VIPPERloids are a line of UTAUloids created by the denziens of vip@2ch. Initially they were made to fool people into believing that a new Vocaloid was being released, but after the failure (or was it success?) of Ruko, they have moved on to general trolling.
Teto Kasane
- The Cameo: A picture of Teto appears on a sake bottle label in Hatsune Mix.
- Canon Immigrant: She was originally supposed to be an April Fool's joke. Her first song was sung by a real singer, and had nothing to do with UTAU initially. After the prank was over, a real voicebank was recorded and released.
- Also, she appears as a DLC in Project Diva 2nd.
- Cute Monster Girl: Her chimera form.
- Detached Sleeves
- Fanon: Her age of 31 is often retconned into 15 in fanfiction, explaining that she is "31 in chimera years".
- Gender Bender: Ted Kasane, who is considered his own person and seperate from Teto, as opposed to other genderbends. His personality can range from being a kindly, protective older brother to...strange.
- Idiot Hair
- Mega Twintails
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: She's the most well-known Utau, and for the most part the Vocaloid Fan Dumb has no idea there are others.
- Trademark Favorite Food: French bread.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Ruko Yokune
- Badass Longcoat
- C-List Fodder: Surprisingly for a Vocaloid-sung video, both of the "April Fool's" UTAU characters show up in the video for Kagome Kagome. Unlike Teto though, who has no solid role past 'extra', Ruko exists in the video solely to get decapitated.
- Detached Sleeves
- Fanon Discontinuity: Canonically, "her" gender leans heavily on the male side, but she looks more like a female so she is often considered to be more on the female side.
- Gentle Giant: She's basically the personification of this trope, with her deredere personality.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hermaphrodite
- Meaningful Name: Yokune Ruko = yoku neru ko = "girl who sleeps well(or often)".
- Mismatched Eyes: She has one red and one blue eye.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Trademark Favorite Food: Coffee.
- Younger Than They Look: Officially Ruko is 12, though fanon makes him/her 19.
Ritsu Namine
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Sorta.
- Fanon Discontinuity: Nearly everything on his official profile is disregarded by the fans. This is probably justified in that he is officially described as a 6-year old misanthropic Jerkass who pads his chest with missles (and thus weighs 25 tons).
- Name's the Same: Heck, doesn't his name remind you of something?
- His given name might also be referencing another crossdressing Ritsu...
- Or another...
- His given name might also be referencing another crossdressing Ritsu...
- Rapunzel Hair
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Not so wholesome.
- Ahoge
- Animorphism: He can turn into a dog.
- Badass Longcoat
- Bishonen
- Freud Was Right: Is model number is 69.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Those Two Guys: with Ruko.
Miko Ooka
- Meaningful Name: Her name is wordplay on "Ookami-ko", which means "wolf girl".
- Our Werewolves Are Different
- The Stoic/The Quiet One: In Fanon.
- Unusual Ears
- Younger Than They Look
Tei Sukone
- Caught with Your Pants Down: She has a fetish for traffic lights and isn't afraid to masturbate in public. With her Trademark Favorite Food, no less.
- Character Name Alias: Scottei, a pun on "Scottie", the brand of tissue paper.
- Detached Sleeves
- Four Is Death: She's the fourth official VIP release (she'd be the sixth, if people counted with the unofficial releases, Rook and Miko, but it's another completely different bad number), she's yandere, and her series "number" is a Q, which is a really loose pun on "kill". One has to wonder if it's just a coincidence or if it was fully intentional.
- Parody Sue
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: She has the sharingan , in fact.
- Stalker with a Crush: On Len Kagamine.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Cucumbers.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Yandere
Oniko Hinomoto
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Fantastic Racism: She was created as a parody of the anti-Japan movement in China.
- Horned Humanoid
- Miko
- Bishonen/Cute Shotaro Boy
- Casual Kink: His personality is described as "M there a little to quiet air", implying that he's a masochist.
- Idiot Hair
- In the Hood: He wears a black and green hoodie. Apparently he was affected by radiation after the tsunami in Japan, which is why his clothes glow in the dark.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Other characters
Uta Utane
- Fan Nickname: Defoko, due to being the default voice in UTAU.
- Meaningful Name: Her nickname literally means "default child".
- Robo Speak: Due to having no human voice source.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Her character item is a rocket-propelled grenade.
Momo Momone
Mako Nagone
- Everything's Better with Samurai / Everythings Better With Ninjas: Her outfit usually depicts her as a samurai or, if wearing a kimono, a Yamato Nadeshiko.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Most of her fanart show her being really pale, and with black hair.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tomboyish Ponytail
Sora Suiga
- Gender Bender: Sara Suiga, who is declared a separate person from Sora, as opposed to other gender bends who are regarded as simply that.
- Mukokuseki
- Phenotype Stereotype: Averted somewhat, since--despite being blonde--Sora's eyes are gray.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Curry.
Luna Amane
- Counterpart Comparison: She's often compared to Luna Lovegood.
- Petting Zoo People: Kinda; Luna appears to have bunny ears attached to her earphones.
- Moon Rabbit: Just look at her name. The rabbit ears are an obvious reference to the rabbit in the moon.
Koto Fuuga
- Animal Motifs: She owns a megaphone shaped like a toucan.
- No Indoor Voice: Portrayed as being very loud.
Yufu Sekka
- An Ice Person: In some videos, she's portrayed as having ice-based powers. This, coupled with the fact she wants winter to be forever makes her fit the trope in both senses.
- Creepy Awesome: Some songs interpret Yufu to be like that.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Even though her hair is actually a light shade of gray, she still counts for this trope.
Nana Macne
- Follow the Leader: Part of the Macloid series, but can be imported into UTAU.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Of a castella cake. And since castella cakes are Yufu's character item, it tends to jokes in the fandom. Of course, it was probably intentional from Teira's creator's part.
- Creepy Child: She (and her "genderbents", Tiramisu and Mashuu) might appear to be like that, to some fans.
- Kid Appeal Character: Teira also has a younger sister (produced with the g- flag instead of Mashuu's g+ flag), called Tiramisu.
- Gender Bender: Mashuu, who's just as popular as her.
Nene Nene
- Eldritch Abomination: Some fans might see her as one.
- Flower Motifs: She is a human-shaped plant who sings through her flower.
- Older Than They Look (or Really Seven Hundred Years Old): Her real age is unknown, but she's said to be a perennial plant.
- Plant Person: Quite literally.
Rana Sorane
- Genki Girl: She appears to be one.
- Wings Do Nothing: Her (and her less-known sister's) earwing is basically just for decoration, as it'd be impractical for said accessory to make one fly.
Kenta Chikune
- Ax Crazy: His most famous song, Despair in the Hamburger Factory, portrays him and Teto in this fashion, even though his original personality isn't like that. It's generally (though, not canonically) accepted that this is how his angry side must be, therefore, making him Cute and Psycho.
- The Ditz: He can alternate between this Genius Ditz and Cloudcuckoolander, depending on how he's interpreted.
- Gender Bender: Shemu Chikune. She's a cyborg vampire partially made with Lego pieces.
- Keet: He's pretty tall, but fits all the other characteristics.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Kenta can walk under strong sunlight and doesn't need to drink blood, as well as he's a ball of cheerfulness, and, to pepper it all up, he's Christian as well. Though, in the situations where he gets angry, he becomes more like a traditional vampire. Apparently, according to his creator on Formspring, he's still vulnerable to garlic, but doesn't notice it.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Lemons. He can live without blood, but not without lemons. In his Formspring, it was joked about how he must smell like lemon detergent.
Shinji Hibiki
- Bandaged Face: Although they only cover his eyes, not his entire face.
- Detached Sleeves: Combined with Fingerless Gloves.
- Hidden Eyes
Owata Tsuine
- Detached Sleeves: Like many other UTAU.
- Keet: Summarized in the fact that his "official personality" can be described as \(^o^)/.
- Megane
- Tareme Eyes
- Ambiguous Gender: His gender is defined as "Male/Female/Hermophrodite/None"
- Refuge in Audacity: His character item is Helen Keller.
- Sensory Abuse
- Stylistic Suck
- Time Abyss: He's 361,030,115 years old.
- Troll
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