Valkyria Chronicles/Characters
Gallian Militia, Regiment 3, Squad 7 (Protagonists)
Main Characters
Welkin Gunther
= Voiced by Susumu Chiba in Japanese and Dave Wittenberg in English. =
The son of the legendary General Gunther, Welkin just wanted to live a quiet life as a teacher. This plan gets sidetracked when The Imperials invade his hometown of Bruhl. Welkin quickly adapts and joins the Squad 7 militia as its leader. Using his scientific knowledge, he quickly becomes a strategist rivaling his father and organizes Squad 7 into the Imperials' greatest threat. In combat, Welkin generally doesn't fight directly, and instead gives orders to the squad from his father's tank, the Edelweiss.
- The Ace: Played with/subverted. While Welkin is a tactical genius and incredible battlefield leader, he's not the best at actual soldiering. When on missions outside the Edelweiss, he's average at best when compared to other Scouts.
- Ancestral Weapon: The Edelweiss.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: His knowledge of animals and nature in general has often been useful for creating impressive strategies.
- Badass Bookworm
- Beware the Nice Ones: His reaction when he found out that Faldio was the one who sniped Alicia? Oooh, boy...
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Catch Phrase: Squad 7, move out!
- Celibate Hero: More because he tries not to focus on sexual topics than by deliberate ignorance, and in fact seems quite shy about embracing his own sexuality. It gets so bad that at one point in the anime Faldio practically asks him if he has a sex drive at all.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Even more so in the anime.
- Cooldown Hug: To Alicia at several points. He even gives her a Cooldown Proposal towards the end.
- Ensign Newbie
- Expy of Yang Wen-li of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, although Welkin's not lazy or a drunk. However, their similar approach to strategy and idealism are clear giveaways that Welkin's based on him.
- Happily Married
- The Hero
- In the Blood: He doesn't want to be, but he's adaptable.
- Nature Hero: Odd variation. He's a nature otaku, and every military strategy he uses is related to or inspired by nature in some way. Also, he's shown to be happiest when he be in a completely natural environment, just studying the wildlife.
- Nice Guy: Many so-called heroes would have much to learn from Welkin.
- The Power of Love: One of Welkin's hidden Potentials is even called this: all his stats are raised when Alicia is in battle with him. D'AWWE!!! :'D
- The Strategist: The most powerful weapon in the entire Gallian army is Lieutenant Gunther's brain.
- Tank Goodness
Alicia Melchiott
= Voiced by Marina Inoue in Japanese and Colleen O'Shaughnessey in English. =
Born and bread as a baker, Alicia was reluctant to go to war, but joined the militia to protect her hometown of Bruhl. After being rescued by Welkin, she joins Squad 7 as his second-in-command and love interest. She eventually learns that she is a descendant of the Valkyrur, and her inheritance of their powers make her one of Gallia's biggest assets. She doesn't take it too well, but she got over it with some help from Welkin.
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable: Well, would you expect a girly girl like her to be a Game Breaking Action Girl who curb-stomps Selvaria?
- Dungeon Bypass: Discover all of Alicia's potentials. Issue her an "Unlock Potential" order. Win the game.
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Heroic BSOD
- Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted, Welkin talked her out of it.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- The Lancer
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man
- Took a Level in Badass: She was always competent from the start, but when her Valkyria powers awaken, she becomes a BEAST.
- Waif Fu
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A. (Grade S in the anime and manga, where she is more Tsundere.)
Brigitte "Rosie" Stark
= Voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi (game) and Junko Minagawa (anime) in Japanese and Hedy Burress in English. =
Corporal and Shocktrooper. Rosie was a singer, but the war forced her to join the front lines of the militia effort. Because of certain events in her past, she hates Darcsens, and this instantly causes friction between her and Isara. Witnessing Isara's enthusiasm and bravery and seeing a Darcsen concentration camp do a lot to change her opinion, and Isara's death completely shatters her negative opinion of Darcsens.
- Action Girl
- Badass
- Cool Big Sis: She even has it listed as a potential.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Glamorous Wartime Singer
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Red Headed Heroine
- Shipper on Deck: For both Welkin/Alicia AND Eleanor/Largo
Largo Potter
= Voiced by Hisao Egawa (game) and Kenji Nomura (anime) in Japanese and Fred Tatasciore in English. =
Largo is a sergeant, and a veteran of the First Europan War. He served with Captain Eleanor Varrot and her lover Frederick, and still harbors a crush for her during the events of the game. Largo was at first hesitant of Welkin's leadership, but he quickly becomes one of Welkin's most trusted and supportive soldiers. Largo is also a sort of father figure to the rest of the members of Squad 7.
- Anchored Ship: Harbors feelings for Eleanor Varrot, but hasn't said anything about it due to the touchy subject of Frederick.
- Badass
- The Big Guy
- Gentle Giant
- Happily Married: To Eleanor at the end.
- The Lancer: Both literally (being a Lancer class) and to Welkin.
- Trademark Favourite Food: "VEEEE-GETABLES!"
- Turn the Other Cheek: Although he was good friends with Frederick, unlike Eleanor, he did not go seeking revenge on Geld.
Isara Gunther
= Voiced by Houko Kuwashima in Japanese and Laura Bailey in English. =
Daughter of the genius Darcsen engineer Theimer, and adopted daughter of General Gunther, hence making her Welkin's adopted sister. Isara is gentle and good-hearted, and very brave for such a small girl. She is also an absolute engineering genius, constantly coming up with innovations during the game that save Squad 7 countless times, including waterproofing the Edelweiss for immersion and creating smoke mortars (which border on Game Breaker territory). She gets gunned down by a sniper, in the game's definitive Tear Jerker moment. Prepare a hanky.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Not a kinder soul in Squad 7. Except when she's gunning down a fully armed enemy soldier in the beginning of the game, or piloting a giant-ass battle tank.
"I will thank you to watch your tongue in this house. You have to leave. Now."
- Disappeared Dad: The Design Archives states that her parents died in a car crash.
- Famed in Story: Squad 7 never forgets Isara. Welkin and Alicia even name their daughter after her.
- Kill the Cutie
- Mission Control
- Moe: Oh, yes, she's such a cutie.
- Sacrificial Lion
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
- Wrench Wench
= Voiced by Kazuya Nakai in Japanese and Steve Blum in English. =
Darcsen engineer who helps Squad 7 as an informant. Squad 7 first meets him inside one of the Empire's Darcsen concentration camps. He does a lot to change Rosie's perception of Darcsens, and proves a resourceful, intelligent ally. Eventually, he joins Squad 7 as a tank driver, piloting the tiny-yet-powerful light tank, the Shamrock.
- Badass
- Eyes Always Shut: Well one of them anyways. It opens during a few cutscenes.
- Friend to All Children: Spends his time entertaining children while off-duty. In the ending, he opens Fouzen Toy Factory.
- Gentle Giant: Lampshaded when Ellet calls him a "grizzly bear", Zaka replies that he'd rather think himself as a "teddy bear".
- Turn the Other Cheek: Doesn't believe in revenge, even when most of his people are burnt to death inside a concentration camp, saying it won't bring them back to life.
Aika Thompson
= Voiced by Grey DeLisle in English. =
- Canon Foreigner: From Skies of Arcadia, along with Vyse and the Medic.
- Fiery Redhead
- Girlish Pigtails
- Ship Tease: With Vyse.
- Why Did It Have To Be Ghosts
Cherry Stijnen
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Dumb Blonde
- Narm: A valley girl fighting in the military. 'Nuff said. Don't get us wrong, she's a vastly entertaining character, but seriously, even her death quote (If she does die) is amusing:
"Ugh... So lame... I'm like... Totally... Dying here..."
- Teen Pregnancy: In her epilogue.
- Valley Girl
Hermes Kissinger
- Blessed with Suck
- Casanova Wannabe: Acts like a ladies man, but due to his chronic fatigue, he can't even stay out late on dates.
Freesia York
= Voiced by Kate Higgins in English. =
- Belly Dancer: Her passion, before and after the war.
- The Drifter: Wanders from town to town as an entertainer.
- Parental Abandonment
- Token Minority: Freesia is pretty clearly Romani (or the local equivalent, anyway).
- Badass Teacher: Even opens a school for underprivileged children after the war.
- Berserk Button: "You will NOT harm my people!"
- Beware the Nice Ones: "Though a placid man, he fights ferociously to protect his loved ones."
- The Determinator
- Happily Married: To an unnamed wife.
- Stone Wall: Oddly for his class. It's even one of his potentials!
- True Companions: With the squad's other Darcsens.
Montley Leonard
- Afraid of Needles: Due to a close encounter with a stag deer.
- Keet
Musaad Mayfield
= Voiced by Nolan North in English. =
- Badass
- Optional Party Member
- Red Baron: Known as "the mole" or "that damned mole," depending on which side you talk to.
- Sergeant Rock: His ego is considerable, but Musaad is a seasoned warrior. Among EW1 veterans, he is considered a living legend.
Juno Coren
= Voiced by Grey DeLisle in English. =
- Badass Bookworm
- Cannot Spit It Out: Towards Welkin, mainly out of pride.
- Hopeless Suitor: She's harbored a crush on Welkin since their university days, but her reluctance to tell him means he hasn't noticed a thing.
- Hot Librarian
- Meganekko: Though a lot more assertive than the norm.
Noce Woodsworth
= Voiced by Liam O'Brien in English. =
- Clingy Jealous Guy: Does NOT like Welkin being close to Alicia.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Poor guy.
- What Does She See in Him?: See above.
Nancy Dufour
= Voiced by Kathryn Feller in English =
- Cloudcuckoolander: Come on, anyone who yells "Yay, happy grass!!" in the middle of a battle certainly qualifies.
- Cute Clumsy Girl
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: When activating 'Full HP Recovery': "Wowee, I feel all tingly!" Okaaay...
- Meganekko
- Nice Hat
- No Sense of Direction: Tragically invoked in her death quote.
"I hope I can... make it to heaven... I have no sense of direction anyhow..."
Susie Evans
= Voiced by Rie Tozuka in Japanese and Megan Hollingshead in English. =
- Actual Pacifist: "But I'm a Pacifist!" (Shoots down enemy with her rifle)
- Apologetic Attacker
- The Load: Kind of borders on this, thanks to her "Humanitarian" potential, which keeps her from getting the job done.
- The Ojou: Type 1
- Princess Curls
Melville Young
- Keet
- Heterosexual Life Partners / Those Two Guys: With Ted
Ted Ustinov
= Voiced by Roger Craig Smith in English. =
- Bi the Way: He has both the "Fancies Man" and the "Fancies Women" potentials.
- Heterosexual Life Partners / Those Two Guys: With Melville
- Must Make Her Laugh: Towards Marina. He doesn't seem to succeed.
- Nice Guy: Lends moral support to the rest of the group, according to his profile.
- Plucky Comic Relief: A born comedian, he assumes this role in the squad of his own accord.
- The Tease: "I could just kiss you!"
Vyse Inglebard
= Voiced by Roger Craig Smith in English. =
- Adaptation Dye Job: His hair is black in the anime, and the lens of his goggle eyepatch is tinted grayish green as apposed to its usual pinkish red.
- Badass
- Canon Foreigner: From Skies of Arcadia, along with Aika and the Medic.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: In the anime.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Ship Tease: With Aika.
Wendy Cheslock
- Badass
- Facial Markings
- Loners Are Freaks: Even extends to one of her potentials.
- Mad Bomber: And she won't let you forget it.
- Nice Hat: Everyone thinks she keeps a bomb under it.
Mika Hawkins
- Hoist by His Own Petard: His excessive tinkering with his guns causes them to jam often.
- Shrinking Violet: Another rare male example.
Alex Raymond
= Voiced by Roger Craig Smith in English. =
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Hot-Blooded
- Jumped At the Call: Always enthusiastic and tends to jump in feet-first, regardless of danger.
- Multicoloured Hair
- Mythology Gag: "Alex" was the project name for Skies of Arcadia. Naturally, he's friends with Vyse and Aika.
Aisha Neumann
- Improbable Age
- Little Miss Badass: The youngest enlisted trooper at age 12.
- Magikarp Power: Possibly. All her starting potentials are negative, but her unlockable one is very good, and at higher levels she has access to the Ultimate Damage potential.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Aw, isn't she just the cutest little Shocktrooper ever?
- Third Person Person
= Voiced by Grey DeLisle in English. =
- Battle Couple: With Karl.
- Deadpan Snarker: "You're colorful as ever, Homer."
- Lady of War
- Optional Party Member
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: With Karl again. Eventually, they become Happily Married.
Edy Nelson
= Voiced by Yui Kano in Japanese and Megan Hollingshead in English. =
- Dreadful Musician: Wants to be an Idol Singer, but finds out she's tone deaf; so she opts to be an actress instead.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Idiot Heroine
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Leeroy Jenkins: To quote Jann on the subject, she "charged after those Imps, screaming like a banshee."
- Since she has the Panicky potential, however, you're not encouraged to pull this with her in actual gameplay.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Pretty much her attitude towards Rosie.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Homer.
- Ship Tease: With Homer again. And if this is anything to go by, then it also counts as...
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man
- Tsundere: Type B, but even her deredere side can be pretty abrasive.
- Unknown Rival: Rosie has no idea that Edy doesn't like her.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Or more accurately, silver-haired.
Salinas Milton
Hannes Salinger
= Voiced by Jack Fletcher in English =
- The Big Guy
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Dumb Muscle
- Power Trio: With Jane and Oscar.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: An Informed Attribute, sadly. Or not.
Jane Turner
- Ax Crazy
- Berserk Button: The mere sight of an Imperial gets her almost frothing at the mouth with bloodlust.
- Dark Action Girl
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Becomes one when the war is over.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Heroic Sociopath
- Mad Eye: In the animation when her "Sadist" potential triggers.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: She must've really liked that flower shop of hers....
- Power Trio: With Hannes and Oscar.
- Sociopathic Soldier: "Mmmm, scream for me!"
Nina Streiss
- Bifauxnen
- The Ladette
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: With her eventual husband in the epilogue.
Nils Daerden
= Voiced by Steve Blum in English. =
- Badass
- He-Man Woman Hater: Though it's more due to his lone wolf nature.
- Neighborhood Friendly Gangsters
- The Stoic
Elysse Moore
= Voiced by Grey DeLisle in English. =
- Cloudcuckoolander: Appears to be stuck permanently in lazy-weekend-afternoon mode.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: This could be said of a few of the female Lancers, but Elysse fits this the best.
Jann Walker
= Voiced by Keiji Hirai in Japanese and John Dimaggio in English. =
- Camp Gay
- Friend to All Children
- Gentle Giant
- Hard Gay
- Hopeless Suitor: He has a huge crush on Largo, but it is unknown if Largo is aware of this.
- Real Men Wear Pink
Walter Nash
- Cool Shades
- Department of Redundancy Department: [Activating 'Stand Ready'] "Getting hurt hurts!"
- Face of a Thug: Apparently prevents his restaurant from being as successful as he'd hoped.
- Finagle's Law: Seems to be a believer in this, seeing as he says "It'll probably miss" whenever he fires. Considering his class, he's usually right.
- Gentle Giant: Walter looks intimidating on the battlefield, but when he's off-duty, he enjoys simpler hobbies, such as baking bread.
- Mood Swinger: His confidence in battle wanes and waxes rapidly.
Audrey Heitinga
- Ascended Fangirl: Of Welkin's!
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: "Ooh, orders from the boss!"
- Bodyguard Crush: Inverted in her epilogue, see Rescue Romance below.
- Naive Newcomer: Judging by her quote when calling for a medic, she clearly had no idea what she was getting into.
- Nice Girl
- Optional Party Member: And, fittingly, one of the best lancers in the game.
- Rescue Romance: In her epilogue.
- Super Strength: She is said be able to crush a watermelon with one hand. It even comes into gameplay - eventually, Audrey can punch through armor better than anyone else in her class.
Hector Calvey
= Voiced by Quinton Flynn in English. =
- Gentle Giant
- Heroic Resolve: "Heh, numbers? We've got guts on our side!"
- In his backstory, he also routed an unit of Imperials with only a handful of soldiers despite being outgunned and outnumbered.
- Mr. Fanservice: Appears to be considered one in-universe. He starts a successful shipping business after the war, but doesn't seem to realize exactly why it's so popular...
- One-Hit Kill: His strongest potential gives him a chance to inflict one on tanks.
Yoko Martens
= Voiced by April Stewart in English. =
- Action Mom
- Identical Stranger: Largo reminds her a little too much of her ex-husband for her liking, and so she has the "Largo Hater" potential.
- May–December Romance: In her epilogue.
- Team Mom: One of the older females in the game.
Rosina Selden
= Voiced by Masasa Moyo =
- Ambiguously Brown
- Badass Boast: Boasts that her abs can stop bullets.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Fantastic Racism: Apparently, she hates Darcsens because they're skinny.
- The Ladette: Well, she constantly boasts about working out...
Theold Bohr
- Berserk Button: "First one to call me a hick gets it!"
- Card Carrying Jerkass Just look at the rest of the tropes associated with him.
- Everyone Has Standards: When calling for a medic: "Even I'd rather not have a treammate die on me!"
- Fantastic Racism
- Glory Hound: (when selected): "Save me some glory!"
- Improbable Hairstyle: A blonde quiff? In the 30s?
- It's All About Me
- Jerkass: Until he falls in love at the end.
- Kick the Dog: Has a habit of bullying the members of the squad he sees as "weak".
- The Power of Love: Actually causes him to stop being a jerk.
- Smug Snake: And he openly admits it. [When activating Poison Tolerance: "You can't poison a snake!"]
= Voiced by Grey DeLisle in English. =
- Crack Pairing: In-universe crack, with Cezary in the manga, after she mistakenly thinks that he saved her from an Imperial sniper, when it was actually Marina who saved her.
- Hidden Depths: Writes a series of highly successful romance novels after the war.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Which it makes more funnier once you read the manga and realize that her novels might actually be about her and Cezary!
- Meaningful Name: Her name is the French form of the Russian name Nadia, which itself is a diminutive of Nadezhda, which means "hope" in Russian.
Ramsey Clement
- Brilliant but Lazy: Has a very lackluster attitude towards weapon maintenance.
- Emotionless Girl: Never seems to feel anything, even when the bullets are whizzing around her head or when she's calling for a medic.
Homer Peron
= Voiced by Umeka Shoji in Japanese and Candi Milo in English. =
- Bishonen: Bordering on Adorably Precocious Child due to his cherubic features.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Homer uses these exact words to snap Edy out of a panic attack in the DLC.
- Ill Boy
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: With Edy.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Edy again.
- Ship Tease: Again, with Edy, and the anime turned this Up to Eleven.
- Too Kinky to Torture
Dallas Wyatt
- Does Not Like Men: Developed this disposition due to being raised in an all-girls school.
- Generic Cuteness
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: She quickly develops crushes on cute girls, most especially Alicia. The focus of her affection switches to Rosie after Alicia gets married to Welkin.
Claudia Mann
- Cosmic Plaything: Claudia suffers from a supernaturally bad streak of luck whenever she leaves the house. Since her home was demolished by a tank shell, this is probably now permanent.
- Iron Woobie: Her last class potential makes her invincible!
Karl Landzaat
= Voiced by Liam O'Brien in English. =
- Battle Couple: With Lynn. Eventually, they end up Happily Married.
- Shrinking Violet: Rare male example.
Knute Jung
= Voiced by Liam O'Brien in English. =
- Greed: Completely motivated by money. You acquire him by having a million ducats on hand when you enter the Command Room.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Thinks Cezary is an alright kinda guy.
- Miser Advisor
- Optional Party Member
Herbert Nielson
- Lazy Bum: To the point that he actually took up horse riding so he wouldn't have to use his legs as much, and became quite skilled at it as a result.
- Lucky Bastard: Became a millionaire overnight when he accidentally came across a huge deposit of ragnite, but couldn't be bothered spending the money, so he gave it all to his brother.
- The Slacker: He's lazier than Shikamaru, and that's saying something.
Marina Wulfstan
= Voiced by Natsuki Dai in Japanese and Cindy Robinson in English =
- Action Girl: Like any sniper, Marina is slow and vulnerable, but from a comfortable perch she's the most incredible crack shot in the game.
- Badass
- Cold Sniper: The only one bearing the potential "Ultimate Accuracy".
- Cuteness Proximity: In the downloadable side-mission "Edy's Detachment", Marina is revealed to have a thing for cute animals.
- Idiot Hair: Yes, but it doesn't extend to her personality.
- Kuudere
- Not Good with People
- Peek-a-Bangs
Catherine O'Hara
- Crazy Prepared: Always carries more ammunition than necessary, due to a fear of running out of ammo. This stems from an incident in the First Europan War, where this actually happened and she lost a comrade as a result.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Friendly Sniper
- Named After Somebody Famous: After Canadian actress and comedienne Catherine O'Hara, who notably played Sally in The Nightmare Before Christmas and Delia Deetz in Beetlejuice.
- Older Than They Look: She's 35, and fought in the First Europen War. You probably wouldn't be able to tell that just by looking at her.
- Shell Shocked Senior: Despite her friendly demeanor, she still has deep mental scars from her experiences in the previous war.
Oscar Bielert
- Big Brother Instinct: Enlisted in the militia to keep Emile safe.
- Fear of Thunder
- Friendly Sniper
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a tiny X shaped scar on the left side of his forehead.
- Power Trio: With Hannes and Jane.
- Sibling Team: With Emile.
- Why Did It Have To Be Mice
Emile Bielert
- Friendly Sniper
- Hidden Depths
- Ill Boy
- Little Brother Instinct: Enlists in the militia to keep Oscar safe.
- Optional Party Member
- Sibling Team: With Oscar.
Cezary Regard
= Voiced by Steve Blum in English =
- Crack Pairing: In-universe crack, with Nadine in the manga.
- Dirty Coward: Became a sniper so that he could stay as far away from the fighting as possible, and is all too pleased whenever he is excluded from the squad roster.
- Fantastic Racism
- Insufferable Genius: Specializes at counter-sniping and is good contender for title of second best sniper in Squad 7 (after, of course, Marina). Also one of the more obnoxious members of Squad 7.
- It's All About Me
- Jerkass Sniper: Gradually switches to Jerk with a Heart of Gold in the manga.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: In his epilogue. On the plus side, it meant he forgot he was such a Jerkass.
- Raise Him Right This Time: His epilogue will probably lead to this.
- Why Did It Have To Be Heights
Other Gallian Characters
The Medic
Squad 7's dedicated medical specialist. The Medic will valiantly run to the battlefield to evacuate any of your members who has been taken down.
- Canon Foreigner / Expy: Looks very much like Fina from Skies of Arcadia, which was produced by the same team. Given that Vyse and Aika show up in the game as well, this is obviously intentional.
- Triplet Switch: The "Medic" is actually a trio of identical triplet sisters named Fina, Hina and Mina.
The Drill Sergeant/ Clavaro Rodriguez
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Well duh.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty With A Heart of Gold: He may be harsh to the troops during training, but he's genuinely proud of them once a class become Elites, and once all classes reach lv 20.
- No Name Given: Subverted. But you'll have to get every class to lv 20 and then check his personal profile to see it.
- Red Baron: Was known as "Hot Rod" during EW 1.
- The Reveal: His name (see above), and that he fought as a Lancer in EW 1.]
- Rousing Speech: Gives one once every class reaches lv 20.
- This Is Sparta: "Congratulations [class name], as of today YOU! ARE! ELITES!"
The Aged Gentleman
A retired EW 1 veteran who frequents the War Cemetary. Teaches Welkin orders in exchange for experience points.
- Lost Forever: Subverted, if you turn down one of his orders, he will offer it again but much later on, leading some players to think they've fallen victim to this trope. (To this troper's knowledge, he won't do this is you say yes but don't have enough exp)
- Infinity Plus One Order: Judging by his speech before teaching it, he seems to consider "Recon Request" this. To most players though, it's probably Awaken All.
- No Name Given
- Stealth Mentor
- The Un-Reveal: You never find out exactly who he is, only that he fought alongside Welkin's father in the first war.
Eleanor Varrot
= Voiced by Atsuko Tanaka in Japanese and Julia Fletcher in English. =
Commanding officer of Regiment 3, hence making her Squad 7's superior officer. Elle (as she's known to Largo) is a wise, concerned leader for her troops, and she specifically has a fondness for Squad 7, both for their bravery and service and for the fact that Largo is one of the members. She never unnecessarily puts Squad 7 in harm's way, and trusts them to perform any mission to success. She also tends to turn a blind eye to some of Welkin's most outrageous strategies, since, well, they work.
- Cold Sniper: Served as one in the first war before earning the rank of Captain.
- The Good Captain
- If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him: Takes this attitude towards Geld after encouragement from Largo. Well actually, it's more like If You Kill Him You Will Be Betraying Your Dead Lover's Ideals.
- Not So Stoic: In the side chapter dealing with Giorgios Geld.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Revenge: The reason she stayed in the army after the First European War.
- Running Gag: She talks a lot in the anime version when she speaks to other characters. Which irritates them to no end.
- Tsurime Eyes
Faldio Landzaat
= Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai in Japanese and Robin Atkin Downes in English. =
Longtime friend of Welkin's, and commander of Squad 7's sister unit, Squad 1. Faldio, like Welkin, was drafted as an officer, and is an avid historian. He is one of the lead researchers on Valkyrian lore and technology for the Gallian Army. He also discovers that Alicia is a Valkyria, and shoots her to awaken her powers, an act that brings him much grief but he deems necessary for the war effort.
- Anti-Hero: Type III, with Type IV leanings, given his predilections for I Did What I Had to Do.
- Badass Bookworm: Shares this quality with Welkin, which is understandable given their shared military/college education.
- Hero of Another Story
- Honor Before Reason: Maximillian would have made a valuable prisoner of war, see Redemption Equals Death.
- I Did What I Had to Do: Considered shooting Alicia necessary to save Gallia, though later comes to regret that decision.
- Redemption Equals Death: Sacrifices himself while killing Maximillian in penance for wounding Alicia.
- Shipper on Deck: Oddly, despite the fact Faldio hits on Alicia several times in the anime, he also seems to be working his ass off to convince Welkin to hook up with her, though, as a flashback reveals, he was there when Welkin could have married one of the most sought after women and college and let her get away, so it's fair to say most of his attraction, while possibly genuine, is also probably an attempt to get a rise out of Welkin (thus revealing Welkin has a sex drive) and get him to realize there's an attractive young lady and he would make a cute couple with her. In fact, he more or less practically screams that in Welkin's face in Episode 11.
Ms. Ellet
= Voiced by Naomi Shindo in Japanese and Kari Wahlgren in English. =
Intrepid reporter extraordinaire. She starts off interviewing the members of the militia to bring the news to the public, but eventually settles on covering Squad 7 exclusively, not only for their news-worthiness but also because she thinks they're good people. She also, against government orders, publishes The Writing On The Wall, a clandestine paper to report the news of the war without censorship, letting the Gallian citizens know exactly what's going on. She is eventually revealed to be Irene Koller, the narrator for the game and author of the book that tells Squad 7's exploits.
- Hot Scoop
- Intrepid Reporter
- Narrator All Along: It takes us a while to learn that Ellet is her maiden name and that her first name is Irene, and it brings some Fridge Brilliance about how side-chapters are annexed into the book that serves as your main menu.
General Georg von Damon
= Voiced by Kozo Shioya in Japanese and John Dimaggio in English. =
A Gallian aristocrat and overall commander of the Gallian military. He was recommended to the post by the Gallian prime minister Borg, in spite of being completely unsuitable for the job.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Asshole Victim: Was among those incinerated by Selvaria's Final Flame.
- Bling of War: Despite not really earning any of it.
- Dirty Coward
- Fat Bastard
- General Failure
- General Ripper
- Glory Hound: Gets pissed Welkin starts getting more than he does in the anime, to the point he initiates a few UriahGambits to get rid of him.
- Jerkass
- Kick the Dog: In the anime version, he throws a tantrum after seeing Isara's Darcsen-print poncho draped over the Edelweiss. She died in the previous episode
- He's also pretty abusive to Selvaria after you defeat her.
- Stay in the Kitchen: His ideas about the proper place of women would get him repeatedly shot by any random feminist. He's even this way to Varrot, who is far more competent than him even on her worst day while sleep deprived and drunk.
- Ted Baxter: He firmly believe the regular army kicks ass and he's a great commander when the only reason he's in command at all is thanks to having friends in high places.
- We Have Reserves: What he sees the militia as.
Empire of Europa (Antagonists)
Prince Maximillian
= Voiced by Jun Fukuyama in Japanese and Matthew Yang King in English. =
- Big Bad
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Equal Opportunity Evil: Maximillian allows anyone to join his forces whether they be women, former enemies of the Empire or Darcsens. Which explains why he has no problem of marrying Princess Cordelia after the truth about her heritage is revealed.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Maximillian is very strict on respecting the rules of warfare, and orders Geld to be court-marshalled and executed for his atrocities.
- Evil Prince
- It's All About Me: Maximillian has a severe Lack of Empathy towards pretty much everyone.
- Jerkass
- Knife Nut: Has a collection numbering in the hundreds, if not the thousands.
- Light Is Not Good: Blonde hair and a white Ermine Cape with gold embroidery do nothing to disguise his ruthlessness.
- Man in White: His Ermine Cape.
- Missing Mom: His Freudian Excuse.
- One-Winged Angel: He gains Valkyria-like powers in the final battle, thanks to a mighty device created by his engineers.
- Overly Long Name: Maximillian Gaius Von Reginrave.
- Parental Abandonment: His mother was killed by jealous conspirators.
- Royal We
- Visual Pun: The armor he wears can be associated with the "Maximilian" style of armor.
Selvaria Bles
= Voiced by Sayaka Ohara in Japanese and April Stewart in English. =
General of the Empire's Central Forces, the blood of the Valkyrur runs in Selvaria's veins. Their blood gives her incredible powers, making her the deadliest soldier in the Empire's employ. Selvaria is very much devoted to her cause, and would give up her life for Maximillian. Even so, she is not without honor, and is genuinely concerned with the welfare of her soldiers. When Maximillian decides that she is no longer an asset, Selvaria sacrifices herself to destroy Gallia's main army.
- Anti-Villain
- Armor-Piercing Slap: For Johann's Accidental Pervert moment in her DLC.
- Badass
- Blade on a Stick
- Boobs of Steel: Selvaria, who is arguably the most deadly unit in the game, Valkyria or not.
- Custom Uniform
- Dark Action Girl
- A Day in the Limelight: Behind Her Blue Flame.
- The Dragon
- Dying Moment of Awesome
- Evil Albino
- Expy: The similarities, both visual and otherwise, to Reinforce I are so many that it leaves one wondering if Selvaria is this or an outright Captain Ersatz.
- I Owe You My Life: Her attitude towards Maximillian. However, it's implied he was aware of her former circumstances when he took her in and had something to do with, meaning he invoked this trope to make her loyal.
- Love Martyr: Towards Maximillian, although she holds no illusion of redeeming him.
- More Dakka: The Ruhm, her personal rifle.
- A Mother To Her Men
- One Woman Army
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Pet the Dog: Her strict but caring attitude towards her soldiers.
- Redemption Equals Death: In a way.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Small Girl, Big Gun: She's not exactly small, per say, but come on, the Rhum makes anyone look tiny by comparison.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Staying Alive: She's available as a playable character in Valkyria Chronicles II. Somehow.
- Taking You with Me
- Tall, Silver and Bishoujo
- Tyke Bomb
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Her and Jaeger in the anime. Granted, she's icy and he acts like a playboy, but he tries to be a nice guy when Maximillian is an asshole and professionally they do work well together.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Worthy Opponent
- You Have Failed Me...
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Radi Jaeger
= Voiced by Akio Otsuka in Japanese and Patrick Seitz in English. =
- Anti-Villain
- Badass
- Chivalrous Pervert: The man practically channels Shunshui Kyoraku at times during the anime. Fitting, considering his seiyuu voiced him as well.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: The only character who puts armor plating over his tank's weak point.
- Fire-Forged Friends: Both Jaeger and Gregor are former enemies, but now that they are working together they are quite willing to confide in each other, and despite being total opposites personality wise get along surprisingly well.
- Had a slightly smaller scale version of this with Selvaria, who he often tried to be nice to when Maximillian was a prick.
- Heel Realization: After being defeated by Squad 7.
- Nice Guy: Despite being on the villain team.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Don't let his affable ladies man attitude fool you. He's very sharp, and in the anime he pretty much figures out someone was trying to kill Maximillian in Episode 9 on his own.
- Punch Clock Villain: Especially in the anime version, where he's basically like the aforementioned Kyoraku, except on the villain team.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Does to the Maximillian in the anime after he realizes his boss is a coldblooded asshole and he's one by proxy for helping him.
- This Is Unforgivable!: His misgivings about Maximillian mount throughout the anime, but they hit their peak when he finds out Selvaria's aide Karl, the anime expy for Johann, was shot in cold blood for standing up to Maximillian in defense of Selvaria's well being.
- Turns Red: Has a tendency to issue ALL his orders at once when heavily damaged.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: His fate at the end of the game is unknown.
- Worthy Opponent
Berthold Gregor
= Voiced by Chikao Ohtsuka in Japanese and Roger Jackson in English. =
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Tends to wear a hat over most of hair, though.
- Blue Blood
- Cutscene Boss: Technically speaking you don't actually fight the Equus, you just drop the bridge from under it.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- General Rock: While Gregor does have a personality fit for The Neidermeyer, he actually has read a book or two on military tactics and actually proves a legitimate threat to the Gallian forces, because, despite the fact he's a Jerkass to his troops (especially in the anime), he's a competent, effective Jerkass.
- Mechanical Horse: In a manner of speaking. He is an avid equestrian, and he goes to battle aboard a custom armored train car he has named "Equus".
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Has an obsession with destroying the Edelweiss in the anime.
- Perpetual Frowner
- This Cannot Be!: He utters something along these lines when the bridge is dropped from under his invincible armored train.
Giorgios Geld
= Voiced by Yukimasa Kishino in Japanese and Dwight Schultz in English =
- Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: After Largo convinces Eleanor If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him, he flees back to the Imperial headquarters, but upon arriving discovers his torture of civilians really pissed off Maximillian, who orders him executed.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: His favorite hobby.
- Dirty Coward: When he is on the receiving end, though, he's quick to beg for his life.
- I Surrender, Suckers: Was clearly TRYING to pull this, but no-one was fooled.
- Karmic Death: Let's just say his Dirty Coward tendencies backfire HARD.
- Shoot the Hostage: Is all too willing to do this if you let your troops be seen during his side mission, causing an immediate Game Over.