Transformers: War for Cybertron/Funny

Shockwave: "When your hit percentage exceeds mine, you may choose the soundtrack."

      • Makes you wonder how he got the soundtrack despite preceding Stan Bush...'s species by several million years.
      • Stan's a Pretender, clearly. He's one of the local Shattered Glass cassetticons.
  • It was one of those things you can miss if you blink things, but during the part where Air Raid rescues Optimus and his team from the firing squad, he's seen fiddling with a computer panel to release their bonds, when it doesn't cooperate he angrily punches the machine, and when it still didn't work he finally shot the thing.
  • Some of the back and forth banter between the characters, like this exchange between Starscream and Skywarp in the second Decepticon level.

Starscream: The Autobots must have booby trapped this room! Fools!
Skywarp: Wait, are you calling us fools or the Autobots fools? 'Cause I'm not getting the sense that you respect me.

    • There's also this exchange earlier in the level:

Starscream: These Autobots are dumber than Skywarp!

Skywarp: 'Dumber than Skywarp'? I'll show you dumb, Starscream!
Starscream: You always do.

  • Breakdown's got a good amount of these, made all the more hilarious by Crispin Freeman's voice acting.

Breakdown: Take cover!
Megatron: Steady yourself, coward! I marked this area for Dark Energon bombers.
Breakdown: ARE YOU INSANE?!? I mean... yes, brillllliant, Megatron!

  • Breakdown is the cause of a lot of these:

Megatron: Yes, Breakdown, your constant whining saw us through.

  • While speeding down a tunnel in Chapter IV

Breakdown: Hey Soundwave, you wanna race?
Soundwave: Negative.

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