< True Blood

True Blood/Awesome

  • Hate Jason Stackhouse all you want, but give him all the props in the world for standing up for Sookie against the huge bully Gabriel of the Fellowship of the Sun in "Release Me".
  • "Don't. You. Ever. Talk about my sister." Commence total absolute ass kicking of The Dragon. Gabriel had to attempt to rape Sookie to make himself feel better about this, which only pushes him into deeper shit, with the arrival of Godric.
    • Jason actually gets two CMOA. First he gets a woman to seduce him even though her husband is the kind of armed nut who would kill them both. Then he lays her so good she feels the presence of God. Jason Stackhouse, Bonkmaster Supreme, we salute you!

Sarah Newman: I know, here with you, I feel closer to God then I ever have!

    • And then he throws that to the husband's face:

Jason: I reckon I've already been to heaven. It was inside your wife

    • Which was after shooting the gun out of his hand with a paintball, and putting another one between his eyes for good measure.
  • Yet another one for Jason, when he teams up with Andy Bellefleur to save Sam from being sacrificed to Bacchus by Maryann's zombies. Doubles as a CMoA for Andy.
  • Jason taking back Bon Temps. With a chainsaw. Sure, it wasn't successful. But it's Jason! With a chainsaw! Also, when he "vanquished" Sam was pretty awesome, too.
  • Lafayette and Lettie May have their own crowning moment of awesome when they team up to rescue Tara from Maryann's clutches.
  • Gotta give one to Hoyt for finally standing up to his overbearing mother on Jessica's behalf!
  • What about way back when in season one, when Lafayette intimidates the hypocritical closet gay senator, right in front of the media?
  • Also, Lafayette's rather direct way of dealing with homophobic rednecks. ("In this restaurant, the hamburger deluxe comes with french fries, lettuce, tomato, mayo, AND AIDS! Do anybody have a PROBLEM with that?") Followed by one of the world's fastest and most to-the-point beatdowns.
  • Bill bashing Lorena with the flat screen TV.
  • Basically any time Godric shows up.
  • Jessica finally standing up to her overbearing, possibly abusive father after she's been changed. "Go ahead, Daddy, get your belt. This time I'm ready."
  • Sookie calling Tara on her anti-vampire prejudice here. Not that the average vampire is Mother Teresa or anything, but if Tara still can't even accept Bill by now...
  • Away from Sookie for less than an hour, Bill proceeds to have concurrent Crowning Moments of Awesome in the first two episodes of season three. He escapes his werewolf captors, then eviscerates three of them while they're fully pumped on his own vampire blood, and then, upon seeing Lorena again, lights her on fire without hesitation.
  • After Bill is forced to break up with Sookie over the phone, Lorena gloats about it and how he will always "love" her because he can't help himself. Bill's response? He punches her so hard she hits the wall outside his room and then promptly slams the silver-plated door in her face without another word. Two words: Bad. Ass.
    • Just to drive the point home: he then slams the door. The silver-plated door. Badass, indeed.
  • The Unstoppable Rage really comes out when Bill learns Sookie's in town, first beating the crap out of the werewolf who taunted him with the information, then pushing his vampire guard's face into the silver plating on the doors long enough for him to stick to it.
  • Eric turns out to have been pretty badass even as a human, when he kills one of the werewolves attacking his family with a single backwards sword thrust.
    • Turning on Sophie after she sets him up to take the fall on their V business, including almost ripping her head off with his bare hands before Russell stops him.
    • Seducing and killing Talbot, inadvertantly saving Bill's ass in the process.
  • Sookie has had quite a few: decapitating Drew Marshall with a shovel, hitting Maryann with energy from her hand, and hitting Cooter with even stronger energy from her hand.
    • Though the best of all may just be staking Lorena, complete with destroying her Yandere motivation: "You wouldn't know what love was if it walked up and kicked you in the fangs!"
  • Every single Tara scene in episode 3X06: Seducing Franklin to get him to untie her, telepathically alerting Sookie that help is on the way, beating Franklin's brains in with a mace from his own Wall of Weapons, dropping Talbot's name to get into Sookie's room, and beating up the werewolf guard with an able assist from Sookie.
    • And she follows it up by throwing Bill into full sunlight after he almost kills Sookie.
  • Russell's plan to get Sophie-Anne to marry him. Bringing up her financial problems, holding Hadley hostage, having her most powerful vampire come to his side. "Mama couldn't be more wrong" indeed.
    • The final scene of episode 3x09: He breaks into a newsroom during a live broadcast, punches through the reporter's gut, and keeps hold of part of his spine as he destroys the relationship between humans and vampires by announcing himself as a true example of what vampires are like. Followed by jauntily turning things over to the weather girl.
  • Sam infiltrates a dog fighting ring, frees all the dogs in the back room, and calls the old man and woman out.
  • Jessica is chased by a werewolf just after having much of her blood drained, so that she keeps stumbling trying to run at super speed. It sure looks like she's a goner, until the next time we see her having overpowered the werewolf, who's now begging for his life as she keeps biting his neck.
  • From the above same Episode , Sookie and Debbie Pelt's no holds barred, full blooded fight. No pretty choreographed moves, just one crazy she bitch and one Southern waitress who has had enough!
  • Many, many fans surely cheered themselves hoarse when Jason killed Franklin for GOOD in "Everything Is Broken".
    • Props also for Tara, for verbally mindfucking Franklin into last season, and calling him out on his insanity and all the abuse he's put her through. He was crying afterwards.
  • Hoyt knocking Tommy to the ground with one punch, without even breaking stride, followed by Jessica picking up Tommy's pitbull form and hurling him into the woods.
  • From the end of "Fresh Blood": Eric, perfoming Heroic Sacrifice to kill Russel by sunlight - Be brave. We'll die together. Also counts as Tear Jerker
  • Eric heads to Sookie's house fresh from being dug out of a concrete grave, and spills the beans on how Bill's been manipulating her from the beginning and let the Rattrays beat her to a pulp.
  • Jason may be a thick-headed simpleton, but he may be the very first person to have a CMOA when at the age of no more than eight or so, he protected Tara and drove off her screaming, violent drunken mother by simply standing up to her and telling her the truth to her face. Also doubles as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming as we realize it's what fuels Tara's crush on him in Season 1.
  • Anything Godric does
  • I know this is later subverted when we find out Maryannes motivation. But when she Called out Tara's mother at their first meeting, I cheered at the screen.
  • Season 4: Pam. "...let these good people practice their constitutional right to be fucking idiots..." Also doubles as CMOF.
  • Tara's reintroduction in season 4, beating her girlfriend in a cage match and giving a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to a guy who treats them like prostitutes.
  • Season four's opening sequence: an epic fairy battle in a washed out, post-apocalyptic wasteland! That's how you welcome viewers back in style.
  • The flashback to the Crazy Prepared way that Bill killed Sophie Ann.
  • Jason jumping down from a tree and killing Felton with a makeshift spear.
  • Tommy killing his abusive parents, then thinking on his feet and turning into an alligator to keep Andy from finding the bodies in his van.
  • Antonia compelling the vampires posing as priests to step into the sunlight in front of everyone watching her execution.
  • Antonia's "Vampires are not immortal, the human spirit is!" speech.
    • The entranced Jessica breaking her silver bonds.
      • And Jason barreling through the doors to save her, even at risk of her killing him.
  • Sookie restoring Eric's memory and ending the attack on The Festival of Tolerance.
    • Jesus breaking through Antonia's forcefield.
  • Sookie and Jason saving Bill, Eric, Jessica, and Pam from getting pulled into the forcefield.
    • Sam kicking the crap out of Marcus, followed by Alcide killing Marcus and dumping Debbie.
    • Jesus separating Antonia from Marnie.
    • Eric finally shutting up Roy... By ripping out his heart, sucking the blood out of the aorta like a juicebox with a straw right in front of Marnie's face.
  • Jason stopping Bill and Eric from blowing up Moongoddess Emporium with Sookie inside by giving a What the Hell, Hero? speech and reminding them of how much Sookie's done for them both, and what the fuck kind of bastards are they for even thinking about sacrificing her. And when Pam asks if they're really going to call off the plan over "some gash in a sundress", Jason gives her a glare that says "if you weren't a vampire, I'd punch your lights out for that, and I might just try anyway." Both Bill and Eric decide to call off the plan and try to save Sookie.
  • Eric telling Pam to get out of his sight before he kills her after she tries to blow up Moongoddess--and Sookie--anyway. She's distraught, in tears, and she had it coming.
  • Marnie telling Pam not to laugh too hard in case her lips fall off.
  • Antonia finally rejecting Marnie for good after she intentionally kills an innocent human being.
  • Adelle ripping Marnie's soul out of Lafayette.
  • Bill and Eric killing Nan and her bodyguards in a nanosecond.
    • "WE ARE NOT FUCKING PUPPY DOGS!" Made more awesome by the fact that Bill just took out a much older vampire.
  • Sookie killing Debbie.
  • Sookie fearlessly slapping Eric, the Viking, the one thousand year old vampire, in the face.
  • Hell, Sookie nailing a Gun-wielding Lettie Mae in the head with a statue, knocking her down with one throw.
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