< Xenogears


Character sheet for Xenogears. Due to the nature of the game, all spoilers are unmarked .

Playable Protagonists


Fei Fong Wong

= Voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru (Japanese) and Brian Tochi (English) =

Eighteen year old painter and martial artist from the small village of Lahan, and the main character of the game. Also known as Abel, the -Contact-, Kim Kharim, Lacan, Grahf, Id, and the -Coward-.[1]


Elhaym "Elly" Van Houten

= Voiced by Yumi Touma (Japanese) and Moira Quirk (English) =

Eighteen year old lieutenant in Gebler, Solaris' surface expeditionary force. As known as the -Anti-type-, and in a past life as the Holy Mother Sophia.


Citan Uzuki

= Voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka (Japanese) and Milton Jones (English) =

Village doctor in Lahan. Has a wife and daughter. Spends all day tinkering with junk in his shed. His real name is Hyuga Ricdeau, and he's a native Solarian.


Bartholomew "Bart" Fatima

= Voiced by Tomokazu Seki (Japanese) and Dave Fouquette (English) =

Young heir to the throne of Aveh and captain of the Cool Ship Yggdrasil.


Ricardo "Rico" Banderas

The man at the top of the food chain in Nortune Prison. Initiates new prisoners by beating them.

  • Ambiguously Gay: In a decidedly Invisible to Gaydar Manly Gay manner, most evident after Hammer is lost. For someone who treats Hammer with such abuse, some of Rico's later comments reflect a complete indifference towards women and a heartwarming loyalty and partiality to Hammer. The ones most devastated by Hammer's loss are Rico and Elly; unless Elly who is compelled to stay out of the battle for a while to grieve, Rico opts to keep fighting. As the plot progresses, Rico periodically fondly reminisces about dear Hammer, and back on the Yggdrasil he spends time grieving in the room they used to share together.
    • There's also the matter that Rico's Fan Service is conspicuously more homoerotic, appealing more to the lads than to the lasses.
  • The Big Guy: The strongest physical fighter in the party.
  • Blood Knight: You find him as the champion of Kislev's arena, motivated only by the idea of fighting other strong warriors.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After you manage to become the champion, he joins the party.
  • Expy: Of Blanka. The Stier is modeled after AT.
  • Fiery Redhead: He's a red-headed Blood Knight.
  • Fingerless Gloves: Part of his tough-guy outfit.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars
  • Heroic Bastard: Disowned by the Kaiser.
  • Homoerotic Subtext: With Hammer.
  • Hunk
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: The El Stier.
  • Mighty Glacier: Both Stier and El Stier are some of the slowest gears in the game, but it's with out a doubt one of the heaviest hitting ones in the game. And due to either a glitch or a mistranslation, even though Maria's final frame upgrade says it gives more health, it actually gives 2000 hp's less than rico's making it the bulkiest gear in the game. In general, this applies to Rico as well, but...
  • Mr. Fanservice: A muscly Hunk of a mutant with an always bare chest and nipples. But what woman would be interested, you ask? You'd be right—Rico is Fan Service for men.
  • Not So Stoic: Besides moments of anger and rage, Rico tends to keep his emotional output under lock and key. It was Hammer who eventually ripped the lock right off its hinges, revealing Rico's nice guy. But we never saw any of this until Hammer's demise, after which Rico began grieving and fondly reminiscing in the open.
  • Royal Blood: He's the Kaiser's bastard son.
  • Tsundere: Started out as a Type A tsundere for most of the story. Apparently, Hammer got to see much more of Rico's deredere side when they were alone than the audience had a chance to see. After losing Hammer, Rico shifted decisively from a Type A to Type B tsundere, if indeed he had any tsuntsun left by that point.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: He never feels the need to wear a shirt.

Billy Lee Black

= Voiced by Yuji Ueda (Japanese) =

Young clergyman of the Ethos.


Maria Balthasar

A Shevite girl whose father Nikolai was captured by Solaris. She has a guardian gear Seibzehn.

  • Break the Cutie: When she learns what happened to her father.
  • Chest Blaster: Seibzehn's Graviton Cannon.
  • Disappeared Dad
  • Expy: Seibzehn is obviously based on Giant Robo.
  • Hammerspace: Seibzehn's strongest hyper mode attack Maria Beat has Maria herself pull gigantic hammer out of nowhere and smack enemy.
  • Kid With the Remote Control: She's incredibly weak in human battles, but her Gear is one of the strongest ones.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: One of Seibzehn's attacks.
  • Magikarp Power: Arguably, and almost borders on Joke Character as she's nearly useless on foot, if it wasn't for the fact that her 'ether' attacks are rather inexpensive and summon forth Seibzehn to do the damage for her. When she's riding her Seibzehn, however....
  • Mighty Glacier: Seibzehn.
  • Robot Mommy: Seibzehn has her mother's mind. Seibzehn doesn't move on it own until their encounter with Achtzehn because she doesn't want Maria to aware of this.
  • Rocket Punch: One of Seibzehn's attacks.
  • Small Girl, Big Gun: Seibzehn, who dwarfs near every other gear in the game.
  • Token Mini-Moe: She's just a kid, but is part of the main party thanks to Seibzehn's strength.


= Voiced by Michiko Neya (Japanese) =

Small pink creature, originally mistaken for a stuffed toy.


Emeralda Kharim

= Voiced by Michiko Neya (Japanese) =

Nanomachine colony developed 4000 years before the start of the game's events.




Current leader of Aveh, who established a coup and overthrew the ruling Fatima dynasty.


Bishop Stone/Stein

Part of the 'Ethos' organization and actually an undercover agent for Solaris. Has a beef with Jesiah Black.


Kahran Ramsus

  • Big Bad Wannabe: He's presented as the main baddie, being our first glimpse of Geblar.
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Broken Ace: He spent his entire life trying to disprove the Ministry's low opinion of him—that he's a failed clone, just "trash." His ambition cost him his two best friends.
  • Butt Monkey: His first memory is of people talking about him as a failure before he was even born. And it doesn't get better for him.
  • Cloning Blues: Finding out he's a clone of Emperor Cain isn't the final nail in the coffin of his sanity, but it's pretty damn close to it.
  • Determinator: He will go to any length to defeat Fei and prove he's not a failure.
  • Freudian Excuse: He was created as the epitome of humankind and as an Artificial -Contact- until he literally gets trashed as a fetus when Krelian discovers the new -Contact- has already been born. It doesn't help that Fei beats him every -single- time, and everyone else calls him Trash.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: After you defeat him a couple of times, you start to feel sorry for the poor guy even as he's desperately trying to kill you.
  • Made of Iron: Crosses into Iron Woobie territory at times.
  • People Jars: Considering he's actually an Artificial Human and a Designer Baby.
  • Plug N Play Technology: One of the abilities he inherits from Cain is that he can interface with all twelve Anima Relics.
  • The Resenter: He has a burning hatred for Fei for being a natural -Contact- incarnation. Ramsus had been created by Krelian and Miang as a clone of Cain to be a substitute -Contact- in absence of a real one, but Ramsus ended up being discarded the moment Fei was identified.
  • Royal Rapier: His weapon of choice.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Miang started manipulating him while he wasn't still born.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Younger Than They Look: He's actually younger than Fei.
Dominia, Kelvena, Tolone and Seraphita

The Elements

Kahran Ramsus' elite personal squad. Group is composed of Dominia, Kelvena, Tolone and Seraphita.

  • Blood Knight: Dominia.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Seraphita.
  • Combining Mecha: Their Mechas fuse together to form the G-Elements.
  • Cyborg: Tolone, with her Positronic Photon Brain and Arm Cannon.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Kelvena, with good reason—her Ether level is so high that she must keep her eyes clothes to keep her powers in control. This is in contrast to former fellow Element Elly, whose Ether level is off the charts but doesn't have to do anything exceptional to control her powers.
  • Little Bit Beastly: Seraphita, with rabbit ears and tail.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: You have to fight them several times. Each time, they engage in a bit of funny dialogue before the fight.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Tolone and Seraphita.
  • Theme Naming: Named after the Choir of Angels: Dominion, Cherubs, Thrones and Seraphs.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Each role is shared by two members.
    • Tomboys: Dominia and Tolone.
    • Girly Girls: Kelvena and Seraphita.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Kahran Ramsus.
Four of the Surviving Eight.

Gazel Ministry

The head Ministry that controls Solaris and behind many of the planned genocides and wars that have occurred over the many, many years since created by Deus.

  • All There in the Manual: Perfect Works says the names of the Ministers are Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael, Lamech, Jabal, Jubal and Tubal.
  • A God Am I: What the Ministry believe resurrecting Deus will mean for them.
  • The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: Part of the reason why Xenogears' story is confusing at times is trying to figure out just WHAT these guys are talking about half the time.
  • The Reveal:Kinda obvious when you think about it, but the Gazel Ministry are actually A.I. kept in a huge spherical computer.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: All Krelian needed the ministry for was to activate the Gaetia Key. Once that's done...
Miang, specifically her 998th incarnation

Miang Hawwa

  • And I Must Scream: Elly and Karen show that the original personality of the woman who's body Miang co-opts remains intact through the duration of the possession, re-emerging—in Karen's case—only after Miang has abandoned the body (moments prior to her death).
  • Becoming the Mask: As Executioner, she has more autonomy to do dirty work herself (and she does it efficiently enough for this identity to be widely feared), but Miang apparently prefers to play sidekick as herself to Ramsus, Grahf (even as Executioner, and also the only time you fight Miang in this identity), then Krelian.
  • Big Bad: She shares her claim to the "Big Bad" title with Krelian.
  • Bodyguard Babes: To Ramsus, though she's officially his aide-de-camp. We later learn that Miang has acted as one of these to male leaders throughout history.
  • Body Snatcher: Can take over the body of any woman with her DNA when her current body fails. Considering she's this planet's Eve character, that's pretty much any woman, period—which woman is at random, however. Miang's real form is that of the mitochondrial DNA of the planet's human population, which is called the Ouroboros. When one Miang dies, she just awakens in another convenient woman. Near the end of the game, Elly becomes the 999th Miang, immediately on the death of the 998th (Ramsus's assistant) who appeared in most of the game.
  • Body Surf: As mentioned above, there have been 999 Miangs over the span of 10,000 years. That averages out to any particular Miang having roughly a ten-year lifespan.
  • The Chessmaster: Before Krelian came along, Miang was tugging practically all the strings to her plan. The only reason he took this spot was because of their similar goals. Miang wanted to resurrect Deus, but Krelian wanted to take it a step further.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: To Ramsus, Grahf, and Krelian. Also to the Gazel Ministry in the past, most notably Cain.
  • Eldritch Abomination: More like an Eldridge Abomination.
  • God in Human Form: Being the Will of Deus, she basically acts as its physical avatar. In spite of that, she's not really a Physical God, as apart from the ability to Body Surf and vaguely-defined mind control powers, she doesn't seem to be especially powerful.
  • Humanoid Abomination
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: Her mental programing by Deus leaves her unable to take her own life. So she usually sets things up so that she can be murdered to keep Body Surfing.
  • Laser-Guided Karma Curb Stomp Battle: She piss you off? Make you reeeally wanna kill her? Makes you wish you can stomp her smug face in? Here's some good news. The pathetic final boss Urobolus IS Miang.
  • Locked Into Strangeness: Usually, whenever Miang takes over a new body, whatever color that woman's hair was instantly turns purple, like the Original Miang's hair was.
  • Luke I Am Your Distant Ancestor: She is technically this to everyone except Abel, who had been on board the Eldridge and survived its crashing thanks to his power as a Contact.
  • Pet the Dog: Sacrificing herself (as Karen Wong) for Fei. This is debated; the characters tend to think that Karen regained control and did it out of love for her child: a theory the cutscene animation seems to support—but it's also possible that she was just tossing aside a disposable body to protect a valuable investment.
  • Smug Snake: She's pretty callous towards both her victims and the people she's manipulating into helping her.
  • Tin Tyrant: Though at first Miang as Executioner doesn't take the metallic look quite as far as Grahf does, when she rejoins with Deus there is no question that she is literally this trope.
  • Tsundere: To Ramsus again; sometimes treating him like crap and other times giving him the best sex of his life. Justified; she's doing it to mess up his mind so he'll go nuts and kill Cain.
  • The Vamp: Her preferred method of manipulation.
  • The Woman Behind The Man
  • You Gotta Have Indigo Hair: All incarnations of Miang have hair color between indigo and black. Miang #1 and #998 had the lighter shade, while Miang!Karen had black hair.




He was once Lacan, the previous past life of Fei as the -Contact-. But since Grahf started to Body Surf, he has no longer been the Contact, and Fei and Grahf lost their continuity of shared memories. After taking many hosts for centuries, Grahf's latest host is Khan Wong, modern Fei's own father. Khan has only partial control over his body, so he has disappeared from the world's view; when he's not Grahf, he appears in disguise as the Wiseman. It is not known that Khan, Wiseman and Grahf are all the same host until The Reveal late in the game's story.

  • Badass: He attacks you during his first boss fight on foot and is still a significant threat to your party of three gears (to the point of being That One Boss were it not for the fact that he'll never attack Elly). Once you fight him with his gear, he becomes a Hopeless Boss Fight.
    • The last fight with him is a Curb Stomp Battle, but that's mostly because you get the actual Xenogears mech and it becomes a rare one-time heroic-version of The Worf Effect.
  • Body Surf: How he's survived until the present day.
  • Catch Phrase: "Dost thou desire the power?"
  • Evil Twin: His old identity as Lacan.
    • It's more accurate to say he is a splinter of Lacan, the evil nature of him that came about from losing Sophia. Or, if you want it in simpler terms: Grahf is to Lacan what Id is to Fei.
  • Implacable Man: After fighting against your party of three Humongous Mechas without using his mecha and barely losing, he still keeps going after you.
  • I Need You Stronger: His primary motivation for tormenting Fei.
  • Large Ham: Every time he appears to help a boss you just defeated, he feels the need to repeat his "dost thou desire the power speech. The listener usually has no idea what he's talking about.
  • Literal Split Personality: He somehow splintered off from Lacan either before or after he died.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father
  • The Obi-Wan: As the Wiseman, he drops by from time to time in the story, giving Fei additional help and guidance. He disappears just as quickly.
  • Pet the Dog: Saving Elly as she falls while trying to stop the Hecht from destroying Norturne. The incident also provides a pretty good clue as to who Grahf really is...
  • Power Gives You Wings: Weltall Alpha doesn't has wings when Khan pilot it.
  • Super Prototype: The Weltall Alpha.
  • Tin Tyrant: Well, he does have to keep his identity hidden.
  • Wild Card: A major villain who sometimes works with Krelian and Miang, but is not under their control.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: After you see his Start of Darkness and how things went bad for him and Krelian.


= Voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu (Japanese) and Cam Clarke (English) =

"-Deus-, the physical manifestation of god, only wants results... The means are insignificant to him."


Emperor Cain

Emperor Cain

Emperor of Solaris and the first human created by Deus. Is described many times as the Big Bad, but the truth is much different then realized...

  • The Atoner: Everything he does to help Fei is because he still feels guilty for killing Abel all those years ago.
  • Big Bad: Until Krelian came along, Cain essentially was the one in charge of Solaris for all those millennia.
  • Good All Along: You think he's on the Gazel Ministry's side, but he's actually doing whatever he can to get in their way.
  • Heel Realization: It isn't stated when exactly this happened, but Emperor Cain eventually turned against his original destiny and seeks to do everything possible to prevent Deus' resurrection.
  • Kicked Upstairs: Krelian is actually the one who controls Solaris, so this is basically what Cain has been reduced to for the last 500 years.
  • The Man Behind the Curtain: It may not seem like in in a first playthrough, but everything Cain does or orders Citan to do is in order to help out Fei as he is the best hope for humanity to survive.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: If you don't count the Gazel Ministry who were turned into A.I. centuries ago, Cain is literally the oldest human on the planet at nearly ten thousand years old.
  • The Reveal: Subverted. When Ramsus kills Cain, his mask gets knocked off only to reveal a black, charred husk of a man. Though most fans tend to agree that since Ramsus is a clone of Cain, then that is what he looked like.

Sigurd Harcourt

Bart's right hand man on the Yggdrasil, and also his Long Lost Sibling. He also has a past in Solaris, and is old friends with Citan, Jessie and Ramsus.

  • Royal Blood: He's actually Bart's half-brother.
  • Stripperiffic/Bare Your Midriff/Mr. Fanservice: Whether in Gebler, in the Elements or aboard the Yggdrasil, Sigurd always modifies his outfits to expose his abdomen above his waist and below his chest. This actually resembles the traditional clothes of his mother's people from the Ignas desert, but it also makes him fanservice. But most of this is All There in the Manual: it's not quite as obvious in game that he dresses this way.

Marguerite "Margie" Fatima

Bart's sixteen year old cousin and current Holy Mother of Nisan.


Hammer the Supplier

A demi-human whom Fei first meets in Kislev, claiming to be a merchant. He was imprisoned in Kislev's D-Block, but escaped alongside with Fei and his allies.

  • Ambiguously Gay: Has a few vaguely Homoerotic Subtext moments (with Fei or Rico) and one vaguely Pet Homosexual moment (with Elly). And he still has such moments after being lost, through Rico's fond reminiscing.
  • Dead Sidekick: Mostly for Fei, Elly and Rico after Hammer forces them to kill him.
  • Face Heel Turn
  • Homoerotic Subtext: It's true that Hammer is chiefly interested in finding his way in the world, but the particular gleeful eagerness with which he tries to court the favor of Fei or Rico goes beyond that of a mere Hero Worshipper and well into Stupid Sexy Flanders territory, if not even further.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Deconstructed. Hammer realizes that he's surrounded by so many important people that want to save the world, while he's just a nobody, that he's willing to do just about anything in order to be special like them. Perhaps even murder.
  • Megane/Meganekko: Hammer's glasses are most certainly a significant distinguishing feature. He is certainly Megane, but his Meganekko status is less certain, at least because his pince-nez glasses sit further away from his eyes and partially rob the classical "moe glasses" effect.
  • Morality Pet: Surprisingly, Hammer was this for Rico, but we only learn about it after Hammer is gone.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: He feels becoming this is the only way to get the heroes to take him seriously.
  • Petting Zoo People: He's an half-human mutant.
  • Sympathetic Murderer: Elly and Rico still loved Hammer, even after he killed Medena. Rico continually emphatically insists that it wasn't Hammer's fault. If this is so, then Hammer may have been manipulated into doing it. The seeds of Hammer's betrayal were sewn during his time of captivity in Krelian's lab, and it was never certain just what was done to him before the party escaped.
  • Tragic Monster: What he becomes after his Face Heel Turn.
  • Unfazed Everyman: Hammer follows the heroes everywhere, even without fighting skills.
  • Was Once a Man: Before becoming a giant cyborg.

Jesiah "Jessie" Black

Billy Lee Black's father. Former agent of Solaris.

Primera Black

Billy Lee Black's little sister.

Yui Uzuki

Citan's wife.

  • The Ace: She was once (allegedly) the best swordswoman in Shevat prior to meeting Citan. Yeah, that's right: the two Aces are married to one another.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Fei repeatedly proclaims his love of Yui's cooking. Citan is less appreciative.
  • Hot Mom
  • Retired Badass: According to Citan, she did defeat him in swordfight before their marriage.
  1. Though Grahf was originally Lacan, his personality and memories permanently diverged when he started to Body Surf 500 years before, and so that Grahf has his own character section further down the page.
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