< The Miz
The Miz/YMMV
- Badass Decay. So, so much since losing the WWE Championship. It looked for a while that he would come out of it during his time with R-Truth, but after their split, R-Truth is the hotter one of the two.
- Base Breaker: Once he won the WWE Championship, the IWC, and to an extent casual fans, promptly split in half, especially considering the nature of how he won it. It doesn't help the fact that those who don't like the fact he's champion are split over those thinking he got his push too early (despite being employed since mid-2006), and those who view it as a personal insult to the wrestling business as a whole.
- Crowning Music Of Awwwwwwesoooooommmmmmeeeeee!!!!!!: His current theme, "I Came To Play", is pretty cool. That being said, it could change to "Hate Me Now" (a song so appropriate for Miz, it's not even funny) and nobody would really complain.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Seriously. Smarks have a good deal of affection for him, as he's one of the funniest Heels on WWE programming, and his theme is pretty badass too.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: As are all charismatic Heels
- Evil Is Cool: Like many bad guys before him, Miz has managed to get over with fans despite playing a Dirty Coward.
- Evil Is Sexy: The Miz has gotten Jeff Hardy-esque squees from girls.
- Expy: A good looking Jerk Jock who's smaller than most wrestlers, who became a world champion and began wearing nice suits and speaking with a Creepy Monotone? Using a full-nelson facebuster as a finisher? These were all accurate descriptions of Chris Jericho.
- Lampshaded by Jericho recently. Then again, his 2012 incarnation seems to think that everyone in the world wishes to be an Expy of him...
- Hate Dumb: A large portion of the IWC turned on him the moment he won the WWE Championship. Bear in mind, this is the same IWC that had largely been singing his praises until then.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Look at the quote on the main entry for The Miz. Then look at the results of Super Bowl XLV. Chances are The Miz took a bath on the locker room football pool.
- Ho Yay: With Alex Riley and Michael Cole.
- Also with John Morrison during their time together as a tag team, even describing their relationship as a bromance.
- And Big Show, to a lesser extent, since he effectively got dragged into The Big Show & Chris Jericho's own break-up, which saw Jericho acting like the jealous third party.
- Hollywood Pudgy: John Morrison has called him fat multiple times, for a while he was very sensitive about his weight.
- Lampshaded by Dolph Ziggler in the Raw before Royal Rumble 2011.
- Internet Backdraft: Miz winning the WWE Championship. Either the moment that cemented The Miz a serious performer or a complete and utter travesty.
- Jerkass Woobie: There's really just one time he fit this trope, but it's worth mentioning: the night he cut this promo. Despite the fact that he's delivering it in character as a Heel, a lot of it's a shoot, and JBL would later admit flat out in an interview that he hazed the hell out of Miz back in the day and wasn't the least bit sorry for doing it - because he wanted to see if Miz had what it took to be a part of the locker room.
- Memetic Mutation: This crowd reaction shot of an angry little girl after Miz won the WWE Championship has quickly become one.
- Ascended Meme: The Miz pointed her out the next week as one of the highlights of his reign.
- She then went on to appear in his "Hate Me Now" promo video at Wrestlemania 27.
- Promoted Fanboy: She won a Slammy for best fan reaction. Then Miz came out and taunted her, stealing her Slammy award in the process.
- And in line with Mean Character, Nice Actor above, CROWNING MOMENT OF HEARTWARMING.
- Recently the dirt sheets reported that The Miz was getting heat backstage and being blamed for things that probably weren't his fault. Wrestling fans have responded to this by jokingly blaming everything bad that happens on The Miz.
- Ascended Meme: The Miz pointed her out the next week as one of the highlights of his reign.
- Nightmare Retardant: Despite the MANY Levels in Badass he took, it's just hard for some people to take The Miz seriously as an intimidating Heel with the way he carries himself.
- One of Us: In a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon, Miz mentioned being at the Nintendo Championships and getting to the finals. He spoke of the experience with the same sort of enthusiasm as he did about most of the other stuff they talked about during the interview. He brought up a lot of other pop culture stuff as well.
- He was also huge into the wrestling business with aspirations to be a pro wrestler on his stint on The Real World, even working on cutting promos during the show.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Just look at his first appearance on the A-Show. Who would have thought this fool would be cashing in Money in the Bank on Randy Orton four years later to become WWE Champion?
- The Scrappy: YMMV as to whether Miz counts as a scrappy, however, almost no one likes his apprentice Alex Riley. At the very least, they think he's run his course as Miz's lackey.
- Which might have worked out pretty well for Riley; he got a HUGE pop on the 5/23/11 RAW when Miz's insults and blame-shifting finally caused him to snap and give Miz a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
- And if that didn't work, Miz returns the favor in the 7/4/11 RAW and beats Riley senseless with anything the arena can give him after losing to him one many times.
- Which might have worked out pretty well for Riley; he got a HUGE pop on the 5/23/11 RAW when Miz's insults and blame-shifting finally caused him to snap and give Miz a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
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