< WWE Raw

WWE Raw/Funny


  • At a circa Christmas 1997 broadcast, Triple H and Shawn Michaels put on an obviously fixed match for the European title, in which Triple H bounced back and forth off the ropes about ten times before giving Michaels an incredibly fake body slam for the pin. They were mainly doing this to defy Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter who forced them into having a match against one another.
    • And that's not the first time Slaughter was defied by an in-ring Stylistic Suck. In the fall of 1997, Brian Pillman tried to get out of wrestling his fellow Hart Foundation member, Owen Hart, by faking an injury. Slaughter called bullshit on that pretty quick and forced them to go at it. The two responded by taking forever to warm up, then proceeding with some of the most half-assed wrestling in history. Extra funny: during the break, Marlena turned them against one another, and Raw returned with them pounding the shit out of each other.


  • On July 6th, D Generation X came to the ring dressed as the Nation of Domination, and each did hilarious impressions of each member. Triple H was "The Crock".

"You know The Crock just came from the bathroom, and you should have smelled what The Rock was cooking!"

    • A guest star, Jason Sensation, then did a pretty insulting (but still hilarious) impression of Owen Hart. The next week Owen Hart's Berserk Button would be activated and he'd give Jason Sensation a beat down.
      • Leave it to Triple H to have the best lines from that segment:

Mizark!X Pac: Hey hey hey, Rocky! Well I don't know what you're cooking...smells like shit...but I think I'll have some anyway, hey hey hey!

Crock!Triple H: Mark Henry--Mizark--you're the world's strongest man, and the Crock's got a hell of a body himself...but what the Crock wants to know is how you get your pecs to wrap all the way around your body like that...

B-Lo!Road Dogg: (as Mizark!X Pac dies laughing) WHAT THE BROTHER WANTS TO KNOW IS HOW--

Crock!Triple H: SHUT UP!

  • The October 5th edition of Raw featured Vince McMahon recovering in the hospital after having his leg broken by Kane and The Undertaker the week before. And who else should come in to cheer him up than Mankind, and his new friend Mr. Socko? Later on in the night, Stone Cold Steve Austin snuck into the hospital dressed as a doctor, and gave Vince a beating with a bed pan, and a forced enema.


  • March 22, the night Steve Austin rode a beer truck down to the ring and hosed down The Corporation in beer, and one of the defining moments of the Attitude Era. Seeing Vince McMahon belly flop onto the ring and look like he was trying to swim added to the hilarity.


  • August 20th, 2001: The final segment of the night started with a hilariously over-the-top tribute to Stone Cold Steve Austin by The Alliance (which included a cheesy karaoke sing-along of a song in Austin's honor), and ended with Kurt Angle bringing in a milk truck and drenching Austin and the rest of The Alliance with milk, much like how Austin gave Vince McMahon a beer-bath back in '99. And yes, Angle did to his own take on Austin's signature beer-drenching taunt, with milk.
    • Special mention goes to Jim Ross. While Stephanie McMahon is standing in the ring covered in milk, screaming, stamping her feet and pounding her fists like an eight-year-old's temper tentrum, Ross shouts out, "The Million Dollar Princess has become a DAIRY QUEEN!!!"



  • The Imagine Spot on the May 23 episode of RAW about Obama giving a press confrence on the upcoming Capital Punishment pay-per view.
  • R-Truth coming out in a confederacy outfit, to explain that his seceding from the WWE Universe, apologize for throwing a drink at a father for being a John Cena fan (though it was mostly for wasting a perfectly good drink), and then confirming that his first name is R.
    • "USEDTA IS A ROOSTA FROM BREWSTA!" - So hilarious, that even John Cena glanced at Truth and looked like he was about to laugh.
  • On the June 20th edition of RAW, The Miz, R-Truth, and Christian end up getting into an arguement. This gradually devolves into Christian and Miz shouting "Randy!" and "Riley!" at each other. R-Truth then jumps in and starts yelling "Jimmy!" at the other two. This continues for several seconds and is surprisingly funny. Can be seen in all it's hilarity here.

Christian: Really!
Miz: Really!
Christian: Riley!

Miz: Riley? Randy!

Christian: Randy? Riley!

Miz: Randy!

Christian: Riley!

R-Truth: JIMMY!

Miz and Christian: ...



Cena: I lost a broski for a hoeski!

  • April 2nd: The audience was the best thing during the show (until the last five minutes). They were hilarious, often starting chants of "YES!" during the whole show. When Alberto Del Rio came out, the audience then started chanting "¡SI!" Plus, chanting "Let's go A-Train" at "Lord Tenai" after he debuted with his new gimmick, and "You're a loser" at Cena when he admitted defeat to The Rock after Wrestlemania.
  • May, 14: John Cena gives John Laurinaitis a hilarious "The Reason You Suck" Speech, cutting Laurinaitis off everytime he started to talk by suddenly screaming "Loser!" at him in a funny voice (mocking Laurinaitis calling him a loser), and getting in some jokes that had even Michael Cole laughing his head off. Laurinaitis doesn't get one word in edgewise the entire thing.
  • June 4th: In the aftermath of a match between CM Punk and Kane, AJ Lee is checking on Punk when she realizes Kane is behind her. Daniel Bryan comes in, but is taken out before he can rescue her or she can escape. It looks like a dire situation, until AJ stands up and...strikes probably the closest thing to a moe expression that a person could pull in real life. The apparent confusion from Kane and the fact that it keeps him from attacking or intimidating her really needs to be seen to be believed. The follow-up, where AJ is interviewed by Josh Matthews, just shows that she is capable enough of making an entertaining gimmick out of "crazy chick" of all ideas.
    • And later in the show, after defeating Lord Tenai Cena was allowed to have a 'no disqualification' match against Michael Cole, forcing Cole to apologize to Jim Ross and call him his hero. He then soaked Cole in JR's bbq sauce. This was all for Cole blaming Cena over The Big Show's Face Heel Turn, Disproportionate Retribution perhaps but still hilarious.
  • December 24, when Alberto Del Rio gets and uses a teddy bear as a weapon against John Cena, Cena found the matter just as funny as the viewers done. Later on, Cena obtains a bowling ball and sees his chance to use in against Del Rio.


  • April 21, 2014, John Cena’s reaction to when he faces the results of the WWE APP results to decided which member of the Wyatt Family he has to fight. ALL THREE OF THEM, and he didn’t like it.
  • On the May 19, 2014, R-Truth's reaction when Summer Rae shows up.
  • August 4th, 2014, Seth Rollins loses to Heath Slater, thanks to Dean Ambrose being a distraction.
  • September 8, 2014, Dolph shows “lewd” pictures of the Miz. This includes the spraying tan cases where JBL yells “My mom watches this show, STOP IT DOLPH!”


  • On the Halloween, Chris Jericho asks Roman Reigns why doesn't he have a costume. Reigns quickly response, I was going dress up as a stupid idiot, but they didn't have anymore Jericho costume... much to Foley's amusement.
  • Speaking of Jericho, when his "list" was introduced, many, like Mick Foley, put on list just simply dismissed without reaction except Xavier Woods.
  1. Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth
  2. Eve had turned heel in the opening segment of Raw by revealing that she didn't care much for Zack Ryder, only using Ryder for personal gains, and that she had similar plans for Cena. Cue Cena looking nonplussed right behind Eve, leading to the next segment mentioned previously.
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