< True Blood

True Blood/Characters

Main Characters

Sookie Stackhouse

"I didn't have any say about being normal. We're born the way were are."
Played By: Anna Paquin

William "Bill" Compton

"Vampires have often found it advantageous to maintain a hidden presence in humanity's most powerful institutions and in the 1600's, that was the Catholic Church and today, as you all know, it's Google and Fox News."
Played By:Stephen Moyer

  • Anti-Hero: Type III
  • Badass: Not as much so as other characters, but he's a vampire, it's kind of impossible to be a non-badass vampire.
  • Berserk Button: SOOKIEEE
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Originally seemed like a quiet vampire who wanted to mainstream. later revealed to be an agent of the Queen of Louisiana sent to seduce Sookie . Not only that he was actually a Double Agent working for the Authority the whole time.
  • Character Development: Spent first three seasons with Sookie as his top piority. In season four ends up a King. Spends more time focusing on protecting his people from a threat from a ticked of Witch and bonding with his daughter. His home also got an upgrade.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Is this after becoming vampire king of Louisiana."Spellbound" is a good example:

Bill:Ms Fortenberry
Mrs Fortenberry:Vampire Bill
Mrs Fortenberry:Did you know that Beulah Carter was a vampire?
Bill:Because all of us vampires know each other?

Eric Northman

"Tru Blood...it keeps you alive, but it will bore you to death."
Played By: Alexander Skarsgard

Tara Thornton

"Race may not be the hot-button issue it once was, but it's still a button you can push on people."
Played By: Rutina Wesley

Sam Merlotte

Played By: Sam Trammell

"I spent my whole life either running away from people or pinning my hopes on somebody I can't have. I'm done with that."

Lafayette Reynolds

Played By: Nelsen Ellis

"Excuse me, who ordered the hamburger with AIDS?"

Jason Stackhouse

Played By: Ryan Kwanten

"Never really thought I was smart enough to get depressed."
  • The Ace: He's not really one, but to The Fellowship of the Sun he definitely is.
  • Always Someone Better: To Luke, the fanatical Soldier of the Sun.
  • Brainless Beauty
  • Big Brother Instinct: Really to any woman, one of his better points.
  • Cartwright Curse: Every woman he had slept with onscreen in the first season died.
  • Chew Toy
  • Chick Magnet
  • Casanova
  • Clear My Name: Mistaken for Murderer in season 1.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: When he admitted to Hoyt that he slept with Jessica (albeit after Jess and Hoyt broke up), Hoyt heartbreakingly asks, "How?" Jason, being Jason, responded by listing all the positions they had sex in. Hoyt promptly punches him in the face before clarifying what he meant.
  • Dumb Blonde
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • Genius Bruiser
  • Homoerotic Dream: A rather tame (and short) one with Eddie in the second season.
    • Another one in season 4 when he began to fantasize about Jessica after drinking her blood; sometime during the dream, though, Jessica becomes Hoyt.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: He's actually disappointed when it turned out that he wouldn't turn into a werepanther after all, following his ordeal in Hotshot.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills
  • Jerkass: In the early episodes mainly.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Rape Is Okay When Its Female On Male: He seems to think this way. In one of the graphic novels, Jason reveals that he had an affair with one of his teachers in high school. While Sookie and Tara are horrified that an older woman took sexual advantage of him, Jason himself was more upset that the teacher's son--a close friend of his at the time--caught them, destroying the friendship.
    • Averted in Season 4, where he's horrifyingly gang-raped by the women of Hotshot.
    • Writer Alan Ball seemed to play it straight, implying that Jason's gangrape was some kind of comeuppance due to his years of womanizing. Needless to say, this drew sharp criticism.
  • Really Gets Around
  • Too Dumb to Live: It runs in the family. Although with Jason, it's played for laughs.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After being trained by the Fellowship of the Sun and becoming a cop. He's still often too stupid to really put it to good use, though.
  • Unknown Rival: Luke. Not that Jason wasn't really aware with it he just didn't play along.

Jessica Hamby

Played By: Deborah Ann Woll

"No more rules... I'm a vampire!"

Pam Swynford de Beaufort

Played By: Kristen Bauer

"Blah, blah, vampire emergency, blah."

Alcide Herveaux

Played By: Joe Manganiello

Marcus: You're about 6'6 and you're wider than a door


Rene Lenier

Played By: Michael Raymond-James

Rene Lenier

Maryann Forrester

Played By: Michelle Forbes

"Go, flourish and don't ever say 'no' to yourself."

Rev. Steve Newlin

Played By: Michael McMillan

"The war has begun, you evil whore of Satan!"
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He manages to be a significant threat, but most of his villainous accomplishments against the vampires he hates are lucky shots or just plain given to him. Compared to the other Big Bads of the show, he's pathetic.
  • Bus Crash: Died offscreen between seasons 3 and 4.
    • Not yet proven, he could simply be hiding. Given The Fellowship of the Sun's past tactics, faking his death would not be that much of a stretch.
      • Okay, technically, he did die but he got better. Or turned into a vampire, if you consider that better.
  • Church Militant of a Corrupt Church: The Fellowship of the Sun, who want to eradicate all Vampires and don't particularly like anyone who associates with them either.
  • Domestic Abuser: Appears to mostly psychologically abuse it wife, rather than physically do so. This results in his wife cheating on him, and leads to a divorce.
  • Fantastic Racism: He hates vampires, mostly on account of his family, including his father who was also a pastor being killed by them.
  • Foe Yay / Ho Yay: With Jason, oh so much.
  • He Who Fights Monsters
  • Karmic Transformation
  • Sinister Minister
  • Southern Gentleman: The fact that he's a Southern Preacher invariably means he will also be this.
  • You Fail Logic Forever: See above.

Lorena Krasiki

Played By: Mariana Klaveno

"I may not be able to make you feel for me. But I will make you feel."

Debbie Pelt

Played By: Brit Morgan

Debbie Pelt

Debbie: (to Sookie) Would you like a Vienna Sausage?

Sookie: Get out of my house, bitch!
Debbie: Fuck you!

Franklin Mott

Played By: James Frain

"Don't scream. It's an ugly, ugly sound."

Russell Edgington

Played By: Denis O'Hare

"Mine is the true face of vampire!"


Played By: Grant Bowler

Felton Norris

Played By: James Harvey Ward

Marnie Stonebrook

Played By: Fiona Shaw

"No one lives forever, not even you!"
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Was treated as a freak for much of her life due to her status as a spirit medium.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: She peacefully passes on into the afterlife after Antonia and Adele convince her to abandon her quest for revenge against the vampires. This makes her the first (and so far, only) season villain to have a happy ending.
  • Berserk Button: Being bullied and threatened by others. It seems those years of feeling like an outcast and a misfit eventually ate away at her psyche; she's homicidal and vengeful toward anyone who attacks her.
  • Big Bad: Of season four.
  • Blood Magic: Occasionally seen cutting herself in an attempt to invoke Antonia.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Sort of. The vampires attacked her because her practices meant she had the potential to one day act against them. And since being oppressed is her berserk button, that's exactly what made her snap and start her genocidal crusade against them in the first place.
  • Demonic Possession: Subverted. While Antonia was possessing her at first, it eventually became more of a melding of consciousness before culminating in Marnie actually binding Antonia and gaining full control of her powers. Also, after her death, Marnie possesses Lafayette.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare
  • The Fundamentalist: For her, those caught in the middle are not even Collateral Damage but Les Collaborateurs to vampires.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Ironically, Fiona Shaw is perhaps best known for playing Harry Potter's magic-hating aunt Petunia.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: The reason she talked to the dead was because they were her only friends. She was shunned by other people all her life because of her powers.
  • I See Dead People: Her most consistent ability when she's not possessed. Apparently, constantly hearing the voices of the dead contributed to her neurotic mental state.
  • Informed Loner: She claimed to be a lifelong outcast despite leading a coven that loved her (until she she started going off the deep end) and considered Holly and Jesus personal friends.
  • Inept Mage: Her powers are pretty hit-or-miss unless she's being possessed by Antonia.
  • Necromancer: The reason the vampires see her as a threat--with the power to control the dead, she could potentially control them too.
  • The Power of the Sun: The magical barrier she erects around her shop harnesses the power of the sun, killing any vampire that touches it.
  • Powers Via Possession
  • Soul Power
  • Sympathetic Murderer: The show doesn't paint her murderous actions in a positive light, but the motive behind them is treated much more tragically.
  • Start of Darkness: While it's hinted that she was a bit mentally unstable all along, she bears no nefarious intentions until after the vampires antagonize her and Antonia shows her visions of the witches' persecution during the Inquisition.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Sookie tries to win her over by telling her that she understands how it feels to be ostracized and picked on. This seems to reach Marnie, until Bill challenges her to come out by calling her a coward. In the finale, she is also portrayed in a very sympathetic light as Antonia and Adele convince her to abandon her quest for revenge so she can be at peace.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Her downfall can be traced directly to her not knowing what "cauterize" means. As in, Jesus and Lafayette grabbed a few vials of herbs saying they were going to "cauterize" the wounds of the girl Marnie stabbed, even though it simply means burning a wound to seal it.
  • Wicca: Although many of her practices go against some of Wicca's fundamental ethics.
  • Willing Channeler: She allows Antonia to possess her in order to protect herself and her coven from the vampires.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: It's implied at various points throughout the season and finally stated in "Soul of Fire" that Marnie is acting out because she perceives herself as everyone's punching bag and is using Antonia's power as a means to lash out and assert herself. This hardly justifies her actions, but it at least makes them somewhat more understandable. There's also the fact that she was originally just a lonely old woman, who turned to necromancy because she couldn't find meaningful relationships among the living. If the vampires had just left her alone, she would never have become their enemy, but instead they attacked her based on the possibility that she might one day pose a threat to them.

Antonia Gavilán de Logroño

Played By: Paola Turbay & Fiona Shaw

"The only thing immortal is the human spirit."
  • And I Must Scream : When Marnie forces her to stay. Believe it or not, Jesus saves her.
  • Big Bad: Shares this role with Marnie.
  • Bilingual Bonus: She speaks in archaic Spanish.
  • Burn the Witch!: She was burnt at the stake by the Catholic Church, which the vampires had a hand in.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: She refuses to make innocents (read: humans) suffer
  • Ghostly Goals: Revenge against the vampires for her torture, rape and murder.
  • Heel Face Turn: In the last episode of season 4, she saves Bill and Eric from being burned alive by Marnie. Her justification is that (1) she realized that violence only spawns more violence, (2) Marnie is insane, and (3) she would rather pass on peacefully to the afterlife than remain as a wraith for all eternity.
  • The Medic: When she was alive, she primarily used her magic to heal the sick in her village, and worked as a midwife.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Antonia after witnessing the injured and dead people following the attack on the Festival of Tolerance.
  • Necromancer
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: In the flashback scenes of her death, she can't manage to fight off a small group of vampires. Then, in the present, she wipes Eric's mind. Then she mind controls a vampire. Then several vampires. Now she can apparently teleport and set up nearly impenetrable force fields as well.
  • Rape as Drama
  • She Who Fights Monsters
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Her hatred of vampires is entirely justified, considering the rape and torture she endured at their hands.
  • The Witch Behind the Witch: Subverted. It seemed this way at first, but when Antonia started getting second thoughts after what happened at the festival, it was Marnie who convinced her to stay.

Marcus Bozeman

Played By: Dan Buran

Other Humans

Sheriff Bud Dearborne

Played By: William Sanderson

Hoyt Fortynberry

Played By: Jim Parrack

Sheriff Andy Bellefleur

Played By: Chris Bauer

Terry Bellefleur

Played By: Todd Lowe

  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Usually seems to have difficulty just functioning but, when the situation calls for it, shows that he is one of the most competent characters in the supporting cast.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Calling Sam out, actually, for transforming into a Jerkass
    • Does this repeatedly with to his cousin Andy.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: A rather laid-back but definite example, seen by others as such due to being a...
  • The Dog: Often, when the writers want to get the point across that a charcter is being a complete Jerkass, they do so by having that character be mean to Terry.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Because he's pretty much the only person on the show who has nothing but good intentions 100% of the time, he provides a lot of these.
    • Even when being mind controlled by Maryanne, he still remembered that Arlene is his "Special Lady" and went out of his way to keep her from getting hurt.
  • Nice Guy
  • Properly Paranoid: He often has a vague suspicion that something is wrong when something really is wrong, only to be falsely reasured that everything is ok by someone who knows for a fact that there's a problem but wishes conceal said problem.
    • On more than one occasion he's been the first person to notice a problem.

Arlene Bellefleur (nee Fowler)

Played By: Carrie Preston

Lettie Mae Thornton

Played By: Adina Porter

Amy Burley

Played By: Lizzy Caplan

Sarah Newlin

Played By: Anna Camp

Jesus Velasquez

Played By: Kevin Alejandro

  • Beta Couple: With Lafayette
  • Blood Magic
  • Bury Your Gays: He's Killed Off for Real in the fourth season finale, though it's implied that he might be hanging around as a ghost in the fifth.
  • Ethnic Magician: He was trained as a witch by his grandfather.
  • Hospital Hottie: He's a nurse working at the psychiatric center where Lafayette's mom lives. And he's hot.
  • Meaningful Name: Blood magic or no blood magic, he's one of the few members of the cast who is consistently kind, loving, and compassionate. He then allows himself to be sacrificed in the hopes that doing so will keep a then-possessed Lafayette from being harmed. And then he returns as a spirit, still just as full of love and compassion as ever.
  • Sexy Mentor: He is trying to get Lafayette to use his powers as a medium.
  • Invisible to Gaydar: You wouldn't know he's gay unless he's making out with Lafayette.
  • Twofer Token Minority: Actually a threefer, being gay, Latino, and Wiccan.

"Eggs" Benedict Talley

Played By: Mechad Brooks

Other Vampires


Played By: Allan Hyde

Queen Sophie-Ann Leclerq

Played By: Evan Rachel Wood


Played By: Theo Alexander

Magnus, the Magister

Played By: Zeljko Ivanek

Nan Flanagan

Played By: Jessica Tuck

Other Non-Humans

Crystal Norris

Played By: Lindsay Pulsipher

Tommy Mickens

Played By: Marshall Allman

Luna Garza

Played By: Janina Gavankar


Played By: Kristina Anapau

  1. having been turned around 18 years old, being friendly, being Sookie's only vampire friend
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