What the Hell, Player?

Ooooh. You got burned.
"Hey! You! Yeah you! I'm down here busting my ass while you sit on yours, watching me jump around? How is that fair?"

A combination of Easter Egg and You Bastard, this occurs when a player does something strange or unusual. They may attack a friendly NPC, try to go Off the Rails, or do something Out of Character—an arachnaphobic character approaching a spider's nest, for example. Or maybe just demanding a little too much attention. Another character—or the game itself—then calls the player out on his peculiar behavior, noting that it's particularly cruel, strange, or funny. They stand up and ask: "What the Hell, Player?" The calling out is inconsequential unless otherwise programmed (e.g. Outcast, where if you act needlessly violent, the NPCs refuse to interact with you).

Very common in Interactive Fiction, where attempting to Get Ye Flask will frequently elicit such a remark.

Hostage Spirit Link may be a subtrope, depending on how you look at it. Frequently a result of Video Game Cruelty Potential. If taken to extremes, results in Video Game Cruelty Punishment. Closely related to What the Hell, Hero?, and is (usually) a subtrope of The Dev Team Thinks of Everything. See also Addressing the Player.

Examples of What the Hell, Player? include:
  • In the point and click adventure game Deja Vu:
    • if you have Ace consume a key, you'll get a message that reads, "OK man, but it's pretty stupid if you ask me," seeing that eating the key results in making that game impossible to win. Similarly, you'll get many snarky remarks if you try to do other unusual actions.

"As you chew long and hard on the road map, you wonder what it would be like to eat something strange, like food, after awhile you give up in disgust."

    • Here's everyone's favorite way to go... "USE GUN ON SELF"

BLAM! Great shot! You hit yourself right between the eyes!

  • In Arcanum:
    • If you do something that a character disagrees with (such as attacking an innocent, good-aligned wild pig,) they end up complaining about it and for some of them you need to buy them some sort of usually useless object to appease them such as snuff. Although it's possible to so offend them that they pull a Heel Face Turn after attacking an innocent and decide to kill you right on the spot.
    • If you fumble a pickpocket attempt, the target will go hostile and combat mode will commence, while triggering their indignant comments. Thus, do this, and Magnus will cry about 'not letting you harm any innocents'... while he's the one swinging an axe at them.
    • Once upon a time good-aligned Living One and his good-aligned friends met a good-aligned person, possessed by demon, who actually want to be killed and therefore didn't fight back. Massive desertion ensues.
  • In Rune Factory 3,
    • After you have married, you can still do other bachelorettes' requests, and even go on dates with them. Your character doesn't seem to mind, but every once in a while your wife will comment that you've been "spending a lot of time with someone else." You say that it's just the requests, and you ask if it bothers her, and she responds with a very unconvincing "No."
    • Some of the wives actually tell you outright that they'll get jealous if you keep it up.
  • Lampshaded in Pilotwings, with your first skydiving instructor. If you, for any reason, refuse to open your parachute, your instructor's resulting comment will be: "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Or if you parachute into water, "That's a parachute, not scuba gear". Or "Be careful, the equipment is expensive", if you crash the Rocketbelt.
  • In Mechwarrior 3, your teammates, in addition to calling you out if you accidentally shoot them, will be commanded by your CO to take you out if you engage in too much friendly fire.
  • The tutorial levels of Dark Reign would give you an abrupt game over if you didn't respond to the voice-over's instructions or did your own thing, even if you went ahead and did the exact thing he was gonna tell you to do next. "You are either insubordinate or incompetent. I will not tolerate either. We are finished here!"
  • In Deus Ex, where messing with your UNATCO buddies' stuff would get a "What are you doing?" and going into the women's bathroom while it was occupied would get you chewed out in a later cutscene.
    • In a later scene, lobbing a grenade into an interrogation room leads to one dead body and one frustrated interrogator. "Jesus Christ, Denton!" Deus Ex is interesting in that it doesn't apply only to the player character: NPC groups will turn on each other with enough stray fire, and as the fight spills out around the map, other NPCs who see their allies fighting will join in. This can be used to entertainingly unhinge the game and lock plot-critical NPCs in cupboards. Or just stand in front of a neutral security bot and let someone you've annoyed shoot at you. It won't be neutral to them for long.
    • There's one instance where breaking into someone's hotel room to loot it causes Icarus to contact you and give a brief Hannibal Lecture.
  • In The Journeyman Project III: Legacy of Time, if you have Arthur (your helper AI)'s responses set to the most verbose level:
    • In the Atlantis sequence, he will crack jokes every time you click on an ugly rug in the windmill. At last, he will give up and say that if you have any further jokes, you should write to Presto Studios, the game developer, care of everyone involved but no one who cares.
    • In the Shangri-La sequence, if you solve one of the Buddha statue puzzles before getting any clues for it, Arthur will splutter for a few moments, then ask if you've been reading the strategy guide.
  • In Knights of the Old Republic II and Neverwinter Nights 2, these responses are generally part of the influence system, although some are not and are just intended to be humorous:

Player: No reward is necessary.
Neeshka: Would you stop saying that!

    • KOTOR I had its share of such moments as well, most notably if you choose to follow Bastila to the dark side.
  • Metal Gear Solid loves to do this.
    • In the series, it is possible to get this from doing everything from going into the women's bathroom as a man to shooting random harmless animals, the later of which changes the tone of your Voice with an Internet Connection to constant disgust towards you and even causes Raiden's girlfriend to break up with him. There are plenty of YouTube videos featuring reactions to bad actions.
    • The original example comes from the first, when battling against Revolver Ocelot, with the ArmsTech president surrounded by C4 tripwires. If you accidentally ("accidentally") set off the bombs, Ocelot provides a priceless reaction over the Game Over screen: "...You IDIOT!!"
    • Meryl will turn extremely red if you keep staring at her in the first game.
    • Perhaps the most beautiful example of this is in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. While playing as Raiden, you meet Solid Snake and are soon afterward left to your own devices while he dozes nearby. Kicking or punching him will get you a grouchy comment, but punching/kicking him repeatedly will eventually prompt him to whip out his M4 Carbine and lay down a stream of bullets every time you're in sight. You can, in fact, be killed by Solid Snake.
    • During the tanker mission in the second game, you can use your camera to take pictures of pretty much anything. Taking pictures of Olga's knocked out body will result in Otacon asking you if you like her when you upload them. Do it enough and he starts calling you a pervert. Sending him pictures of the private regions of the male guards will cause him to exclaim, "Snake! Stop it! You're freaking me out!" Finally, he has at least 3 unique responses to you sending him pictures of the Marine commander repeatedly, the best one being, "Commandant again... Look, if you like him so much, I'll print this out and make a panel out of it, put it over your bed or something."
      • About Ogla, after knocking her out, if you shoot her, Otacon will interrupt you and say "Snake!! She's defenseless! Are you some kind of monster?!" Shooting her more will cause Otacon to berate Snake more.
      • What, need to save? (I WON'T MAKE YOU SAVE/DO NOT SAVE) This is from Rose, who will break up with you if you blast helpless pigeons in the face and abuse hostages.
    • One of the best What the Hell, Player? moments occurs in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: Snake Eater: When starting a New Game+, Snake can equip a tuxedo to wear instead of camouflage, and subsequently calling your lifetime mentor on the Codec will lead her to give Snake a chewing out on how wearing a tuxedo makes him a sitting duck in the jungle.

The Boss: Of all the- Are you out of your mind?!
Naked Snake: I'd thought you'd like it!

    • TIME PARADOX for shooting critical characters (like Ocelot) will get you Colonel Campbell to berate you for changing time willy-nilly.
    • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots had a couple, too. Shooting Johnny or Meryl will get Snake yelled at by Otacon, while memories of the victim (instead of Snake's) flash on the screen. Needless to say, the whole thing can make you feel pretty low.
      • While you're looking for Big Mama's hideout, you can reduce Otacon to sputtering disbelief by shooting every resistance member you encounter.
      • In Act 4, if you kill any of the wolves, Otacon gets pissed. Rose will threaten to conduct a psychological evaluation on you.
  • In Planescape: Torment,
    • To order a player character to do something, the user selects that party member's icon, and they respond with 'ready' or 'right' (never the same thing twice in a row). But after the sixth or seventh selection with no action being taken, you'll get comments such as "Keep your hands to yourself" or "I'm not that kind of girl".
    • Likewise, trying to remove equipment that an NPC would never part with results in a (usually snarky) comment.

Morte: "Um, chief? Those are my TEETH."
Dakkon: "If I release the blade, it will cease to exist."
Annah: "Touch me blades again, and I'LL PUT 'EM IN YOUR SKULL!" [Or if you try for her leather jerkin] "Get yer mitts off that, ya dirty wee rat!"
Fall-From-Grace: "I will only remove my clothes if...well...never."

    • The same in the Baldur's Gate series (which, after all, ran on the same engine and were made by the same closely affiliated people): poke Xzar often enough and his response shifts from "Your voice is ambrosia!" to "STOP TOUCHING MEEEEEE!"
  • Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory has several moments that you can get this from as well.
    • They include killing national guardsmen who are hostile to you, causing Sam claim it was an accident.
    • You can also get a shocked reaction from killing on no kill missions.
    • Inverted in that you can get reactions from doing good acts as well (like removing the pilots from a downed plane before calling in an air strike and removing the body of a tortured scientist from where it was hanging) and if you shoot that same scientist you get one, with Sam answering that he was just making sure he wasn't suffering.
    • In the tutorial of the original game, there's an Easter Egg where you can find a way off the course into an observation room where you meet one of the friendly main characters. You can attack her and knock her out, resulting in a curse-filled "What The Hell, Hero?" from your boss followed by a mission failure.
    • In the second game, at the Paris level, failing to save the security guard who alerted the authorities to the terrorists attacking the cryo plant will get quite the chewing out from Lambert. Sam's response is Breaking the Fourth Wall, but in-universe will make Lambert think Sam has lost his mind.
  • In the N64 version of GoldenEye, killing Boris Grishenko will earn you a scolding from Natalya Simonova and she'll refuse to open the computer-controlled doors you need to get through to complete the level.
  • In Shadow the Hedgehog, if you do things against your mission's alignment, your accompanying character asks this or tells you to stop.
  • In Mega Man Zero 2, in the opening/tutorial level, if you dawdle around the first screen just killing random mooks, Zero will say to himself "This isn't fun anymore..."
  • Shooting at your allies in Star Fox 64 leads to some snarky comments, such as "Hey, Einstein, I'm on your side!"
    • "Hey, what's the big idea?"
    • "Foooooox!! That's one of ours!!"
      • "Enemy down... Wait, that was one of ours!"
    • You can shoot your wingmen in Star FOX, which will earn a few nasty remarks from your victim.
    • And if you crash into an ally in 64, he'll get more pissed off at you. For example:


  • Smacking Tricky with your staff in Star Fox Adventures will cause him to tell you to cut it out, and repeated abuse will cause him to try to incinerate you with his flamethrower ability.
  • Shooting allies in the Star Wars Trilogy arcade game would prompt cries of "You'll be court-martialed!" and lowers your shield level.
  • There's a 'copter flight sim, Apache, where if you shoot at allies, it tells you to "Stop firing at allied targets!".
  • SpaceSims like Wing Commander and Descent: Freespace would give you a Nonstandard Game Over of being hunted down as a traitor if you have too many friendly-fire incidents in a mission.
    • As well as Starlancer. If there are too many friendly fire incidents, your weapons officer will take control of the ship and automatically jump back to the carrier, and you'll be shot for treason.
    • In the Wing Commander series, you get called on accidentally shooting your wingmen. However, in the first game you don't get punished for it in any way, even if you shoot them down. Colonel Halcyon wasn't kidding when he said you could shoot Maniac down if you want. Later games, however, would take more than a few hits on a wingman's fighter as a sign of turning against your friends, and will act in self-defense.
      • Wing Commander II's plot partly revolves around the search for a traitor and saboteur among the crew of the Concordia. Shoot up your allies too much and they will conclude that YOU are the traitor and shoot back. Ironically enough this includes the character who turns out to be the actual traitor.
      • From Wing Commander III onwards, you'd get court-martialed when landing after shooting down a wingman. You get a free pass on it if you eject instead of landing afterward, though.
  • There's a secret message in Metroid: Fusion if you use a Dungeon Bypass to get out of an area early. Though they're actually more impressed that you managed to make it to the room to hear the message.
    • In Metroid Prime 3, if you attack the Galactic Federation troopers, they'll ask you to cut it out. If you keep it up, they'll pull defense turrets on you. Destroy the turrets, and eventually an instant-kill turret will come down.
  • If you somehow get the urge to use the brilliant defensive tactic of intentionally walking the entire battery twice in MLB 10: The Show, color commentator Dave Campbell expresses his building contempt and disgust at your strategy ("Let me know when they get back to playing baseball") until when you give the eighteenth batter a free pass (and the fifteenth run crosses the plate), he grumps "That's it! I'm outta here!", and leaves the broadcast booth with a hard slamming of the press box door completely annoyed with the "pitcher and manager" (aka "you"). If you walk a nineteenth consecutive batter, the sound of crickets is heard in the booth.
  • In Perfect Dark, running around, ducking, and doing other wacky stuff in front of people will illicit a response. "Please don't do that, Joanna--it worries me." If you destroy all the wine bottles in your boss' wine cellar, he will tell you to act your age. Which is odd, as story-wise, your boss is tied up in the other room being beaten.
  • In Star Wars: Rogue Leader, shooting at your allies elicits cries of "Whose side are you on?!"
    • ...unless you're playing as Darth Vader in the bonus missions, in which case your allies will frantically apologize. It's good to be bad.
    • Also used in Star Wars Battlefront, varied with warnings such as "Friendly fire!", "Watch it!", and "Ow! Was it something I said?!"
      • Allies in Battlefront also sometimes react like this in response to doing really well; battle droids in particular will sometimes ask "How are you doing that?"
  • In Portal, there are two targets (one is in Level 18, the other in Level 15) where you have to open the cover of box in time for an energy ball to be knocked into the receptacle that's in the box behind a cover. If you end up in the box, GlaDos informs you that by no fault of the Enrichment Center, you've trapped yourself in the box and it will now open an escape passage for you.
    • GLaDOS also scolds you every time you knock down a security camera with a portal.
    • The Flash Version-inspired mod (the one later released by Valve as Portal: Still Alive) also used this line, in situations that are far easier to get into. Oh, and you also die for no apparent reason.
    • There's are at least three more places where you can get stuck if it weren't for the game:
      • Chamber 4: You can prop the cube against the door, open the door, and knock the cube to the opposite side
      • Chamber 5: You can proceed as you normally would (getting both cubes) and open the door, shoot the blue end of the portal through the door, then stack up the cubes so you can climb back on top of the platform where the orange portal is. Once there, you can grab the top cube and put it through the orange portal. At this point the game plays a message about how you're not a good person, and you know that, right? (It detects the problem a little early, but if you were to then shoot the blue portal it's possible you'd be in a situation where you're stuck.)
      • Chamber 17. At the end, it is possible to seal yourself in the room with the button that opens the Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator if you put the companion cube on the big button as normal, block the door from closing with cameras, remove the cube, go inside the room, and remove the door props. The game recognizes the situation and plays a similar message if the cube is in the room with you, but unfortunately does not if the cube is outside the room when you do this.
      • Chamber 13 permits you to do it two times. First, you must bring both boxes into the starting room, take them off the button that opens the door to the second room and return through a portal to the second room before sealing yourself in by removing those portals. This will open the gate of the first and second rooms. You must then open the gate to the exit and make a portal into that area, throw both cubes through, and seal yourself in the second room again.
      • Chamber 14 can open a door if you manage to throw the cube upward, next to or into the emancipation field at the exit.
  • In Time Splitters: Future Perfect, your Voice with an Internet Connection has a go at you during the 1969 train level if you go into a bathroom or stop in the casino car to play one of the slot machines. Justified in that the mission's main objective is preventing the launch of an armed nuclear missile.

Anya: Cortez, you're humanity's last hope for survival AND YOU'RE PLAYING A SLOT MACHINE!

    • Also in Future Perfect, The Voice will yell at you for activating various medical/torture instruments on mutants tied to them during the U-Genix mission in 2052.
  • If you kill Keyes at the start of Halo, Cortana tells everyone that you've gone rampant and calls in marines to take you down. Not bad enough? The doors are sealed shut, and the marines who come for you are invincible, meaning the only way out of it is to die.
    • Same exact thing happens with Commander Keyes in Halo 3 on Crows Nest. Your best bet is to grab a battle rifle, go up to the top balcony. They pretty much never go up the stairs so just sit back and try to dodge the fireworks.
    • Less lethal examples are in the game as well. If you shoot your allies they will shout questions and insults at you, and if you kill more than three the squad turns on you. You can still play the level, but you'll be going through it with even more enemies, and no allies.
      • This can actually be a good speed tactic in the second mission of the first game. You're supposed to Hold the Line with groups of marines, but if you kill them all, you can just move on to the next group.
    • In Halo 3, during "The Ark," 343 Guilty Spark will even shoot you with a one-shot kill death beam if you start killing Marines.
    • Also In Halo 3 if you somehow succeed in flipping the Elephant (a giant vehicle that moves at about 2 miles an hour and is too big to reach any high areas) then you get the usual message : Press RB to flip {Insert Vehicle Name Here} except that it instead says: Press RB to flip... wait, what? How did you do that? [dead link]
    • Standing and staring at NPCs long enough will cause them to question you doing this, on occasion to the point of actually getting creeped out by it.

Marine: Chief... don't point that thing at me.
Johnson: What, do I smell bad or something?
Female Marine: Yeah. That's why they call it a breast plate.

  • The robots in Starship Titanic would get offended and leave if you swore at them. They'd stay pissed off at you until you either apologised or went to the control room and fiddled with their settings.
  • In an old Star Trek text game, if you started swearing, the whole crew would react very strongly. If you swore three times in a row, you'd get a Nonstandard Game Over when McCoy dragged you off to sickbay with a mournful note as if you'd gone nuts.
    • In a similar game, you'd end up in the sickbay to treat your supposed insanity (a Nonstandard Game Over) if you tried to order the crew to shift to an unreasonable Warp Speed (Warp One Million, anyone?).
  • Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force had fellow Starfleet officers complain if you shot them. With the exception that picking up weapons in the armory and then using them to attack people when there was no mission going on was a Nonstandard Game Over instead.
    • They did a little bit more than complain in the "Virtual Voyager" Expansion Pack. Strolling into the Mess Hall and drilling Neelix in the forehead with a photon torpedo resulted in every single crewmember in the area whipping out uber-powered phasers and swiftly reducing you to a cinder. Alternatively, a cutscene occurred you were beamed into the brig and a random character would show up and essentially ask, "What the Hell, Hero?"
      • That's nothing. If you work for it, you can break into the ship's computer core, hack your way to a higher security clearance than the Captain's, then watch the bridge crew freak out when you arm the Self-Destruct Sequence.
  • In Cybermorph, the pack-in game for the Atari Jaguar, Mission Control would ask "What are you doing?" if you crashed into the ground too much.
  • In the Leisure Suit Larry series, telling Larry to MASTURBATE would cause the game to respond with either "The point of the game was to get you to stop doing that, Larry" or "There's enough hair on your palms already."
  • Most text-based adventures respond to curse words or other offensive actions (and sometimes unusual actions), often with hilarious results. "Shhh! We have some Trainee Parsers visiting today! Don't expose them to that kind of language!"
  • In one of the Zork games that used RPG Elements, Beyond Zork, swearing caused your Intelligence stat to go down a point. (Opening an umbrella indoors reduced Luck by a point.)
    • Zork is full of these. Just try swearing at one of the old text games, or do anything obviously suicidal. Even funnier, purchase the hint guide and try out all of the 'just for fun' commands listed at the end of each game section.
    • The similar Sorcerer included a Stable Time Loop. If you act bizarre the first time through the loop, you will see it again the second time through—rather judgmentally described. What the Hell, Me?
  • Jumping on or squirting at friendly townsfolk in Super Mario Sunshine nets you several annoyed grunts and a particularly vexed animation.
  • The first No One Lives Forever on PC had a few of these. In the first mission, you could be failed for "unacceptable simian casualties" for shooting a monkey and for "defiling (character)'s corpse" if you shot a recently killed ally (of course, in one case it's used to cover up the fact that the ally's Not Quite Dead).
  • EVO: The Search for Eden has an example: killing a 'friendly' creature results in the earth goddess yelling at you. If you try to eat their meat, it turns out to be "poisonous" and kills you instantly. Talk about karmic backlash...
  • The "Strike" series, being centered around a black-ops military unit, does not appreciate a loose cannon.
    • In Jungle Strike, the first mission takes place in Washington DC. You can fly around and blow huge holes in all the major landmarks, including the White House. Doing so gets you recalled to base where you get chewed out.
    • Similarly, in Soviet Strike, you can blow the Hell out of your own base. Earle will call the MPs when it's the Crimean frigate, ending the mission, and in the last mission his boss orders you to be executed for blowing up the fast food home base. Other stunts...allowing Boris Yeltsin to be killed, a nuclear missile to be launched, or otherwise failing an objective, may yield a news video or one of your black ops allies killing herself, or a simple voiceover, which when it's something like an overthrown Russia holding the world to ransom, becomes Nightmare Fuel.
    • In both Soviet Strike and Nuclear Strike, the commander orders you to return to base when the player fails a mission (by failing a timed event, rendering the mission Unwinnable, or destroying too many friendly assets.) If you continue fighting, the commander issues several warnings, then decides you've gone rogue, and orders you shot down. The player may duck and weave through the first round of "encouragement", but eventually they fire unavoidable missiles from off-screen or having a bomb on your copter getting detonated.
  • Psychonauts has so much on this, it borders on enticing Video Game Cruelty Potential. Not only will friendly NPCs call you out if you attempt to attack them (or certain pieces of the environment), but they'll react differently for every different psychic power. So while simply punching Vernon as normal will elicit one reaction, picking him up with Telekinesis will get another, and trying to set him on fire will get you yet another...
  • In Beyond Good and Evil, Jade's sidekicks, Pey'j and Double H, will get annoyed at her if she hits or attacks them. While in your hovercraft, you can also shoot at ships sailing or flying across the bay, making them call you out on it. (Keep it up, and they call the police on you.)

Double H: Ouch! "Respect the home team", Chapter 12!

  • In Resident Evil 4, if you try to look up Ashley's skirt, she calls you a pervert. She will have the exact same reaction if you just get knocked down near her as well, apparently oblivious to the enemy who just clocked you over the head with a hammer.
    • During the Cabin segment in which you fight off Ganados with Luis, he will question you if you shoot him. Do so too many times and he'll kill you, resulting in a game over.
  • Likewise, your Action Girl sidekick in Sin Episodes will call you out for staring at her butt, which shouldn't be too hard to find on one's own considering her outfit seems designed to call attention to it.
  • The Monkey Island series' Adventure Narrator Syndrome messages were quite often delivered with Guybrush facing the camera. "Oh, sure. WALK to the SUN."
    • The best two are from the otherwise not-very-good Escape (Thanks to the excellent VA): "As useful as a two-prong cactus would be, I am not putting it into my pants" and "Pick up the moon? Are you nuts?"
    • In Sam and Max Hit The Road, repeatedly trying to pick up something you can't pick up will have Sam scold you differently the more you try, until he eventually gives up and whimpers, with Max going "Now you've done it. You've broken Sam's spirit with your stupid attempts to pick up that silly object." - "In fact, if I didn't find his pitiful sobbing so amusing, I'd come out there and rip your limbs off."
      • If you have subtitles on, instead of "that silly object" you get the number of that object in the text e.g. "..pick up #54364".
  • SimCity 4 displays a message in the news ticker every time you actually destroy something with the disaster tools. The headline is something along the lines of "Mayor Is Feeling A Little Bit Trigger-Happy".
  • Stealing from the store in The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening causes everyone to call you THIEF. (You also get a hilarious message from the game: "Guess what? You got it for free. ...Are you proud of yourself?") Oh, and the shopkeeper kills you when you enter the store again.
    • More from Link's Awakening: when Marin is following you around, she'll comment on certain actions. She calls you a bad boy for breaking pots and feels sorry for chickens when you slash them. On the other hand, she loves it when you dig with the shovel. (And try slashing a chicken over and over—occasionally she approves!)
    • Wind Waker has a store owner who will fine you for breaking his pots. And if you attack your sensei, he gets annoyed, and eventually knocks you across the room.
      • And then there's the woman on Outset Island, who's constantly carrying around a pot on her head. If you smash it with your hookshot, or arrows (light arrows are especially fun to use when doing this), and then go and speak to her, she'll fine you.
    • Word to the wise: do not attack the chickens in most Zelda games. They will kill you. Or pigs or goats (Wind Waker/The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess), for that matter. This dates back from the very first The Legend of Zelda game: attacking the old men who dispense random Engrish tips will cause the fires flanking them to start shooting harmful energy bubbles at you like the statues in dungeons.
    • In Ocarina of Time you can use the fishing pole to snag the fisherman's hat. He yells at you, and if you lose it he makes you pay 50 rupees for it.
    • In Twilight Princess, the fishing hole girl will get mad at you if you go around rolling into things in her hut. If you do it enough times, she'll kick you out of the building, and the next time you go back in, she'll make you apologize.
    • And the shop bird who you can steal from (fill a bottle with health potion/lantern oil and walk out without putting any rupees in the moneybox. He calls you a thief and attacks you if you try to return (though you can quiet him by putting money in). Also if you put less than 10 rupees in, he remarks "That's a little on the skimpy side..." and as you leave, says to "pay like you're supposed to next time, cheapskate."
    • In The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, if you attack Zelda with the boomerang when she's possessing a phantom, she'll cry "Hey! That hurts, you know!"
      • Do it too many times and she'll tell you that you're making her angry and ask why you're being so pushy. Keep provoking her and she'll hit you back.
    • Also in Spirit Tracks, at one point the Lokomo of the Snow Sanctuary, Steem, asks you to bring him a vessel. After obtaining it from the fortune-teller in Papuchia Village, you deliver it to him. He's really happy, giving you a Force Gem out of gratitude. But if you succumb to temptation and break the vessel, he'll yell at you and demand that you replace it. (The replacement vessel costs twice as much as the first one. By this point in the game, either amount is small potatoes, but you still deserve it!)
    • Destroying pumpkins in Ordon village prompts one townsperson to scold you "Hey! Don't waste food!"
    • Smashing things in The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword's Lumpy Pumpkin Inn will eventually cause the chandelier to collapse (It has a Piece of Heart and 7 Rupees on it), which the bartender will call you out on. This opens up a line of sidequests in which you work off the cost of the chandelier, ending when the owner buys a newer chandelier, this one more elaborate but unmarred by items of any kind, and gives you another Piece of Heart.
      • Opening random cupboards gives the message "You really shouldn't open other people's cupboards without permission," though the game doesn't mind if you open your own cupboard, which contains a mysteriously self-replenishing 5 Rupees. But this also gets subverted; opening Zelda's cupboard without permission earns you a piece of heart, and no reprimanding message.
      • The old lady in the kitchen will yell at you if you break a nearby vase or barrel.
  • Animal Crossing. Shoving your neighbors around or whacking them with the bug net or axe will get them upset at you.
    • Not to mention resetting, which makes Mr. Resetti come and rant at you. The more you reset, the longer the rants get.
      • This can get so ugly that at one point Resetti threatens to erase your saved data. The game stops cold turkey- the screen turns black for about two seconds- and then you're back with Resetti who tells you he was just pulling a fast one on you.
  • The similar game Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times steps up that last one—after your first warning, if you reset again, you're forced to do cleaning duty before it will actually let you play.
  • The Warriors. If you attacked your allies, they'll tell you to cut that crap out. Keep doing it, and eventually they'll start fighting you, with the rest of your group cheering as if you're fighting a regular enemy. Eventually they'll stop, regardless of how much you fight back. However, if you try doing this is the hangout between missions, the whole group will gang up on you, and won't stop until they knock you out.
  • Nethack. There is nothing you can do that has not been anticipated.
    • "Saddle yourself? Very funny..."
    • Attempting to saddle a succubus yields "Shame on you!" and abuses your wisdom score.
  • Shooting NPCs in Jet Force Gemini will cause them to yell at you, saying that "friends don't use each other as practice targets".
  • In Conker's Bad Fur Day, killing more than 5 allies in the multiplayer campaigns will cause them to brand you as a traitor and will start to hunt you down. Funnily enough, enemies won't attack you anymore. After all, you already switched sides.
    • Also, in the N64 version, if you enter the same incorrect cheat code twice in a row, the game will mock you by saying "Didn't work the first time, ain't gonna work the second time, dipshit!"
  • In Dead Rising, if you attack a survivor often enough, they will leave your clearly careless watch.
  • If you use a Game Shark or similar hacking device in Persona 3 to, say, equip the Protagonist with the exclusive Persona of another character or get the World Arcana before the final battle, then Mission Control will chastise you during battle for cheating. The best part is that Mission Control's lines in this case are fully voice-acted.
    • Also, if you give a character "unusual" armor swimsuits, maid outfits, etc. they'll chew you out for it, but agree to wear it anyway.
  • Like the Psychonauts example, most people (and animals) will negatively respond to attacks of any sort in Okami. Additionally, nearly every character and animal will react differently to the various brush powers.
    • In particular, using offensive techniques like Power Slash or Inferno will make them angry and confused; using Bloom, on the other hand, will infuse them with joy and usually cause them to lovingly pat Ammy on the head. Or, in the case of the Oina tribe, it will transform them into their animal forms.
  • Kill enough friendly Bobs in Marathon, and you'll get comments like "Traitorous pig!", "Whose side are you on?", "He killed Bob!" or "Look out! He's nuts!" (Starting in 2, they have guns and are not afraid to shoot you...)
    • And then you discover that the devs most likely did it first, if some of the hidden map text is any indication. Bungie left a few bon mots in some maps - they appear as walls in inaccessible areas which can only be viewed by a map editor...

Map Text: "Q: How do you tell a good BOB from a bad BOB? A: Good BOB?"

  • Gears of War inverts this by having the player character yell at the AI for getting in the way of his bullets.
  • At decision points in Fate Stay Night, you're occasionally offered a weird option that Shirou has absolutely no reason to take. (Staying on the ground when you're defeated, telling Saber to skip lunch...) If you get killed by one of these weird options, Taiga and Ilya will be pissed at you in the hint corner afterwards. Sometimes they even beat Shirou up in effigy.
  • Since Left 4 Dead allows for friendly fire to discourage you from just firing in all direction, you'll get plenty of automatic reactions from your teammate's character from Bill's "Goddammit! Hold your fire!" you Louis's more amusing "DO - I - LOOK LIKE- ONE OF THEM?!" And it should also be noted that while "thank you" in the game is automatic, "sorry" isn't.
    • Zoey's reaction to Bill's friendly fire is just plain hilarious. "DAMN IT, BILL!"
      • What about Francis? "Nice shot, Bill, THAT WAS MY ASS!"
      • Based on the preview videos for the sequel, now it seems that when someone complains of friendly fire, another character will reply to it, such as "Don't get in the way next time!"
      • And the sequel gives us the following friendly fire reactions:

Coach: There's gonna be some biblical shit if you do that again!
Nick: Unless you want to pick up your teeth from the ground, stop shooting me!
Rochelle: Oh no you didn't just shoot me!
Ellis: Keep shooting me. Ain't helping you anyhow.

    • In "The Parish" with the lot filled with car alarms, the survivors will yell at you if you keep triggering them, causing them to say things like "WOULD YOU STOP SHOOTING THE GODDAMN CARS!?" or "YOU WANNA SHOOT CARS?! LET'S SHOOT CARS!"
  • In Shadow of the Colossus, you're free to slash or shoot Agro. The poor horse will spook and run away from you, and is very likely to react like this for a long time afterwards whenever you draw your sword.
  • In the second mission of Star Wars Starfighter, the player and a wingman must protect the Queen of Naboo when her ship is attacked. Shooting the queen's ship will result in your wingman telling you to "stop shooting the Queen!"
    • If the ship's lifebar goes down far enough, it and your wingman become invincible, and your wingman will declare you a traitor and attack you.
  • Early in Half-Life: Blue Shift, it's possible to jump over a railing to the floor below. Do this and the scientist in the room will exclaim "My God, what are you doing?!"
    • The original Half-Life and that microwave casserole. S'ok, you're forgiven for it in Episode Two.
    • Half-Life: Opposing Force also lets you pull something like this—when on the sniper range during the tutorial, turn and shoot your Drill Instructor. And then enjoy your time in prison. You can also throw things out of alignment in both Opposing Force and Blue Shift, with the game citing a "Chronological Paradox" and ending.
      • Given what happens to the protagonist in Blue Shift at the end, it's a toss-up between whether getting annihilated during the Seven-Hours War while stuck in Ft. Leavenworth is a better or worse fate.
    • Likewise, at the start of Blue Shift, you can jump on top of a scientist sitting on a sofa and fire your gun through the newspaper he's reading without repercussions. Try this on the donut the fat guard near the shooting range is holding, however, and the donut will bleed - and you get thrown in jail for killing a civilian!
    • Half-Life 2 also features the Nonstandard Game Over "Subject demonstrated extremely poor judgment" which appears if you climb over the railing and leap to your doom in the Highway 17 chapter.
    • Also in the original Half-Life, although you're generally allowed to kill anyone you like, including scientists and security guards (provided you survive their retaliation), there are many situations where a scientist or guard is required to open a door or such, in which case killing them (or allowing them to die) earns you a Nonstandard Game Over ("Subject failed to utilize human resources"). Justified in this case since otherwise you'd be stuck and not necessarily realize it.
      • And even if a security guard isn't necessary to progress, friendly fire causes them to say something threatening and start shooting you. They can be easily killed, however.
      • Also, the lone exception to the above is the scientist at the start of the first game who's supposed to be Eli Vance - find a way to kill him, and the door he unlocks for you opens on its own.
      • Killing yourself sometimes triggers this, too. If you jump into the Xen portal before the scientists tell you it's ready, the last thing you hear before dying messily is one of the scientists scolding you for being such an idiot.
  • Goofing around in the FMV game Police Quest: SWAT gets you chewed out. Hard. This happens even if you try to skip through the introductory dialog with your superiors. If you use the LASH communications system incorrectly, you get yelled at. If you mess around on the firing ranges, you get yelled at. If you shoot one of your colleagues...
    • In PQ: Swat 2, if you are the police and you try to shoot yourself you get told "SWAT is a life PRESERVING organization". Shoot your normally player controlled teammates, and they will shoot back. Terrorists are allowed to commit suicide by gun, though (although the only reason to do this would be by accident, as losing a player is a bad thing).
    • In the regular Police Quest 2 (not the SWAT edition), upon arrival at work you can always hop back in your car and drive to any city location you want. After the second stop, a patrol car pulls you over and a rookie cop takes you back to the station where you get chewed out by the chief for fooling around.
  • In Tales of Vesperia, running around the battlefield without actually fighting will result in other party members yelling at you or wondering what the hell you're doing. Overusing a single Arte or relying heavily on items will also cause them to question your actions.
    • Trying to make a sorbet whilst walking around the obligatory ice dungeon will generate a skit where your party complains about how insanely cold the food has made them. Cooking noodles in a desert generates the opposite response.
    • There's also another skit for each character if you keep their Hot Springs Episode outfits on for an extended perioid of time: while most of them involve the characters enjoying wearing them because they're more comfortable than their regular outfits, Karol's consists only of a towel wrapped around his waist, which he loudly complains about, yelling the player how he's mean and made him wear it only because he thought it was funny. The other characters have no idea who he's talking to and say they did no such thing.
  • In Tales of Symphonia, when you learn that Chocolat has been captured, if you say that you should ignore it and prioritize releasing the seals, the characters let you know how out of character this is for Lloyd to say. Of course, no matter which option you choose, you wind up going to save her anyway.
    • If you choose said option of releasing the seals first, it ups your relationship with both Kratos and Raine, and as you know, both of them are a little on the cold side (But this makes your relationship with Genis, Colette and Sheena worse).
  • In Peasants Quest, the game states that "yours is a black, black heart" if you put the baby in the well. If you put the baby in the well and leave, your game ends.
    • You can also attempt to attack Poor Gary, as seen in the page image. However, Poor Gary responds by kicking you clear across the screen, killing you instantly.
    • Similarly, in Thy Dungeonman 3, attempting to kill a plot-important bird causes the bird to peck you to death.
  • In Banjo Tooie, Tiptup needs help getting his son to hatch out of his egg in Jolly Roger's Lagoon. This requires the use of a Kazooie's "Hatch" move, which can't be learned until reaching a world a bit later in the game. Shooting grenade eggs at Jr.'s eggshell gets an appropriate response from Tiptup.
    • In Jolly's inn, instead of paying 2 doubloons to unlock the room Jamjar is in, you can just destroy the door with a Grenade Egg and you'll get a response from Jolly.
  • H2G2. Enjoy Ford Prefect. "This is a family game, not a video nasty."
    • Open satchel. "You can't. It's not yours. It's Ford's and it's private."
  • Deliberately killing squadmates in the later Call of Duty games will lead to a Nonstandard Game Over and a message that reads "Friendly fire will not be tolerated!". It's funnier when playing as the Soviets in World At War or CoD2; instead, the message will say "You are a traitor to the Motherland!".
    • Also in the first sniper mission in Call of Duty 4, if you cause a fire fight and survive, your commanding officer will chew you out with comments like, "The word 'stealth' doesn't mean much to you does it?" But you can jack around as much as you want and the worse he'll do is bitch you out.
      • Reznov will do something similar if you attack the first patrol that comes in after your sniper massacre at the start of the game (and the game drops his health down to ludicrously low levels, showing that it WANTS him or you to die). If you dispatch the Germans and escape from the tank, he will chew you out for endangering the mission and tells you that he considers you expendable.
    • Playing as Tank Dempsey in Black Ops and running out of ammo will result in him yelling Hey Player! DROP THE CHIPS AND GET ME SOME AMMO!!
      • In the same game's campaign mode, your allies will yell a variety of nasty things at you if you accidentally shoot them. There's actually quite a few of them, based on who you're hitting; Bowman and Hudson are content with simply yelling, "Friendly fire!", while Weaver responds with a sarcastic, "Your side, your side!". Woods seems to take it the worst; if shot, he angrily shouts things like "Watch it, Mason!" and "If you do that again, I will KILL you!".
    • In MW3, shooting your own character while you're controlling the UGV gives you the message "You killed yourself".
  • In Fallout 3, accidentally kicking a tin can, milk bottle, or shopping cart (or any of dozens of other objects littering the post-apocalyptic landscape and interiors), will be noticed by other people around you. While enemies attack the noise, as expected, the comments from the friendly NPCs like "what're you doing?" and "watch where you're going!" quickly get annoying. Repeatedly walking over the same tin can will cause the same NPC to give you an endless stream of these comments.
    • And if you even looked at something that isn't yours, or red texted, everyone or at least someone will say that is not yours or says that is locked for a reason. Even if you just looked at it for a millisecond. Thankfully, this is no longer the case in Fallout: New Vegas.
    • Fallout 3 also has several "stop shooting me" friendly fire comments from the NPCs, but since you need all the heavily-armed friends you can get, those comments are less annoying.
    • Atop a bridge in Megaton stands Stockholm, the town sentry guard. He watches over the town and will attempt to take out anyone who attacks Megaton residents. Through console commands or glitches, it is possible to reach him. If you do he'll say he needs to look out for raiders.....as well as ask how the hell you managed to get up there.
    • In Big Town, you have the option to either heal Timebomb or "put him out of his misery". If you do choose the latter, you gain nothing, and the in-game text will call you an asshole.
    • If you kill the kindly violinist Agatha, Three Dog will claim the most likely suspect is the "vault-asshole".
  • Similarly to the Fallout example above, Prototype has nearby soldiers commenting on Alex doing his parkour tricks or bumping into them. Lines range from the Marines' incredulous "You seeing this shit?!" to Blackwatch's not-so-benign "I'm authorized to shoot and burn your fucking corpse! Get outta here!"
    • Of course, if Alex bumps into a Marine while disguised as an officer, the grunt in question salutes him.
  • Fallout: New Vegas doesn't complain so much if you kick debris around, or look at a locked object, but some NPCs will comment if you stare at them for too long.
    • Powder Gangers will comment "You eyeballin' me?" as if you're about to start a fight.
    • If you aim a gun at your allies, they'll immediately scold you.

Lily: "Don't point that at grandma!"
Cass: "There better be rock salt in that, or you're in for a world of hurt."
Boone: "How about I aim my gun at you for a while - see how you like it."

    • If you aim a gun at the crier kid for Mick & Ralph's in Freeside, he'll sometimes say: Wow, I can see down the barrel!
  • Final Fantasy IX has fun with this one. When Zidane is going over the plan to kidnap Queen Brahne Princess Garnet with the other pirates. The captain will ask questions, and if you pick the wrong one, the captain gets cross and asks the question again. Choose the wrong answer enough times (64!), and Ruby will actually come into the room and tell Zidane to quit being stupid and answer the question.
    • Calling the save moogle and canceling repeatedly will also cause him to give increasingly annoyed messages, eventually causing him to tell you that "I'm sharpening my knife, kupo" before he finally starts yelling "STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! KUPOOOOH!" at you.
  • In Final Fantasy X, poking Kimahri (pressing X) too many times after you Get on the Boat results in an Easter Egg animation: Tidus waves his hands in front of Kimahri's nose like a tourist pestering a London Royal Guard, Kimahri shoves him forcibly in the chest, and Tidus throws a foot-stamping mini-snit.
  • Final Fantasy XIII has multiple minor "STOP IT!" animations if you run a character from side to side with the controller. Each PC has a couple irked responses to the stick jiggle dance.
  • In Final Fantasy Tactics, the generic party members attempt to guilt trip you when you dismiss them from the roster.
    • In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, generic party members who haven't seen much action since they joined up make really pissy comments about how your guild sucks and they didn't want to be in it anyway. If they've been on a few missions, they'll talk about how great their experiences with the guild were, and tell you that if you ever need them in the future, you've but to ask. If you turn away applicants to the guild, you don't get a message from the unit itself, but it says "The unit left crying."
      • And just if you are wondering, if they have been on since forever and done a lot of missions, they'll either comment how great the clan is (and even try to rejoin later), or get very, very angry.
  • In the old surgery sim Life and Death, if the player deliberately neglected to turn on the anesthetic gas before cutting into the patient, not only would the patient let out a blood-curdling scream but the chief of staff would haul you out of the operating room and lecture you on why it was a bad idea to cut into people who were still awake. Then you usually got stuck with five or six cases of intestinal gas or other non-surgical issues in a row.
    • It doesn't even need to be deliberate. The easy difficulty setting will basically walk you through the procedure step-by-step, but if you switch to the hard difficulty the game is much less helpful. The patient will come in with a diagnosis of "This patient isn't feeling well" and if you pick up the scalpel out of sequence it'll just say "Aren't you forgetting something?" Cue Nightmare Fuel if you forgot the anesthetic.
    • The Administrator usually had messages for when you did stupid things, such as stabbing a patient in the eye with the pin (intended to be used between the eyes, not in them). He will also accuse you of being a raging sociopath if you cut a patient repeatedly during surgery.

"The hospital staff did not appreciate your imitation of Freddy Krueger."

  • In Star Wars: Republic Commando, the Halo games, and I would assume any number of shooters with AI-controlled allies, pestering friendlies excessively will draw complaints from said NPCs. Repeated offenses will eventually get you killed. Also seen in Left 4 Dead, though your allies don't turn on you for being a jerk... offline, that is.
    • The best Republic Commando friendly fire complaint comes from Sev: "You're a waste of good genes, sir."
    • If you constantly give Scorch conflicting orders he will say something along the lines of "your orders scare and confuse me, Sir."
  • In The World Ends With You, your partner won't think twice of telling you a few things if you do the unspeakable and run away from battles. This also causes your sync rate to drop. Fortunately, some equipment prevents you from being nagged. It doesn't always happen like this, though; if the enemy was a much higher level than you, or was a Boss Noise (blue Noise) or Taboo Noise (black Noise), then your partner will say it was probably a good idea to run away. They only call you out on it if you run away too many times.
  • Zone of the Enders will acknowledge damage to the surrounding buildings as caused by enemy attacks, and caused by player error/deliberate mischief. ADA will chew you out considerably for the latter.
  • Common in the point-and-click Adventure Game genre. For example, in Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, your commands are relayed through a boy assistant who whines a lot, particularly if your commands are impossible, dangerous, immoral, or just plain nonsense.
  • Cave Story:
    • If you speak to Chie (the young caged mimiga beside Chaco) during a boss fight, she will remark on your "Interesting Priorities."
    • If you agree to carry Mr. Little back to his house, then complete the game without taking him home, he will interrupt the ending cutscene to ask "...aren't you forgetting something?"
    • Curly Brace will surprisingly not chew you out if you talk to her with Curly's Underwear in your inventory.
    • The worst of the game's Multiple Endings. If you take Kazuma up on his offer to run away rather than fight the Doctor, you're treated to an ending narration informing you lived out the rest of your days in hiding, never learning (or caring) whether the Doctor successfully conquered the world, or whether any of your friends survived.
  • Smiling Jack in Vampire Bloodlines will call the player out for cheating extra stats in the chargen/tutorial section of the game. If that hasn't shattered the fourth wall yet, the player can explain that they're playing with a mod installed.
    • Malkavians can state that Malkav Did It.
      • Furthermore, trying to hit him during the tutorial (which has no effect; Jack is invincible) will elicit snarky comments.
      • Finally, the Prince will chew you out if you choose to interpret his "explore this location and don't raise attention" missions as "explore this location and murder all potential witnesses".
  • Worms 2 had various voice sets, and one of the phrases was triggered by taking out one of your own worms. Particularly memorable was the Angry Scots shout of "You arse!"
  • In America's Army if you shoot an instructor during the training missions the mission will end, the screen will fade to black and then reveal you to be in a jail cell with harmonica music playing in the background.
    • Also happens if you either kill a teammate or kill enough teammates (I forget which) during multiplayer.
  • In Tachyon the Fringe using cheat codes will cause the main character (voiced by Bruce Campbell) chew you out, "Oh, so I guess I'm just a lousy, no-good cheater!" which is actually kind of awesome.
  • In Super Mario Galaxy, trying to jump on Rosalina will just make you bounce off her forcefield. She doesn't hurt you though. She probably could, seeing as she's God.
    • If you hit Rosalina with Star Bits, she will instantly deflect them with her wand. Presumably, this is a quick and subtle display not to mess with her.
    • In Buoy Base Galaxy, if you talk to the Gearmo after destroying the weight that's keeping the fortress from rising to the surface, he says, "You destroyed the weight! So you just go around breaking stuff, eh? You think that's OK? Breaking stuff?"
  • Entering a train tunnel on the second level of Blood gives the player messages to the effect of "This is not a very good idea.". If the player continues, he gets run over by a train. Worth mentioning is that there's another train at the start of the tunnel (facing the tunnel entrance), which the player has to board to continue. One wonders how the two trains met without destroying each other.
  • The early Space Quest games would respond to swearing with, "Would your mother like to hear you say that?" Odd, given amount of commands it didn't seem to recognise.
  • In the VGA remake of Space Quest, there's one scene where you can stick your hand into a pool of corrosive acid. Doing that causes the game's developers to mock you... with play-by-play commentary and an instant replay. Walking through a set of laser beams in a nearby room leads to a similar result.
  • Space Quest 4 offers a mostly-useless-but-very-entertaining tongue cursor, indicating "taste" or "lick." When this is done in one area of the first planet, the snarky narrator responds thusly: "You lick a thick smear of filth off the street. Finding the taste unpleasant, you quickly swallow it. What a smart person you are!"
    • Using the tongue icon on the player's butt warrants the response "I'll bet you wish you could."
      • Both the "smell" and the "taste" cursors are *entirely* useless in that they cannot be used to help progress at any point in the game. It can be surmised that they were added solely to allow lots and lots of these gags - using them on just about every hotspot in the entire game will get a staggering number of unique, blisteringly sarcastic comments from the narrator. Talking to inanimate objects will also, at least once, elicit a reply!
  • Second Sight does this both ways. Where do we begin?
    • In the second level, Preperation, you can obtain a live ammo assault rifle. When JC sees you with it, he'll ask you to give it to him so he can look after it. Go ahead and shoot him, and there will be a point where the whole training facility will come after you. You can even get up to the abandoned warehouse seen in the Diligence bonus level. Here, you will end up facing Starke, who is invincible. When you get killed, you get a Nonstandard Game Over where John Vattic is at the medical research facility he wakes up in at the start of the game. He ends up interrogated by the ominous voice of the Big Bad, basically asking Vattic something to the effect of "What made you think you could get away with just shooting people?"
    • There are several levels where you are with the WinterICE team. Attack one of them enough times and the whole squad turns on you. This is especially hilarious in the Teamwork level. There's a bit where the team gathers around to discuss their next move. If you use Vattic's Psychic Burst move (Which blasts a shockwave that goes everywhere), when the team gets up, they will start shooting at you. You can pretty much run around the entire level with Starke chasing you, shooting at you, til you're dead. Getting killed here gets a variant on the Nonstandard Game Over mentioned above, where Vattic winces at photographs of the WinterICE team's corpses, and the Big Bad basically says "They're all dead and it's all your fault!"
    • Additionally, in one of the early levels, just after getting the body-projection power, in the psych ward, it's possible to lock yourself in a padded cell by using your newest power to exit the cell and lock it from outside. This leads to John saying something along the lines of "Well, that was brilliant. Now what do I do?" After a minute or so, the door opens, if nobody (such as a guard) opens it to get at you.
  • The freeware dialogue simulation Facade involves you, the player, being cordially invited to your friend Trip's house to chat and drink. In this game, Trip and his wife Grace respond to anything you say in the right manner. The first time you say something nasty, disturbing, or just plain threatening, the couple will stare at you with their mouths gaping, and eventually laugh it off, taking it as some sort of joke. Pull it again, however, and, of course, Trip will kick you out of their apartment.
    • Even funnier is the fact that you can literally say something like this at the very start of the game, when Trip opens the door, causing him to shut the door in your face.
    • Note that there are certain names you can't say, as the husband and wife are having affairs with them. This led to one transcript of somebody role-playing as a sad-sack salesman whose children just "happened" to have those names. Hilarity Ensues.
  • In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, the game will, for the entirety of the game, bombard you with Yes/No questions that have the same turn out, including seemingly important questions. However, there is one question halfway through the game which has slight dialogue changes if you answered antagonistically to all those questions before - Kraden will either make a snide comment on your attitude before if you decide to answer like a good boy, or totally flip out and yell your head off if you decide to say "No" again.
    • The first game had an NPC in Xian, carrying water from a river to a house. Try talking to her mid-route, and she spills her water and scolds you for bothering her. The kicker? This is important for getting one of the Djinn. You need the puddle of spilled water in a specific place, so you can freeze it into an ice pillar you can jump on to reach the ledge where the Djinni is.
  • You can do this in StarCraft to any unit. Clicking on it 3 times in a row will cause the unit to give its general "standing by" message. The 4th time, depending on the unit, you'll get a message that kind of translates to "are you OK?" Once again, this depends on the unit (Protoss Carriers do this, their first annoyance message being "Our enemies are legion..."). The fifth time, the unit will express a thorough measure of disgust that you've called on it so many times without actually having it do anything (Protoss Carriers finish the statement made on click four with "...and still you procrastinate!" Do it again, and the Carrier captain will even threaten to relieve you of your authority if you don't start giving orders soon). If the unit is mechanical or biological but nonspeaking, it will give a beep or grunt thoroughly different than what it has been giving, also meant to convey disinterest or disgust.
    • This is a beloved standard in Blizzard games, present in Warcraft as well. Sometimes the comments are fourth-wall breaking, Shout Outs, or just plain hilarious.
      • for example; the acolytes (builder units for the undead) will say "All I see is darkness; wait, my hood is over my eyes" while the peons (builder units for orcs) "Me not that kind of orc!" As a side note, the standard click responses for Tyrande sound an awful lot like she needs to hit the little night elf's room ("Now is the hour! I can wait no longer!")
      • Don't forget that if you click the critters enough, they explode.
        • And then in response to that, Diablo has the Secret Cow Level, where all the cows you exploded come back for revenge.
    • In StarCraft II, attacking the Zerg base during the first Xel'naga artifact mission causes Tychus, one of your partners, to freak out.

Tychus: This is crazy, man! We can't take the zerg in a stand-up fight and you know it!
Raynor: Leave the tactics to me, Tychus.

      • Also, ordering SCV's to attack any unit or building results in rather funny responses.

SCV: "Oh great." "This is your plan!?" "This is crazy!" "What's the matter, run out of marines?"

  • Dragon Quest VIII gives you a few opportunities to be mean. In one village, a villager compliments you on your horse (which, as you know, is actually the transformed princess), and asks if you'll sell it to them. You're given the option to say yes or no, though of course, if you choose 'yes', the (also transformed and along for the ride) king gets utterly enraged. Doesn't affect the rest of the game, though.
  • Appears a lot in Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime. Your slime can Elasto-Blast literally everyone who eventually shows up in town - which can be over a hundred distinct characters - and every single one has a different line when you hit them. Some are mad at you, some commend how hard you hit, some wonder what the hell you're doing...
  • If you tried to use a weapon on yourself in one of the Quest for Glory games, you'd get the response "You always hurt the ones you love." Sometimes the game would give you a dissuading response if you tried to use the hand or sword on an NPC, and sometimes you would have no warning and the NPC would just kill you.
    • In the second game in the series, you get to nurture a magical tree back to flowering. If you throw a dagger or fireball at her, it rebounds and cracks your monitor.
    • In the fourth game, as a Thief, if you kill the old man while robbing his house, you get an instant Have a Nice Death screen for being an asshole. (The old man is also critical to advancing the plot.)
    • In the fan made parody game Quest For Glory 4 1/2, if you clicked the hand icon on yourself, instead of the usual "You straighten out your jacket and retie your boots" description, you'd get a response that said (paraphrased) "We're not going to give you some bullshit about tying your shoes, we know what you were doing. You were trying to masturbate, weren't you, you pervert? Do you honestly think you're going to just whip it out right here?"
    • In all the games, if you're a thief you can kill yourself by using your lockpick to pick your nose. If your lockpicking skill is high enough however... "Success! Your nose is now open."
  • Ratchet and Clank Going Commando has a world where robot tourists come off a flying bus. If you kill them, more will appear out of the bus to replace them. If you kill enough, you will get initially polite and increasingly stern messages from Mega Corp asking you to refrain from cruelty to tourists.
    • Eventually, reasonably tough guards are summoned to stop you.
  • Black and White does this on occasion: If you manage to shift your alignment into either the extremely good or evil territory and then do something against that alignment, your conscience characters will remark on it. For instance, when a good player does something evil, their good conscience will ask them if this is "any way to run a religion".
  • The Chessmaster 10th Edition (not to be confused with The Chessmaster) comments after each game, indicating why you won or lost and perhaps sharing some encouraging words of wisdom. If you lose within just a few turns, it isn't shy about telling you, "Awful. If you're going to play chess, at least do it seriously," and if you win ten times against the game's weakest opponent (a little girl who plays almost randomly), the game will tell you to "martyrize somebody else."
  • Bio Menace allows you to meet the game's developers in a secret room and chat to them. If you're foolish enough to shoot them they will get all indignant at you before blasting you to death with a machine gun.
  • In Red Faction: Guerrilla the opening mission has the hero and his brother smashing up abandoned buildings for spare parts. If you kill the brother, instead of the standard "Mission failed" text the game over message reads "WTF? You killed your brother!"
    • The original Red Faction had a guard wryly remark "Going for a swim Sir?" if the player hops into a fountain while in disguise.
  • Syphon Filter 2 mission "Interstate 70". Chance will yell "Hey! That's not part of the plan!" if Gabe kills a bad guy before achieving the "acquire gear" objective.
  • In A Tale of Two Kingdoms, you can kill one friendly NPC in the game (the jeweler) doing so permanently sets your honor score to zero.
  • Units in Company of Heroes will complain if you click on them enough times.

"Airborne, time to shitkick Player 1"
"Bren Carrier here, here, HERE!"
"Clickety click, clickety click, clickety FUCKING CLICK...Sheisse..."
"I have this gun, you know..."

  • The old RTS with robots Z will have the individual robots in your units call in when they're under attack. If you ignore them long enough, the last one will call in with a staticky, panicked "For god sake, do something!".
  • Weirdly played, kind of Painting the Fourth Wall, in the opening seconds of In Famous, before you even have a chance to do anything about it. The game opens on a simple "Press Start" screen that has a city street in the background. Once you do press Start, there's a giant fucking explosion that wipes out half the city and kills thousands of people. You soon find out that that was your player character, Cole, accidentally activating the Ray Sphere, something the government and the people of the city don't take kindly to. Nice going.
    • Zeke will tell you off if you destroy a certain gas station in the Neon District. Cole shoots back with "I'm sure you would do it if you had powers", which doesn't really make sense.
  • In the third Myst game, Exile, you can choose to leave Saavedro stuck on Narayan without a single linking book; in sight of the home he's thought for twenty-odd years has been destroyed, where his wife and daughters may still be alive, but never able to get there. While he won't call you out on it directly, Atrus' ending monologue is subtly accusatory.
  • In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, you can have fellow gang members ride around in your car. Driving recklessly (excessive speed, driving off a cliff, etc) will result in them calling you out on it. The best is "Cars can't fly, you bitch!"
    • The "dates" respond, as well. Police office Barbara is prone to scream "This is not responsible driving!"
      • Katie, however, loves it.
  • And here's a Web Original: In Stuart Ashen's Ashen's Tech Dump episode 2, a videogame called Vinnie the Vole's Existential Nightmare begins by immediately informing the player that 'YOUR ACTIONS HAVE DAMNED VINNIE'. If and when Vinnie later commits suicide, the game ends with a black screen with a single message: 'YOUR FAULT'.
  • If you go into the opposite sex's bathroom in Mass Effect 2, the ship's computer chews you out.
    • Attempting to probe Uranus prompts an exasperated "...really, Commander?" from EDI.
      • Do it again and EDI reluctantly launches the probe. "Probing Uranus..."
    • Various characters react to your various story-based actions throughout the series. If you act psychotic enough, Knight Errant Samara will warn you to avoid her once the mission is over. If too much time passes between the Normandy crew's abduction and the Suicide Mission, Doctor Chakwas will be the last crewmember left alive, and she will have no idea why you took so long.
    • In the first game, your squadmates will get annoyed at you if you try to talk to them during a fight. The ability to talk to them outside of cutscenes was removed from the second game, save for a few character-specific environmental prompts.
      • If you run over the 'space monkeys' with the Mako, you will gain a few Renegade points and your squadmates will react - depending on the person, with anything from calling Shepard out for being cruel, to Wrex laughing.
    • In ME2, your teammates will berate you for shooting at them during combat. During the Overlord DLC's Hammerhead driving portions, shooting the Space Cows will have the on-board VI analysis that, yes, "defenseless herbivores are no match for guided missiles", and will remind you that the Galactic Humane Society considers animals as people, too.
  • In 5 Days a Stranger, if you repeatedly look at any one of the doors, the protagonist will start saying funny things - "Out of all the doors I've seen, this is the best.", then the next time you do it "I take it back, THIS is the best door in the house". Eventually, if you keep doing it, he suddenly starts talking about an old girlfriend he had, before eventually flipping out and saying "Sorry, I have a tendency to ramble when people WON'T STOP LOOKING AT THE BLOODY DOORS!"
  • "With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."
  • "This ain't right. This really ain't right." Or "Watch that shit, cowboy."
  • In Call of Duty 2, when you begin the game as Vasilli in the Russian Campaign. In the tutorial level, you can do two hilarious things: One is when the commander orders you to strike the mannequin with the end of your rifle. Shoot it and you'll hear him complain. Repeat for fun. Another is when he orders you to go get a weapon. Wait a while and he'll shout, "Kill the traitor!" and everyone kills you.
  • In Assassin's Creed 2 looting corpses in the presence of other people will elicit "What the hell?" lines from the onlookers like: "May God have mercy of your soul!", "Stealing from the dead! There is no salvation from this!", "Leave the dead alone!", "You rob the dead, you shit?"
  • There's actually a short story on Cracked about a guy who tries to be a jerk in a text adventure game and the game, well...plays back
  • Since Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3, if you skate right through the residents too much or even once, they'll make you wipe out by pushing you to the ground. Moreover, if you make them fall, they'll get right up, look at you, and make a gesture on what the hell you were doing skating by them like that.
    • In Project 8, knocking an NPC skater off of their board will cause a mini-camera to appear in the corner of your screen, following the skater as he or she gets back up and chases you down for revenge. Fortunately they give up rather easily.
  • In Mount & Blade, provoking another nation into war with another a lord's request will make the king very annoyed with you.
  • In King's Quest VI, Alexander can fall while attempting to scale the Cliffs of Logic if he takes a wrong step. He won't die if the fall is short, but if you fall too many times without dying, Alexander will complain to the player:

"Hey! Stop making me fall!"

  • In King's Quest II, going into the church and trying to "kill Monk" will generate the response that "anyone trying to kill a man of the cloth is not fit to play this game" and generates a Nonstandard Game Over
  • In the Windows version of Earthworm Jim, the audio cue for entering a cheat code correctly is Jim calling you a cheater.
  • One of the effects in Yume Nikki is the knife, which lets you do what you think a murderer would do with it. Its use tends to cause toriningen in the immediate vicinity to get mad at you, but one particular harmless NPC, Seccom-Masada, will try to get away from you, with a "Oh Crap" look on his face.
  • Ultima Exodus has where you can fight civilians—but everyone turns into a guard, which means fighting (IIRC) eight of them at once.
  • At one point in Persona 3, SEES infiltrates the school overnight, and splits up to investigate, with the hero getting paired with Yukari. If you try to go into one of the bathrooms while she's with you, she reacts with complete disbelief and disgust.
  • In Persona 4, if you have someone to rescue, decide to go to the entrance of another dungeon, and talk to one of your teammates, they'll chastise you for going the wrong way. Geez, sorry that I'm trying to grind Personas for this one fusion!
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum has the Joker do this regularly. When you start a mission and try to go down a path blocked by an energy shield, if you keep trying to find a way around without going where you're supposed to, the Joker will comment about how out of character Batman is acting over the intercom.
    • An even better example is when Zsasz is about to kill Dr. Young, if you wait too long because you wanted to hear all the dialogue of the scene, Zsasz eventually kills her and Joker says something along the lines of "Nobody expected that!".
    • In both this game and the sequel, Batman will chastise a player who tries to leave a particular area during certain "time-critical" missions, with an instant pan to a Nonstandard Game Over screen if he actually leaves the boundaries of the area.
  • Eric of Eric's Ultimate Solitare has a few soundbites if you win one of his solitare games by cheating...

Eric: "You won... but at what cost?"
Eric: "How do you sleep at night?"

  • There's a weird one in an old game called God of Thunder. "Why did you go and eat a poisonous shrubbery?" Well, I was just trying the "use" command on it, you could have just said it was poisonous if my character knew that but I didn't. I didn't even know to "use" this item was to eat it.
  • A Sprite Comic example: In this Captain SNES comic, we discover one of the many signs of Alex's gameplay prior to ending up in Videoland affecting Videoland: he (and by proxy, Cecil), had the Mithril Town dancers dance 347 times, much to their irritation, to say the least.
  • There's an Elevator Action Sequence halfway through First Encounter Assault Recon where the Replica repeatedly force an elevator you're riding in to stop and open into a room full of enemies. You're meant to stay in the elevator and wait for it to close and ascend again, but you can also run out and kill all the Replica that attack you. Doing the latter causes the person you're escorting to shout, "You don't have to kill everybody!"
  • Crackdown 2 attempts to invoke Video Game Caring Potential by asking you if you would like to deliver the bad news to an allied officer's family, after you've killed them.
    • Further killing of officers or civilians will result in the police turning on you for a short time, along with some very angry words from your disembodied leader.
  • Crashing enough times in the old Electronic Arts game F/A 18-Interceptor shows this message on the screen: "HEY ROOKIE, F/A-18S DON'T GROW ON TREES, YA KNOW."
    • And if you shoot down the President's plane, you get "That wasn't very smart. You shot down the President's plane. Fortunately he wasn't on board."
  • Push/punch people in Red Dead Redemption, even just breaking glass elicits many startled responses from everyone.
  • In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, toward the end of the Kvatch quest, tell Savius Mattius that the count died in a pool of his own blood. The guy will, quite reasonably, be furious with you, saying "How dare you mock the Count, even in death! Were you not so instrumental in aiding us, I'd cut you down where you stand!"
  • Soldier of Fortune II: "Mullins, get back here! Mullins, you are jeopardizing the mission! Execute him!" :dies standing up:
  • In Escape Velocity: Nova, refusing one of the early plot hooks (giving a lift to a rover down on his luck) will cause him to look at you "as if he is going to cry, or hit you, or both." After the character wordlessly walks away, the player is informed that "you feel heartily ashamed."
    • Eamon Flannigan is portrayed as a ace pilot, superhuman martial artist and all-around badass. He's the leader of the mercenary group "Wild Geese" and plays a key role in assisting the player in numerous storylines. A particularly psychotic player may attempt to disable and board his ship- no easy task, considering he flies a heavily modified Mod Starbridge which is armed to the teeth- but doing so will result in Eamon giving a What the Hell, Player? and managing to escape. Your profile is then permanently labeled "Sworn Enemy of the Wild Geese".
  • Colony Wars will berate you for friendly fire a few times, but if you persist (or destroy an ally), the game labels you a traitor and destroys your craft. Of course, you can still play after failing, most of the time, and nobody seems bothered by having the "traitor" along, probably because you are the most competent pilot around.
  • In Sonic 3 and Knuckles, if the player stops inputting controls for a few seconds, Sonic will look at the player and tap his foot impatiently.
    • This happens in most of the original 2D Sonic games. In Sonic 1 and 2, leaving him standing for several seconds has him do the foot tapping animation, paired with him looking at his watch (we don't see a watch on his arm, but it's implied). S 3 K replaces the watch animation with Sonic pointing the player in the direction Sonic is facing.
    • Taken a step further in Sonic CD. If you leave Sonic standing for 3 minutes, he'll say "I'm outta here!" before jumping off the screen, resulting in a Nonstandard Game Over.
  • Omochao, who gives you hints in Sonic Adventure 2, really hates being picked up by your character. He will not stop complaining as you carry him in your hands, or if you choose, throw him.
  • In the DS remake of Diddy Kong Racing, it's possible to unlock your Exposition Fairy/genie helper Taj as a playable character. If you talk to Taj (the one in the field) while playing as him, Taj (the helper) is very, very confused about the situation. (Strangely, talking to T.T. as T.T., or Wizpig as Wizpig, does not merit this reaction.)
  • James Bond Everything Or Nothing: What The Hell Player + Dame Judi Dench = very awesome, and even makes the player feel somewhat ashamed for doing whatever ended the level. To wit: "Civilian casualties are quite unacceptable. Your role in this mission has ended."
  • In Dwarf Fortress, neglecting to bury your dead will cause their ghosts to come back and haunt your fortress, terrorizing (and sometimes literally scaring to death) your citizens and killing your framerate (due to a bug).
    • Or maybe the ghost just throws a cocktail party or goes fishing. Ghosts are weird like that.
  • In Guilty Party, you can either taunt your opponents or cheer on your teammates by shaking the Wiimote or by pressing the D-pad when it's not your turn. Do this repeatedly, however, and Team Dad Dorian will suddenly scold you through your Wiimote speaker: "That's quite enough of that!" "I wouldn't do that again, if I were you!" "Cut that out!" He then temporarily disables your taunting/cheering abilities to punish you for being a nuisance.
  • In the PC versions of You Don't Know Jack, typing "fuck you" as the response to a Gibberish Question results in the host going off on you, subtracting a ludicrous amount of money (as much as $150,000) and, in some versions, changing your name to something derogative like "Loser" or "Doofus". If a second player does the same thing, nothing happens to them because, as the host puts it, it's not funny or original anymore and you don't deserve to have anything special happen to you. If the third player does it, the game actually quits to desktop.
  • In the point and click adventure game Torin's Passage, when you reach the final area of the game you are left with two items in your inventory, the Book of Magic and the Bagpipes. The setup of the scene makes it very obvious that the book of magic is the item for the occasion. However, if you use the Bagpipes anyway, not only does Torin get vaporized, the death message pops up with an audio from the designer of the game mocking you for guiding Torin all this way through the game only to use the bagpipes instead of the book of magic. A Crowning Moment of Funny
  • Dragon Age lends itself more to What the Hell, Hero? moments, except for when you try to give a character a plot gift that is obviously specific to someone else. (For example, giving an item called "Alistair's mother's amulet" to Morrigan.) Each character will refuse the gift with their own customized snarky comment, from "no, bad idea, terrible idea" to "what? Are you out of your mind?"
  • In Dragon Age II, Aveline's starting equipment includes her husband's shield. Like all starting equipment, it is quickly replaced by a better one. In Act 2, years later, you can find a shield to give to Aveline as a gift. If you did what most players would do and sold her starting shield, she will reply with "I had a perfectly good shield. Wesley's. We sold it, didn't we? Practicality over sentiment, right?" On the other hand, if you kept the darn thing, she will say "What are you trying to say? Should I just throw away Wesley's shield?"
  • Not exactly a game, but the text-to-speech program ReadPlease had the characters ask you to stop clicking on their faces, and asked how much the user would like it if their face was clicked upon.
  • In Need for Speed Underground 2, before turning in Rachel's car in the very beginning, finish the two races shown before going to the Car lot. You'll trigger an annoyed message from her saying something like "give me back my ride - or else."
  • In the game based on the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone film, you get to practice flying on the broomstick in a courtyard of Hogwarts. The goal is to fly through a series of rings, but if you instead fly at Madam Hooch enough times, she will scold you with "Fly through the rings, Mr. Potter, not through me!"
  • In the Paper Mario series, there's a recurring NPC named Whacka. You can whack him on the head to get a pretty good healing item. However, your Exposition Fairy will usually point out how rare a species a Whacka is. And if you keep whacking him, he'll eventually get more and more confused sounding, and then eventually he stops showing up, indicating that you may have actually killed him. "But you'd never do that, right Mario?"
    • This is sort of lampshaded in the second game, where you're given the option to fight the Beef Gate, Gus, and when you find him later as an NPC, he'll keep talking about how Mario is apparently just some guy who goes around committing indiscriminate acts of violence and has tons of pent up anger.
    • Super Paper Mario turns this around and yells at the player for (in a faux dating-sim minigame) attempting to wed Peach and Francis. But the game is mandatory, and every option leads to the same result.
  • In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace for PC, if you kill too many people walking around Mos Espa, Anakin will eventually say "I won't help a murderer like you!" making the game Unwinnable. All the townspeople turn against you as well.
    • That's actually ironic considering what Anakin will later end up helping...and doing!
  • In L.A. Noire, if you run into various things and pedestrians, your partner will make comments about it.
    • Particularly amusing is that, after enough comments from your partner, Cole will give a very annoyed "Just shut up and let me drive."
    • Additionally, driving away and leaving your partner behind will earn you a rebuke when they finally catch up.
  • In the Pikmin series, you can actually drive the titular species to extinction.
  • In the first level of Prey, jumping on the slot machines will cause Jen to yell at you "Tommy, knock it off!"
  • In the Nintendo 3DS' AR Games, you have a chance to buy an AR globe. You can shoot the sides of the globe to spin it around. Fire too fast, though, and BOOM! Then sad music plays, along with the message "Take care of our planet". Go back to the menu, and you'll find that the option to play with the globe is gone. Of course, you can just buy a new one...
  • In the penultimate quest of Half Minute Hero's Hero 30 mode, you save a cute orphaned girl named Sasha, who decides to give you a tour of the surrounding land as thanks for saving her. After a short quest chain, she eventually reveals that the Evil Lord you just fought was a fake, and that she's actually a monster crafted by the Grim Reaper to act as a decoy while he prepares the Spell of Destruction. Despite this, you can still choose to befriend her when she's about to say goodbye. If you say yes, you'll run into her again at the ruins of the first village along with the townspeople, who shed their human guises after you broke the Reaper's curse. The Time Goddess tells you that the only way to get to the Reaper's castle is through Sasha and the monsters. If you kill her, she cries out "Liar..." before dying, and you get branded with the "Liar" title when the quest is complete.
  • In Eagle Eye Mysteries in London's "Case of the Pirate Puzzle," you get directions from the mystery's main antagonists to go to the local cemetery and conjure up the ghost of a long-dead pirate captain, in order to get information on how to find his treasure. If you go to the cemetery and follow their instructions...nothing happens. This prompts your partner to scold you:

Honestly, (player's name), I don't know why I let you talk me into these things!

  • In Resonance of Fate, you get an achievement for killing one of your characters by standing too near an explosion and dying. Additionally- and obviously- friendly fire is a sometimes frustrating, sometimes amusing possibility for both you can the enemy. (It's always convenient when an enemy blows themselves or each other up trying to get at you. It happens.) However, if you do it, you will inevitably get scolded. They refer to each other by name, and sometimes it's downright amusing; 'What the hell, Vashyron, you got a problem with me?' and 'I'm feeling a little bit threatened' from Zephyr, to 'Watch where you point that thing, Leanne!' 'What what that? Your bullets were all over the place!' from Vashyron and various other snarks. Some call you out on stupidity, some are just grumpy.
    • You also scold yourself for these moments; a particularly amusing one is Zephyr's "Great, now I'm hitting Leanne." It ranges from "Sorry, Zephyr!" from Leanne, to variations on 'oops', 'sorry', or 'that's not good' from everyone.
  • In Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, on the finale mission to Korriban, if you kill too many Jedi, they turn on you and try to kill you right along with the cultists, as having gone to The Dark Side in a non-standard fashion. The finale mission is a two parter, and they only do it for whichever part it happens in, though. Also, the mission is still able to be completed. This mechanic makes it difficult under some mods, when you want to have realism turned on for the lightsabers fully.
  • If you manage to kill yourself during the tutorial of Spider-man 2, the Tour Guide (voiced by Bruce Campbell) will call you out on it, (unless you are a "professional game tester").
  • In the Choose Your Own Adventure Can YOU Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?, you can be told to throw the book out the window, because you don't deserve it, or called an asshole and told to "have fun living with yourself".
  • In Epic Mickey, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit will stand near the Walt Disney statue in Mean Street and will comment on things you do, positive or negative. He gets increasingly annoyed the more you help Big Bad Pete, for example, despite it shifting Mickey's moral alignment towards good.
  • Syphon Filter level 1. CBDC agents will turn against you if you shoot the corpse of a CBDC agent.
  • A faux game example: College Humor did a video imagining the first season of Game of Thrones as an SNES era video game. When the "player" plays as Jaime Lannister and elects to attack Bran when Bran sees him sexing up Cersei, the video makes it clear that it doesn't approve of this. Link.

Like, seriously? He's only ten! *player selects again to do the attack* Wow. OK. I mean, I understand that you don't want to people to know you're porking your sister, but still... wow. *Jamie's attack sends Bran flying out the window, triumphant music plays* You defeated Bran Stark! Obviously. Because, you know, he's ten!

  • Command & Conquer: Renegade features neutral civilians who you typically are expected to save from Nod soldiers. Shooting the civilians instead causes your commanding officer to threaten you with court-martial. Of course, this also happens if you shoot the chefs in Nod barracks, which is kind of hard to avoid because, despite being counted by the game as neutral characters, they will attempt to kill you with a flamethrower if they see you.
  • A little strange example/subversion: Street Slam for the Neo Geo (AKA Street Hoop (Europe) and Dunk Dream (Japan)), whenever any player rams into an opposing member of a team, they do not get penalized. However, the crowd will boo at them and the announcer will say "Terrible play!".
  • In Fable 2, killing a rabbit earns you the achievement 'Hunter'. The achievement's text reads: 'Kill a sweet, innocent, fluffy bunny rabbit (remember, safety's off!)'
  • When on the save menu of Super Mario RPG, the game asks for confirmation before overwriting a save file. Repeatedly triggering the confirmation dialog and saying no to it will eventually cause Mario to change poses when the player finally answers yes. This secret was apparently only discovered in the late 2000s, well after the game's release. There are conflicting reports about the exact number of times one must say no, however.
  • In Mega Man Legends 2 one of the first levels has you guiding Roll through a snow field. If you attempt to use your default sub weapon, the Grabber, on her she will turn and slap you. If your health is low enough, she can kill you.
  • In Jill of the Jungle, the final level of episode 3 (Jill Saves The Prince) has the game chastise you if you try to leave the level without saving the prince.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! How about saving the prince before you leave? Like, is this game titled "Jill leaves Level 14 without saving the prince," or what??!?"

  • In Task Maker, attacking an NPC whose orientation is Good or Neutral will anger all other NPCs around you (even monsters) and cause them to attack you, often making "What the hell, player?"-esque comments. If you do this in Castle Hall, it will also anger the Guards, no matter how far from them you are. This goes a step further with the "Mom" character in Enitsirhc — if you attack her to the point of frightening her (which happens when an NPC's HP is low), she will tell you "You're making a big mistake!" And if you kill her, your player will permanently be rendered blind, deaf and drunk (i.e., completely unable to finish the game).
  • If during a quest in RuneScape you use a spade on a dog's grave you'll get the message "You wouldn't seriously consider digging up poor Snowy, would you?"
  • Go ahead and kill Paarthurnax. Never mind that the dragon once led a revolt against Alduin, acts as a mentor throughout the game, and is the de-facto leader of the Greybeards. Talking to Arngeir after doing so will earn you a furious speech and being shunned from any further interaction with the group.
    • On the other hand, the Blades will refuse to assist you towards the end of the game if you decide not to do the deed.
    • The City Guards will whine at you for randomly Shouting in town.
  • In the game for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when the player drops something on one of the other characters, you get a response along the lines of "Hey! Watch where you throw that!"
  • In STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, the first mission you're given has you assisted by a fireteam of rookie stalkers to raid a Bandit base (depending on the difficulty level, you WILL need their help). If you tell them to back off, the leader will call you out on being a Rambo wannabe. If you wipe out the bandits all by yourself, he'll be amazed. If you run back to him without killing them all, he'll make fun of you and tell you to piss off.
  • The Bad Endings of Katawa Shoujo are this in spades. Specially Hanako's (in which she snaps at Hisao for being patronizing and finishes their relationship after giving him a HUGE verbal beatdown) and Shizune's (where she breaks up with Hisao after he and Misha grow apart from her (and had Sex for Solace behind her back, unbeknownst to Shizune)... while blaming herself for it.)
  • In the 2005 game The Bard's Tale, repeatedly running into people in the starting town will lead to one vehemently demanding an apology. He doesn't stop until you give him one.
  • Emily Enough has a strange non-optional version. The game requires the player to do something very shocking and disturbing in order to win the game. The player character then breaks the fourth wall to chastise the player. The action in question is flaying a sweet old lady alive and giving her skin to a serial killer. According to the creator:

"The goal was to have the player know exactly what they needed to do, but not want to do the things necessary to win."

  • In Skate 3, you can push civilians and hit them with your board. They will get progressively madder and will make comments until they take off after you and try to push you off your board...or taze you.
  • In The Godfather 2 your Badass Crew will chew you out if you Drive Like Crazy.
  • If you shoot at friendly or neutral ships or stations in the X-Universe games, the race that owns the sector will warn you off. Keep doing it, and you'll get a message over comms that goes something like this:

Announcer: Fighter ships from the Argon Federation are now being launched. They have orders to kill.

Game: You get real close to yourself. You freaking moron.

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