< Warrior Cats

Warrior Cats/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • In Dark River when the other clans want to drive {spoiler|1=RiverClan}} out, the loudest protesters are Firestar and Sandstorm. Although at first, it seems like them acting normal, they're actually remembering what happened to SkyClan and they don't want RiverClan to become forgotten like SkyClan. --Lightflame
  • In The New Prophecy, it makes no sense that StarClan sent a group of cats to find out about the impending destruction of the forest when they could have just told them. Then, when thinking about what the series would have been like without said seemingly pointless journey, I realized it did have a point. All the clans needed to unite to find a new home, and StarClan sent out cats who would learn to trust each other on the journey so that when they came home, they could unite the clans together without fighting! A much better solution than simply telling them to unite. --Lightflame
    • Plus, it also paved the way to their new home; they would have had a tougher time finding their new home if the sent cats hadn't gone to sun drown place first and then acted as guides to their Clans. --Reika
    • Also, recall the whole "unite or die" thing from the very beginning of the Clans? Yeah, look at how that worked out. StarClan would have known that if it didn't work the first time, when the divisions between the cats weren't as strong, then it certainly wouldn't work when they'd developed loyalty to their own Clans and animosity toward the others. --Flametail von Karma
  • Many fans wonder why in the Clans' mythology, there are only three Great Clans and not four. Some add in a fourth, CheetahClan or JaguarClan. However, the reason there are three is that lions, tigers, and leopards are all members of the genus Panthera. Neither of the two common fourth Clans would work, as cheetahs are from the Acinonyx genus, and thus are no more related to lions, tigers, and leopards than a house cat, while jaguars, although they are members of the Panthera genus, are New World animals, and until the New Prophecy made it into a fictional location, the series was set in England. --Goldenpelt
  • In Warrior Cats, the character Darkstripe was always an interesting point of story to me. Darkstripe had established himself as loyal to Tigerclaw until Tigerclaw’s treachery was exposed, and Darkstripe chose not to follow him only because Tigerclaw had left him out of the loop regarding his plans; he was offended that Tigerclaw didn’t let him in on his planning, despite establishing himself as loyal to Tigerclaw. A few books later, Darkstripe becomes the eyes and ears for Tigerclaw after he becomes the leader of Shadowclan. After getting kicked out of Thunderclan in the next book, Darkstripe joined Tigerstar and the Riverclan-Shadowclan alliance, only to be beaten by a weakened Riverclan cat and likely losing favor in Tigerstar’s eyes as a result. Next thing you know, Tigerstar’s dead, and Darkstripe now has nowhere to go, and dies in the final battle not long afterward, with nothing left for him after Tigerstar’s death. Why? Because Darkstripe had seen Tigerstar as a father figure throughout the series, which is made even more interesting by the fact that Darkstripe’s biological father was revealed by Word of God to be a character that was dead before the series had officially started, so there was no other cat for Darkstripe to look up to other than the one that was once his mentor. That was why Darkstripe was offended by being left out of the loop, that was why Darkstripe was so eager to prove his loyalty to Tigerstar after joining the alliance: Darkstripe was a "Well Done, Son" Guy that just wanted the approval of Tigerstar. This makes his Famous Last Words all the more brilliant – without Tigerstar, there truly was nothing left for him to live for. – Battra09416
  • Mapleshade is almost an Evil Counterpart to Bluestar. Both started in ThunderClan only to fall in love with a RiverClan tom. But Bluestar stayed with her clan while Mapleshade left. - LOAD
  • Ivypool is the normal one of the Warriors protagonists. While all the other ones get their Warrior Names from doing an exemplary act, she gets her from doing a hunting assessment. - Lightflame
  • A lot of the anticlimactic villain deaths in Warriors can be explained if you approach the series with this in mind. "No villain deserves to go out in a blaze of glory." - Lightflame
    • Great StarClan, this was actually confirmed in The Last Hope. --Lightflame
  • Why did Bluestar put so much faith into Tigerclaw/star? Because, after Whitestorm, he was all she had left. Mother? Dead. Father? Never cared about her, dead. Sister? Dead. Mate? Dead. Children? One dead, the other two in another clan with know knowledge of their relationship. Mentor? Dead. Mate in-law? Dead. Uncle? Dead. Everyone who she'd known and loved as a kit? Dead. Tigerclaw/star was almost a surrogate son. Who then turned on her. -Da Lucaray
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