The Smurfs/Characters
This page is for listing the tropes related to characters who are found in The Smurfs.
The 100 Smurfs
Papa Smurf
The leader and father figure of the Smurfs. Voiced by Don Messick in the cartoon show, and by Jonathan Winters in the live-action movie.
- Badass Grandpa
- Big Good
- Color-Coded Patrician
- Ephebophile / Pervert Dad: Papa Smurf's one-time attraction to Smurfette in "Romeo And Smurfette".
- Face Palm: Does this a few times in the comic book story "Bathing Smurfs".
- Grandpa, What Massive Smurfiness You Have!: Implied by Flowerbell in "Papa's Wedding Day" when she's trying to win his heart.
- Interspecies Romance: He has a brief romance with Flowerbell the woodnymph in the cartoon episode "Papa's Wedding Day" before he realizes it was a setup.
- Papa Wolf
- The Patriarch
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: As with all Smurfs, he's Older Than He his case, he's 542 in the comic books and cartoon show, 546 in the live-action movie.
- Stroke the Beard: Papa Smurf can be found doing this.
Alchemist Smurf
Wants very much to be an alchemist/wizard, like Papa Smurf, but lacks skills and experience, causing his experiments to be total failures. Appears only in the comic books; in the cartoon show the role was played by Clumsy Smurf.
- Baleful Polymorph: The result of his biggest experiment; he turned himself into a strange dragon-like creature and needed help to change back.
- Professor Guinea Pig: To be fair, he tried to test the formula on other Smurfs, but everyone refused.
Archeologist Smurf
A Smurf with a passion for archeology, who likes to do excavations and dig for old treasures. He can be recognized on his Smurf-cap-shaped helmet, and a good friend of Miner Smurf -- probably because they both spend much time digging underground. Appears only in the comic books.
- Adventurer Archaeologist: Averted, for the most part -- Indiana Jones, he is not.
- Nice Hat
Architect Smurf
The village architect, who designs all the buildings in the village. He sometimes gets a little frustrated that the other Smurfs keep preferring the old, classic designs to their houses and are seldom interested in his new and exciting ideas for buildings.
=== Baker Smurf ===
A Smurf who bakes bread, cakes and pies, and takes great pleasure in his work. Appears only in the comic books and the live-action movie, where he is voiced by B.J. Novack; in the cartoon his role is taken by Greedy Smurf.
- Name's the Same: Chef Smurf was known as Baker Smurf sometimes, until "the Finance Smurf" when this bread-baking Smurf appeared as a separate character with a different hat.
Barber Smurf
The village barber and hair stylist. Doesn't see a lot of work because only a few Smurfs actually have hair, but when he does work, he does so with great enthusiasm, chatting and singing to his customers in a vague Italian accent.
- Always Camp: He's an "artist."
- Chatty Hairdresser: A rare male example.
Brainy Smurf
The village intellectual and Papa Smurf's laboratory assistant. Voiced by Danny Goldman in the cartoon show, and by Fred Armisen in the live-action movie.
- Bandage Mummy: In the Season 9 episode "Mummy Dearest".
- Blind Without'Em
- Butt Monkey: Although half the time he does earn the abuse that he gets.
- Catch Phrase: "As Papa Smurf always says...", "I'll tell it to Papa Smurf !"
- Declarative Finger
- Getting the Boot: The typical response he gets whenever a Smurf gets tired of listening to him in the cartoon show. In the comic books, he would get whacked in the head with a mallet.
- If It Tastes Bad, It Must Be Good for You: Trope Namer
- Insufferable Genius
- Intelligence Equals Isolation
- I Warned You: Is very fond of giving his fellow Smurfs this whenever they failed in performing certain actions that lead to disaster for the village.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's by far the most self-centered and egotistical Smurf, he sucks up to those in positions of power and belittles everyone else, and his self-important attitude is enough to drive anyone crazy... but he does mean well.
- Know-Nothing Know-It-All
- Meta Guy
- Nerd Glasses
- Pet the Dog: The time he passes educating Wild Smurf and showing genuine care.
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Take That: Peyo got the inspiration for Brainy Smurf through one of his childhood friends, who liked to show off and to play the wise guy.
- TV Genius
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 1, with Clumsy. He's often annoyed by Clumsy, but at the end of the day really does care for him.
Carpenter Smurf
Appearing only in the comic, and only in minor roles in two stories, this Smurf provides wood for constructions (as opposed to Lumberjack Smurf, who provides firewood), and also makes furniture. He doesn't appear in the cartoon, as the "carpentry" part of his job is provided by Handy Smurf and the "wood providing" part by Timber Smurf.
Chef Smurf/Cook Smurf
The village chef. Appears in the comic books and live-action movie, while the Animated Adaptation merges this character with Greedy's.
- Name's the Same: He was sometimes known as Baker Smurf in earlier comics, but later comics, as well as the live-action movies, show Chef Smurf and Baker Smurf to be two different characters.
- Supreme Chef: He really enjoys making exquisite and refined foods, and at one points even kicks Bigmouth for eating his food too fast without giving himself time to enjoy it.
- Team Chef: As the only chef in Smurf Village, at least until Baker is established as a separate Smurf, he becomes this.
Clumsy Smurf/Dopey Smurf/Dimwitty Smurf
His name defines his character, plus he's not very bright. Voiced by Bill Callaway in the cartoon show and Anton Yelchin in the live-action movie.
- Ascended Extra: He's a minor character in the original comics, his appearances usually based around being told to fetch or do something and messing it up, but he's very much a major character in the cartoon, and ends up as the hero of the live-action movie.
- Bandage Mummy: In The Smurfs and the Magic Flute.
- Catch Phrase: "Gosh!" and "Golly!"
- Comically Missing the Point: In the comics, he has a trend for this, specially via bringing an item totally unrelated to what he has been asked to get.
- Composite Character: The cartoon Clumsy combines traits of Clumsy and Dopey/Dimwitty Smurf from the comics, as well as playing the role of Alchemist Smurf in one episode.
- The Ditz: Very much so.
- The Klutz: It's in his name.
- Nice Guy: You couldn't ask for a sweeter-natured Smurf; sometimes he borders on Dumb Is Good.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 1, with Brainy. Clumsy is the only Smurf who genuinely admires Brainy and dotes on him, usually to Brainy's annoyance.
Cobbler Smurf
A Smurf who likes to make shoes, but has very few jobs because Smurfs tend to have their shoes made by Tailor Smurf as an extension of their pants. His only regular customer is Smurfette, who does wear shoes. Appears only in the Animated Adaptation, where he was voiced by Hamilton Camp.
- Canon Foreigner
- The One Who Wears Shoes: As you can see from the character image, surprisingly averted. Apparetly he enjoys making shoes far more than actually wearing them.
Complimentary Smurf
Does not actually appear on-screen in any incarnation, but is mentioned by Brainy in the live-action movie as a Smurf who "always has such nice things to say."
- Canon Foreigner
- The Unseen: Or at least The Unidentified. He may be one of the random background Smurfs, but who can tell?
Crazy Smurf
Easily identified by the fact that his hat is on backwards, this Smurf acts as the village siren/alarm when danger approaches. He appears in the live-action movie only, voiced by John Kassir.
Dabbler Smurf
A Smurf constantly seeking his true calling in life. He tries his hand at everything, but seldom, if ever, finishes what he starts because by the time he's got going, he'll think of something else he'd rather try.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: He often comes across as having a serious case of this.
- Composite Character: In the cartoon, he takes the role of Doctor Smurf.
Doctor Smurf
A Smurf who fancies himself a doctor, but his superficial knowledge of medicine makes his treatments lackluster at best and harmful at worst. Only featured in the comic; in the cartoon his role was taken by Dabbler.
- Back-Alley Doctor: Though a well-meaning one, who takes great pride in his self-appointed role as the village medic.
- Worst Aid: In-universe example of the trope, as his less-than-perfect idea of first aid often causes some fairly realistic (if still cartoonish) damage to his patients.
Dreamy Smurf/Astrosmurf
The village dreamer and adventurer, who became Astrosmurf in the album of the same name and two cartoon episodes (an Animated Adaptation of such album and a sequel episode), and captain of the S.S. Smurf II in several others. Voiced by Don Messick in the cartoon show.
- Casual Interstellar Travel: Failed
- Composite Character: Possibly. It's never confirmed that Dreamy Smurf and Astrosmurf are the same character in the comics, but in the cartoon, they definitely are.
- The animated series also makes him a composite with Flying Smurf and Traveling Smurf, and at least Flying Smurf is definitely not the same character in the comics.
- Rightful King Returns / Second Coming: Played this in one episode in an uncertain dream sequence.
Drummer Smurf
Appears only in the comic book.
- Composite Character: Inversion. In "King Smurf" Harmony Smurf gets the job as the drummer who gives announcements to the village. Several comics later, in "The Finance Smurf" they are separate characters. It's hard to guess which of the intermediate appearances are Harmony Smurf or Drummer Smurf.
Editor Smurf
Despite his nickname, he's more a paperboy than an editor, bringing out the Smurf Village newspaper. Appears only in the Animated Adaptation, since this role is taken by Drummer Smurf in "The Reporter Smurf"
Enamored Smurf
A Smurf who is so much in love with the Smurfette that he never thinks of anything else. Appears only in the comic books.
- Love Makes You Dumb: Or in his case, at least too preoccupied with dreaming about your potential girlfriend than to actually, y'know, try to talk to her.
- Loves Me Not: A common practise for him.
Explorer Smurf
Farmer Smurf
The Smurf responsible for growing the village's vegetables. In later seasons, he gets his own Genie in a Bottle, Gourdy, though he generally prefers working for things rather than wishing for them. In the cartoon, and the early comics, he dresses in ordinary Smurf clothes, but in later comics and the live-action movie he wears a straw hat and green overalls. Voiced by Alan Young in the cartoon and Joel McCrary in the live-action movie.
- Fake Brit: Speaks in an approximation of a Welsh accent in the cartoon.
- Nice Hat: In the comic and live-action movie he has a straw hat.
- The One Who Wears Shoes: In his later comic book appearances, when he also wears the green overalls and straw hat.
- Stop Helping Me!: Often says this to Gourdy.
Finance Smurf
A Smurf who, after learning about money from watching humans, tried to introduce currency among his peers, and for a while worked as their banker, before the system was abandoned. Appears only in the comic books.
- Money Fetish: He was the only Smurf not to want to abandon the money system and for a while preferred living alone with his money rather than with the other Smurfs. In the end, though, he got lonely and changed his mind.
Fisher Smurf/Angler Smurf
The village fisherman. His job seems to be rather pointless, since he never catches anything, and even if he had Smurfs don't eat fish anyway. The one time he did catch something (a baby octopus) he went through considerable trouble in order to get it back to its mother. He is, however, very knowledgeable about marine life and can easily identify most types of underwater animals.
- Berserk Button: A very mild case, but he really doesn't like it when you ask him if the fish are biting (they aren't).
- Fishing for Sole: He never seems to catch any actual fish... which is just as well, since Smurfs don't seem to eat fish.
Flighty Smurf
The world's most indecisive Smurf, Flighty can't make his mind up about anything. Voiced by Paul Winchell in the cartoon show.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: In the comic; not so much in the cartoon.
- Canon Immigrant: First appeared in the cartoon before his appearance in "The Smurfs and the Book that Says It All"
- Early-Bird Cameo: Though there is an indecisive Smurf who shows up for a couple of scenes in the comic book version of "The Smurfs and the Magic Egg," who causes a bit of annoyance when he can't decide what to wish for. This Smurf is never actually identified as Flighty Smurf, but it's very likely that it is him.
Flying Smurf/Thief Smurf/Aviator Smurf
His biggest dream and passion in life is flying, and he'll do anything in order to achieve this. Appears only in the comic books.
- Bungling Inventor: When trying to figure out ways to fly.
- Flight: The dream he tries to fulfill during his Day In The Limelight.
- Punny Nickname: In French, his name is "Schtroumpf Volant". "voler" in French means either "fly" or "steal" -- therefore he can be either Flying Smurf or Thief Smurf, because he steals other Smurfs' belongings to help him in his madcap schemes for achieving flight.
Greedy Smurf/Sweety Smurf
The village chef and food freak. Voiced by Hamilton Camp in the cartoon show.
- Big Eater
- Composite Character: His cartoon version is amalgamated with Chef Smurf.
- Supreme Chef: In the cartoon, at least; all the Smurfs agree on that point. (So does he, come to think of it; he's the biggest fan of his own food.)
- Team Chef: Again, in the cartoon. The comic Greedy doesn't enjoy cooking anywhere near as much as he enjoys eating.
Grouchy Smurf/Grumpy Smurf
The village curmudgeon. Voiced by Michael Bell in the cartoon show, and by George Lopez in the live-action movie.
- Grumpy Bear: In the comic books, it was speculated at one point by other Smurfs that he never quite got over being stung by the Buzz Fly (apparently because he was the first victim and stayed the longest under its effect). In the cartoon show, his behavior is simply natural.
- Flanderization: In his first appearances in the comics, he was perfectly capable of carrying on a normal conversation, even with his grouchy attitude. Over time, though, his Mad Libs Catchphrase of "I hate (...)" became more and more prominent in his dialogue, and by the time the cartoon came around, almost all of Grouchy's dialoge was based solely around declaring his hatred for whatever the others were talking about at the time.
- This is undone and inverted for the live-action movie, where he's far more verbal and sarcastic, and only says "I hate..." a couple of times in the entire movie.
- Hates Being Touched: In the cartoon show episode "A Hug For Grouchy", he shows a great aversion to hugs.
- Hates Everyone Equally: He generally hates everyone and everything, although, he does like Baby Smurf, Smurfette, and Papa Smurf.
- Hidden Heart of Gold: Grouchy may say he hates everything, but if theres one thing he does love, it's Baby Smurf.
- According to one comic, he also loves flowers -- but he hates the thought of anyone knowing that he loves flowers.
- Hypocritical Humor: In The Smurfs and the Magic Flute during "Just Like Their Names": "I don't act like my name!"
- Jerkass Facade: In the movie he confesses to the green M&M plushie that he uses his grouchiness to hide his true feelings.
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: "I hate (...)"
- Pet the Dog: In the album where Baby Smurf is introduced, when Grouchy Smurf learns that the stork is coming back to take away Baby Smurf, he decides to take him away in the woods because he doesn't want him to leave. When he eventually returns, he cries and shows more emotion that he has ever done in the series.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: In A Christmas Carol: "I! HATE! HATS!"
Gutsy Smurf
A kilt-wearing Smurf with a Scottish accent. Appears only in the live-action movie. Voiced by Alan Cumming.
- The Big Guy: Takes this role in the movie when Hefty is Demoted to Extra.
- Brave Scot
- Canon Foreigner
- Hotblooded Sideburns
- Man in a Kilt: Though he does wear Smurf pants underneath the kilt.
- Shoo Out the New Guy: Can potentially become this, though writing him out of any future movie installments would simply be a matter of remaking him in the image of his brethren and not ever mentioning him again.
- Vague Age: Made even more vague in his case since most of his fellow Smurfs don't have facial hair.
Handy Smurf
The village repairman, mechanic and inventor. Voiced by Michael Bell in the cartoon show, and by Jeff Foxworthy in the live-action movie.
- Bamboo Technology: He's an expert with this.
- Bungling Inventor: Mostly his inventions work perfectly -- but even so, a lot of them tend to lead to disaster because they're either used wrong or Handy has failed to consider all the angles.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Interspecies Romance: with Marina the mermaid.
- Mr. Fixit
Harmony Smurf
The village musician, who is most often seen playing the trumpet but is equally hopeless with all instruments. He is mostly used as Papa Smurf's herald. Voiced by Hamilton Camp in the cartoon show.
- Dreadful Musician
- Giftedly Bad
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: His singing is so bad that Farmer Smurf in the comic books used his "talent" to bring on the rain.
Hefty Smurf/Strongman Smurf
The village athlete and strongman; he's the strongest and fittest of all the Smurfs and is usually called upon to perform the toughest physical tasks. Voiced by Frank Welker in the cartoon show, and Gary Basaraba in the live-action movie.
- The Big Guy: Plays this role to the other Smurfs, despite being the same physical size.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Of the gentler kind.
- Demoted to Extra: He's a major character in both comics and cartoon, but only appears in a few scenes in the live-action movie.
- Disguised in Drag: Disguised himself as Smurfette to protect her from the unwanted affections of a troll king.
- Men Don't Cry: Considers Weepy a sissy for his excessive crying, but ends up crying himself.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: For a little Smurf, he sure is strong.
- Would Hit a Girl: Hefty attempts on hitting Smurfette in the cartoon adaptation of "The Smurfette" after she fesses up she's taking orders from Gargamel.
Jokey Smurf
The village prankster. Voiced by June Foray in the cartoon show, and by Paul Reubens in the live-action movie.
- Asshole Victim: Accidentally became this in "The Kaplowey Scroll" when he made Grouchy angry enough to say the word "kaplowey" which made him disappear. Fortunately, Papa Smurf reversed that.
- The Hyena
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: At least when it comes to Baby Smurf, he doesn't play his pranks on him, but instead gives him nice presents.
- Non-Fatal Explosions: His explosive gifts just leave the victim stained by black soot.
- Who's Laughing Now?: Sometimes the joke gets turned back on him, and he doesn't find it all that funny. At least in the live-action movie he is able to laugh off the gift box that exploded on him.
King Smurf/Pretentious Smurf
During Papa Smurf's absence, the Smurfs voted which of them would temporarily lead them. The chosen one donned a golden costume and made the others call him king, becoming a tyrant until Papa Smurf's return. When not being King, he's known as "Pretentious Smurf." Appears in the comic only, as the role was played by Brainy Smurf in the cartoon show.
- Drunk with Power: He was a completely normal Smurf until he got into power -- then he quickly became a tyrant, began wearing "kingly" clothes, demanded absolute respect and obedience from everyone, got Hefty and other strong Smurfs to act as his bodyguards, threw Smurfs in prison for petty crimes....
- Hypocritical Humor: Played rather darkly when he chuckles and chides Hefty for being angry with Jokey over the usual "exploding surprise" gift box -- but when he himself is the victim of a similar gift box a couple of panels later, he completely flips his lid and has Jokey thrown in jail. This turns out to be the last straw for a number of Smurfs, and thus the rebellion and civil war kicks off in earnest.
- Tyrant Takes the Helm
Lazy Smurf/Sleepy Smurf
He's usually found lying around somewhere and napping, especially if there's work to be done. Voiced by Michael Bell in the cartoon show.
- Flanderization: In the first few comics, his laziness was limited to sleep at work (be it hiding to sleep or pretending to work by using his tools as a stand to sleep), but later stories changed it to want a nap even during fun activities like playing ball or having a party.
- Lazy Bum
- The Slacker: He doesn't really do much of anything in the village, and the times he is called to do something he usually ends up either sleeping on the job or making excuses in order to not have to do it. Could have become a Professional Slacker, but that would take far too much effort.
- Sleepyhead: Of the Cloudcuckoolander variety; for the most part he sees nothing wrong with dozing off at all times.
Liar Smurf
The village gossip, who tends to make up most of the gossip he spreads. Appears only in the comic book.
Lucky Smurf
Appears only in the comic books. After watching humans, he introduces gambling to the village and becomes a compulsive gambler.
- The Gambling Addict: Oh yeah.
- Ironic Nickname: He is very unlucky at gambling -- though this is partly the fault of his addiction, as he'll make bets that are impossible for him to win just so that others will agree to the bet.
Mariner Smurf/Submariner Smurf/Marco Smurf
A Smurf who used a submarine at first, but then changed his mind and became a boat-sailing mariner. He goes out to sea to get the Smurfs spices. His nickname was changed to Marco Smurf in the Animated Adaptation, where he was voiced by Rob Paulsen.
- Nice Hat: In the cartoon.
Miller Smurf
The village miller, easily recognizable by his striped hat, dark blue shirt, and wooden clogs. Appears only in the comics.
- National Stereotypes: Invoked -- he's a miller, so he dresses like the most stereotypical Dutchman you can imagine.
- The One Who Wears Shoes: He and Farmer are the only male Smurfs that wear shoes.
Miner Smurf
The village spelunker, who spends much of his time mining for useful metals. He was the one who discovered coal, which certainly helped the Smurf village during the cold winters. In the cartoon show, he is voiced by Alan Young.
- Dug Too Deep: A variant of this happens at one point, when Miner (aided by an unwitting Clumsy) discovers an underground civilization of gnomes who ended up taking the Smurfs as slaves. Luckily the gnomes end up being Good All Along, only taking the Smurfs because they are responsible for keeping the Earth's core hot, have worked themselves to exhaustion and are desperate for a break. A few convenient inventions by Handy solves the problem, and gnomes and Smurfs part in friendship.
- Scotireland: Miner Smurf is spoken of as having either an Irish or a Scottish accent.
- Worthless Yellow Rocks: He's struck gold a couple of times, but never saw any use for it.
Narrator Smurf
Appears only in the live-action movie, where he is voiced by Tom Kane.
- Canon Foreigner
- Interactive Narrator
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Sorry I Left the BGM On: Mixes his movie intro narration with this.
Natural Smurf/Nat Smurfling
A Smurf with an affinity for nature, and particularly animals. He's one of three Smurfs who de-ages to Smurfling age, though unlike Snappy and Slouchy he had already made several appearances as an adult Smurf in earlier stories. Voiced by Charlie Adler in the cartoon show.
- Does Not Like Shoes: After being de-aged.
- Fountain of Youth: Father Time's clock de-ages him to a Smurfling.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Is shown to be able to communicate with animals on levels that other Smurfs can't.
Nobody Smurf/Somebody Smurf
A Smurf with no distinct character traits whatsoever. Tired of being a "Nobody," he went looking for a character trait that could give him a new name, but discovered that his true talent was being indistinct, after which he changed his name to "Somebody Smurf." Appeared only in the cartoon show.
- Generic Guy: He's viewed as this.
- I Just Want to Be Special
- Meaningful Rename
- Who's on First?: His name causes a few misunderstandings.
Nosey Smurf
An extremely curious Smurf who wants to know everything about everyone and everything, frequently getting into trouble because he noses around things that are none of his business.
- Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: Papa Smurf even tells the Smurfs that there's nothing wrong with being curious, but that Nosey simply takes his curiosity too far.
- Name's the Same: Gargamel posed as a Smurf going by this name in one episode, namely because of the nose.
Nurse Smurf
Appears only in the comic books, and even then only once. It's possible that he's Doctor Smurf's assistant, or even Doctor Smurf himself operating under a different name.
- One-Scene Wonder: Only appears in a single panel, wrapping Painter Smurf's finger.
- Can also be seen (though not called by name) in The Smurfs and the Magic Flute, patching up Clumsy.
Painter Smurf/Artist Smurf
A true-blue artist, Painter is constantly seen obsessing over his latest masteurpiesa -- usually a painting, but he also works with sculpture and other visual arts. He's usually seen wearing a red jacket and a black tie, with a hat looking vaguely like a beret. In the cartoon series he's voiced by Bill Callaway and speaks in an outrageous French accent.
- Always Camp: He's a temperamental artist with a French accent. Of course he's this trope.
- Everything Sounds Smurfier In French
Paleontologist Smurf
Passive-Agressive Smurf
Like Complimentary Smurf, he is mentioned, but not actually seen, in the live-action movie. Apparently, "he's always so nice, but when he leaves, you feel bad." The name is most likely a joke on the naming conventions of Smurfs.
- Canon Foreigner
- The Unseen: Only mentioned in one scene in the live-action movie, he does not actually appear anywhere.
Poet Smurf
The village poet; a kindly and sensitive soul who's so fond of poetry that he'll sometimes speak in rhyme even in casual conversation. Voiced by Frank Welker in the cartoon show.
Postman Smurf
Appears only in the comics -- first for a brief one-page gag, then in an extended role in the German magazine, where he curiously enough comes with mail from another Smurf village -- the only time in any continuity where it's directly stated that there is more than one Smurf village.
- Horse of a Different Color: He rides a snake.
Potter Smurf
Appears only in the comic books, digging for clay (in other Smurfs' gardens, without asking for permission) in a single album. Despite his brief appearance (only three panels) we can assume he makes clay pots.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Seems to have traces of this, in that he can't begin to see why other Smurfs would have a problem with him digging up their gardens when that's where the best clay is.
Pushover Smurf
A Smurf who just can't find it in himself to say no to anyone, no matter what they ask him to do. Appears only in the Animated Adaptation.
- Extreme Doormat: Until the end of the story "The Smurf Who Couldn't Say No".
- Canon Foreigner
Reporter Smurf
Reporter, writer and editor of the village newspaper, always after the latest "sensational" news.
- Intrepid Reporter: Bordering on Paparazzi (without the photographing) at times.
- Going for the Big Scoop: He'll sneak into Gargamel's for stories.
- Twisting the Words: Not above doing this in order to make his news more "sensational."
Reveler Smurf/Festive Smurf
A Smurf who is always eager to have a party, even more than any other Smurf. He briefly appears in two albums, and also appears in the French version of the The Smurfs and the Magic Flute Animated Adaptation, though the United States English dub changes him with Actor Smurf (see Timid Smurf, below).
- Catch Phrase: "We'll smurf a little party!"
Scaredy Smurf
The world's most cowardly Smurf; he's afraid of everything. May or may not be the same character as Panicky Smurf from the live-action movie.
- Lovable Coward: On one or two occasions more of a Cowardly Lion, but for the most part he's just terrified.
Sculptor Smurf
Appears only in the comic books.
- NickName's the Same: With Tailor Smurf in the original French. Which makes for a few confusing scenes when Papa Smurf calls for one and the other appears. (This isn't completely consistent, though, so it's possible that he eventually got tired of the miscommunications and changed his name.)
Showoff Smurf
Sloppy Smurf/Smelly Smurf
The village garbage collector, with a passion for collecting really smelly things. He has a pet fly named Fly.
Slouchy Smurf/ Slouchy Smurfling
A laid-back and relaxed Smurf, most likely to be found leaning against something with his hands in his pockets, or just off calmly doing his own thing while the others are running around. Along with Nat and Snappy, he is de-aged in Season 5 and becomes a Smurfling again.
- Fountain of Youth: Father Time's clock de-ages him to a Smurfling.
- The Stoic: He has traces of this, seldom getting worked up or excited about anything.
Snappy Smurf/Snappy Smurfling
A rambunctious and energetic Smurf with a big temper, traits which are only exaggerated when he along with Nat and Slouchy is de-aged to Smurfling age in the comic "The Smurflings" and in Season 5 of the cartoon.
- Fountain of Youth: Father Time's clock de-ages him to a Smurfling.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Symbol Swearing: Half of his speech balloons include this, to the point that it becomes a trait of the character.
Sneezy Smurf/Sickly Smurf/Chilly Smurf
Always wears earmuffs and a scarf, and always shivering and sneezing -- sometimes because he has a cold and sometimes due to severe allergies.
- Sickly Neurotic Geek: The "geek" part is pretty understated, though.
Sweepy Smurf
The village chimney-sweeper; a cheerful and happy-go-lucky, if rather dirty and sooty, Smurf. Voiced by Don Messick in the cartoon show.
- Fake Brit: Possibly as a Shout-Out to Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins, he speaks in a fake Cockney accent -- though, it must be admitted, much less exaggerated....
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: ...but not all that much more accurate.
Tailor Smurf
The village tailor. The main reason for the Smurfs' Limited Wardrobe, as he respects "the classic look" too much to ever agree to make any different kinds of clothes. He does allow the Smurflings to make their own set of clothes when his standard style doesn't suit them, but only under protest.
- Always Camp: He sure has an artistic temperament for someone who never wants to do anything remotely different.
- NickName's the Same: With Sculptor Smurf in the original french.
Timber Smurf/Lumberjack Smurf
The village lumberjack, who according to the other Smurfs spends more time talking to the trees than cutting them down. Named Lumberjack Smurf in the comics and Timber Smurf in the cartoon.
- Big Eater: But then, "you can't smurf a good day's work on an empty stomach."
- Friend to All Living Things: He's very fond of trees, never cutting one down before its time -- and when he does cut it down he salutes and honors it, and makes sure to plant a new sapling in its place. He's also a friend to all woodland creatures, often sharing his camp with them when camping out.
- Nice Guy: Basically, he's Hefty, if Hefty had been more in touch with his own softer side.
Timid Smurf/Actor Smurf
Despite his nickname, he's more sad than timid, due to not having a pet, until he meets the dragon Grumpf. The cartoon version of the character eventually becomes Actor Smurf.
- A Smurf And His Dragon: It's even in the title of the story (3rd story of the album "The Strange Awakening of Lazy Smurf"), save for "the" instead of "a"
Tracker Smurf
An expert woodsman and tracker, with a highly-developed sense of smell. Appears only in the Animated Adaptation.
- Canon Foreigner
- The Nose Knows
- Scarily Competent Tracker
- They Have the Scent: A rare non-animal example.
Traveling Smurf
A Smurf who was sad with the life at the Smurf Village and wanted to travel.
Tuffy Smurf
He wants to be Hefty Smurf so badly, but doesn't quite have the strength to back it up -- not that this stops him from jumping headfirst into danger and challenging everyone he meets to fisticuffs. Appears only in the Animated Adaptation, where he's voiced by Pat Fraley.
Vanity Smurf
The world's most handsome Smurf; at least if you ask him. He's easily identified by the flower he's stuck in his hat and the handheld mirror he usually carries around so that he can look at himself whenever he wants. Voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the cartoon show, and by John Oliver in the live-action movie.
- Ambiguously Gay: Next to the Smurfette Principle and the alleged Communist propaganda, Vanity's sexuality is one of the most joked-about aspects of the franchise.
- Informed Attractiveness: Sees himself as the most handsome Smurf, but, tohuman eyes at least, he's identical to all the others.
- Narcissist
- Vanity Is Feminine: No pun intended, but of course the most narcissistic smurf would be the one whose sexuality is the most often questioned.
Weakling Smurf
Just like the name implies, a weakling. Though he's certainly willing to try his best and wants to do Big Things, his actual abilities are... somewhat lacking.
- Did Not Get the Girl: Or at least, did not get the kiss from Smurfette at the end of "The Olympic Smurfs".
- Magic Feather: In "The Olympic Smurfs" Papa Smurf gives him a reddish doping jelly to put on his nose, in order to help him compete in the Olympic Games. When he eventually wins, he is about to confess his cheating, but it turns out that the substance was only raspberry jelly, and that Weakling Smurf owes his victory only to his newly-acquired self-confidence.
- The same Magic Feather element also appears in the cartoon episode "A Little Smurf Confidence", which also features Weakling.
Weather Smurf
The village meteorologist, whose job it is to predict the weather. Only appears in the comic books, as his function in the cartoon is taken over by Tracker Smurf (who simply smells the weather changing).
Weepy Smurf
The Smurf who cries and sobs about everything. To Weepy Smurf, life is one huge tragedy no matter what happens -- if bad things happen, that's horribly sad, but if good things happen, that's sad too because they won't last.
- Tears of Fear
- Tears of Joy
- Tears of Remorse
- Tender Tears get the point.
Wooly Smurf
The Smurf responsible for shearing sheep to get the wool the Smurfs need to make their clothes with. Appears only in the Animated Adaptation, where he was voiced by Dick Gautier.
- Canon Foreigner
- Nice Hat: He normally dresses like an ordinary Smurf, but the one night of year when he's called upon to go and fetch wool, he puts on a woolen cowboy version of a Smurf hat.
Reflection Smurf/Hundredth Smurf
In the Smurfs story "The Hundredth Smurf", Vanity Smurf's mirror is struck by lightning, which brings his reflection to life. The reflection speaks backwards and does everything Vanity Smurf does, but in reverse (lifting the right arm when Vanity lifts the left, for instance). After he causes chaos in the village by his opposite nature, the reflection decides to return to the mirror, but he goes through it instead, and comes out a regular Smurf. Voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the cartoon show.
- Mirror Self: Vanity Smurf's reflection, brought to life by a lightning.
Additional Smurfs
Originally the only female Smurf in the village, created by Gargamel as a weapon against the Smurfs and changed into a real Smurf by Papa Smurf. Voiced by Lucille Bliss in the cartoon show, and by Katy Perry in the live-action movie.
- Action Girl: Promoted to this in the live-action movie.
- Ascended Extra: At the end of her first comic appearance, she left the village and became an incidental character. The cartoon show made her into a regular, and the comics followed starting from "The Baby Smurf".
- Beauty Equals Goodness
- Becoming the Mask
- Born as an Adult
- The Chick
- Damsel in Distress: Rarely is there an episode where Smurfette does NOT need someone else to rescue her. Mostly averted in the live-action movie.
- Hair of Gold
- Heel Face Turn: Smurfette when she was first created goes through this when she is transformed into a real Smurf through magic in the cartoon show by Papa Smurf.
- This only applies to the Animated Adaptation. She was never evil in the original comicbooks.
- Hello, Nurse!: Smurfette, after her magical makeover in the cartoon show, elicits this response in her fellow Smurfs. And in a single-page comic book gag, she actually became a nurse.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: Even Harmony Smurf notices how bad she sings.
- Insubstantial Ingredients: The original comics and the Animated Adaptation each feature their own formula for her creation, but both include elements of the trope:
- Comicbook: The clay statue was given life by being dipped in a formula made from a pinch of coquetry, a good layer of bias, three crocodile tears, a lizard brain, viper tongue powder, one carat of simpathy, a handful of wrath, one finger of lies, a thimble of gluttony, a pint of bad faith, a pinch of inconscience, a bit of sentimentality, a measure of silliness and a measure of cunning, much ingenuity and stubbornness, and a candle that has burned at both ends.
- Cartoon: She was magically created from blue clay, sugar and spice but nothing nice, crocodile tears, half a pack of lies, a chatter of a magpie, and the hardest stone for her heart.
- Lady in Red: Wears a red dress in "The Great Smurfette", though it was mostly a feminine version of Papa Smurf, and only to show that she was in charge of the Smurf Village.
- Limited Wardrobe: Wears multiple copies of the same dress, yet treats them as though they were different outfits.
- Magic Plastic Surgery: Or make that "plastic smurfery", which is the explanation in the original English translation of the story "The Smurfette" for how the title character was changed from her original appearance into a real Smurf.
- Mama Bear: Around Baby Smurf.
- Rule 34
- Skip of Innocence: In the comic books, she goes for walks in the forest where she does this.
- The Smurfette Principle: Trope Namer
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Sassette's Tomboy.
- The Vamp: She was this before her Heel Face Turn
- Younger Than They Look: Smurfette is only a few years old despite looking like a young adult female Smurf.
Baby Smurf
Brought to the Smurf village by stork on the night of the blue moon, and has since then been the darling of all the Smurfs.
- Child Mage: In the animated series, though never when anyone else is watching.
- Fearless Infant: Occasionally invokes the trope, though is seldom in any real danger.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Immune, it seems, to magic designed to make people angry, evil, or even emotionless.
The second female Smurf created after Smurfette. Voiced by Julie McWhirter-Dees in the cartoon show.
- Affirmative Action Girl: Her whole raison d'etre is to give Smurfette some female company.
- Braids of Action: Her usual hairstyle.
- Fiery Redhead: In the cartoon show episode of her origin before Papa Smurf changed her into a real Smurf. She still keeps the red hair.
- Motor Mouth: At least in the comics.
- Naked on Arrival: Only in her comic book origin, which caused the usual reaction from her fellow younger smurfs.
- Pink Means Feminine: Subverted. As said below, she wears pink but is a Tomboy.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Smurfette's Girly Girl.
- Why Am I Ticking?: Her origin story involved her accidentally becoming a walking time bomb due to Gargamel putting a spell on the blue clay used to make her that would make her explode upon exposure to the noonday sun.
Clockwork Smurf
A wooden robotic Smurf created by Handy Smurf.
- Clockwork Creature
- The Unintelligible: Clockwork Smurf can only speak in machine squeaks in the cartoon show, whereas in the comic books he was able to speak in Smurf language right from the start.
Wild Smurf
The Smurf expy of Tarzan. Voiced by Frank Welker in the cartoon show.
- Loin Cloth: He wore leaves until Tailor Smurf made him one.
- Nature Hero
- Raised By Squirrels
- The Unintelligible: Wild Smurf can only speak in squirrel chatter in the cartoon show, whereas in the comic books he eventually learned how to speak in Smurf language.
Grandpa Smurf
When Papa Smurf was young, he was also raised by a Papa Smurf, who is now known by the Smurfs as Grandpa Smurf. Voiced by Jonathan Winters in the cartoon show.
- Canon Foreigner: He did appear in the comics that were issued in the short-lived Schtroumpf! magazine, though.
- Hammerspace Beard
- Messenger of Doom: During his first appearance.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: He's mentioned to be twice the age of Papa Smurf.
Nanny Smurf
The third female Smurf to appear in the cartoon series. Voiced by Susan Blu.
- Canon Foreigner: She did appear in the comics that were issued in the short-lived Schtroumpf! magazine, though.
- Granny Classic: Though a very energetic version.
- Never Mess with Granny: She's a tough old Smurf.
Don Smurfo
The in-universe fictional character Expy of Zorro.
The King
The benevolent, white-bearded ruler of the kingdom and also the king that Johan and Peewit serve under, he is one of the few humans who has befriended the Smurfs. He's not particularly strong-willed or authoritative, but he has a good heart and generally wants the best for his subjects. Voiced by Bob Holt in the cartoon show.
- Dude in Distress: Whenever he plays a big role in the stories, it's most often as this.
- No Name Given: He's only ever called "The King" or "Your Majesty," his actual name is never mentioned.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He has to be, to put up with everything Peewit puts him through.
Princess Savina
A not-so-proper princess, niece of the King and cousin of King Gerard, who would much rather join in on Johan and Peewit's many adventures than be stuck at the palace under the watchful eyes of her governess, Dame Barbara. Voiced by Jennifer Darlin in the cartoon show.
- Action Girl: She really wants to be one, but as her governess forbids her from doing anything "improper" she doesn't get many chances to.
- Damsel in Distress: Plays this in some episodes, even if she's usually resourceful enough to at least try to save herself.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Rebellious Princess: Though her rebellion is usually very low-key and kept hidden from Dame Barbara.
The King's teenage squire (later knight) and best friend to Peewit, and one of the humans who have befriended the Smurfs. Many of the Smurfs and humans look up to him as a person to never do wrong. Voiced by Michael Bell in the cartoon show.
- Black Bead Eyes: He has them in the original Johan and Peewit comics, as well as in the The Smurfs and the Magic Flute movie, but in the show itself he has more normal cartoon eyes.
- Fearless Fool: He has traces of this, always meeting danger head-on.
- Chaste Hero
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Peewit.
- Odd Friendship: Again, with Peewit -- in the Johan and Peewit comics they're the main Odd Couple
The small-sized court jester who is usually Sir Johan's Sidekick, though in later seasons he made many solo appearances without Johan, interacting with the Smurfs and their other friends/enemies. Apart from Gargamel and Scruple, he's the human character who appears on the show the most. Voiced by Frank Welker in the cartoon show, and by Cam Clarke in The Smurfs and the Magic Flute.
- Big Eater: He's one of the few characters who can match Greedy Smurf for appetite.
- Catch Phrase: "Later, always later!" whenever Johan says they'll do something later.
- Cowardly Lion: At first glance he can come across as a Lovable Coward with Miles Gloriosus tendencies, but he'll step out without fail and perform brave feats if his friends are in trouble.
- Dreadful Musician
- Giftedly Bad: Most notably at music, but the few times he tries his hand at magic his failures tend to be truly spectacular -- not that this ever stops him from thinking of himself as talented and brilliant.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Johan.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: His singing "The Ballad Of Friendship" in The Smurfs and the Magic Flute is so bad that it brings on the rain. He also gets constantly kicked off the stage by the minstrels playing for The King in the same movie.
- No Pronunciation Guide: His name is usually pronounced Pee-Wee despite its spelling.
- Odd Friendship: With Johan.
- Plucky Comic Relief
Peewit's pet goat and trusty riding animal, Named "Biquette" in the comics and cartoon, and "Annie" in the cartoon version of The Smurfs and the Magic Flute. She's very loyal to Peewit and always tries to protect him, but she's also highly temperamental and will think nothing of attacking and headbutting those who annoy her.
- Badass: Many are the villains who were defeated by her headbutt.
- Big Eater: As is fitting for a goat, though she's nothing compared to Peewit.
- Horse of a Different Color
- Meaningful Name: "Biquette" is the French word for "nanny goat".
A wizard who frequently helps either Johan and Peewit or the Smurfs. Half the time Papa Smurf leaves the Smurf Village, when he isn't seeking for rare herbs, he's going to visit Homnibus and play chess. Voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the cartoon show.
Homnibus' young helper. Despite frequently appearing along with his master in Johan and Peewit stories, his only appearance in a Smurfs story so far has been "The Finance Smurf".
King Gerard
A teenage prince-turned-king of a neighboring kingdom, and the cousin of Princess Savina. Clockwork Smurf lives with him and acts as his companion and advisor. Appears only in the Animated Adaptation, voiced by Phil Proctor.
- Nice Guy
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Has a tendency to think better of people than they really deserve.
The mute wood elf who appears as a recurring character in the cartoon series.
- Cute Mute
- Meaningful Name: Her name is a play on the term laconic, which means "using few words; expressing much in few words; concise".
A young mermaid from the underwater kingdom of Atlantica, sho shows up in a handful of episodes and functions as Handy Smurf's Love Interest.
- Fish Out of Water: Or mermaid out of water, when on land. By contrast, Handy plays the same Fish Out of Water role when under the water, being a Smurf In Water. The relationship is... difficult.
- Interspecies Romance: With Handy Smurf.
Selwyn and Tallulah
The bickering sorcerer couple who appear only in the Animated Adaptation
- Dark Is Not Evil: They're not particularly fond of the light, but they're still good people at heart.
- Zap Zap Kiss
The main villain of the Smurfs. Voiced by Paul Winchell in the cartoon show, played by Hank Azaria in the live-action movie.
- Arch Enemy
- Beard of Evil: Attempts to grow one with a hair tonic in one episode. He only manages to wear a fake Beard of Evil when passing himself off as another wizard in order to get Hogatha's bird call.
- Catch Phrase: "I'll get you, I'll get all of you if that's the last thing I ever do!"
- Evil Is Hammy: Even more so in the live-action movie.
- Evil Laugh: What's Gargamel without this?
- Evil Sorcerer: Constantly referred to as such, though he's just as much of an alchemist.
- Evil Tastes Good: Gargamel goes on about how delicious Smurfs must be despite never actually eating one.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Gargamel's plans are always doomed to fail.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Gargamel usually gets done in by the very schemes he uses against the Smurfs.
- It's Personal: Gargamel originally wanted to capture Smurfs so that he could use them to turn base metals into gold, or eat them, but time and time again with defeat means that he's now mainly after Revenge -- and if he can fill his stomach or get rich by doing so, so much the better.
- Save the Villain: Sometimes the Smurfs have to save him from danger or from his own villainy.
- Taken for Granite: Was turned into a statue along with his cat in one episode, but Papa Smurf restored him to normal.
- Ungrateful Bastard: Despite many a Save the Villain moment by the Smurfs, he still never returns the favor and is still plotting his revenge against them.
- Villain Song: Has one that he sings on occasion, plus a few in certain episodes like "The Blue Plague" song that is based on a similar villain song from Yogi's First Christmas.
- Would Hurt a Child: Even Baby Smurf is not immune to Gargamel's evil plans when it suits him.
Gargamel's scruffy and much put-down-upon cat. Voiced by Don Messick in the cartoon show and Frank Welker in the live-action movie.
- Ambiguous Gender: In the comics, at least. The cartoon on several occasions distinctly refers to the cat as male -- not that this has stopped fans from speculating.
- Androcles' Lion: In one episode, he uncharacteristically spares Natural Smurf after Nat saved his life.
- More like reluctantly, as he was scared off by an approaching animal.
- Cats Are Mean: He's just as gung-ho about catching Smurfs as Gargamel is, and is often seen licking his chops hungrily whenever Smurfs are mentioned.
- Right-Hand-Cat
- Silent Snarker: Since he's a cat, he can't actually speak -- but in both cartoon and live-action movie his meows are so speech-like that it's often easy to guess from his tone exactly what he's saying, and what he's saying is quite often something degradatory about Gargamel.
Gargamel's nephew and apprentice, a Bratty Half-Pint who was more or less dumped onto his uncle after he was kicked out of sorcerer's school for causing trouble with the teachers. He helps Gargamel out with his plans, though is often less than enthusiastic about it. Voiced by Brenda Vaccaro in the cartoon show.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Deadpan Snarker: Like Azrael, he doesn't think much of Gargamel's intelligence. Unlike Azrael, he can clearly let Gargamel know in exact words what he thinks.
- Genre Savvy: He quickly catches on to the fact that Gargamel's plans never work as they should, and often takes precautions for that.
- Ironic Name: Despite being called Scruple, he doesn't appear to have any.
- The Nicknamer: He always calls Gargamel "Gargie," much to the latter's annoyance.
An evil witch, obsessed with her looks despite being far from beautiful. Voiced by Janet Waldo.
- Bald of Evil: Though she wears a wig.
- Gender Bender: Switches from female to male when she becomes a Smurf in "The Fake Smurf" (cartoon show only).
- Meaningful Name: Listen to her talk and you'll see why.
- Verbal Tic: Her constant snorting.
Lord Balthazar
Gargamel's godfather in the cartoon series.
An evil witch, who mostly wants to make the world as miserable as she is. Voiced by Amanda McBroom
- Despair Event Horizon: The origin of her behavior was shown in "Chlorhydris' Lost Love", where the wizard she intended to marry never showed up at the altar on her wedding night.
The ogre who lives in the Smurf forest. Voiced by Lennie Weinrib.
- Big Eater
- Hulk Speak: Mostly in the cartoon show adaptation, and pretty much with all ogres in the show.
- Our Ogres Are Hungrier
- Wild Card: Would play either a hero or a villain depending on which will get him some more food.
- Back to The Smurfs