Xam'd: Lost Memories/Characters
The characters of Xam'd: Lost Memories.
Main Characters
Akiyuki Takehara
Voiced by Atsushi Abe (Japanese), Blake Shepard (English)
I want to live...
An ordinary high school student, sixteen year old Akiyuki lived in Sentan Island with his two best friends Furuichi and Haru. He was changed into a Xam'd following a terrorist attack on his hometown. Because of this, Akiyuki is forced to leave his former life behind and follow Nakiami, a mysterious girl who can help him control his newfound power as a Xam'd.
- Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: Averted. While the separation between Akiyuki and Haru does strain their relationship, their feelings never waver.
- Always Save the Girl: Akiyuki's and Furuichi's first thought after the bus bombing? Haru.
- Always Someone Better: Had a bit of this when Raigyo came along.
- Betty: To Furuichi's Veronica.
- Brown Eyes
- The Chosen One
- Deadpan Snarker: Quite so in the beginning of the series.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Akiyuki's hair subtly becomes longer as the series goes on.
- Foil: To both his mentor Nakiami and his rival Furuchi.
- The Hero
- Home, Sweet Home: All Akiyuki wants to do is go home... but he soon realizes how complicated that would be.
- Hot-Blooded: At times.
- I Owe You My Life: A big key element to the strength of Akiyuki's bond with Nakiami is the fact that she saved his life, and his gradual gratitude for it.
- Loss of Identity: Received Laser-Guided Amnesia after Episode 14. He got better in Episode 19.
- Love Triangle: Akiyuki/Haru/Furuichi.
- Meaningful Name: Akiyuki means "autumn" and "snow." It connects with Haru's name, which means "spring."
- Mindlink Mates: Akiyuki and Haru when Akiyuki's in his Xam'd form.
- Naive Newcomer: To his Xam'd powers, as well as to the Zanbani and its crew.
- Nice Guy
- Official Couple: Akiyuki and Haru.
- Only Sane Man: This is how Akiyuki initially feels while he's on the Zanbani.
- Ordinary High School Student: At first. Before things went wrong.
- Platonic Life Partners: Akiyuki and Nakiami.
- Red Oni
- Shapeshifter Weapon / Blade Below the Shoulder: Likes to turn his Hiruko-infected arm into a BFS when forced into combat.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Akiyuki's and Haru's initial relationship. They got better.
- Supporting Leader
- Three Amigos: Akiyuki, Furuichi, and Haru.
- Title Drop: Akiyuki is the Xam'd Of The Lost Memories.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Akiyuki, Furuichi, and Haru.
- Unexplained Recovery: Akiyuki returns in the epilogue after being half-transformed and turned to stone for nine years.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Voiced by Yuko Sanpei (Japanese), Luci Christian (English)
"No more tears."
I remember... a very strange name... My heart's full of gratitude for it, but it's never enough... Someone noble... So sad and lonely... But looking forward, so much that it hurts... Nakiami...
Nakiami is an emotionless, young woman who helps Akiyuki control his Xam'd form. She seems knowledgable in the Xam'd and Humanform Weapons.
- Action Girl
- A Girl And Her... erm, Xam'd?
- Aloof Older Sister: To Kujireika.
- Badass Normal
- Birds of a Feather / Not So Different: With Yango.
- Blue Eyes
- Blue Oni
- The Caretaker: Of Akiyuki and formerly Raigyo.
- Chaste Hero / Celibate Hero: Romance has never occured to her, or she just isn't interested in one. Either way, she ends up with no one.
- The Chosen One
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Closer to Earth
- Cool Big Sis: To Yango.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Emotionless Girl -> Kuudere
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Expy: Her character design and vechicle share a resemblence to that of Nausicaa.
- Facial Markings
- Fiery Redhead: Subverted. She's obviously a redhead, but she's anything but fiery.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Friend to All Living Things
- Heroes Want Redheads: Well, Akushiba really wants her.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- I Owe You My Life: Despite the ups-and-downs of her relationship with Isshu, Nakiami is grateful towards Isshu for saving her life.
- The Lancer
- Like a Son to Me: Yango. Pretty sure that "I wish I could have brought you into this world" suffices it.
- Meaningful Name: Her name means "no more tears."
- The Mentor
- The Messiah
- Mind Rape: Episode 12.
- Missing Mom: But she does find a Parental Substitute in both Isshu and Lady Sannova.
- Mysterious Waif
- Not Blood Siblings: Nakiami and Kujireika. Kujireika is actually the daughter of Lady Sannova while Nakiami was the daughter of a lowly nursemaid.
- The Obi-Wan
- Oblivious to Love: Is unaware of Akushiba's feelings for her.
- Older Than They Look: Nakiami is apparently Kujireika's older sister.
- Only One Name: She actually has two. To the Tessik, Nakiami is known as Lady Tenjo, The Chosen One of her people.
- Parental Substitute: For Yango.
- Platonic Life Partners: Akiyuki and Nakiami.
- Plucky Girl
- Redheaded Heroine
- She Cleans Up Nicely: For the photo-shoot in Episode 10. Certainly has Akiyami and Akushiba gawping at her for a bit.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Nakiami and Kujireika.
- Standard Female Grab Area: Although, it is justified that Nakiami does nothing because the person holding her is Yango in his Xam'd form (in an attempt to prevent her from returning to the Tessik village -- which is getting attacked -- so he won't lose her).
- Tomboy
- White Magician Girl: Heals
- Wise Beyond Their Years
Haru Nishimura
Voiced by Fumiko Orikasa (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)
"I appreciate it, Furuichi, but please understand this, no matter how you feel... I love Akiyuki!"
Someone special... Stubborn, poking her nose into my business. And yet, I was so happy to see her. I loved talking to her... Someone I loved...
Akiyuki's childhood friend and love interest. Haru longs to reunite with Akiyuki and joins the Mainsoul military in order to find him.
- Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: Averted. While the separation between Akiyuki and Haru does strain their relationship, their feelings never waver.
- Aloof Older Sister: Unintentionally to her younger sister Midori.
- Armed Legs: As seen in Episode 2 and 19, Haru has a pretty mean kick.
- Badass Normal
- Blue Eyes
- Catch a Falling Star: Episode 19.
- The Chick
- Closer to Earth
- Conflicting Loyalty: Haru is torn between her love for Akiyuki and her duty as a soldier of the Mainsoul military.
- Also, her love for Akiyuki strains her friendship with Furuichi, who is in love with her.
- Damsel in Distress: Quite a few times, but it's subverted because she takes the danger in stride and usually tries to negotiate the situation, whether it's confronting Furuichi in his Xam'd form, or negotiating with her younger sister Midori when she becomes a Tyke Bomb. But either way, Haru does need saving, and Akiyuki is there to come to her rescue.
- First Girl Wins
- Girl Next Door
- Important Haircut
- I Will Wait for You: In the epilogue.
- Love Hurts: Because of her separation from Akiyuki and her Conflicting Loyalty.
- Love Interest: She is the love interest of both Akiyuki and Furuichi.
- Love Triangle: Akiyuki/Haru/Furuichi.
- Meaningful Name: Haru means "spring." It connects with Akiyuki's name, which means "autumn" and "snow."
- Mindlink Mates: Akiyuki and Haru when Akiyuki's in his Xam'd form.
- Missing Mom
- Oblivious to Love: She's rather oblivious to Furuichi's feelings for her until Episode 14. She rejects him for Akiyuki, though.
- Official Couple: Akiyuki and Haru.
- Plucky Girl
- Shorttank
- Standard Female Grab Area: Used twice, once by Akiyuki in his Xam'd form in Episode 2, and then by Furuichi in his Xam'd form in Episode 13. Somewhat justified by the superhuman strength of a Xam'd (and, in the first case, by the fact that she wasn't terribly interested in breaking free anyway).
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Akiyuki's and Haru's initial relationship. They got better.
- Supporting Protagonist: If the story isn't focusing on Akiyuki or Nakiami, the spotlight usually shines on Haru.
- Three Amigos: Akiyuki, Furuichi, and Haru.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Akiyuki, Furuichi, and Haru.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Eventually.
- The Woobie: The poor thing goes through so much because Love Hurts.
Sentan Island Residents
Furuichi Teraoka
Voiced by Shinnosuke Tachibana (Japanese), David Matranga (English)
"The most important thing is to face the opponent, and without hesitation, make their body a part of your own."
Someone who sat next to me in class... He always said it laughing in disbelief, but... what was it? You always did call me by my name, didn't you, Furuichi?
Furuichi is Akiyuki's best friend. He has unrequited feelings for Haru. Despite being usually level-headed and sensible, Furuichi's growing hatred of the Xam'd and his jealousy towards Akiyuki threatens to tear apart the trio's friendship.
- Always Save the Girl: Akiyuki's and Furuichi's first thought after the bus bombing? Haru.
- Always Someone Better: Furuichi has a inferiority complex towards Akiyuki.
- Blue Oni
- Bespectacled Bastard Boyfriend
- Body Horror: His Xam'd form.
- Crazy Jealous Guy
- Curtains Match the Window
- Death of the Hypotenuse
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Driven to Suicide
- Green-Eyed Monster: Furuichi displays a gradual amount of jealousy towards Akiyuki because he is constantly in Akiyuki's shadow, and because Haru -- the object of Furuichi's affections -- is in love with Akiyuki.
- Jerkass: As a result of his hatred/prejudice towards Xam'd and his jealousy towards Akiyuki. And his rather sweet-and-sour (especially sour) treatment of Haru at times, though it's more of Furuichi being snide towards Haru because he's being a sore loser for losing Haru to Akiyuki.
- Karmic Transformation
- The Lancer
- Love Makes You Crazy
- Love Makes You Evil
- Love Triangle: Akiyuki/Haru/Furuichi.
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Furuichi tries to do this so he can have Haru all to himself. He fails.
- The Resenter: Gee, I wonder why.
- The Rival -> Rival Turned Evil -> Redemption Equals Death
- Three Amigos: Akiyuki, Furuichi, and Haru.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Akiyuki, Furuichi, and Haru.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Haru.
- Veronica: To Akiyuki's Betty.
- We Used to Be Friends: Furuichi literally tells Kakisu this concerning Akiyuki right after he tells Kakisu of Akiyuki's identity as a Xam'd.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: When he becomes a Xam'd.
- Yandere: As a result of Love Makes You Crazy And Evil.
Midori Nishimura
Voiced by Ayumi Fujimura (Japanese), Hilary Haag (English)
Haru's younger sister. Midori is forced to use a crutch because of a car accident that took away their mother's life a few years ago.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie
- Death Seeker
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- My Greatest Failure: Is convinced that it's her fault that their mother died and that secretly Haru and everyone else has blamed and hated her for it.
- Tyke Bomb
Fusa Takehara
Voiced by Risa Hayamizu (Japanese), Kaytha Coker (English)
He's always played tricks like this. If I scolded him, he'd act like he was really sorry, but he's just play a new trick the next day. I'd put him out without dinner, and tell the neighbors... to punish him if they catch him trying to get back in. But he used to sneak back into the kitchen... through the back of the clinic, without being seen. I knew all about it, of course. I realized what was happening when I'd let him in to apologize, there would be rice grains stuck to his face. And I'd notice that half of his rice was missing. It was kind of amazing how far he'd go, really. But that's my boy for you. That's... my son.
Akiyuki's mother. She has a strained relationship with her husband, Ryuuzou.
Ryuuzou Takehara
Voiced by Unsho Ishizuka (Japanese), T Postlewaite (English)
"A question without an answer is truth. Yet, people must continue to question themselves. Think about it!"
Akiyuki's father, Ryuuzou is estranged from his family because of his work.
- Badass Normal
- Eye Scream: Kakisu slashes Ryuuzou's eye in their battle in Episode 22.
- Mysterious Past
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: The reason why Ryuuzou's relationship with Fusa is strained.
Zanbani Postal Airship Crew Members
Isshu Benikawa
Voiced by Yumi Tamai (Japanese), Shelley Calene-Black (English)
You sit proudly in this cave, like a Queen of Egypt. In my service to you, I shall never know rest. To prove my devotion, I have stolen this ostentatious offering. But I'll show you things... your dark blue eyes haven't seen, smiles like a lake in the sun, blossoming like a lotus. Sitting upon your great throne, inscribed with a lion's head, skin bathed in ebony light. At times, I'll raise a lamp, and take my place at your warm feet. This pendant releases the light of Sirius, which your eyes will never behold. One who does not live for my sake, a child of this country, will bare this fire within, and herself, freeze...
"Feelings can't be put into words."
The captain of the Zanbani.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: To Nakiami in Episode 4, and quite a number of times when she was a child. Sure, it was a bit of Domestic Abuse, but it was also Tough Love because Nakiami would always make Isshu worry.
- Badass Normal
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Captain
- Dead Little Sister: Prior to the story, her love interest Rado died in the war.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Expy/Distaff Counterpart: Apart from being female, she strongly resembles Holland from Eureka Seven. She's the captain of a supposedly civilian but suspiciously heavily-armed Cool Airship, a heavy drinker, abrasive, has a military (well, paramilitary) background, has a complicated relationship with young Emotionless Girl charge, initially resents the newest arrival to her airship, and tends to lounge around in her private quarters wearing very little indeed.
- Green Eyes
- Hime Cut
- Lady of War
- Love Triangle: Rado/Isshu/Raigyo.
- Meganekko
- Ms. Fanservice
- Parental Substitute: Seemingly for Nakiami during her stay on the Zanbani.
- Slipknot Ponytail
- Smoking Is Cool
Raigyo Tsunomata
Voiced by Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese), Andrew Love (English)
"Failing to value the lives of others cheapens your own."
A former crew member of the Zanbani and another Xam'd that Nakiami took into her care prior to Akiyuki, Raigyo returns two years later in the end of Episode 8.
- Always Someone Better
- Dropped a Bridge on Him
- Green Eyes
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Important Haircut
- Love Triangle: Rado/Isshu/Raigyo.
- Making a Splash: His Xam'd form's power and primary attack.
- The Mentor
- The Obi-Wan
- Perma-Stubble
- Unrequited Love: For Isshu. Eventually reciprocated, though, right before he dies.
- Scars Are Forever: The line-shaped scar that runs down his lips. Also, the slash marks on the ceiling he made when his Xam'd went crazy.
- Too Cool to Live
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese), Adam Van Wagoner (English)
- Comic Relief
- Curtains Match the Window
- Hopeless Suitor: For Nakiami.
- Katsuyuki Konishi
- Large Ham
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Without the comedic molesting.
- Super Speed: While not technically super, he claims to be the fastest man alive - and might not be exaggerating.
Voiced by Houko Kuwashima (Japanese), Stephanie Wittels (English)
The navigator of the Zanbani and the mother of Hinokimaru.
- Cool Shades
- Green Eyes
- Like A Daughter To Me: Kobako.
- Parental Substitute: For Kobako.
- Team Mom
Voiced by Kenji Hamada (Japanese), Rob Mungle (English)
The pilot of the Zanbani.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- The Big Guy
- Catch Phrase: "__, __, __. That's a winning hand."
- Like a Son to Me: Hinokimaru.
- Parental Substitute: For Hinokimaru.
- Team Dad
Voiced by Rokuro Naya (Japanese), Chris Ayres (English)
"Hard work is the path to freedom!"
"Your fate has become intertwined with Xam'd."
A spiritual guide who helps Akiyuki with his Xam'd training.
- Cool Old Lady
- Eyes Always Shut: Except when she talks to others. Then, occasionally one eye is opened.
- Eyes of Gold
- Older and Wiser
Yunbo's son.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Disappeared Dad
- Fan Boy: Idolizes Raigyo quite a bit.
- Tagalong Kid
- Those Two Guys: With Kobako.
"Even letters addressed to unknown destinations get delivered."
A young girl who is often with Hinokimaru.
- Blue Eyes
- Fan Girl: Idolizes Nakiami quite a bit.
- Tagalong Kid
- Those Two Guys: With Hinokimaru.
A nekomata Akiyuki encounters on his way to school. Hinokimaru later finds it and keeps it as a pet.
Mainsoul Military
Commander Tojiru Kakisu
Voiced by Yasunori Matsumoto (Japanese), Chris Hutchison (English)
"Will you die to end my suffering? If you're not prepared to do that, it doesn't matter if you pull the trigger or just watch!"
- Beauty Mark: By his right eye.
- Blue Eyes
- The Chessmaster
- Death Seeker: Quite a bit in Episode 22.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
- Magnificent Bastard
- Missing Mom
- Villainous Breakdown
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
"Do you need to ask? Why a woman falls in love with a man..."
Kakisu's secretary.
Dr. Kanba
- Enigmatic Minion: To Kakisu.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Silently weeps as he watches Midori's training.
- Evil Cripple
- Facial Markings
- Mad Scientist
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Other Characters
Lady Sannova
- Cool Old Lady
- Facial Markings
- Older and Wiser
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: OK, Sannova, so you wanted to Mercy Kill the child you brought into the world after the poor kid was transformed into an Eldritch Abomination? That's fine. Understandable. But did you really have to turn your young followers into suicide bombers to make it happen? Or cheerfully suggest a Plan B that would result in a not-insignificant portion of the world's population getting killed off?
"My name is... Nazuna... Don't worry, you'll be fine... Along with our lost memory... Xam'd..."
A seeming transfer student Akiyuki meets on the bus to school, Nazuna is really a terrorist bomber whose self-bombing at Sentan Island results in Akiyuki getting embedded with the gem that changes him into a Xam'd. It's later revealed that Akiyuki's father Ryuuzou has been secretly keeping Nazuna alive on life support ever since the bombing.
"I'm supposed to protect her! We're meant to be together! She needs me!"
Yango is a young boy who Nakiami encounters on her travels. Like Akiyuki, Yango has a Xam'd form.
- Birds of a Feather / Not So Different: With Nakiami.
- Bratty Half-Pint: At first.
- Cheerful Child: Once you get past the Bratty Half-Pint exterior, he's upbeat, friendly, and optimistic.
- Green Eyes
- Hot-Blooded: So much that Nakiami has to make Yango promise her to not use his Xam'd in a moment a passion since the Hiruko isn't his, and thus will turn him into stone if he activates it unwisely.
- I Will Wait for You: In the epilogue.
- Just a Kid
- Keet
- Kid Sidekick: To Nakiami.
- Motor Mouth
- Precocious Crush: He seems to care about Nakiami quite a bit, but she's probably more of a Parental Substitute for him than anything else.
- The Promise: Yango has promised Nakiami that he won't use his Xam'd carelessly.
- Red Oni
- Scars Are Forever: Has a two scars that goes down the left side of his face.
- Tagalong Kid: To Nakiami.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Sumako Kakisu
"Amau is a place for people trapped in time... It's not for someone like you."
A kind, eldery woman who buys an amnesiac Akiyuki from slave traders and takes him into her care as a helper until he regains his memories. She is Kakisu's mother.
- Blue Eyes
- Closer to Earth
- Cool Old Lady
- Yamato Nadeshiko
"Our journey is of independence."
Nakiami's younger sister and the chief of Tessik village.
- Always Someone Better: Kujireika has held a deep jealousy of Nakiami for being the Tenjo in spite of the fact that Nakiami is not the biological daughter of Lady Sannova.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Big Sister Complex
- Blue Eyes
- Facial Markings
- Freak-Out -> Sanity Slippage
- Green-Eyed Monster: See Always Someone Better.
- He Who Fights Monsters: Slowly becomes consumed by her desire for revenge against the Hiruken Emperor and his Northern Army for their exploitation and oppression of her people, eventually deciding to turn herself into a bloodthirsty Eldritch Abomination just like her enemy. Interestingly, though, this ends up hurting her more than it does anyone else. A lot more.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: She gets better.
- Not Blood Siblings: Nakiami and Kujireika. Kujireika is actually the daughter of Lady Sannova while Nakiami was the daughter of a lowly nursemaid.
- Power Gives You Wings
- Romi Paku
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Nakiami and Kujireika.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: When she becomes a Xam'd.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- Younger Than They Look: Kujireika is actually Nakiami's younger sister. Or Is She?
A follower of Lady Sannova who leads Akiyuki and Haru to the Quickening Chamber.
Hiruken Emperor
Akiyuki... I remember you now. I've finally found you. Now come, come and kill me.
The millennia-old leader and religious figurehead of the North.
- Big Bad
- Death Seeker: Not that he's going to let his chosen killer take him down without a fight.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Friendly Enemy: To Akiyuki, who he is nothing but helpful towards prior to their final confrontation. Even during that, though, the feeling's mutual.
- Large and In Charge: As the resident Eldritch Abomination and super-Xam'd, can give most airships a run for their money in size. Most of the time.
- No Name Given
- Until Akiyuki gives him one. That name? Akiyuki.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Tragic Monster
- Ugly Cute: His shadow-form.
- Back to Xam'd: Lost Memories