Transformers: War for Cybertron/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: Granted, they're robots and so don't really have genitalia (despite having both male and female examples of the species), but when fighting the Destroyers, after you blast the fuel cell in the back of the tank, forcing them to transform, if you keep your targeting reticule on that spot, you find that you're basically shooting them in the ass. Their heavy armor and moving head means that, basically, the best place to shoot them is in the crotch or the ass.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Peter Cullen is back as Optimus Prime, the game is set entirely on Cybertron (with no pesky humans), the robot designs are a visual blend of the classic Transformers with the more recent aesthetics, etc.
    • The first new character confirmed for the sequel? Grimlock.
  • Awesome Music: The end credits, reeking of the old-school credits sequences from the cartoon, with Stan "The Touch" Bush singing "Till All Are One". Watch it here.
  • Complete Monster: Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, is the instigator of the eponymous war for Cybertron. A merciless tyrant, Megatron is bent on the conquest of Cybertron and the destruction of the Autobots, with the resulting war ravaging Cybertron and devastating its population. After taking control of the powerful Dark Energon, Megatron infects Cybertron's core with the substance, further damaging the planet and bringing it under his control. When this corruption is cleared away, the core is forced to shut down, leaving Cybertron on the brink of death. As the Autobots try to leave the dying world, Megatron has their ships shot down, endangering the future of his own species to satisfy his hatred for the Autobots, before sending the monstrous Trypticon after them. When offered a truce by Optimus Prime, Megatron refuses, blaming Optimus for the fall of Cybertron, declaring himself the planet's future, and trying to destroy the Autobots' last hope of leaving Cybertron alive. After discovering the damaged Trypticon, Megatron, not caring if Trypticon is still conscious or not, has him forcibly converted into a warship for his own use. As the Autobots flee Cybertron, Megatron stages one last assault on the Ark, doing his best to kill Optimus Prime and doom the Autobots. Ruthless and bloodthirsty beyond measure, Megatron is willing to doom his own homeworld and his entire species to satisfy his lust for power and hatred for his enemies.
  • Demonic Spiders: Pretty much literal - there are robot spiders that swarm you. Even worse, in Trypticon's boss battle, he spawns lots of them. Cloakers like working with them in Kaon, and themselves are pretty good examples. When you see the glow of their plasma cannons, you'll probably be spraying bullets like crazy trying to hit its wielder.
    • Possibly the ultimate examples of Demonic Spiders in the game are otherwise garden-variety Mooks equipped with regenerating overshields, a seemingly-infinite supply of grenades, and EMP shotguns. Because of this, they're extremely tough, capable of dealing incredible amounts of damage, and prone to using hit-and-run tactics--and if you don't kill them fast enough, the shields come back up and you have to start all over again. There are times when you need to kill entire waves of these guys, and they're easily some of the most difficult encounters in the game.
    • Artillery Specialists in the DS version. It's damned near impossible to hit them, and they strike like a runaway train.
  • 8.8: Gamespot gave War for Cybertron a 6.5 out of 10 -- significantly lower than other review sites, which typically awarded scores in the 7-9 out of 10 range.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Not at first, but wait till you have to fight Trypticon multiple times (and you will). You will sicken of hearing "You thought you could destroy me?! You thought you could destroy TRYPTICON?! Haaa... pathetic!" "He's just laughing at us!" fast.
  • Nightmare Fuel: When you discover the gigantic Kill Sat you're flying around in is the alternate form of Trypticon, it is... quite creepy to say the least. Especially given Trypticon can talk and begins mocking you in that deep, booming, growling voice.
    • The true nightmare-tastic moment was after you destroy his Conversion Cog, and everything around your character begins shifting around and you must quickly turn around and fly out his mouth in order to avoid being crushed.
    • What about Kaon? A Decepticon prison where Autobots are executed by firing squads and "recycled" right in front of your eyes? You can totally tell this was based on a line of children's toys.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Averted with the Play Station 3, 360, and PC (barely) versions. Cybertron Adventures for the Wii, however, is a mediocre Rail Shooter. Word of God states that the Unreal engine used in War for Cybertron simply doesn't work on the Wii, and that High Moon Studios didn't have the in-house facilities needed to develop a Wii game, so the production had to be farmed out to another developer.
  • Tier-Induced Scrappy: Not really a scrappy, but very, very few high-level players still play Soldiers.
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