< True Blood

True Blood/WMG

The Gates takes place in the True Blood universe before the Great Revelation.

The Wolves are similar (changing at will, having a pack mentality, etc.), their relationship to the Vamps is similar, Witches/magik exist and the existence of other creatures is hinted.

Renee's ghost still haunts Arlene

In the latter half of season 3, Lafayette has a sudden vision of Renee strangling Arlene. Since it's now been revealed that Lafayette is a medium and can see dead people, that can only mean one thing.

Hoyt will become Bubba

The two vid bloggers at Camp Blood suspected that Jason calling Hoyt "Bubba" amidst a mess of zombie vampires (the rotting kind with Pam, the Mind Controlled kind with Eric and others) was foreshadowing at his eventual fate. If Hoyt dresses up as Elvis for halloween, it's pretty much a done deal.

Tara will shoot Sookie by accident

Judging by the comic-con trailer, it seems Tara (driven by revenge on the entire vampire race) is hunting them down in a misty graveyard. Sookie suffers a gunshot wound in said misty graveyard. It's likely Tara will have done this by mistake. This will either be her My God, What Have I Done? moment or her Moral Event Horizon.

  • Jossed. Sookie did get shot, but only by a stray bullet that wasn't Tara's.

Sam will become a Skinwalker

Luna, Sam's new love interest, admits that her jealous ex-boyfriend is a werewolf and often spies on her. If that's not a setup for Sam to kill another shifter (thus becoming a skinwalker), this troper doens't know what is.

  • I believe Luna said that a shifter must kill another shifter in their own family to become a skinwalker, so Sam would not become a skinwalker unless he kills Tommy or his mother (or another shifter relative who has yet to be introduced on the show). Also, the show makes a distinction between shifters, who can turn into any type of animal, and werewolves (or werepanthers, etc.), who have one specific animal form that they can shift into, so I'm not sure that a shifter could become a skinwalker by killing a werewolf, even if the werewolf were a family member.
    • Still likely, considering just how much Tommy likes to antagonize Sam.

Tommy will embrace his powers as a Skinwalker.

By killing his mother. He will then impersonate Hoyt's mom in order to get the money from the natural gas rights.

  • The first half was confirmed. Time will tell on the second.
    • The second half is confirmed.

The Inquisition was started up by the Vampires.

If the witches had power over the Vampires, it's likely the Inquisition was started up by vampire thralls in order to hunt the witches down and exterminate them.

Godric is actually The First.

The First apparently really likes to torment vampires, and Eric without his memories is perfectly vulnerable for it to sneak in. Season 4 promos have shown Eric and vision Godric, an ideal form for the First to take to get under Eric's skin.

Bill is the new King of Louisiana

This one's pretty likely, since in preview materials for season 4 Bill is confirmed to be still alive after challenging Sophie-Anne to a fight to the death. He is also seen discussing a situation with Eric, concerning a coven of witches. yeah this one has been proven.

  • Confirmed.

Sophie-Anne is really a Magnificent Bitch/ Chess Master

...And she's been playing everyone since day one in a Xanatos Roulette to seize Eddington's territory, his money, and a source of Fairy Blood in one masterstroke and pretending to be nothing more than a spoiled brat all the while. Even if it was all just dumb luck, expect her to exclaim "EXACTLY AS PLANNED!" in the season finale. Or maybe not...

Bill set the Rattrays on Sookie.

Bill engineered the whole beating situation in order to give Sookie his blood and at the same time create an emotional and physical dependency by playing the part of the savior. Supported by the fact that Mack was no longer suffering from V-juice withdrawal: Where did he get his fix?

    • As of the season 3 finale, this troper CALLED IT.

Jason has Eidetic Memory

Except he doesn't realize that he does. Supported by the fact that Jason often has very vivid flashbacks of recent events, represented by high-contrast and over saturated footage, much like when Sookie receives visual thoughts from people.

The cast will incriminate Andy

Eggs was shot in the right-hand side of his head. Since Andy has a bloody great plaster cast on his left arm, there's no way he could have done that unless he was standing behind him. The sheriff will work this out. Then one of two things will happen: Either he'll arrest Andy, or he'll try to cover up what he believes was a necessary crime and someone else will find out. From a meta perspective, Andy's cast has so far been a pointless prop. This could be its purpose.

The Vampire Queen can control probability

  • Apparently the older you are as a vampire, the more powers you accumulate. Ergo as the odest one in the Bayou, she could concievably be able to control local (at least within her lair and surrounding area) probability. This is one of only 2 ways I see her being able to get 6 Yahtzees in a single game, the other is that they count the whole Play to 5000 thing as one entire game.
    • Why? Because for all her posturing about Yahtzee being a great equalizer she wants to win. There have thusfar been no Vampires in REAL power wanting anything close to equality with humaity, mainstreaming, or "Equal Rights" as they are seen a step down to the elites. The closest one with anything resembling power that also wanted equality was Godric, but He not only refuses power on ultiple occasions, he "Meets the Sun" in an act of suicide
    • Pretty much Jossed in season three , where shes out of pocket and desperately playing Scratchies, badly.
    • She isn't the oldest vampire in Louisiana, that would be Eric.

Sam is in hiding from a large pack of shifters.

Basically, Sam seems more skittish about the people around him than is reasonable. Part of that can be chalked up to his background and the abuse there, but I suspect that's only part of the story. It would also explain why he's so very, very hesitant to tell people he's a shifter. He's worried about being discovered by the pack he is hiding from.

[Insert character here] is a Time Lord

Because SOMEONE had to say it.

  • My money is on Ruby Jean.
  • Nah. Rene. He'll be back.

Sookie's powers are affected by vampire blood.

It seems that throughout the series, Sookie gets far less assaulted by the random thoughts of people around her as her control over her mind reading abilities improves. In fact, she has to put effort into reading Maryann. This is no coincidence, as she's been drinking from Bill, a vampire with a talent for Glamouring people's minds. His childe, Jessica, masters glamouring very quickly despite having been turned a few months ago. This implies a bloodline talent. Furthermore, Sookie develops some kind of kinetic ability shortly after drinking a bit of blood from Eric, who is an Elder vampire gifted with the ability to fly.

  • Or it could just be that she needed more effort to read Maryann because she isnt human. the flashy-hands thing isnt vampire related so why would blood affect it? She may have had it all along but never been confident enough to use it. Given how Maryann described being on the receiving end of it, its more likely related to Sookie's blood, not Bill's or Eric's.
    • It's outright stated that her mind-reading really only works well on non-supernatural folks. Shifters mostly just seem to be more "guttural" and "simple", but vampire, maneads etc. don't work. The flashiness seems to be a case of emotional stress making her (very thin) fairy blood spike to a greater power.
      • According to the books, this is a fact. Book!Sookie actually uses this to her advantage in the first book

Lorena, Bill and Jessica are better glamourers than other vampires

Demonstrated by comparing Jessica and Eric. Eric, an Elder, could only hypnotize one Soldier of the Sun, leaving the other two ready to flank him. Jessica, a Childe, could hold the minds of two bar patrons at Merlotte.

Jessica is a better glamourer because of Sookie.

In order to turn her, Bill had to replace Jessica's blood with the blood contained within his own body, and Bill had not fed on anyone besides Sookie, which means it's her blood flowing through Jessica's veins as much as Bill's. This grants her stronger powers than a Vampire her age should have.

Vampires can be affected by Sookie's blood.

Being of Fairy lineage (at least in the books), Sookie's blood can potentially affect Vampires the same way vampire blood affects humans. In the second episode, Bill feeds Sookie his own blood to save her life, and drinks from her wounds while she heals. It's not unexpected for Sookie to obsess over Bill afterward (as it is a side effect from drinking V) but Bill reciprocates just as quickly. Some fans (most likely Sookie/Eric Shippers) point out how unrealistic the official couple's relationship is: This is intentional.

    • Sookie's blood can also affect a Vampire's behaviour. Bill is, at first, just as mysterious as any other Vampire, but as the series goes on he behaves more and more like a flawed human being. Queen Sophie-Anne notices this and, suspecting the girl's lineage, warns Eric against feeding from Sookie, possibly because he would be more vulnerable to this effect as he is an Elder.
      • Or perhaps because she wants the fairy blood all to herself.
    • This is somewhat supported by the introduction of Hep D, an asymptomatic disease in humans with the side effect of making the infected's blood somewhat unsafe for Vampiric consumption. It's not immediately lethal, but Vampires gotta watch what they eat.
    • As of season 3 episode 7, consuming a large quantity of Sookie's blood increased Bill's resistance to sunlight to the point that he could even use his Celerity even as his skin started to burn.

Sookie can't read minds.

Think about it. She's just pretending to. She might get a few lucky guesses, but it was a crapshoot. After her parents' death, she started to fall back on this to console herself, make her feel special, maybe cover up some learning disorder by using her "telepathy" as an excuse. The whole town feels sorry for her, so they're just going along and feeding to her delusions. And when she does get something right that's important to the plot (ie, the Ratrays' scheme), she only guessed this because she's probably not very trusting. She's also been picked on as a kid, and often as an adult. This would make her a little angry and lead her to not to trust.

  • There's simply too many times that she pulls specific information about things she couldn't possibly know about from thin air; not to mention things like being able to pick up on the thoughts of people in other rooms or in a building that she's not even in.

Sookie is Stephenie Meyer.

Think about it. The show came out at the apex of the vampire fad (ignoring the books; they're pretty much in a different continuity). There are characters who have never shown signs of friendship, or even any interaction at all (Such as Sam coming to Eric for help in the second season). The plot-holes and the exposition (Tara telling Sookie that they have been friends since childhood). Contradictions abound (Vampires having emotions). Broken Aesops (vampires being a euphemism for gays, but want to follow the humans' rules and are blood-thirsty killers). I think Meyer is writing for the show. BUT MORE LIKELY, she IS Sookie. Because:

Bella=Meyer=Twilight. True Blood is part of the vampire fad caused by Twilight. Therefore, True Blood=Twilight. True Blood=Sookie, so Sookie=Stephenie Meyer. Insane Troll Logic needs to be applied for full understanding.

There will be a lot more Ho Yay in th next season.

Because it's Alan Ball. And it won't make a lick of sense. Because this is True Blood. Do not question Alan Ball.

  • Stephen Moyer said in an interview that he'd be down for a love scene with Alexander Skarsgard. Do not brush this theory off.
    • It's almost time to say it. I can feel "I KNEW IT" on the edge of my lips.

True Blood is a Stealth Parody

Think about it. Godawful accents, the stereotypes, the (somewhat idiotic) main character. The creators wanted to make fun of the vampire fad.

Either that, or the accents are similar to bad acting in pornos. The show is basically a soft-core porno. Ergo, it's also quite possible the series is making fun or porno movies AND vampires. This show is going after anything in its path!

The show is actually AGAINST gay rights.

As much as I enjoy the show, this just hit me, and it makes a bit too much sense. Some people accuse the show of having a Broken Aesop, but that’s not true if they’re trying to make gays look bad. The vampires are shown as being dangerous, and thinking themselves superior to everyone else. The real give away to me is the Tru Blood itself, that most vampires don’t even like, but which seems to be used as a major part of their political platform (“We don’t HAVE to drink human blood anymore.”). It reminds me of the way conservatives claim that gays don’t really want to get married, but are pushing for gay marriage just as a way to normalize themselves. (needless to say, I hope I’m wrong about this)

Tara is Tara.

Think about it. Arguably Too Dumb to Live, stubborn as fuck, a little self-centered and lashes out at the slightest bit of provocation?

Maryann Forrester was Helen Vaughan.

They're both demonic women connected with a Classical deity of nature and wildness. Both appear to be human yet really aren't and operate by seducing their victims with a charming facade before driving them to deviant sexual behavior, dark worship, madness, and suicide. Both are also subtly linked to Satan and primordial evil. Makes perfect sense.

Villiers turned page after page, absorbed, in spite of himself, in the frightful Walpurgis Night of evil, strange monstrous evil, that the dead artist had set forth in hard black and white. The figures of Fauns and Satyrs and Aegipans danced before his eyes, the darkness of the thicket, the dance on the mountain-top, the scenes by lonely shores, in green vineyards, by rocks and desert places, passed before him: a world before which the human soul seemed to shrink back and shudder.

Shapeshifters got their power from inbreeding.

Now that we know what Crystal and her family are, and the fact that her father placed so much emphasis on "uncontaminated blood" and her betrothal, not to mention Tommy and his family, I'd say it's a safe bet that all shapeshifters got that way due to generations of inbreeding. Either that, or too many years using meth.

    • Potentially Jossed: one of Hotshot's elders tells the tale of the origins of his pack of shifters, which involves a man and a woman being granted the power by a nature deity. The gift was passed through the blood, and thus the myth encouraged in-breeding. However, the hotshot pack undermine their own myth by infecting Jason in their efforts to get new blood, as generations of inbreeding are starting to take their toll, causing sterility and stillbirths.
    • It's actually shown that shifting itself is genetic; while the real source hasn't been positively pinpointed, it's entirely likely that the Hotshot clan simply got into the whole inbreeding hick clan thing because... Well, they're a rather stereotypical inbreeding hick clan that just so happens to be werepanthers. MANY more shifters have been shown in season 4, and so far only that one pounce has been shown to actually be engaging in inbreeding.

Tara has powers that sense powers

This is part of why she has trouble forming relationships. Every time someone uses a bit of power, she gets something like a tickle. It's not enough to set her off, just there. This is why Jason's Kavorka Man powers stopped working once she got over a childhood infatuation, on some level, she knows what they are. And she can't tell Sookie's reading her mind because of the expression, but because she can feel it happening.

When she was young, she actually had positive associations with this--Sookie, mindreader, was her best friend, and Jason was very close--but as she's been meeting vampires, she's growing to associate it with them. Add in vampire Franklin raping her, and all that, and suddenly she's got very strong conditioning for it to be negative. Jason was her last fully positive, since Sookie made it clear she'd choose Bill over her if she forced a choice...and then Jason admitted he killed Eggs. This finished the job, and Tara now has something like a mini-panic attack whenever supernatural shows up. Anyway, remember how she reacted upon seeing Franklin? Yes, he's trying to kill her, but she goes from freaked out to determined in surprisingly little time after Jason shoots him.

Tara has a latent talent for witchcraft, like Lafayette

It was already confirmed in Season 3 that Lafayette has some kind of supernatural power that witches like Jesus can sense, and that he and Tara are descended from conjurers. Marianne actually said to Tara in Season 2 that Tara was responsible for summoning her by participating in the exorcism ritual with Miss Jeanette, although Miss Jeanette turned out to be a charlatan. The promos for Season 4 indicate that itg will heavily feature witches, so both Tara and Lafayette may discover their own supernatural abilities. Also, Tara is likely to end up involved in something supernatural even after she leaves Bon Temps, because her own hidden mystical qualities attract other supernatural beings.

  • Tara adopted the name "Toni" during her time in New Orleans. This could be foreshadowing that she will be the new vessel for Antonia. Their similar experiences with vampires further support that.

Eric's hallucinations of Godric weren't hallucinations

Yes, this could veering nearer Epileptic Trees, and sounds more like blantant fangirlism, but it comes from a lot of thought, and the knowledge that the character is popular enough for them to try to get the actor back next series. First thing to consider is that out of all the 'burning' scenes, Godric's has been the only one which has burnt bright blue ... an effect which looks highly similar to Sookie's magic light to be exact. Hm, interesting, in't it? Secondly, we have to consider the way that they interacted with Eric. Considering the constant requests to forgive Russell, it is unlikely - for the purposes of this WMG though, truthfully there is that possiblity still - to be Eric's own subconscious.

Since Alan Ball has confirmed that series 4 will have witches, it suggests that the main plot of the fourth book, Eric loosing his memory may still happen. So the WMG is this (spoiler tagged for those who haven't read the book): During his memory loss, Eric will continue to see hallucinations of Godric, suggesting to all that it's his memory trying to come back. Then Godric appears to Pam or, more likely, Sookie. It will be mind blowing.

Why is this happening? It'll be connected to the Authority somehow.

== Some vampires are more Special then others ==]] Remember when Sookie asked if all Vampires could fly and Eric waved it off it got me thinking. That select Vampires due to a quirk of blood are more talented then others. Could be bloodlines could be random chance. Take Jessica taking down a Werewolf on V . Or Bill's ability to alter his voice. These ones usually finds themselves in the services of the higher ups. Hence why Bill who may have other spy like skills ended up working for the Queen.

  • As vampire age their blood becomes more magical gaining them newer and better abilities. Eric is 1000 somewhere between being made and now he garnered the ability to fly. This troper also beleives that godric could fly.

Jessica will turn Hoyt

Either that or break up with him or kill him. This troper is calling it before more of Season 4 unfolds.

Arlene's baby is Terry's

Conceived while Maryann was posessing him, so that baby has a bit of Maryann in him. Arlene is right, it is evil, just not because of Rene.

    • Appears to be jossed as of season four episode four. Someone or something clearly wants Terry to know that the baby isn't his.
    • Jossed again (Double-jossed? Sounds like a cooking method). Turns out the whole "Baby not yours" business was from the ghost of a Creole woman who claimed Mikey as hers after her own baby was murdered by its father.

Fellowship of the Sun patented the wooden bullets in Sookie's absense

We saw the Fellowship of the Sun just coming up with the idea of wooden bullets, likely custom made by them. Franklin doesn't have a clue about wooden bullets prior to Jason liquifying him. Fast forward a year, and Tara is walking around with wooden bullets in her revolver, and Pam doesn't bat an eye at the idea. Russeell scared the world into fearing vampires again, and the Fellowship of the Sun came up with an answer to everybody's problem; wooden bullets. Since killing vampires is still illegal, they're marketed for self defense usage.

    • Only if the writers Did Not Do the Research. Wooden bullets have been around for a long time (the Japanese were known to use them in World War II). You don't hear about them much because they are banned under The Laws and Customs of War; getting shot by one is a nasty way to die.

Jason is going to be the coolest werepanther EVER

He's already more educated than the others (which is saying a lot), and from all that V he took a while back, and when Jessica found him, he must be as strong as ten men.

    • Jossed. Were-anythings cannot pass it on by biting. The werepanther tribe was misinformed on this.
      • Not necessarily knocked out. The effects of his rape and "turning" may not have taken effect, not yet at least.

Baby Mikey isn't really an Enfant Terrible

It's the creepy little doll that they now own Until he showed up, all of the creepy supernatural things that happened in the house could have been explained by Arlene's paranoia on discovering that it might be Rene's baby.  The creepy little doll is playing off Arlene's fears and pinning the blame on poor, innocent Baby Mikey.
    • Partially confirmed. The spirit of a woman whose baby was killed is attached to the doll.

Nan is the one who released Russell Edgington

A lot of people seem to think it was Pam, given how Eric treated her in the last two episodes, to get revenge on Sookie. First of all, Eric was the one who killed Russell's lover, so I doubt that Pam would take such a risk with Eric's life, as she still loves him. It makes sense for it to be Nan Flanagan. She was kicked out of both the AVL and the Authority, with her last orders being to kill Eric and Bill. Knowing she would be next, she decided she would take her chances with Edgington. He already hates the Authority, plus he's the world's known oldest vampire. He'd be a powerful ally to have in a mutiny. When she was talking to Eric and Bill about 'other factions' that are unhappy with the Authority, she was talking about Russell.

Alternatively, The Blades are the ones who released Russell Edgington, and have also recruited Steve Newlin to their cause

The Blades were mentioned in one throwaway line by Sam in Season 1, and this show has a habit of using throwaway lines to foreshadow events that'll happen the following season (SEE: Ruby-Jean Reynolds, warning Lafayette in Season 3 that 'the vampires and witches are coming for you'). At the same time the Blades were trying to find Russell Edgington after his 'world debut,' Steve Newlin is kidnapped by unrelated vampires, presumably tortured and then turned against his will, so he too could experience the prejudice and hate and violence he and others have been preaching against vampires. He's left to fend for himself and is found by the Blades, who give him training and shelter in exchange for his help against the vampires. It makes sense for a fundamentalist like Steve: he's already damned, but if he kills enough vampires, God might forgive him and save whatever is left of his soul. The Blades soon find out where Russell is buried and get Steve to glamour the construction worker into digging him up. While the Blades carry Russell off to their headquarters, Steve decides to go kill/taunt Jason Stackhouse, for the hell of it.

The vampires are, in at least a few ways, an allegory for drug addicts, particularly those addicted to opiates.

Let's see... they are able to "mainstream" by drinking a substitute for human blood so they do not have to hurt humans by draining their blood. Sounds somewhat similar to drug addicts taking up maintenance treatments like Methadone or Buprenorphine (which are just substitutions for the drugs they were on) so they don't have to constantly leech families/friends for money and/or in extremely desperate cases, rob people. Also, vampires' reaction to going too long without feeding/sleeping (i.e. bleeding out from every orifice) is eerily similar to one of the first symptoms of opiate withdrawal - sudden overproduction of bodily fluid secretions, especially from the eyes and nose.

Bill's accent is a clever attempt to render a pre-Civil War Louisiana accent

Rather than just being, you know, a lousy accent. SOOKEH!

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