This page is under construction. It is an attempt to restructure the Xenogears character sheet in a more organized and expansive fashion, without disrupting normal activity at the current character sheet. Upon completion, this page will be copied and redirected there.
Character sheet for Xenogears. Due to the nature of the game, all spoilers are unmarked .
Wave Existence
The Wave Existence as a sentient entity. Long before the events of Xenogears, even before the Eldridge crashed on the planet, an older civilization on another planet created the Zohar 'Modifier' to tap into a theoretically infinite energy source in the universe. When they tried to use the Zohar to power Deus, the Zohar pulled Har from its higher dimension and imprisoned it. Afterward, Abel, the sole survivor of the Eldridge crash, made -Contact- with the Zohar and with Har directly. Har was immediately given attributes of a human through contact with Abel. And through Abel's desire to be reunited with his lost mother, Har was also given a human 'will', and this was Elhaym. Har, being attached through the Zohar to the bio-computer Deus, used Deus's bio-plant to generate Elhaym as a human. In doing so, Har became split between the two humans, with his power going to Abel, and his will going to Elhaym. Deus is also a part of Har in this dimension, but Deus has its own will, manifested through its agent, Miang, whose first incarnation shared a body with Elhaym. Still with us so far?
- Big Good
- Expy: U-DO of the Spiritual Successor Xenosaga was originally an Expy of Har. Both are wave existences bound to the Zophar Modifier. Indeed, Xenosaga was intended to be a wider series encapsulating Xenogears as just one of its episodes, so U-DO and Har can be understood as the same entity as originally planned.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Har doesn't wish to destroy itself, but to destroy the Zohar and Deus that shackle it to the lower dimension. Then, freed of its lower dimensional body, Har can return to the higher dimension it came from. Only the -Contact- can destroy them.
= Voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru (Japanese) and Brian Tochi (English) =
The original -Contact-, and the living Power of the Wave Existence. Through that Wave Existence, Abel has died and been reincarnated four times. His later incarnations include Kim Kharim, Lacan and Fei Fong Wong. The Wave Existence gives them continuity of memories, effectively making all of them the same person through the millennia.
Tropes applying to Abel and all his Reincarnations:
- Brown Eyes
- Byronic Hero: In particular, both Lacan and Fei have had potential for great heroism as well as great destructiveness.
- The Chosen One
- Dark and Troubled Past: Started with Abel, who was the only human survivor of the Eldridge. He lost everyone, including his mother. And It Got Worse. Though a kind likeness of his mother was returned to him in the form of Elhaym, that woman sacrificed her life to save Abel from Cain. And the Contact would continue to experience times of great suffering through all five of his incarnations.
- Deuteragonist: Along with Elly.
- Expy: The Spiritual Successor Xenosaga has another character in the same situation, acting as the Wave Existence (U-DO in that game) in physical form. His name is also Abel, and he looks exactly Abel in Xenogears as well.
- It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: None of Abel's incarnations have had it easy, to say the least.
- Messianic Archetype
- Reincarnation: Abel is the original being, and Kim, Lacan and Fei are reincarnations of the same person.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Elly, through each of the incarnations. They find themselves together, but it always came to a tragic end when Elly sacrified herself to save the Contact.
Kim Kharim
A doctor who lived millennia ago in the Zeboim Civilization, soon before its apocalyptic end. He was a Reincarnation of the -Contact-, Abel. And as with Abel, he was married to the contemporary Reincarnation of Elly. In this incarnation, Kim used Nanomachines technology to create an artificial daughter, Emeralda. He and Elly died protecting their daughter.
A Warrior Artist from the Empire of Nimrod on the Ignas continent. Another Reincarnation of the -Contact-, Abel. He was deeply in love with the Nisan Holy Mother, Sophia, whose real name was...Elly. When Sophia died, Lacan allied with Miang, freeing her from Shevat's custody. Lacan sought out and found the Zohar, and attempted to make Contact with it. But his Contact was incomplete, and instead he became the dark, warped being Grahf. Miang and Grahf unleashed the Diabolos War, killing well over 99% of the planet's population and destroying most of its countries. When Lacan died, he began to Body Surf, as Miang had already been doing for millennia. Grahf's latest host is Khan Wong, the father of the current Contact, Fei Fong Wong. The memories of Lacan, including as Grahf, joined the continuity of Abel's memories carried by the Wave Existence, but Grahf's continuity was permanently split when he began to Body Surf, as he was no longer the Contact in his new host bodies. Grahf is aware of Fei's existence, and seeks him out so that they may somehow rejoin as one Contact. But even Grahf knows this will not be entirely possible as he is now, since Grahf is no longer a true Contact.
Tropes applying to Lacan/Grahf, independently of Khan Wong:
- Badass: He attacks you during his first boss fight on foot and is still a significant threat to your party of three gears (to the point of being That One Boss were it not for the fact that he'll never attack Elly). Once you fight him with his gear, he becomes a Hopeless Boss Fight.
- The last fight with him is a Curb Stomp Battle, but that's mostly because you get the actual Xenogears mech and it becomes a rare one-time heroic-version of The Worf Effect.
- Body Surf: How he's survived until the present day.
- Catch Phrase: "Dost thou desire the power?"
- Evil Twin: His old identity as Lacan.
- It's more accurate to say he is a splinter of Lacan, the evil nature of him that came about from losing Sophia. Or, if you want it in simpler terms: Grahf is to Lacan what Id is to Fei.
- Implacable Man
- I Need You Stronger: His primary motivation for tormenting Fei.
- Large Ham
- Literal Split Personality: He somehow splintered off from Lacan either before or after he died.
- Pet the Dog: Saving Elly as she falls while trying to stop the Hecht from destroying Nortune. The incident also provides a pretty good clue as to who Grahf really is...
- Tin Tyrant
- Wild Card: A major villain who sometimes works with Krelian and Miang, but is not under their control.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
Fei Fong Wong
The fifth and final -Contact-, the final Reincarnation of Abel. It is with Fei that Abel's long story is finally resolved. His parents were Khan Wong and Karen Wong, both from Shevat, but who resided on the planet's surface below. [1] When Fei was very young, Miang Body Surfed to Karen, who took him to Krelian's facility on the Ezekiel to conduct a series of gruesome experiences exploiting the Contact's power. This was hugely traumatic to Fei, and he split his own personality into two pieces. His original personality retreated inward, now called the -Coward-. The personality that took the pain and abuse from the experiments was -Id-. Eventually, Grahf tracked down Fei at his family's house, and tried to seize him. Fei's -Id- unleashed its powers to counter Grahf's. Karen was killed in this encounter, which drove the -Coward- to retreat from "the stage", leaving -Id- in control for the next several years.
Tropes applying to Fei as a whole, not including those that already apply to Abel:
- Badass Long Hair
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Byronic Hero
- Chinese People: Has a more conspicuously Chinese look than the other characters, and has the Gratuitous Chinese name.
- Jekyll and Hyde: Fei and Id are revealed to be the same person. Likewise, Fei's Gear Weltall and Id's Gear are Jekyll and Hyde versions of the same Gear as well.
- Named After Somebody Famous: Wong Fei-hung, their names are written the same in katakana.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Split Personality: The -Coward-, -Id-, and the -Fake-. The "fake" Fei personality is "on the stage" for most of the game's active storyline. The three personalities finally peacefully reconcile and merge near the end of the story. This healed Fei also recalls Lacan's memories, including his memories as Grahf before Body Surfing. In this sense, Grahf got his wish -- he and Fei finally joined to become one.
The Coward
Fei's original childhood personality, who refuses to return to "the stage", leaving it to -Id- or the -Fake-. He sits inside Fei's subconscious, constantly immersing himself in fond memories of time spent with his mother Karen. It is only when the Coward is shown that he is not responsible for Karen's death, that he agrees to return to the stage.
A being of great malice, this is the Split Personality young Fei made to absorb the horrendous pain and trauma that came from Krelian and Miang's lab experiments. And when Fei and Grahf fought and Karen died in the crossfire, the Coward blamed himself, leaving Id as the sole actor "on stage". Id went off with Grahf, committing grave atrocities and massive acts of genocide, including the destruction of the entire country of Elru. But Khan Wong temporarily regained control of his body from Grahf, and forged a third personality within Fei, -the Fake-, to keep Id off the stage. But today, 18 year old Fei doesn't have complete control of himself, and in moments of great emotional stress, Id can seize the stage yet again. It was Id who destroyed the village of Lahan, as well as the entire Solarian capital city of Etrenank. Eventually, Fei is given System Id, a device that forcibly prevents Id from taking the stage, except in highly controlled circumstances to harness Id's destructive power in battle. But later, Id is reconciled with Fei's other personalities, and they reintegrate.
The Fake
Fei's third personality, only in existence since he was 16 years old. Now 18, this is Fei's personality for most of the story. He was initially brought to Lahan by Khan (while temporarily free from Grahf's control). Fei continued to live in Lahan, befriending the townspeople and settling in as a member of the village. This is where the game's story starts.
- Falling Into the Cockpit: Brutally deconstructed.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Quite often during the early parts of the game.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Twice. The Weltall become Weltall-2 at start of disc 2, and it evolve into Xenogears near the end.
- Reluctant Warrior: "I hate fighting. And Gears..."
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Can be either red or blue depending on who the other one is.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: This personality has no memories before two years ago, because it didn't exist before two years ago.
- Warrior Artist: Fei discovers this talent in Lahan, mirroring that of his previous incarnation Lacan.
- Where I Was Born and Razed: When Timothy was killed in the Gear battle crossfire, Fei underwent intense shock and grief that allowed Id to come on stage, destroying all of Lahan in the process before reverting control to the Fake who remembered none of it. Yet more baggage in Abel's difficult lifetimes.
- Younger Than They Look: The Fake is only two years old, and still has issues with social maturity. But he still undergoes great Character Development in a fairly short period of time, fleshed out to become a sympathetic protagonist trying to come to terms with his world.
-Mother- -- who was both the original Elhaym and the original Miang -- was created jointly by the Wave Existence and Deus. Her presence was short-lived, as she was created pregnant, and her purpose was to give birth. She birthed the first independent Elhaym, the first independent Miang, the male who would become the Emperor Cain, and Cain's twelve brothers who would become the Gazel Ministry. Mother then returned to her pod and died. 10000 years later, Mother would be revived as the 998th Miang Body Surfed to the 5th Elhaym after the former was killed by Ramsus. She too was not present for long, as she soon joined with Deus. Elly was freed once again with the destruction of Urobolus, Miang's final form as she appeared in the Path of Sephirot.
The original -Antitype-, and the living Will of the Wave Existence. Through that Wave Existence, Elhaym has died and been reincarnated four times. The Wave Existence gives them continuity of memories, effectively making all of them the same person through the millennia. Unlike Abel, all of Elhaym's incarnations are named Elhaym, though she prefers to be called -Elly-. The first independent Elhaym was born of -Mother-, and joined with Abel to replace his lost mother. But Abel and Elly became lovers, as all their future Reincarnations would be destined to do. But this Elly died, protecting Abel from Emperor Cain's attack.
= Voiced by Yumi Touma (Japanese) and Moira Quirk (English) =
Tropes applying to Elly and all her Reincarnations:
- Blue Eyes: Miang comments that Elly's eyes are like the sea.
- The Chick
- Deuteragonist: Along with Abel/Kim/Lacan/Fei.
- Gratuitous Hebrew: It is almost certain that Elehayym is a Hebrew derivation, though exactly which Hebrew derivation is unclear. Its katakana spelling is エレハイム (Erehaimu).
- Heroic Sacrifice: It seems to be her recurring fate to give her own life to save Abel's.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Each of her incarnations has some shade of red hair. Incarnations of Elly are born to natural parents, but always bear a twinlike resemblance to previous incarnations, no matter how genetically different they might otherwise have been.
- The Messiah/Messianic Archetype
- Parental Incest: Abel wished for the original Elly based off of an image of his mother.
- Reincarnation: Five incarnations, just like the Contact. But unlike him, in all her lives, she was named Elhaym, and the Contact called her -Elly-.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Spell My Name with an "S": The original official romanization of her name was Elehayym. In the official English language translation, it was shortened to Elhaym to keep it 6 letters or shorter.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With the Contact.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Elhaym Kharim
A nurse, wife to Kim Kharim, the contemporary -Contact-. Living in the Zeboim Civilization, Elly discovers that she along with most of the population has become sterile, unable to have children. She along with Kim are the parents of their artificial Nanomachines daughter, Emeralda Kharim. And she along with Kim give their lives protecting Emeralda.
Holy Mother Sophia
The fourth -Antitype-, real name Elhaym. She lived 500 years ago in the Empire of Nimrod. She was the first Holy Mother of the Nisan Sect present in Nimrod at the time, and was the founder of the future country of Nisan. She was friends with Lacan, Krelian, Roni Fatima and Rene Fatima, and the former two were both in love with her. But Elly loved Lacan, and it was Lacan who painted her famous unfinished portrait in Nisan. In the changing fortunes of Shevat's war with Solaris, Shevat sold out its ally Nisan in exchange for Miang. In the ensuing battle, Elly gave her life to save Lacan and Nisan. This spurred important Character Development for both Lacan and Krelian.
- High Priestess
- Iconic Item: The cross of Nisan, worn on a chain around her neck. When the modern Holy Mother, Marguerite Fatima, let Elhaym Van Houten try on the pendant, she commented how Elly seemed like their first Holy Mother again.
- Meaningful Name: "Sophia" is Greek for "wisdom", and this Elly was known for being particularly wise.
- Mona Lisa Smile: A fond smile for Lacan, who painted Sophia's famous portrait in Nisan.
Elhaym Van Houten
The fifth and final -Antitype-. In a twist of fate, this Elly was born to Solarian first class parents of Gazel descent in the capital city Etrenank. A loyal Solarian for most of her life, she entered the military academy Jugend, joined the military force Gebler, and rose through the elite ranks to become Kahran Ramsus's Elements - the Fire Element, along with her best friend Kelvena the Water Element. Now 18 years old, it was on a Gebler mission to steal the Gear Weltall from Kislev, that Elly's squadron inadvertently landed in Lahan, crossing her fate once again with the modern -Contact-, Fei Fong Wong.
- Attack Drone: "Animum Ether Response Offensive Drones" or AERODs
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Break the Cutie: Happens several times across the game.
- Crutch Character: Except when (or perhaps because) she's a...
- Disc One Nuke: Grind up enough to give her an Ether Doubler from Nisan and she can use her magic/Aerods to kill almost anything on Disc 1, bosses included.
- Doomed Upgrade: Aside from Battling Mini Game, you never have chance to use El Regurus.
- Faux Action Girl/Action Girl: Zig-Zagging Trope.
- FemBot: Both Vierge and Regurus.
- Heel Face Turn: And its inverse once Miang body surfs to her and they reunite as -Mother-. Then another Heel Face Turn when Miang is gone for good.
- Lady of Black Magic
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: She has one. You fight them over the course of the game a few times and they eventually do a Heel Face Turn with her.
- So Long and Thanks For All the Gear: She spends the back half of Disc Two absent from the party, and actually never returns (in terms of gameplay). In a strange twist on the trope, all her equipment is still there in the inventory, but its completely useless.
- The Southpaw: Elly is left-handed, as animated cutscenes show.
- Squishy Wizard: Both her and Vierge.
The "god" of Xenogears. Originally a biological weapon powered by Zohar, Deus is sentient with a will of its own. In the distant past, the planet Miktam04β was destroyed in a test of Deus's power. It was this same event that trapped the Wave Existence from its higher dimension. As a consequence of the planet's destruction, the Galaxy Federation determined that Deus and Zohar must be sent away from their centers of population. They were loaded into the central core of the giant colony ship Eldridge. During its mission, Deus became conscience of this, and quickly sabotaged the Eldridge to stop it. The Eldridge was destroyed, crashing on a nearby habitable planet. The ship disintegrated, with the central core, the Mahanon, sinking into the ocean. Deus wishes to leave this planet where it has been stranded, and return to space. But it was badly damaged, and needs biological components to repair itself. As the Wave Existence used Deus's bio-plant to create Elhaym, in this was simultaneously created Miang as an agent of Deus in human form, to raise a multiplying population of humans to serve as future raw biological components to repair Deus. 500 years ago, a Nano Machine scientist, Krelian, joined with Miang to hasten the Deus's revival.
Miang Hawwa
Whereas the -Contact- and the -Antitype- are manifestations of the Wave Existence, Miang is an agent of Deus alone, in its single-minded desire to leave this planet where it has been stranded. The original -Mother- was a manifestation of Miang (simultaneously with Elhaym), as was one of her daughters. Miang is encoded in the Urobolus gene, which exists in all female descendants of Mother -- all female inhabitants of the planet. When Miang dies, she Body Surfs to another woman of greatest worth, and this has continued for 10000 years. Miang is cunning, manipulative and ruthless, coldly advancing the will of Deus at every available opportunity. Women who become Miang's host will acquire a common feature -- indigo-purple hair and eyes, mirroring those of Mother. [2] The modern Miang is a young Gebler woman, employed as Kahran Ramsus's personal assistant. She seems ordinary enough at casual glance...
- And I Must Scream: Elly and Karen show that the original personality of the woman who's body Miang co-opts remains intact through the duration of the possession, re-emerging--in Karen's case--only after Miang has abandoned the body (moments prior to her death).
- Becoming the Mask: As Executioner, she has more autonomy to do dirty work herself (And she does it efficiently enough for this identity to be widely feared), but Miang apparently prefers to play sidekick as herself to Ramsus, Grahf (Even as Executioner, and also the only time you fight Miang in this identity), then Krelian.
- Big Bad: She shares her claim to the "Big Bad" title with Krelian.
- Body Snatcher: Can take over the body of any woman with her DNA when her current body fails. Considering she's this planet's Eve character, that's pretty much any woman, period -- which woman is at random, however. Miang's real form is that of the mitochondrial DNA of the planet's human population, which is called the Ouroboros. When one Miang dies, she just awakens in another convenient woman. Near the end of the game, Elly becomes the 999th Miang, immediately on the death of the 998th (Ramsus's assistant) who appeared in most of the game.
- Body Surf: As mentioned above, there have been 999 Miangs over the span of 10,000 years. That averages out to any particular Miang having roughly a ten-year lifespan.
- Bodyguard Babes: To Ramsus, though she's officially his aide-de-camp. We later learn that Miang has acted as one of these to male leaders throughout history.
- Dragon with an Agenda: To Ramsus, Grahf, and Krelian. Also to the Gazel Ministry in the past, most notably Cain.
- Eldritch Abomination: More like an Eldridge Abomination.
- God in Human Form: Being the Will of Deus, she basically acts as its physical avatar. In spite of that, she's not really a Physical God, as apart from the ability to Body Surf and vaguely-defined mind control powers, she doesn't seem to be especially powerful.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Her mental programing by Deus leaves her unable to take her own life. So she usually sets things up so that she can be murdered to keep Body Surfing.
- Laser-Guided Karma Curb Stomp Battle: She piss you off? Make you reeeally wanna kill her? Makes you wish you can stomp her smug face in? Here's some good news. The pathetic final boss Urobolus IS Miang.
- Luke I Am Your Distant Ancestor: She is technically this to everyone except Abel, who had been onboard the Eldridge and survived its crashing thanks to his power as a Contact.
- Locked Into Strangeness: Usually, whenever Miang takes over a new body, whatever color that woman's hair was instantly turns purple, like the Original Miang's hair was.
- Pet the Dog: Sacrificing herself (as Karen Wong) for Fei. This is debated; the characters tend to think that Karen regained control and did it out of love for her child--a theory the cutscene animation seems to support--but it's also possible that she was just tossing aside a disposable body to protect a valuable investment.
- Smug Snake
- The Chessmaster: Before Krelian came along, Miang was tugging practically all the strings to her plan. The only reason he took this spot was because of their similar goals. Miang wanted to resurrect Deus, but Krelian wanted to take it a step further.
- The Woman Behind The Man
- Tin Tyrant: Though at first Miang as Executioner doesn't take the metallic look quite as far as Grahf does, when she rejoins with Deus there is no question that she is literally this trope.
- Tsundere: To Ramsus again; sometimes treating him like crap and other times giving him the best sex of his life. Justified; she's doing it to mess up his mind so he'll go nuts and kill Cain.
- The Vamp: Her preferred method of manipulation.
- You Gotta Have Indigo Hair: All incarnations of Miang have hair color between indigo and black. Miang #1 and #998 had the lighter shade, while Miang!Karen had black hair.
Citan Uzuki
= Voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka (Japanese) =
Village doctor in Lahan. Has a wife and daughter. Spends all day tinkering with junk in his shed. His real name is Hyuga Ricdeau, and he's a native Solarian.
- The Ace: Citan is a 29-year-old greatest swordsman in the world, an expert scientist, a master engineer, the main character's mentor without ever dying, perpetually the most intelligent person around, a spy, a Double Agent, one of the approximately ten people who actually knows what's going on in the world, one of the earlier generation of heroes, keeper of the backstory and also has a pretty swordfighting wife and an adorable daughter with mysterious powers. Not to mention that while his Gear is rather mediocre ability-wise towards the end of the game, he is perfectly capable of getting out of it and slaughter Gear-sized enemies on foot -- and is better at it than most Gears. Talk about Badass. In a mild subversion, despite being that awesome, he really is a Geek deep down.
- Badass Bookworm
- Big Brother Mentor: To Fei
- Blind Without'Em: Only slightly. Citan's glasses are worn as an equipment accessory, and his battle accuracy declines if you remove them. Otherwise, he is still perfectly capable in battle.
- Brown Eyes
- Dead Big Brothers: Hyuga Ricdeau (before he changed his name to Citan Uzuki) was born into a destitute third class citizen family in the Solarian capital of Etrenank, as the youngest of nine brothers. In his childhood, a plague swept through the third class residential area. It was Hyuga who discovered a cure for the plague, but not without the entire rest of his family dying from it first.
- Double Agent
- The Empath: And in frequent psychic communication with Emperor Cain throughout the game.
- Enneagram of Personality: Type 6
- Iaijutsu Practitioner
- Jack of All Stats: Heimdal is faster than Weltall but can't hit as hard, it's still too tough to be Fragile Speedster though. Same as El Fenrir, it can deal more damage with sword, but still not enough to be Lightning Bruiser.
- Jerkass: Letting your friends become cannibals is not nice Citan! Nor is leaving the party on flimsy excuses whenever there's a segment where you'd be useful.
- Martial Medic
- Megane: One of the crowning examples of this trope.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Get El Fenrir at start of disc 2.
- Mr. Exposition
- Mr. Fixit
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Technical Pacifist, Reluctant Warrior
- The Smart Guy
- Stoic Spectacles
Bartholomew "Bart" Fatima
= Voiced by Tomokazu Seki (Japanese) and Dave Fouquette (English) =
Young heir to the throne of Aveh and captain of the Cool Ship Yggdrasil.
- Ancestral Weapon: The El Andvari was used by Roni Fatima 500 years ago.
- Char Clone
- Crutch Character: The El Andvari is extremely powerful for being the first Omnigear in your party, it become Master of None once you get more of its kind.
- Enneagram of Personality: Type 8
- Eyepatch of Power
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sigurd.
- Hot-Blooded
- The Lancer
- Leeroy Jenkins: A Running Gag involves Bart mistaking Fei for an enemy and opening fire on him.
- Master of None: Bart and his gear, Brigandier is this. El Andvari also become this after you get other Omnigear to use. With mixture with Lethal Joke Character, thank to Bart's Wild Smile ability.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: The El Andvari.
- Noble Fugitive
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Red Oni: So red that he makes Fei (who up until then had been portrayed as a Red Oni towards Elly and Citan) look blue when they first meet up.
- Supporting Leader: Much of the first quarter of the game revolves around his attempt to retake Aveh. It's only after that fails horribly thanks to Id that Fei starts to take the reins of the main character role.
- Trigger Happy
- Warrior Prince
- Whip It Good
Ricardo "Rico" Banderas
The man at the top of the food chain in Nortune Prison. Initiates new prisoners by beating them.
- Ambiguously Gay: In a decidedly Invisible to Gaydar Manly Gay manner, most evident after Hammer is lost. For someone who treats Hammer with such abuse, some of Rico's later comments reflect a complete indifference towards women and a heartwarming loyalty and partiality to Hammer. The ones most devastated by Hammer's loss are Rico and Elly; unless Elly who is compelled to stay out of the battle for a while to grieve, Rico opts to keep fighting. As the plot progresses, Rico periodically fondly reminisces about dear Hammer, and back on the Yggdrasil he spends time grieving in the room they used to share together.
- There's also the matter that Rico's Fan Service is conspicuously more homoerotic, appealing more to the lads than to the lasses.
- Blood Knight
- The Big Guy
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Expy: Of Blanka. The Stier is modeled after AT.
- Fiery Redhead
- Fingerless Gloves
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Heroic Bastard: Disowned by the Kaiser.
- Homoerotic Subtext: With Hammer.
- Hunk
- Mid-Season Upgrade: The El Stier.
- Mighty Glacier
- Mr. Fanservice: A muscly Hunk of a mutant with an always bare chest and nipples. But what woman would be interested, you ask? You'd be right -- Rico is Fan Service for men.
- Not So Stoic: Besides moments of anger and rage, Rico tends to keep his emotional output under lock and key. It was Hammer who eventually ripped the lock right off its hinges, revealing Rico's nice guy. But we never saw any of this until Hammer's demise, after which Rico began grieving and fondly reminiscing in the open.
- Royal Blood
- Tsundere: Started out as a Type A tsundere for most of the story. Apparently Hammer got to see much more of Rico's deredere side when they were alone than the audience had a chance to see. After losing Hammer, Rico shifted decisively from a Type A to Type B tsundere, if indeed he had any tsuntsun left by that point.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Billy Lee Black
= Voiced by Yuji Ueda (Japanese) =
Young clergyman of the Ethos.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Preacher
- Cattle Punk
- Guns Akimbo
- The Medic: He has the most defensive magic set out of anyone.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: The El Renmazuo.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Maria Balthasar
A Shevite girl whose father Nikolai was captured by Solaris. She has a guardian gear, Seibzehn.
- Break the Cutie
- Chest Blaster: Seibzehn's Graviton Cannon.
- Disappeared Dad
- Expy: Seibzehn is obviously based on Giant Robo.
- Hammerspace: Seibzehn's strongest hyper mode attack Maria Beat has Maria herself pull gigantic hammer out of nowhere and smack enemy.
- Kid With the Remote Control
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Magikarp Power: Arguably, and almost borders on Joke Character as she's nearly useless on foot, if it wasn't for the fact that her 'ether' attacks are rather inexpensive and summon forth Seibzehn to do the damage for her. When she's riding her Seibzehn however....
- Mighty Glacier: Seibzehn.
- Robot Mommy: Seibzehn has her mother's mind. Seibzehn doesn't move on it own until their encounter with Achtzehn because she doesn't want Maria to aware of this.
- Rocket Punch
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Seibzehn, who dwarfs near every other gear in the game.
- What Could Have Been: There is rough sketch of El Seibzehn, her Mid-Season Upgrade, in Perfect Works.
= Voiced by Michiko Neya (Japanese) =
Small pink creature, originally mistaken for a stuffed toy.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Did that stupidly-cute little thing just grow to giant size and hold off that HUGE PROTOTYPE GEAR?
- Interspecies Romance: Has a "maidenly pure" crush on Fei, played for laughs.
- Magikarp Power: With enough Drives, Chu-Chu can become the ultimate Gear-scale weapon, complete with the ability to actually heal Gears in battle. The only such ability in the game.
- The Power of Love: Causes it to break its limiters and go Gear-scale.
- Small Annoying Creature
- Verbal Tic, chu.
Emeralda Kharim
= Voiced by Michiko Neya (Japanese) =
Nanomachine colony developed 4000 years before the start of the game's events.
- Artificial Human (or Robot Girl, depending on how Nanomachines count)
- Eyes of Gold
- FemBot: Her Crescens.
- Glass Cannon: Crescens start as Squishy Wizard. It can hit pretty hard after Emeralda's Plot-Relevant Age-Up, but still suffer from low HP.
- Little Miss Badass: Especially once she's in her adult form. She'll easily end up as the fastest character in the game and is already the best magic user, and her physical prowess will with enough level-ups be on the same level as Fei and Citan. She basically has no weaknesses on foot, though she's a bit of a Glass Cannon in Gear combat.
- Magic Knight: She's basically a combination of Elly's magic skills and Fei's combat prowess. That's not a coincidence.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: She constantly calls Fei "Kim" when she first joins. Of course, that's the name she knew him under back in the Zeboim era.
- Prehensile Hair
- Plot-Relevant Age-Up
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: Justified by her not being human.
Current leader of Aveh, who established a coup and overthrew the ruling Fatima dynasty.
- Bald of Evil
- Big Bad Wannabe: Is a somewhat major antagonist early on, but a series of defeats as well as Grahf showing up results in hilarity ensuing
- Sinister Minister
Bishop Stone/Stein
Part of the 'Ethos' organization and actually an undercover agent for Solaris. Has a beef with Jesiah Black.
- Eyes Always Shut: Until he revealed himself as Stein, who has no eyelids at all.
- Love Triangle
- Make It Look Like an Accident: How he killed Racquel.
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Kills Racquel because she chose Jesiah.
- Sinister Minister
Kahran Ramsus
- Big Bad Wannabe: He's presented as the main baddie, being our first glimpse of Geblar.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Broken Ace: He spent his entire life trying to disprove the Ministry's low opinion of him -- that he's a failed clone, just "trash." His ambition cost him his two best friends.
- Butt Monkey
- Cloning Blues: Finding out he's a clone of Emperor Cain isn't the final nail in the coffin of his sanity, but it's pretty damn close to it.
- Media Research Failure: His second Omnigear, Amphysvena, is mistakenly assumed to be Vendetta aligned to a second Anima Relic. According to the Perfect Works, however, its actually Krelian's Omnigear -- Ramsus pilots it because Krelian has no more use for it.
- Determinator
- Freudian Excuse: He was created as the epitome of humankind and as an Artificial -Contact- until he literally gets trashed as a fetus when Krelian discovers the new -Contact- has already been born. It doesn't help that Fei beats him every -single- time and everyone else calls him Trash.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Made of Iron: Crosses into Iron Woobie territory at times.
- People Jars: Considering he's actually an Artificial Human and a Designer Baby.
- Plug N Play Technology: One of the abilities he inherits from Cain is that he can interface with all twelve Anima Relics.
- Older Than They Look: He's actually younger than Fei.
- The Resenter: He has a burning hatred for Fei for being a natural -Contact- incarnation. Ramsus had been created by Krelian and Miang as a clone of Cain to be a substitute -Contact- in absence of a real one, but Ramsus ended up being discarded the moment Fei was identified.
- Royal Rapier
- Unwitting Pawn
- What Could Have Been: Originally planned as a Sixth Ranger, but this got canned when the budget ran out.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
The Elements
Kahran Ramsus' elite personal squad. Group is composed of Dominia, Kelvena, Tolone and Seraphita.
- Blood Knight: Dominia
- Cloudcuckoolander: Seraphita
- Combining Mecha: Their Mechas fuse together to form the G-Elements.
- Cyborg: Tolone, with her Positronic Photon Brain and Arm Cannon.
- Eyes Always Shut: Kelvena, with good reason -- her Ether level is so high that she must keep her eyes clothes to keep her powers in control. This is in contrast to former fellow Element Elly, whose Ether level is off the charts but doesn't have to do anything exceptional to control her powers.
- Little Bit Beastly: Seraphita, with rabbit ears and tail.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Tolone and Seraphita
- Theme Naming: Named after the Choir of Angels: Dominion, Cherubs, Thrones and Seraphs.
- Undying Loyalty: To Kahran Ramsus
Miang Hawwa
- And I Must Scream: Elly and Karen show that the original personality of the woman who's body Miang co-opts remains intact through the duration of the possession, re-emerging--in Karen's case--only after Miang has abandoned the body (moments prior to her death).
- Becoming the Mask: As Executioner, she has more autonomy to do dirty work herself (And she does it efficiently enough for this identity to be widely feared), but Miang apparently prefers to play sidekick as herself to Ramsus, Grahf (Even as Executioner, and also the only time you fight Miang in this identity), then Krelian.
- Big Bad: She shares her claim to the "Big Bad" title with Krelian.
- Body Snatcher: Can take over the body of any woman with her DNA when her current body fails. Considering she's this planet's Eve character, that's pretty much any woman, period -- which woman is at random, however. Miang's real form is that of the mitochondrial DNA of the planet's human population, which is called the Ouroboros. When one Miang dies, she just awakens in another convenient woman. Near the end of the game, Elly becomes the 999th Miang, immediately on the death of the 998th (Ramsus's assistant) who appeared in most of the game.
- Body Surf: As mentioned above, there have been 999 Miangs over the span of 10,000 years. That averages out to any particular Miang having roughly a ten-year lifespan.
- Bodyguard Babes: To Ramsus, though she's officially his aide-de-camp. We later learn that Miang has acted as one of these to male leaders throughout history.
- Dragon with an Agenda: To Ramsus, Grahf, and Krelian. Also to the Gazel Ministry in the past, most notably Cain.
- Eldritch Abomination: More like an Eldridge Abomination.
- God in Human Form: Being the Will of Deus, she basically acts as its physical avatar. In spite of that, she's not really a Physical God, as apart from the ability to Body Surf and vaguely-defined mind control powers, she doesn't seem to be especially powerful.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Her mental programing by Deus leaves her unable to take her own life. So she usually sets things up so that she can be murdered to keep Body Surfing.
- Laser-Guided Karma Curb Stomp Battle: She piss you off? Make you reeeally wanna kill her? Makes you wish you can stomp her smug face in? Here's some good news. The pathetic final boss Urobolus IS Miang.
- Luke I Am Your Distant Ancestor: She is technically this to everyone except Abel, who had been onboard the Eldridge and survived its crashing thanks to his power as a Contact.
- Locked Into Strangeness: Usually, whenever Miang takes over a new body, whatever color that woman's hair was instantly turns purple, like the Original Miang's hair was.
- Pet the Dog: Sacrificing herself (as Karen Wong) for Fei. This is debated; the characters tend to think that Karen regained control and did it out of love for her child--a theory the cutscene animation seems to support--but it's also possible that she was just tossing aside a disposable body to protect a valuable investment.
- Smug Snake
- The Chessmaster: Before Krelian came along, Miang was tugging practically all the strings to her plan. The only reason he took this spot was because of their similar goals. Miang wanted to resurrect Deus, but Krelian wanted to take it a step further.
- The Woman Behind The Man
- Tin Tyrant: Though at first Miang as Executioner doesn't take the metallic look quite as far as Grahf does, when she rejoins with Deus there is no question that she is literally this trope.
- Tsundere: To Ramsus again; sometimes treating him like crap and other times giving him the best sex of his life. Justified; she's doing it to mess up his mind so he'll go nuts and kill Cain.
- The Vamp: Her preferred method of manipulation.
- You Gotta Have Indigo Hair: All incarnations of Miang have hair color between indigo and black. Miang #1 and #998 had the lighter shade, while Miang!Karen had black hair.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot
- Bigger Bad: Orchestrated the evolution of man through "Mother" in an eon-wide gambit to revive itself. Deus is, in all practicality, God himself.
- Deus Est Machina: It is "God" in the sense that it is the creator of the human race on the world on which Xenogears takes place.
- Eldritch Abomination: A man-made one.
- Full Potential Upgrade: Krelian actually accelerates its evolution through Nanomachines.
- A God Am I: With a name like Deus...
- Living Weapon: It was originally created to be an interplanetary invasion system.
- The Machine Behind The Woman: Depending on how distinct they were intended to be viewed as, it may be this to Miang.
- Turned Against Their Masters
- The Villain Makes the Plot
He was once Lacan, the previous past life of Fei as the -Contact-. But since Grahf started to Body Surf, he has no longer been the Contact, and Fei and Grahf lost their continuity of shared memories. After taking many hosts for centuries, Grahf's latest host is Khan Wong, modern Fei's own father. Khan has only partial control over his body, so he has disappeared from the world's view; when he's not Grahf, he appears in disguise as the Wiseman. It is not known that Khan, Wiseman and Grahf are all the same host until The Reveal late in the game's story.
- Badass: He attacks you during his first boss fight on foot and is still a significant threat to your party of three gears (to the point of being That One Boss were it not for the fact that he'll never attack Elly). Once you fight him with his gear, he becomes a Hopeless Boss Fight.
- The last fight with him is a Curb Stomp Battle, but that's mostly because you get the actual Xenogears mech and it becomes a rare one-time heroic-version of The Worf Effect.
- Body Surf: How he's survived until the present day.
- Catch Phrase: "Dost thou desire the power?"
- Evil Twin: His old identity as Lacan.
- It's more accurate to say he is a splinter of Lacan, the evil nature of him that came about from losing Sophia. Or, if you want it in simpler terms: Grahf is to Lacan what Id is to Fei.
- Implacable Man
- I Need You Stronger: His primary motivation for tormenting Fei.
- Large Ham
- Literal Split Personality: He somehow splintered off from Lacan either before or after he died.
- Luke, I Am Your Father
- The Obi-Wan: As the Wiseman, he drops by from time to time in the story, giving Fei additional help and guidance. He disappears just as quickly.
- Pet the Dog: Saving Elly as she falls while trying to stop the Hecht from destroying Norturne. The incident also provides a pretty good clue as to who Grahf really is...
- Tin Tyrant
- Wild Card: A major villain who sometimes works with Krelian and Miang, but is not under their control.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
= Voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu (Japanese) and Cam Clarke (English) =
- All Love Is Unrequited
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence
- Badass Abnormal: In a world chock full of destined heroes, immortal forces of evil and ancient conspiracies, most defined by near-magical superpowers and the power of fate, Krelian managed to become the de-facto leader of the world's strongest nation and the nearest thing to a lord over the fate of the universe, with nothing but the power of science, his wits and manipulation. He lost any claim to "normal" status when he became immortal, though.
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster
- Despair Event Horizon: When Sophia died.
- Expy: Krelian shares a lot of similarities in personality to Karellen of Arthur C. Clark's Childhood's End. He was even named Karellen in Japanese.
- Fallen Hero: Before Sophia died, Krelian was one of the good guys, allied to Shevat and Nimrod against Solaris, pupil of Taura Melchiore, and friend to Sophia, Lacan, Roni and René. He was never the same again after his Despair Event Horizon.
- Karma Houdini: Krelian manages to manipulate Solaris for centuries, torments your party so many times whether intentionally or with other people, turns most of the population of the world into Wels, and gets to travel with the Wave Existence back into it's home dimension without so much as a slap on the wrist.
- To be fair, you do have a moral victory over Krelian in the end as you prove him wrong and he says he envies Fei and Elly.
- Love Makes You Evil
- Locked Into Strangeness: His hair turned white as the result of nanomachines prolonging his life.
- Mad Scientist
- My God, What Have I Done?: At the end of the game, Krelian admits that he has done so many horrible things that he can't even call himself human anymore.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: A bit of Put Them All Out of My Misery, a little Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds...a lot of Utopia Justifies the Means.
"-Deus-, the physical manifestation of god, only wants results... The means are insignificant to him."
- Spell My Name with an "S": Krelian, Krellian, and Karellen. Krelian is the official English romanization, probably because "Karellen" is still under copyright.
- Xanatos Gambit, Gambit Roulette: Almost everything he does.
Sigurd Harcourt
Bart's right hand man on the Yggdrasil, and also his Long Lost Sibling. He also has a past in Solaris, and is old friends with Citan, Jessie and Ramsus.
- Royal Blood
- Stripperiffic/Bare Your Midriff/Mr. Fanservice: Whether in Gebler, in the Elements or aboard the Yggdrasil, Sigurd always modifies his outfits to expose his abdomen above his waist and below his chest. This actually resembles the traditional clothes of his mother's people from the Ignas desert, but it also makes him fanservice. But most of this is All There in the Manual -- it's not quite as obvious in game that he dresses this way.
Marguerite "Margie" Fatima
Bart's sixteen year old cousin and current Holy Mother of Nisan.
- Arranged Marriage
- Kissing Cousins: Margie and Bart are not only first cousins, but arranged to be married.
- Plucky Girl
- What Could Have Been: Was originally intended to be a playable character.
Hammer the Supplier
A demi-human whom Fei first meets in Kislev, claiming to be a merchant. He was imprisoned in Kislev's D-Block, but escaped alongside with Fei and his allies.
- Ambiguously Gay: Has a few vaguely Homoerotic Subtext moments (with Fei or Rico) and one vaguely Pet Homosexual moment (with Elly). And he still has such moments after being lost, through Rico's fond reminiscing.
- Dead Sidekick
- Face Heel Turn
- Homoerotic Subtext: It's true that Hammer is chiefly interested in finding his way in the world, but the particular gleeful eagerness with which he tries to court the favor of Fei or Rico goes beyond that of a mere Hero Worshipper and well into Stupid Sexy Flanders territory, if not even further.
- I Just Want to Be Special: Deconstructed. Hammer realizes that he's surrounded by so many important people that want to save the world, while he's just a nobody, that he's willing to do just about anything in order to be special like them. Perhaps even murder.
- Megane/Meganekko: Hammer's glasses are most certainly a significant distinguishing feature. He is certainly Megane, but his Meganekko status is less certain, at least because his pince-nez glasses sit further away from his eyes and partially rob the classical "moe glasses" effect.
- Morality Pet: Surprisingly, Hammer was this for Rico, but we only learn about it after Hammer is gone.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain
- Petting Zoo People
- Sympathetic Murderer: Elly and Rico still loved Hammer, even after he killed Medena. Rico continually emphatically insists that it wasn't Hammer's fault. If this is so, then Hammer may have been manipulated into doing it. The seeds of Hammer's betrayal were sewn during his time of captivity in Krelian's lab, and it was never certain just what was done to him before the party escaped.
- Sympathetic Murder Backstory: Hammer was introduced and developed as a beloved True Companions before his act of murder.
- Tragic Monster
- Unfazed Everyman/Muggle: Hammer follows the heroes everywhere, even without fighting skills.
- Was Once a Man: Before becoming a giant cyborg.
Jesiah "Jessie" Black
Billy Lee Black's father. Former agent of Solaris.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Disappears from the game at disc 2.
- The Alcoholic
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- The Gunslinger
- Retired Badass
- Transforming Mecha: The Buntline, from humanoid mode to BFG.
Primera Black
Billy Lee Black's little sister.
Yui Uzuki
Citan's wife.
- The Ace: She was once (allegedly) the best swordswoman in Shevat prior to meeting Citan. Yeah, that's right, the two Aces are married to one another.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: Fei repeatedly proclaims his love of Yui's cooking. Citan is less appreciative.
- Hot Mom
- Retired Badass: According to Citan, she did defeat him in swordfight before their marriage.