Hatsune Mix
Hatsune Mix is a comedy/parody manga based on the famous voice synthesizers, Vocaloid and Vocaloid 2 (which include Meiko, Kaito, Miku Hatsune, Len and Rin Kagamine). Each chapter is a stand-alone story and marks the trials and tribulations of the group of singers. It can be found here.
Tropes used in Hatsune Mix include:
- A-Cup Angst: Happens to Miku and Rin.
- Alternate Universe: Almost every chapter takes place in one.
- There's a sort of "baseline" universe established in "Abandoned Mix" and continued through most of the others.
- Berserk Button: Anyone who eats one of Miku's leeks incurs her wrath.
- BFS / Guns Akimbo: The Kagamine twins gained these by exchanging their clothes and tails in Mermaid Mix.
- Butt Monkey: ...poor Kaito.
- Christmas Cake: Meiko, judging from her angst in Chapter 20.
- Idiot Hair: Kaito sports this.
- Magical Girl: Miku is this in the first chapter, when she transforms.
- Meaningful Name: The 'Kagami' part of 'Kagamine' is Japanese for 'mirror'; the 'ne' that is at the end of Kagamine and Hatsune means 'sound'.
- Mood Whiplash: Chapters 8, 18, and 20.
- Ms. Fanservice: Luka in her debut chapters, quite particularly in "Luka Mix". Maiko feels particularly threatened by this because she's no longer the only adult woman in the house.
- Meido: On one of the blackmail photos Miku has in "Painful Mix" we can see Len in one. He is understandably flustered in it.
- Parody: One chapter served as a parody for 'The Little Mermaid'.
- Perpetual Poverty: In some chapter, the Vocaloid family is in various state of poorness; ranged from living in a run-down cottage to a small tent, usually from Kaito spends money on ice cream and its freezer. Miku and the twins are the one who taking up some weird jobs or selling their clothes (at one point Miku even suggested to sell the twins), with Meiko and Kaito again spend it with reckless abandon. All of it was lampshaded.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Len is sensitive, while Rin is assertive, and in the few chapters where Meiko and Kaito are related, Meiko's the mature, responsible one and Kaito is...you guessed it! (Though this does changes Depending on the Writer).
- Spotlight-Stealing Title: The manga is named after none other than Miku Hatsune.
- Theme Twin Naming: The Kagamine twins's names, Len and Rin, are Japanese puns for 'left' and 'right'. In Chapter 14; the chapter that pretty much inspired by the twins' creation itself, they were code-named L and R. After the higher-ups finally approved them both, it was Miku who named them Len and Rin because of this very reason.
- Trademark Favorite Food: For Miku, a leek/negi, for Meiko, sake, for Kaito, ice cream, for Len, bananas, and for Rin, oranges. KEI really take many from the fandom, although there are several times where its Rin who is munching bananas.
- Tsundere: Meiko.
- And Rin.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Played straightest with Kaito, but Miku with her turquoise hair also falls under this trope.
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