 100000 millions Yen!
- Black Baron[context?]
- BFS: Hides a broadsword in the back of his coat
- Combat Pragmatist: Using an insidious sword? Check. Pretending to be wounded? Check. Disarm your opponent with a pendulum and handshackles? Check. Concealing a Zweihander in the back of your cloack? Check!
- Cool Horse: His large white horse, named Pegasus.
- Dirty Coward: Despite being a knight and complimenting his opponent, he's this.
- Exotic Weapon Supremacy: He uses a "Sabre", with an extremly flexible blade which can be waved to distract his enemies.
- Funny Foreigner: He's surely from Europe, but his name is German and those who bet on him are from France....
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: After blocking Yaiba and unsheating his sword he gives one to the Kid Samurai about the silliness of Samurais and Knights
- Royal Rapier: His Sabre is more like a Rapier.
A mighty warrior whose body was powered up thanks to "microunits" which turns him in a restless, powerful fighter who feels no pain and can increase his speed and strenght as he fights. He's the champion of the Platina leader Gakuso Shirogane and fights Yaiba in an elettrified ring.
- Artificial Human: Partially averted, he's fully human with "microunits" planted in his muscles.
- BFS: His weapon of choice is a very large scimitar.
- Calling Your Attacks: "NIAGARA CRUSHER!!"
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Gakuso orders him to absorb more and more energy from the elettrified barrier, causing him to overload and frying all his microunits.
- Lightning Bruiser: And he can become even faster as he fights.
- Noble Demon: Despite his appearance, he's quite noble and even wait for his opponent to stand back on his feet before launching the last blow and give him back his sword.
- Shock and Awe: Can feed on electricity in order to increase his speed and strenght.
- Shout-Out: He looks a lot like Terminator.
- Sinister Scimitar
- Top-Heavy Guy
- Tyke Bomb
- Verbal Tic: "Yes Boss".
Hattori Hanzo
One of the partecipants, is a ninja. He makes a couple of cameos and is one of the strongest partecipants. Apparently he gets defeated by Onimaru.
- Double Weapon: He's seen wielding a sort of duoble dagger-like weapon.
- Expy: He looks like his counterpart in Samurai Shodown.
- Fan Service: Not the sexual one, but considering that so many other "famous warriors" have appeared, his cameo can count as this for the nippophilies.
- Name's the Same: He's likely his grand grand grand grand (ecc ecc) son.
- Ninja
- One-Scene Wonder
- Playing with Fire: He's shown spewing fire at his opponent
Soshi Okita
Sixth descendant of the legendary Shinsengumi Kensei, he's a young and powerful swordsmaster. Extremely good naturated and kind, is also a fearsome opponent with an amazing skill. Wields the famed Kikuichimonji katana.
- Badass: Indeed.
- Cool Sword: His precious katana, which covers:
- Ancestral Weapon: The sword of his famous ancestor and still and Absurdly Sharp Blade
- BFS: It looks quite big compared to him.
- Named Weapons: Kiku Ichimonji (菊一文字) alias: Chrysanthemum Crest.
- Sword Beam: His ultimate attack allows him to send a wave of bright energy from the ground as a sort of counter attack.
- Counter Attack: Apparently he's just parrying blows with the hilt of his sword. In reality, he's parrying and hitting back with such a speed that Musashi can tell it only from Yaiba's wounds.
- Curb Stomp Battle: An interesting variation: physically, he totally owned Yaiba, but Yaiba's tenacity totally caught him by surprise and pushed him to withdraw.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: For this reason he lacks a strong spirit like Yaiba.
- I Let You Win: After noticing that Yaiba's assaults grow stronger and stronger as he gets up and surprised by the Toujin technique, he decide to quit. Also done in order to avoid to kill Yaiba of course.
- Kid Samurai: He's slightly older than Yaiba himself.
- Master Swordsman: One of the greatest ever shown.
- Nice Guy: Also one of the nicest guys in the whole manga.
- Oh Crap: Despite his superior skills, he's often surprised and caught off-guard, expecially when Yaiba manages to unclock the Tojin (Battle Blades) attack on him.
- The Shinsengumi: Even wears his grandpa's jacket.
- Reverse Grip: The stance for his strongest attack, followed by a full circle movement and a bit of Sword Drag.
Kenjuro Kurogane
voiced by: Bin Shimada
Yaiba's father and master, is a happy-go-lucky, lazy man who wanders around the world, but is well known for his skill with the sword. He rarely appears, and he's often shown to be drunk. In the last Arc, is revealed in the beginnging that he might be an impostor who killed Yaiba's true father and kidnapped him. Yaiba will eventually meet him at the Oda Nobunaga Tournament. He actually Is his true father, (his mother lied to Moroha out of despair) who abandoned his wife in order to become a master samurai. In order to test Yaiba's skills, he trains Onimaru untill the latter become as strong as himself and let him fight with Yaiba. He eventually makes peace with Yaiba's mother.
- The Alcoholic: He drinks quite a lot.
- Covert Pervert: Never miss a chance to grope Sayaka's butt. Wait a minute...
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Ohh boy....
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: When he and his wife finally met.
- Demoted to Extra: In the anime, which not only ends earlier, but also shows him only in the very first episode.
- Friend to All Living Things: He's quite a touch with wild animals. As he explain to Onimaru, it's because his spirit his in perfect balance.
- Let's You and Him Fight: He teaches Onimaru everything he knows, so that Yaiba will face someone exactly as powerful as him.
- Master Swordsman: Pratically the strongest swordsman in the series if Onimaru's performance is a hint.
- Noodle Incident: Apparently, he once stole Musashi's sword Kotetsu.
- Old Master: Not really old, but still he taught Yaiba many useful techniques.
- Parental Abandonment: Well, he raised Yaiba in the Jungle, but after that he basically vanishes
- The Rival: To Raizo Mine.
- The Unfought: In 24 volumes he never, ever drew his sword against an opponent.
Raizo Mine
voiced by: Tessho Genda
Sayaka's father, and an espert Kendoka. He's an old rival of Kenjuro.
- Informed Ability: We don't now how skilled he is in kendo.
- The Rival: To Kenjuro
Sayaka's Grandmother
voiced by: Reiko Suzuki
Sayaka's Grandmother, she's an old, small kendoka, and really skilled.
- Broken Pedestal: She was shocked to find out that her Idol Musashi is a withered, tiny old man.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Lightning Bruiser: She's really fast despite her age
- Mama Bear: Almost took on Onimaru when he threatened Sayaka to know Yaiba's whereabouts
- Miniature Senior Citizen
- Never Mess with Granny: She's implied to be far stronger than Raizo.
voiced by: Kappei Yamaguchi
A small nerdy kappa who inhabits the Darkness Orb. After witnessing Yaiba's strong will, he manage to leave the orb as well, but gets captured by Onimaru. He's later fred by Yaiba.
- Amusing Injuries: Poor fellow...
- Big Damn Heroes: Sort of: he pops out the Orb just in time to prevent Yaiba's fall into the Darkness.
- Butt Monkey: Heck, when even the Spiderman can beat the crap out of you....
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Ranma Saotome, Usopp and Inuyasha
- Kappa
voiced by: Shigezo Sasaoka
A giant Kappa that guards the only exit from the Darkness Orb. Yaiba manages to beat him with his new Kazaguruma attack, that break his head-shell.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: He's really big!
- Breath Weapon: Can spit fire
- Fluffy the Terrible: Yaiba and Jubei didn't expect such a terryfing guy...
- I'm a Humanitarian: He apparently lives on those who stay trapped in the Orb
- Kaiju: Yup!
- Kappa: A serious case of Our Kappas Are Different!
voiced by: Kouji Ishii
The Mighty Dragon God, he appears as an old samurai wielding a katana. He's duty is to protect the Earth from Kaguya and other evil threats. After surviving his tasks, Yaiba is allowed to take his power, the Ryujin Orb. Is also reveald that a thousand years earlier he defeated Kaguya and Gekko. After Kaguya's second defeat, he goes away with the Orb. He reappers during the Orochi Arc to stop Onimaru, and in order to protect Yaiba he's hit by Dark's Delta Zone, and he manage to drag the Darkness Demon with him as he's sent to another dimension.
- Badass Moustache
- Battle Aura: and Dragon-Shaped too!
- Cool Old Guy
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: His Battle Aura
- Jerkass: He acts like one at the beginning, but it seems he was just faking it.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Uses one while fighting
- The Magic Goes Away: After Kaguya's defeat, he leaves the world with the Ryujin Orb. He comes back in the Orochi arc.
- Physical God: apparently
- Samurai
- Taking You with Me: To Dark
Nadeshiko Yamato
A Beautiful lady-warrior who appeared in a really short filler story, she wants to marry Yaiba and she's ready to fight for Mine's Dojo. It's revealed that it was a huge misunderstanding...
- Accidental Marriage: When she was really younger, Yaiba saved her from a leopard and she fell in love with him and asked if she could "Cook for Him". And Yaiba accepted.. (granted, he thought she was a chef).
- Blade on a Stick: She uses the "Shinai" version of a naginata. That means, a naginata with a bamboo curved blade.
- Designated Girl Fight: With Sayaka, but only because she had already bet the crap out of Kojiro and Musashi. And no, no Fan Service for you.
- Heroic BSOD: She took a huge shock when Yaiba instantly recognized her as "The Girl who likes cooking!". Poor lad.
- Lady of War
- Pet the Dog: When she runs away after her defeat, Yaiba stops her and encourage her to get even stronger.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Obviously.
- Back to Yaiba