Transformers: War for Cybertron/Characters
Optimus Prime
- An Axe to Grind
- Badass
- Big Good: After Zeta Prime goes down.
- Blue Eyes
- The Captain
- Nice Guy
- Peter Cullen
- Badass Baritone: As is tradition.
- The Stoic
- Time to Step Up Commander: Most of the Autobot soldiery wanted him to go Prime, but he was too humble to go for it.
- Badass Grandpa: He's the oldest-sounding of the Autobots, and is still strong enough to offline two Brutes within five seconds and with his bare hands.
- Keith Szarabajka
- Super Strength: Both the above feat and lifting up a statue many times his size are the results of this.
- Hover Tank: His vehicle mode.
- Jamieson Price
- Large Ham: BAM! POW!
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Tank Goodness: One of the few overtly military alt-forms for the Autobots.
- Badass
- Blood Knight: During his stage, almost ever word he utters is either a hilarious joke, or about how much he loves the fact they're stuck in a Decepticon prison.
- Fun Personified: Constantly trying to give Bumblebee a nickname.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: If his dialog is anything to go by.
- Hot-Blooded
- Lightning Bruiser: Noted to be the one of the fastest Autobots and definitely not the weakest.
- One Level Wonder: Only playable for one level, but one of the coolest to play.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Travis Willingham
Air Raid
- Cool Plane
- Defector From Decadence: Used to work with the Decepticons.
- The Smart Guy
- Troy Baker
- Wing Man
Zeta Prime
- Big Good: Before Optimus, but he's not quite as competent.
- He also subverts it, by using morally questionable tactics.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: He says himself he could crush Megatron with a mere thought, and in his boss fight if he wanted to he could just bring down every piece of the ceiling and kill him. Instead he plays around with him and makes him run around in circles, effectively allowing Megatron the opportunity to kill him.
- Composite Character: He has the name of Zeta Prime, but is more or less Sentinel Prime in that he precedes Optimus Prime. Transformers Exodus makes it worse by calling him just that.
- Doomed by Canon
- Morally Grey Gloating: Does this throughout his fight with Megatron and co.
- Evil Laugh
- Flunky Boss
- General Failure / General Ripper: If his tactics are anything to go by.
- Large Ham: Just about as much as Megatron.
- Not So Different: He gloats, cares little for his own men, and is supremely arrogant. Sound familiar?
- Pride
- Small Name, Big Ego: He's all bark and little bite, and lacks both the madness and evil will of Megatron.
- Troy Baker
- This Cannot Be!: Word for word.
Omega Supreme
- Arm Cannon: Two of them.
- Cool Ship: His alt-mode. Of course, Megatron tries to ram it.
- Fastball Special: One of his more damaging attacks, utilizing a Tractor Beam to yank the unfortunate 'Con in.
- Fred Tatasciore
- Humongous Mecha: The only Transformer bigger is Trypticon.
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Wave Motion Gun: His most powerful attack, used to tear buildings apart.
- Action Girl
- Cameo: Can be seen in the Kaon Prison Complex with Jazz.
- Kari Wahlgren
- Arm Cannon: His default weapon.
- Asskicking Equals Authority / Authority Equals Asskicking: He fought his way to his command through the gladiator pits, and consistently proves himself to be the most combat-savvy of the Decepticons.
- Badass: You try to tell him he can't do something like, say, defeat the entire Autobot army and decapitate it? Or maybe taking down the frighteningly huge and powerful Omega Supreme? He will do it anyway.
- Badass Boast: "I decide what is possible, and what isn't!"
- Bad Boss: To the regular Decepticon soldiers, if they dare protest. If the named officers complain or try to suggest a less suicidal alternative, though, he'll tell them to shut up.
"Unacceptable! They should be victorious, or dead!"
- Big Bad
- Catch Phrase: I shall not be denied!
- Determinator: Protest as to the otherwise absolutely suicidal nature of the current mission, he will roar for the course to be stayed. Even if it means ramming a frigate right into a space station, while he's on the bridge.
- Deadpan Snarker: Breakdown seems to have a particular gift for bringing it out of him.
Megatron: "Into the tunnels, Decepticons, and try not to be crushed by the trains."
Breakdown: "You're joking, right?"
Megatron: "Yes, Breakdown, I'm famous for my sparkling sense of humor."
- Epic Flail
- Evil Laugh: Reserved for the right occasions, but he does it.
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Fred Tatasciore
- Large Ham: Only Zeta Prime could possibly equal him.
- Leeroy Jenkins: His plans rely on it!
- No Indoor Voice: He gets even louder when someone has angered him. Which is most of the time.
- Ramming Always Works: ...well it seems he believes so, at least!
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Tank Goodness: His altmode.
- Blood Knight
- The Brute
- Nolan North
- One-Man Army: Manages to take out an entire squad of Autobot troops that were dogpiling him during the assault on the archives.
- Commander Contrarian
- Deadpan Snarker
- Guttural Growler: Steve Blum's using his Wolverine voice here.
- Steve Blum
Voiced by Isaac Singleton Jr.
- Creepy Monotone
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Well, sort of. He won't hesitate to rush out to save his cassettes, on the grounds they are his best friends.
- Evil Genius
- Torture Technician
- Adaptational Badass
- The Dragon
- Sam Riegel
- The Starscream: Of course.
- Anti-Villain
- Captain Obvious
- Only Sane Man: He's really the only Decepticon seen who isn't bloodthirsty or fanatical, and by the sound of things would prefer some scientific study of Cybertron's literal underworld.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite his nerves and whining, he's fast and a competent soldier otherwise.
- Butt Monkey: Megatron snarks and yells at him the most. If only because he's the only one that doesn't get executed for back talk.
- Cowardly Lion: He's always whining about Megatron's suicidal plans, but he's still up there with him at the front.
- Crispin Freeman
- Beware My Stinger Tail
- Death From Above: What Megatron uses him for.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Evil Gloating: Nearly every line he utters has him mocking the Autobots and their attempts to defeat him.
Trypticon: "You thought you could destroy me? You thought you could destroy Trypticon? Ha! Pathetic!"
Bumblebee: "He's just laughing at us!"
Trypticon: "Abandon hope, vermin; your death approaches!"
- Evil Sounds Deep: Very.
- Expy: Mechagodzilla, is that you?
- Final Boss: Of the Autobot campaign, and thus the game as a whole.
- Fred Tatasciore
- Genius Loci
- Humongous Mecha: You want to know how big? Try having a slagging space station as his alt-mode.
- Kaiju
- Kill Sat
- Large Ham: The largest one in the game, in every sense of the word.
- More Dakka: Let's see, Trypticon has: A gun in his mouth; guns on his shoulders; a rapid-fire gun in his nose; and four gun turrets on his tail, which also houses a ridiculous amount of missile launchers. Put all of these together, and you have an incredibly lethal boss on your hands.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Steve Blum in the game, but Corey Burton provides his voice in a commercial.
- The Starscream: According to his Hall of Fame profile, he dreams of ruling Cybertron himself after reformatting everyone on the planet to a new form of existence. In Transformers Exodus, Megatron even suspects that, one day, Shockwave will turn on him.
- Dark Action Girl
- Shout-Out: To Transformers Animated
- Smurfette Principle: The only female Decepticon in the game, and one of the few canon female Decepticons ever.
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