< Warrior Cats

Warrior Cats/YMMV

In General

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The revelation that Hollyleaf shows up in Sign Of The Moon.
    • The Last Hope cover and title.
  • Big Name Fan: Blizz/Blizzardclaw (creator of the largest fansite, and the only fan Vicky has given her email address to).
  • Broken Base: Good grief, is it broken.
  • Continuity Lock Out: It is actually possible to skip the first series and start with the second series, but from the third series onward, it keeps getting less and less accessible to new readers.
  • Fan Dumb: A lot. So many people are always talking about how the first series was the best and the other series are too mushy and full of forbidden love and needs more violence. Because that's what makes good literature.
    • I think their complaints mostly center around the fact that the 2nd and 3rd series are more focused on love and family issues, whereas the 1st series is more focused on survival and the forces of nature. A popular complaint is that the 2nd and 3rd series are more like a soap opera than an animal story.
    • Most of their complaints either don't make sense (There still is a lot of violence in the second and third series), or also apply to the first series (there is actually more forbidden love in the first series than the other two combined).
      • The complaints about forbidden love seem to be more directed towards how it's a constantly recycled plot device. Thankfully, the authors have taken notice of this, and most of the new forbidden relationships never end well. Leafpool and Crowfeather, anyone? How about Dovepaw and Tigerheart?
    • How about the fans who actually believe StarClan exists, despite the author's insistence that she made it up?
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: This quote becomes one after Longtail's death.

Jaypaw: "Oh great. Let's lump all the useless cats together and hope a tree falls on them!"

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Tigerstar. Although probably more because of his terrible death than anything he did or said.
    • Scourge's backstory in Rise of Scourge has generated lots of justifiable sympathy for him, but many fans have taken it way too far in saying that his unfortunate and abusive childhood completely justifies and excuses him for all the evil he's done.
    • Ashfur, too, to those who like him. Those who hate him were celebrating when he died.
  • Badass Decay: The Tribe of Rushing Water. When they first appear in Moonrise, the Cave-Guards are protrayed as large, muscular, capable bodyguards who are able to restrain the main characters. When they show up again in Outcast, the entire Tribe seems to lack knowledge of any basic fighting techniques, and are continually getting their asses kicked by a bunch of untrained rogues, who are able to kill several Tribe cats without suffering any casualties themselves.
  • Base Breaker: Ever since Long Shadows came out, everyone either seems to hate Ashfur's guts or adore him to death. Then there's the debate about whether kittypet discrimination is racism and whether Firestar is a lovable hero or a a washed out Gary Stu.
    • Dovepaw.
  • Cargo Ship: JayfeatherxStick OTP.
    • Ship Sinking. Towards the end of The Fourth Apprentice, he breaks the stick. Nooooo!
    • This has to be the first time in history Ship Sinking has verified the pairing in question: Vicky says that Jay/Stick was romance; therefore, it had to be doomed.
  • Complete Monster: Scourge, Brokenstar, Tigerstar.
  • Crack Pairing:
    • Sure, you can find fanfiction for Hollyleaf/Ashfur and Jayfeather/Brightheart, but special mention goes to the fact that not only were Hollyleaf/Sol and Hollyleaf/Blackstar shipped, they were popular.
      • Well, if you ignore the fact that they're ideologically opposed (something that Hollyleaf actually finds herself able to ignore at times), Hollyleaf/Sol does make sense. On the other hand, Hollyleaf/Ashfur, Leafpool/Hawkfrost, Jayfeather/Berrynose, and Sorreltail/Hawkfrost do not.
    • There's even about ten to fifteen people who avidly support ClawfacexSpottedleaf. Surely Clawface killed her out of love.
    • ScourgexSandstorm, usually for people who are SpottedleafxFirestar or CinderpeltxFirestar fans.
    • Don't forget LionblazexPurdy and ThunderstarxBumblekit.
  • Die for Our Ship: Pretty much every forbidden love pairing has suffered more than it's fair share of hatred, for better or worse, considering it's, ya know, forbidden love. (Even though they usually always end badly.) Nightcloud, Daisy, and Millie tend to get the worst of the shipping-fueled hate.
    • Cinderheart has been getting some of it more recently. The fans insist it isn't ship-related, but the way she went from being mostly ignored to being accused of being one of the worst characters ever created by people who ship alternative Lionblaze pairings right after the book that introduced the possibility of her and Lionblaze was released seems like too much of a coincidence.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Hawkfrost and Ashfur.
    • A sizable amount of this character's fans like to paint Ashfur as an innocent victim and make Squirrelflight the bad guy. Other times, he may be portrayed as a lonely, broken cutie who only needed a nice, understanding she-cat to reach out to him, when he was really borderline mentally-ill and largely apathetic towards love after Squirrelflight rejected him.
    • Pretty much every villain to some degree among the fans that don't understand the concept of Gray and Grey Morality. Although (thankfully) some villains, like Hawkfrost and Tigerstar, have fans that like them because they are villains.
    • If Hollyleaf was a victim of cutie-breaking (as stated further up the page), she definitely counts.
    • Despite Erin Hunter saying very clearly in Rise of Scourge manga that Scourge's poor childhood doesn't give him any excuse for his actions, he gets this treatment a lot.
    • Thanks to Beyond The Code, Sol has been getting this treatment as well.
  • Eight Deadly Words: In the later books of Power of Three, it's hard to decide who's less likable: the heroes or the villains.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Scourge. The amount of fan works related to him is completely out of proportion to the grand total of 1 out of 20+ main series books he's been featured in.
      • His manga probably contributes to it.
    • Ashfur.
      • Ashfur is significant for being one of the few villains in the 3rd series.
    • Whitestorm, Brackenfur, Oakheart, etc....
    • Snowkit, oddly, especially since he wasn't important at all (for those that don't know, he was just a deaf kit in the first story who was stolen by a hawk, and did nothing for the plot but edge on Bluestar's madness). However, despite that he only has a few scenes, the amount of support and fanfiction (he often survives the hawk attack, through various means) is astonishing.
    • Mapleshade became incredibly popular before she even made an appearance.
    • Sorreltail, Mistystar, Antpelt and Snowtuft as well.
    • Purdy is one of the most popular cats, even without having the same, ahem, charm as other characters.
    • Despite showing up in very few scenes - not getting even a speaking role in his first appearance - Shredtail has achieved a surprising amount of popularity.
  • He's Just Hiding:
    • Many fans believed that Snowkit did survive being caught by a hawk.
    • Hollyleaf, after she went to the tunnels. Confirmed to be alive.
    • Graystripe is an interesting case. From the perspective of the characters, it seemed almost certain that Graystripe was dead or was going to die. The readers, on the other hand, know that it's highly unlikely that Twolegs would kill an innocent cat intentionally, so it was pretty clear that Graystripe was alive, even if he might never return.
  • Ho Yay: Firestar and Graystripe, Firestar and Whitestorm, Darkstripe and Tigerstar, Ravenpaw and Barley, Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw, Birchfall and Berrynose, Blackstar and every single leader he's been a deputy under plus Sol, Sol and Purdy... Let's just stop now and say a lot, to the point that it now has its own sub-page.
  • Idiosyncratic Ship Naming: Fire/Sand=Gingershipping, Bramble/Squirrel=Quarrelshipping, Jay/Stick=Woodenshipping, etc. Full list here.
  • Iron Woobie: Crookedstar.
  • Jerkass Woobie:
    • Scourge. Replace "Jerkass" with mass-murdering psychopath.
    • Ashfur, perhaps.
    • Breezepelt.
  • Karma Houdini: Ashfur. Jayfeather has a point here:

"Hardly. He tried to push us off the cliff!"

    • But, as Yellowfang pointed out: he didn't actually do it, did he?
      • Only because he thought of something that he believed would cause more pain for the cat he wanted revenge on. Even prior to the whole Long Shadows thing, though, he already did conspire with a RiverClan cat to kill his own leader, dragging his innocent apprentice (who thought he was saving his Clan from a ShadowClan invasion) into it, and Firestar would have died if not for Brambleclaw's actions.
    • Sol counts. He's basically a troll who tries to mess up the philosophy of all the clans and cause chaos...just for fun. He gets banished from the clan territory, but nobody puts him in his place.
    • Hollyleaf, for killing Ashfur. Especially since she later revealed the secret that she originally tried to stop him from revealing in the first place, essentially making the murder pointless.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships - Lionblaze.
  • Les Yay: Leafpool and Mothwing, Hollyleaf and Cinderheart.
    • But by far, Leafpool and Mothwing is the most Les Yay. It's just about canon!
    • What about Leafpool and Cody? The only other cat that's had that much physical contact with Leafpool is Crowfeather. Leafpool and Cody's "friendship" also sparks some jealousy from her best friend Sorreltail, also giving us evidence for LeafxSorrel. Let's face it, Leafpool was pretty much a lesbian up until Starlight.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Sol, Tigerstar, Scourge, Hawkfrost.
  • Mary Sue: Firestar, Cinderheart, Leafpool, Spottedleaf, and Lionblaze are commonly accused of being this by some.
  • Memetic Badass: Mousewhisker on Vicky's Facebook page. They have even started making Mousewhisker Facts.
    • Also Mapleshade.
    • Purdy.
  • Memetic Sex God: Somehow, Hawkfrost has turned into this, at least in certain parts of the fandom.
    • Well, there are many factors contributing to this. Such as the Evil Is Sexy trope, his personality, and how pretty much every fight Hawkfrost has been in involves him pinning his opponent to the ground and staying on top of them for a while.
      • Before its name was changed due to it being too offensive, Hawk/Sorrel was called Rapeshipping, purely because the evidence for it consisted of Hawkfrost pinning her to the ground and being overly aggressive with her.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Pretty much everything that Tigerstar did or ordered, particularly at the Bonehill.
    • The deeds of Brokentail and especially Scourge belong here as well.
    • Kidnapping Leafstar's kits so he could rescue them to prove he was a warrior in After The Flood' is the last straw for Leafstar.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Ivypaw In Night Whispers
  • Replacement Scrappy: Oh so many, mostly for shipping related reasons:
    • Cinderheart to Cinderpelt.
    • Millie to Silverstream.
  • The Scrappy: Daisy.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Stick and co. in SkyClan's Destiny.
  • Stoic Woobie: Ashfur, for his fans.
  • Too Cool to Live: Whitestorm
  • Unpopular Popular Character: Most characters try to avoid Purdy because of his long-winded stories and senile ramblings. Fans love him for pretty much the same reason.
  • Wangst
    • Both Dovepaw and Ivypaw. Dovepaw is constantly complaining about how she doesn't want to be special, and Ivypaw is always angry about how Dovepaw is "special" and not her. The latter is somewhat justifiable, though, especially since Ivypaw doesn't know about her sister's powers.
    • Ashfur to his haters. He actually spouts the line "You have no idea how much pain I'm in. It's like being cut open every day, bleeding onto the stones." over being dumped. Being dumped over a year ago.
  • The Woobie: Given the series' fondness of breaking every cutie it can find, Warriors is chock full of them. Leafpool, Cinderpelt, Brightheart, Ashfur (though heavily exaggerated by some of his fans), Scourge (though it doesn't excuse him for his acts of evil) and, depending on your view of her, Hollyleaf.
    • Briarlight, after she breaks her spine. It's even worse than when it happens to a human, since she has to literally drag herself by her forelegs across the camp just to get food due to there being, you know, no wheelchairs. And all she wanted to do is help her Clan clean up the camp. Someone give her a hug already.
    • Leafpool is possibly the queen of this trope, out of all the characters. She falls in love, but then they're forced to break up. After she has kits, she is not able to be a proper mother to them, instead being a nice aunt who has to watch them from the sidelines. Then her secret is revealed by Hollyleaf, and suddenly all of her kits hate her for not telling them she was their mother.
    • Antpelt seemed to be a decent cat for those training with Dark Forest. One must wonder how horribly must have been treated in WindClan and how sad his life must have been if he considered Dark Forest cats his friends, despite the abuse and cruel treatment he received there.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Scourge and Mapleshade.
  1. This is a line from the SSS Warriors fanimation that fans found amusing.
  2. A user on the Warriors Official Forum claimed to have Night Whispers early and said that Mapleshade ate a cat.
  3. A video a fan made, where Graystripe sings the "waffle time" song from Scrubs and then the ThunderClan cats get upset when Firestar doesn't know what a waffle is.
  4. Sol's Affably Evil attitude, as well as the expression he made on the original version of the Beyond the Code cover (can be seen in the linked macro), has led fans to describing him as a Troll.
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