X (manga)/Characters
If you want to know more about the characters of X 1999, this is the place.
It is to be noted that characterisation and purpose are often different whether it's the manga, the TV series or the film. If the main trio, the premises and the whole plot in general are grossly the same from one media to another, the support cast often sports notable differences as you will see.
As always with Character pages, SPOILERS AHEAD!!
Main Trio
Kamui Shiro
The Hero of the series is a dark-haired teenager whose destiny is to fight for the eventual fate of Earth: either it is destroyed to be reborn without humanity, either it shall live on as it is. In short, he is a stock Messiah.
After living his childhood in Tokyo, making friends with Fuma and his sister Kotori, his mother, Toru Magami, towed him away to Okinawa ( Right around the time their mother Saya gave birth to the first Shinken and died in the process) so they could live in peace until she decided to end her life so she could postpone the impending disasters that Kamui would face and died in a fire.
After coming back to Tokyo, he gradually meets the Dragons of Heaven, fighting with Arashi, Sorata and Mauve Shirt Daisuke, Aoki's nephew. Behaving like a Jerkass at first, he only does so in order to keep people away, knowing beforehand that his fate will be far from all pink, sparkles and flowers. After meeting Princess Hinoto and eventually bonding with his fellow Dragons, he tries to recuperate his Shinken, an Empathic Weapon hidden in the body of Tokiko Magami, his aunt, unbeknownst to everyone.
Despite his rather classical characterisation, Kamui still keeps the spotlight to himself due to his own complex personality. His frail and scrawny appearance (perhaps for Yaoi-slash purposes) seems almost a joke in comparison to his crushing responsibilities. Yet, his reactions are pretty realistic and quite akin to the ones a Real Life teenager would display.
Tropes associated with Kamui Shiro:
- Adventures in Coma Land: Right after losing to Fuma.
- Bishonen
- Break the Cutie: Like many other characters but even more so for being The Chosen One.
- The Chosen One
- Empathic Weapon: The Shinken.
- Eyes of Gold: In the anime.
- Heroic BSOD: Upon beholding the deaths of Kotori and Sorata, the former causing him to enter an Angst Coma.
- Heroic Sacrifice In the anime where he eventually dies upon creating a protective barrier so to save the world Fuma and his friends will live on.
- Ho Yay and Foe Yay: CLAMP = this. In his case, towards Fuma and conversely. Also has some Ho Yay with his Big Brother Mentor, Subaru,
- Jerkass Facade: Initially so he could drive people away from in order to protect them.
- Messianic Archetype
Fuma Monou
The taller and stronger childhood friend of Kamui is actually destined to be his Evil Twin of sorts, depending on who Kamui chooses to side with.
Both Fuma and Kotori, his sister, lived happily in Tokyo and were friends with Kamui until their mother Saya died a horrific death upon giving birth to the first Shinken. Fuma then went to High School and became a famed basketball player. Upon meeting Kamui again, he tries to rekindle with him but, since Kamui wants to protect him, his attempts meet an icy response. After Kamui makes his choice, Fuma makes a major Face Heel Turn and goes to Kanoe in order to take his place amongst the Dragons of Earth.
Tropes associated with Fuma Monou:
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Despite what many
maleviewers may contend, blatant Ho Yay doesn't deprive you from being Badass and from being able to kick major ass. - Badass Longcoat: And how!.
- The Big Guy
- Bishonen
- Evil Counterpart: To Kamui.
- Eyes of Gold: In the manga.
- Face Heel Turn: As expected upon Kamui's choice to side with the Seven Seals.
- Hidden Agenda Villain: At this point only Fuuma and CLAMP themselves know just what his deal is.
- Ho Yay and Foe Yay: Towards Kamui as well, tender or S&M depending on the situation.
- Literal Genie: Gives people EXACTLY what they wish for, hence Be Careful What You Wish For.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: In the anime.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Often does this to Kamui as well as his companions.
Kotori Monou
The resident Shrinking Violet is Kamui's childhood friend and who has a (reciprocated) crush on him.
Like Fuma, Kotori was scarred for life upon watching the gory death of her mother. However, unlike Fuma and Kamui, she doesn't fight physically. Psychologically and physically fragile and pretty much defenseless, she snaps and breaks down upon seeing the birth of the second Shinken out of Tokiko Magami's body. As foreseen by Hinoto and Kanoe she ends up being the wedge between Kamui and Fuma. Her brother eventually kills her in front of Kamui. She and Kamui share a romantic bound before her untimely death.
Tropes associated with Kotori Monou:
- Barrier Maiden: She is unknowingly the guardian of the world's peace.
- Break the Cutie
- The Chick
- Damsel in Distress: Not her fault. Look below.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Ill Girl: Has a severe heart condition.
- The Ophelia: She loses her mind after seeing the horrific birth of the second Shinken.
- Shrinking Violet: Sweet-tempered, serious, discreet and rather shy. She was more outspoken in the TV series, though: Kamui shows her his Jerkass Facade but she still tries to re-befriend him, telling him about her dream of becoming a kimono designer able to use indigo dye, which is Serious Business in Japan.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Hence her fate.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Kamui but somewhat subverted at one point. He did love her, and had she not died, maybe they'd be together.
- Waif Prophet
- Faux Symbolism: A certain scene in The Movie, in which Kotori's dreamseer abilities manifest when Kamui sees her inside a room that looks as if it was filled with amniotic liquid, with the girl whispering "What is this Kamui? It's inside of me... it's gonna be born soon... I'll give birth to it soon...". Of course this refers to the Shinken, which Fuuma pulls out at the cost of her life in the end.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: One in training.
Dragons of Heaven: The Seven Seals
Sorata Arisugawa
The tall, upbeat, goofy Lancer of the Dragons of Heaven talks with a distinctive Kansai accent.
Despite being taken from his parents at an early age and destined to die for the woman he loves, he constantly acts friendly, generous and protective, especially towards Kamui and his initially unresponsive crush, Arashi. Raised and trained by Buddhist monks in the Koya shrine, he primarily uses thunder and light-based attacks as well as some holy magic.
He eventually meets his fate in both the anime and the film. The manga also hints a similar end for him.
Tropes associated with Sorata Arisugawa:
- Badass: Especially if Kamui or Arashi are threatened, in which case he'll be ruthless.
- Bi the Way: It is made pretty obvious that Arashi is his one true love, but he gets pretty flirty with Kamui in the early chapters of the manga. He even comments while Kamui and Arashi are on either side of him how grateful he is to be between "two beauties".
- The Big Guy
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Death by Sex Subverted in the anime. He dies, not her.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: In Arashi's.
- The Idiot From Osaka: Has a heavy Kansai Regional Accent.
- The Lancer: To Kamui.
- Love At First Sight: He falls head over heels for Arashi upon meeting her.
- Nice Guy: And this is one of the reasons Arashi falls for him.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Many times in battle.
- Plucky Comic Relief: An effective one.
- Shock and Awe
- Warrior Monk
Arashi Kishu
Beautiful but dark, frigid and distant, this Lady of War is one of the first to arrive in Tokyo and meet the Princess Hinoto.
Orphaned at a young age, she was found in the streets and then raised by Miko priestesses (who actually were the friends of her Missing Mom, a former comrade of them) and eventually became the Hidden Priestess of the Ise temple. A very skilled swordswoman with the ability to summon her sword from her left hand. She initially coldly rejects the rather forward propositions of Sorata but, like Kamui, she gradually warms up to him and reciprocates. But consummating their love implied losing her powers and sealing up her lover's fate, like it apparently happened to her own mother in the past.. Ultimately, she performs a massive Face Heel Turn so she could untie Sorata from his obligations of protecting her and thus dying for her.
In the anime, she goes to the Dragons of Earth of her own will but in the manga Dark Hinoto's machinations are the cause of her betrayal. Her terminal fate is different in the film than in the TV series: Sorata fulfills his destiny and dies for her in battle, but then Fuma kills her too..
Tropes associated with Arashi Kishu:
- Action Girl
- Badass: One able to hold her own alone against Kamui himself deserves the title, especially if she's female!
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Thanks to Sorata's upbeat personality.
- Emotionless Girl: Initially.
- Face Heel Turn In all medias in order to protect Sorata. Except it's mainly because of Hinoto's Dark Half's conniving in the manga.
- Her Heart Will Go On A mild version of this. There was no other way for it to end actually.
- With a side dish of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
- Hime Cut
- Lady of War
- Orphan's Ordeal: Her early childhood was tough to say the least...
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Her relationship with the cheerful and sweet Sorata spits in the face of All Girls Want Bad Boys.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Together in Death: With Sorata in the film.
- Virgin Power: In the manga only, she loses her powers upon making love with Sorata. It should be noted that her Missing Mom, also a Miko from Isse Jingun, went through the same process after she ran away from Ise with Arashi's father and lost her virginity to him.
Subaru Sumeragi
Like his Arch Nemesis, Seishiro Sakurazuka, he hails from another CLAMP work: Tokyo Babylon where his origins are explained with more details. Appearing as a stock Bishonen, he mourns his dead sister that was killed by Seishiro.
Unlike the other Dragons of Heaven, he is rather reluctant to join the group and mostly goes on his own story arc that is actually the end of the one he started during Tokyo Babylon. Nevertheless, he significantly helped out during Kamui's Adventures in Coma Land and succeeded in healing his soul and bringing him back. His final showdown with Seishiro Sakurazuka leads to tons of Ho Yay and Foe Yay. In battle, he uses a mix of soul magic and arcana that he channels in cards.
His end is very different, depending on the media. In the Manga, he inherits the powers and responsibility of the Sakurazukamori; in the film both die and in the TV-series their relationship is established and he ends up in a catatonic state for having killed his lover. He gets better..
Tropes associated with Subaru Sumeragi
- Angsty Surviving Twin
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Brother Mentor: To Kamui. They don't escape from the Ho Yay, though.
- Bishonen
- Cherry Blossoms: Part of his magic.
- Demoted to Extra: In the movie, he and Seishiro kill each other off unceremoniously in the opening scene.
- Destructive Romance and Star-Crossed Lovers: With Seishiro.
- Eye Scream: Upon battling Fuuma.
- Face Heel Turn: In the manga.
- Foe Yay: With Seishiro. A LOT. So much it's canon.
- Ineffectual Loner: Subverted. He is actually effectual.
- Magical Queer
- Mismatched Eyes: Post volume 17, he gains Seishiro's remaining eye.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Towards Seishiro.
- Onmyodo
- Smoking Is Cool: Subverted: When 'Seishiro' does it, it's cool. When Subaru does it, he gets lectured about the health risks - by Seishiro himself, nonetheless.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Just like his lover.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Took a Level in Badass: Remember that shy, frail-looking kid from Tokyo Babylon?
- Yaoi Guys: With Seishiro, oh yeah!
Karen Kasumi
A devoted Catholic call-girl, Karen appears sporadically at first before taking a more active role in the plot. She appears as a redhead bombshell.
Gifted with pyrotechnics, she is usually aloof towards everyone despite her benevolent disposition and her sensitivity. She forms an unrequited crush on Seiichiro Aoki and never acts on it out of respect for his wife and child. In the anime she eventually sacrifices herself to save Seiichiro from Yuto but dying with their enemy.
Tropes associated with Karen Kasumi:
- Abusive Parents: Her mentally unstable mother.
- Broken Bird: Her childhood is a big Take That towards religion.
- Cool Big Sis: Often seen as such by the younger Seals.
- Heroic Sacrifice In both the TV series and the film.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold
- Fiery Redhead: To a slight degree.
- Parental Substitute: Becomes something of a mother figure to Nataku in the manga.
- Playing with Fire: Her signature power.
- Mami Koyama: In the film and CD dramas. Replaced by Yoko Soumi in the TV series.
- Taking You with Me With Yuto in the TV series. With Shogo in the film.
- The Sixth Ranger: Was the last to join the Seals.
- Unrequited Love: Towards Aoki, who cares for her greatly but not in that way.
- Zettai Ryouiki: With lingerie!
Yuzuriha Nekoi
A petite, fresh and naive 14 years-old girl that often lightens up the mood and is never seen without her spirit dog, Inuki, that is invisible to regular humans.
Bullied all her childhood long because no one could see her dog but her, she has sworn to never accept a man who couldn't see her pet. Ironically, the first man to see Inuki is none other than a Dragon of Earth: Shiryu Kusanagi. She immediately falls for him. She can turn Inuki into a sword when in battle and her pet will do anything to protect her. Upon battling Satsuki Yatoji in the anime, she loses her dog and gets horribly depressed. After getting a Hannibal Lecture from Fuma and Satsuki, she is eventually able to revive Inuki while Fuma steps down.
In the film, she dies along with Yuto and Kusanagi, in Kamui's arms. In the anime, both Kusanagi and her survive after Kusanagi's Heel Face Turn and it is hinted that they remain together.
Tropes associated with Yuzuriha Nekoi:
- Action Girl
- All of the Other Reindeer: Was shunned by her schoolmates all her childhood long due to her special abilities.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: In the anime, to Kusanagi. Helps a lot in his Heel Face Turn.
- Beware the Nice Ones: In the anime and in the manga, Fuma meant to kill her but her will to live alone was enough to repel him and she could eventually revive Inuki.
- Chaste Teens: Variation. Despite being occasionally hit on by guys, her firm resolve to never accept a man who'd be unable to see Inuki makes her one of these... until she meets Kusanagi.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Genki Girl: A mild version of this. She is cheerful and happy-go-lucky but not to the point of being unable to focus on serious things.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Kusanagi who is easily twice her weight and towers high over her..
- Joshikousei: Subverted. Despite being involved with an older guy, her schoolgirl status, although obvious, is never brought up as part of why he likes her, nor is it ever alluded to otherwise in story.
- Magical Girl: Variation. She has all the characteristics but doesn't use actual magic.
- Meet Cute: Her first meeting with Kusanagi in the anime and the manga fits this, slow motion, white feathers of fate and all. Also a case of What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic.
- May-December Romance: With Kusanagi who is more than twice her age.
- Naive Everygirl
- School Uniforms Are the New Black: Subverted mid-story. She wears it all the time but Kusanagi buys her a new set of clothes once hers are too dirty to be worn.
- Sprouting Ears: Perhaps due to her relationship with dogs.
- Yukana: Her seiyuu in the movie and the CD dramas. Replaced by Kumi Sakuma in the anime series.
Seiichiro Aoki
The least seen member of the Dragons of Heaven, Seiichiro Aoki is the oldest of them. Married with a child, he is also a Wind Master who tutored his nephew Daisuke Saiki.
After discreetly and amiably divorcing his wife Shimako in order to protect her and their child Yuuka from the disaster of the upcoming battles, he works as a journalist and manga editor in his daily life. He bounds specifically with Karen upon interviewing her and comes to help her when she goes in his stead to battle Yuto Kigai, alas to no avail. He uses his power over wind in battle.
He appears as a brown-haired man in his mid-30's with glasses. Does that physical description look familiar?
- Blow You Away: His signature power.
- Dramatic Wind: Due to the above.
- Hot Shoujo Dad: Oh, my...
- Nice Guy: Mostly easy-going and non-aggressive. Unless you push his buttons, that is.
- It's Not You, It's My Enemies: Why he left Shimako and Yuuka.
- Meganekko
- Razor Wind
- Satellite Character: The least developed of all Seven Seals. What a pity.
- Ship Tease: With Karen.
- Team Dad
- Yamato Nadeshiko: A possible male example.
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: A very good example. He himself states that it's very hard to make him angry, but when you do...
Dragons of Earth: The Seven Angels
Yuto Kigai
A very mannerly and well-groomed blond Public Service clerk, Yuto is one of the most amoral and cynical of the Dragons of Earth. Not much is known about him except that he is pretty happy to work for the Dragons of Earth. Additionally, he playfully flirts with his proteee Satsuki and sleeps regularly with Kanoe. In battle, he uses a long rope with a dagger at the tip that he uses like a whip.
His end is pretty similar in each of the three media. And none of them are pretty. (Except the manga, that is. For now, at least...)
Tropes associated with Yuto Kigai:
- Affably Evil: Very well-mannered and proper- one of the nicest, friendliest people you have ever met, yet almost completely amoral.
- Badass and Child Duo: He's the Badass and Satsuki is the teenage girl.
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Badass Longcoat: Which makes him look like a pimp according to Sorata...
- Badass Bureaucrat: Works in the public service, uses water and his Weapon of Choice.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Too nice and polite to be good.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Or at least amoral.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Chivalrous Pervert: Sleeps with Kanoe and flirts with Satsuki, but doesn't take advantage of the latter's crush on him.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Dragon: To Kanoe.
- Handsome Lech
- Kill It with Water and Making a Splash: Cut and pasted over to Kakyo stand-in Shogo in the film, but is the crux of his supernatural powers in the anime and manga.
- Morality Pet: Subverted. His CD drama track reveals that Yuto has a little sister named Tomoe (in fact, said drama is presented as a message in her phone's answering machine), but even when the guy does genuinely love her and shows remorse for not being in contact with her, he still will continue in his villain ways.
- Replacement Goldfish: Satsuki seems to be, for him, a stand-in for Tomoe.
- Subordinate Excuse: To Kanoe.
- Whip It Good: His Weapon of Choice.
Seishiro Sakurazuka
Along with Subaru, he hails from Tokyo Babylon and plays the end of his own story in X 1999. A one-eyed Bishonen, seldom seen without his Cool Shades, he and Subaru are established Yaoi Guys.
Like Subaru, he is not actually close to his fellows and pretty much follows his own path. However, his role in the awakening of Kamui and Fuma was determinant. He is also the murderer of Hokuto Sumeragi, Subaru's sister and holds an interesting relationship with his Hot Mom, Setsuka. He mostly takes on Subaru, his former lover and current Arch Nemesis, and uses an evil version of his powers which often includes Cherry Blossoms.
He dies telling Subaru his true feelings for him. Or so we suspect.
Tropes associated with Seishiro Sakurazuka:
- Affably Evil: A little like Yuto.
- Arch Nemesis: To Subaru.
- Badass
- Bury Your Gays: Apparently, the fate of all established gay and lesbian characters of the show is to die brutally.
- Cherry Blossoms
- Cool Shades
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: In Subaru's in all continuities.
- Dissonant Serenity
- Dying Declaration of Love: Dies upon declaring his love to Subaru. Possibly.
- Eye Scream: The reason for the Cool Shades.
- Evil Counterpart: To Subaru.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: To a degree, considering his Cool Shades.
- Mommy Issues: Oh, Seishirou.
- Oedipus Complex: His relationship with his Hot Shounen Mom borders on the unhealthy...Yes that one.
- Borders? It's straight spelled in the CD dramas, people. No evidence about sexual encounters, thankfully, but the Subtext is heavy. And he DID kiss her on the lips when he killed her, in the manga.
- Oedipus Complex: His relationship with his Hot Shounen Mom borders on the unhealthy...Yes that one.
- Self-Made Orphan: Apparently standard practice in his family, considering the Sakurazukamori stuff.
- Invisible to Gaydar
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- The Other Darrin: Goes through this twice. Takehito Koyasu voices him in Tokyo Babylon, then Tohru Furusawa succeeds him in the X movie and CD dramas, and finally Otoya Kawai succeeds both of them in the TV series.
- Yaoi Guys: With Subaru.
Satsuki Yatoji
A nerdy-looking Emotionless Girl, college-aged Satsuki is the youngest of all the Dragons of Earth and the only female of the group aside of Kanoe. She always look serious and is absolutely uninterested by the mundane world, finding solace only with her computers.
Born in a very wealthy family, she manifested her powers at an early age and can connect herself directly to computers by letting them invade her body with their cables. She spends most of her time connected to her giant PC, the Beast, that she got from Kanoe and that stripped her from the last remnants of interest in humans. She thoroughly lectures Yuzuriha upon battling her and kills her spirit dog when she cannot give her a satisfactory answer. She also develops feelings for Yuto who is amused by her crush, even though he openly sleeps with Kanoe and doesn't really encourage her advances. This drives the Beast mad with envy. She uses the Beast for reconnaissance purposes and uses him to control electric cables as offensive weapons.
In the movie and anime, Satsuki dies upon trying to help Yuto against Seiichiro and Karen, impaled by the many cables of the Beast who refuses to lose her to anyone.
Tropes associated with Satsuki Yatoji:
- All Love Is Unrequited: The closest to affection that she ever seems to feel is for Yuto, who's much older and seems to treat her as a stand in for his sister Tomoe.
- Blue Eyes-In the anime.
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: And in her case, your body as well.
- Dark Action Girl
- Emotionless Girl: Due to her complete disinterest towards human beings as a whole.
- Evil Genius
- Hollywood Nerd-Type II.
- Kick the Dog She literally kills Inuki in front of Yuzuriha when she failed to answer why killing humans is "bad".
- Kotono Mitsuishi: In the movie and CD Dramas. Succeeded by Houko Kuwashima in the series.
- Loners Are Freaks: Subverted. Despite her dismissive behaviour, she is appreciated by her fellows and other people in general.
- Motive Rant: Upon battling Yuzuriha.
- Meganekko
- Replacement Goldfish: May be one for Yuuto, if we take his CD drama track in consideration.
- Self-Made Orphan: In the TV series, she kills her Education Papa because he controlled her life WAY too much, using her powers to arrange his death in a car accident.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: In the movie, she screams and snaps when Yuto is brutally killed by Fuuma.
- The Spock: A quite classical example.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Technopath
A genderless, cybernetic clone of the dead granddaughter of a scientist, Nataku has pretty much no personality other than that of a lost child. He appears as your usual white-haired Bishonen.
He is first seen as being sustained in a glass chamber. After heading out to steal the Shinken from Kyogo Monou, he eventually joins the Dragons of Earth. Upon seeing just how much Fuma ressembles his father, he immediately takes him as a father figure and loves him unconditionally. He fights several times against Kamui, Yuzuriha and a switched Kusanagi. He mainly uses fabric tendrils in battle.
He eventually dies upon merging with Fuma and becoming part of him to heal him from the damage done by Sorata upon defending Arashi, in the anime. He meets a similar end in the film and is killed by Fuma in the manga, partially because he interpretes His Only Wish as dying for Fuuma himself.
Tropes associated with Nataku:
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Justified. He is supposed to be genderless due to his Gender Flip.
- Emotionless Boy
- Facial Markings
- Flat Character: Due to his status as a clone.
- Gender Flip: Was originally a girl but was turned into a boyish (but still genderless) figure upon being cloned.
- Hermaphrodite
- Ill Girl: Kazuki Tonjou, his original persona, was a very sickly little girl. Since she was destined to become a Dragon of Earth but died before her time, when Nataku was created as her clone by her Mad Scientist grandpa, he took her place.
- Love Martyr: Arguably, to Fuma.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Shiyu Kusanagi
The bulky, towering and Badass Air Force agent is actually a Technical Pacifist who is inherently linked with the spirit of Earth. His characterisation is the most uneven between all three media of X 1999.
In both the anime and manga, he is actually the least aggressive and asocial of all the Dragons of Earth. He is the most reluctant to participate in the end of the world but joins in regardless even though he doesn't share his views with everyone else. His enemy Yuzuriha Nekoi develops romantic feelings for him.
In the anime, he protects Yuzuriha from his fellows various times and ultimately switches side. In the manga, she confesses to him, and he accepts her feelings, though he doesn't openly return them.
In the film, he is the most aggressive and violent of all and is nothing more than a Blood Knight who simply wants to kill the Dragons of Heaven. His relationship with Yuzuriha doesn't exist.
In battle, he mostly uses brute force and is able to shatter the ground open with one punch.
Tropes associated with Kusanagi Shiyu:
- Ax Crazy: In the film.
- Anti-Villain: Is actually the least anti-social of the Angels.
- Badass: In all medias but put to the extreme in the film where he is a Blood Knight.
- The Big Guy
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: And how!
- Blood Knight: In the movie.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Although the physically strongest of the Seven Angels, even more than Fuma himself, as well as being able to shatter the ground open with one punch, he is a very kind-hearted man indeed.
- Capulet Counterpart: To Yuzuriha in the anime. A very, very rare male version of this trope.
- Gentle Giant: Except in the film.
- Heel Face Turn In the TV-series and lampshaded in the manga. Not at all in the film.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Yuzuriha. A lot!
- Love Redeems: He eventually reciprocates Yuzuriha's feelings, despite their big age difference, and ends up alive and well in the end.
- Minion with an F In Evil: Feels no real animosity towards the Seven Seals nor towards humanity as a whole.
- Redemption Equals Death Subverted. He survives.
- Technical Pacifist: Except in the film, he is not that much into fighting despite being a soldier.
Kakyo Kuzuki
A frail and comatose young guy that seldom comes to his senses in the real world and spends most of his time in Comaland where he dreams about the future, a constant sad look on his face.
A dreamseer like Hinoto, he was sequestrated for a long time by ill-intentioned politicians. During one of his dreams, he meets Hokuto, Subaru's twin sister and falls in love with her. Upon seeing her eventual fate in his dreams, he breaks out of his coma and tries to save her but is shot by his jailers and put in a never ending coma. He also befriends Kotori in the dream space, comforting her in her painful last minutes of life and watching her soul go off to Heaven)
In the manga, he is convinced to join the Dragons of Earth by Fuma after trying to prevent the murder of Kotori. In the anime, Fuma coerces him to manipulate Hinoto's dreams so as to mislead her predictions. But he eventually turns on Fuma on the urgings of Kotori and Hokuto. He eventually dies peacefully in his sleep and leaves for Heaven with his beloved Hokuto.
Tropes associated with Kakyo Kuzuki:
- Adventures in Coma Land: All the time.
- The Fatalist
- Ill Boy
- Lonely Rich Kid: Born in a very rich and traditional family, and also kept in isolation by politicians due to his bad health and enormous dream seeing powers.
- Man in White: Wears white robes, and dresses in a white suit when in the dream space.
- Mysterious Waif: A rare male example.
- Non-Action Guy: Due to his comatose state.
- Perpetual Frowner: Looks perpetually sad and desperate.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: He and Hokuto mix it with Star-Crossed Lovers, and also are among the saddest examples of the trope.
- You Can't Fight Fate: He genuinly thinks so.
Supporting Characters
Princess Hinoto
A blind and crippled dreamseer, she is actually in charge of the whole political life of Tokyo and can see the future in her dreams. She appears as an albino Woman in White that possesses a wide range of psychic abilities and some power over Shikigami magic.
Although Hinoto has never once failed in her predictions, she was initially unable to determine the eventual path Kamui would take, so she tried to influence him to side with the Dragons of Heaven but Kanoe informed Kamui about his possibility to choose between the two. She functions mainly as the Dragons of Heaven's Mission Control and is able to use spells to see outside her hidden place. She also constantly fighting her Enemy Within her Dark Self, that wishes to live on as a dreamseer and manipulates the group in order to ensure the world is destroyed in the end.
In the manga, Hinoto is confronted directly by Sorata about her actions, yet the outcome is (still) not clear. In the TV-series, she commits suicide in order to stop her Dark Self from interfering with the fate of the Seven Seals. In the film, Hinoto says goodbye to Kamui and teleports him to the Tokyo Tower so he can duel Fuma, then lets herself die as the Diet building collapses around her, Kanoe's lifeless body in her arms.
Tropes associated with Hinoto:
- Blessed with Suck: The most powerful of the dreamseers, but her body simply can't keep up with such tremendous powers.
- Blind Seer: A classical example.
- Cain and Abel: With Kanoe.
- Driven to Suicide: In the film, she could've escaped from the collapsing Diet Building but chooses to not do so, saving Kamui's life and entrusting him with the rest of the Dragons of the Heaven's mission before she dies, holding Kanoe's lifeless body in her arms.
- Enemy Within Her Dark Self.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Completely subverted due to the above.
- Evil Albino: Suverted as well. She isn't inherently evil and doesn't waver in killing herself to stop the actions of her Evil Self.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: In the manga.
- Manipulative Bitch Her Dark Self.
- Mission Control: What she is to the Dragons of Heaven.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Is much older than what she seems.
- Waif Prophet: Blind, dead, mute and crippled... Yes all of it.
The Seven Angels's counterpart to Hinoto is actually her younger sister. She is the one responsible for bringing the dragons of Earth all together and helps them in their mission by providing them with headquarters and material. She is a tall, dark-haired Femme Fatale with the customary long nails to hint at her evil.
Although being born in the same family as Hinoto, Kanoe isn't gifted with the power of dreamseeing but can enter the dreams of others. Hence, she was always treated as less important than her sister. She is mostly flirtatious and Affably Evil towards her companions. She has an open affair with Yuto and flirts occasionally with Satsuki. Despite claiming to hate Hinoto, her sister's death seems to affect her all the same.
In the film, Fuma kills her upon entering the Final Battle, and she dies in a devastated Hinoto's arms. In the TV series, she lives on and mourns her sister. In the manga, she is killed by Hinoto.
Tropes associated with Kanoe:
- Absolute Cleavage
- Bi the Way: Sleeps with Yuuto, flirts with Satsuki... yet, to our knowledge, her evil and/or morally grey actions aren't tied to her bisexuality.
- Big Bad
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: In her sister's, at the end of the movie.
- Femme Fatale: Classy, regal, sultry voice and the obligatory long nails.
- Les Yay: Several times with Satsuki.
- Arguably, with Kotori in The Movie. She was awfully touchy-feely with the unconscious girl, huh.
- Love Makes You Evil: One of her motives in the film and the manga is to actually rescue Hinoto from her Blessed with Suck condition. By destroying the world, if needed.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: A truly scary one!
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Unfavourite: Hinoto has always been considered better due to her ability as a dreamseer, which she lacks.
- Woman in Black: Especially in the Movie but the Manga and TV series count as well.
Tokiko and Toru Magami
- Barrier Maiden: Both, but specially Tohru.
- Hospital Hottie: Tokiko works as the nurse in Kamui, Kotori and Fuuma's school.
- Bring Out Your Gay Dead: Tohru.
- Dead Little Sister: Tohru was Tokiko's dead older sister.
- Disposable Woman: Both of them.
- Hot Shounen Mom: Tohru.
- Kill It with Fire: Tohru's body simply started burning on its own, since she was the Barrier Maiden for the Earth itself to keep global warming at bay.
- Meganekko: Tokiko.
- Misa Watanabe: Tokiko.
- Sacrificial Lamb: Again, both.
- Posthumous Character: Tohru.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Both, but Tokiko even more so.
Kyogo and Saya Monou
- Barrier Maiden: Saya, arguably.
- Gorn: How Saya died, by being dismembered while "giving birth" to the Shinken. In the manga, it happens in the backyard of the shrine; in the anime, it's during an urgent surgery.
- Hide Your Lesbians: Saya was in love with Tohru. She married Kyougo to fulfill her destiny. The three knew it, and Saya even apologized to Kyougo for it since he did genuinely love her - right before she died, whereas Tohru left for Okinawa with little Kamui on tow because she felt so guilty that she couldn't face the Monous afterwards.
- Hot Shounen Mom: Saya.
- Hot Shoujo Dad: Kyougo is an older example, looking very fine despite being in his mid to late 40's.
- Religious Bruiser and Retired Badass: Kyougo is a quite strong fighter and a Shinto priest. He's still killed by Nataku.
- Romantic Runner-Up: Kyougo is a rather odd version, as he technically did marry Saya but remained as this and as her Unlucky Childhood Friend since she was in love with someone else.
- Sacrificial Lamb and Stuffed Into the Fridge: BOTH of them.
Shougo Asagi
- Badass: Is very aware of his powers' destructive potential and uses it to his full advantage.
- Canon Foreigner: Was specially created for the animated film, since Kakyou had not appeared in the manga by that point and Yuuto's water-control powers had still not been revealed/written either.
- Canon Immigrant: A decade later, Shougo got a cameo in Tsubasa.
- Hot-Blooded
- Kill It with Water and Making a Splash
- Ordinary High School Student: Fights wearing his school uniform.
- Psychic Link: Has a slight one with Kamui, telepathically speaking to him once.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
Keiichi Segawa
- Ho Yay: With Kamui.
- Ordinary High School Student
- The Pollyanna: His parents were killed in one of the battle-caused earthquake, yet he remains eerily cheerful.
- Satellite Character: Poor guy never got much spotlight or relevance in the plot.
Hokuto Sumeragi
- Action Girl: Was quite proficient in martial arts and minor spells.
- Genki Girl
- Dead Little Sister: More exactly, Dead Older Twin Sister.
- Half-Identical Twins
- Les Yay: In Tokyo Babylon, with a female ghost she met and befriended.
- Posthumous Character: She died in Tokyo Babylon, but her influence still remains on both Subaru and Seishirou.
- Shipper on Deck: Subaru/Seishirou fangirl.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Kakyou.
- Thanatos Gambit: Her Heroic Sacrifice was actually a desperate gambit from her, to both save Subaru's life and give Seishirou a Last Second Chance. It backfired horribly.
- The Unfavorite: Subverted. She was the eldest twin, but was denied to become the head of the family due to her lack of powers - yet she was not bitter about it and helped Subaru as much as she could.
Daisuke Saiki
Setsuka Sakurazuka
- Dark Action Girl: Was the former Sakurazukamori.
- Death by Origin Story
- Go Out with a Smile
- Hot Shounen Mom: So much, that Seishirou lampshades the trope in the CD dramas by mentioning she was so young-looking that he had difficulty believing she gave birth to him.
SEISHIROU: I wonder how old she was. I still am not completely sure. The one that always smiled quietly forever seemed to be a young girl...
- The Ophelia: She often talks about things that look like nosense, then counteracts with something quite unsettling and does so smiling.
SETSUKA has an ikebana arrangement: Camellias. Red camellias.
SEISHIROU: Your favorite flower.
SETSUKA: I love it. I love camellias best when they fall (gets a dreamy look) It falls on the ground.... plop, like a human head. I love it.
- Parental Incest: As mentioned, her relationship with Seishirou gives a strong vibe of this. She does say he's the only person she's ever come to care for and love, and in the manga, when she dies at Sei's hand by her own request, they share a Last Kiss.
- Posthumous Character: Basically, the reason why Sei is the way he is. Even after dying many years ago, when Seishirou was in high school.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Trickster Mentor: To a degree, towards Seishirou. She's always playful and creepily sweet to him, specially in the CD dramas.