< The Meek
The Meek/Characters
The cast of The Meek. Be cautious of spoilers.
Angora's Arc
- Beware the Nice Ones: You better believe it.
- Curtains Match the Window: Angora, though it's not natural.
- Does Not Like Shoes: More like Does Not Like Clothes, but even after acquiring shorts she's still going shoe-free.
- And shirt-free. It really does not bother her in the least.
- Expy: Hmm... an energetic vegetarian Friend to All Living Things with elemental powers who seeks guidance from an elder supernatural being and whose judgement will change the world? And a similar-sounding name? Then it must be-No, the comic and the character's been in development way before the show even started.
- Friend to All Living Things: She may be a variation on a Jungle Princess.
- Genki Girl
- Green Eyes
- Green Thumb: Angora's powers, which most likely explains the hair. (It's moss)
- The Hero
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Currently the page picture. Also played with, as the artist has specifically mentioned that she intends for her clothing to be an allegory of her losing her innocence in the bleak outside world. She also apparently never quite gets a nudity taboo—at the end of the first chapter she gets a pair of shorts, a neck covering and nothing else.
- Which is actually the full extent of what she saw the GUYS wearing. Perhaps she just assumed that the taboo was the same for guys as girls. Guys can go shirtless, so can she.
- Naked on Arrival: ...and doesn't stop at arrival.
- Nature Hero
- No Sense of Personal Space
- Nubile Savage: Partially subverted with Angora, but not completely. She's commendably realistically drawn, without the usual hypersexualized figure of female comic protagonists, but she still manages to stray the closest to the modern standard for female beauty of anyone in the comic.
- Power Incontinence: It's shown that her powers sometimes work while she's sleeping without her willing them to.
- Skilled but Naive: She's pretty good at surviving in the jungle, but is very inexperienced when it comes to dealing with actual people.
- The Smurfette Principle: In the first arc. According to Kiz, she's the only woman around for miles.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Played with, verging on Deconstruction. It's an extremely unusual thing, and it's not even her real hair color. Her powers cause moss to cling to her head and bloom, kinda like a sloth. Her natural hair color seems to be a dirty blond.
Pinter deJersi
- The Alcoholic
- Berserk Button: Don't touch his booze.
- Big Brother Instinct: Towards Angora. Word of God says that it comes naturally, since he has a bunch of younger sisters back home.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Possibly.
- Nice Hat
- No Sense of Direction
- Stout Strength
- Walking Shirtless Scene: For many this may be a form of Fan Disservice.
- Badass Grandpa
- Cain and Abel: Possibly with the Dagre, who he refers to as his brother. All that's known is that they came to blows at some point.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Subverted, as he seems to be a good guy.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Parental Abandonment
Pinter: Trust me, nobody is more worried about your irresponsible missing Grandpa than I am.
- Parental Substitute: To Angora.
- The Obi-Wan: Again, to Angora.
Luca's Arc
Luca deSadar
- Artificial Limbs: Luca's right leg is prosthetic below mid-knee; he's seen putting it on here. According to the wiki, it was amputated because of gangrene from a bullet wound.
- Big Eater
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue: When he speaks in his native tongue, he uses contractions in that language and doesn't have any flubs like he does when speaking to Phe.
- Fantastic Racism: He hates the Carissi.
- General Ripper: When it comes to the Carissi, to the point that his wife threatens to leave if he doesn't let go of his hatred.
- Grandpa What Massive Hotness You Have: Several people enjoyed his Expository Hairstyle Change during Phe's death because he looked much hotter with his hair in his face.
- Not So Stoic: Even though Luca is mostly a Perpetual Frowner, a few things can get him to react quite emotionally. Especially things that involve his wife.
- Perpetual Frowner: ... but for the most part, he "doesn't exactly have a wide range of expressions" says Word of God.
- Playing with Fire
- Spock Speak: Doesn't use contractions when speaking. According to Word of God this is because Santri, the language he is speaking, is actually his third language. He also has a minor case of You No Take Candle when he gets angry.
- Toothy Issue: His front teeth were knocked out at some point, and he wears dentures to mask this fact.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Phe deSadar
- Closer to Earth
- Deadpan Snarker
- Family-Unfriendly Death
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Somehow averted and played straight! Phe is a realistically drawn middle aged woman (with three children!)...who is, in at least one troper's opinion, sex on a stick.
- Hartman Hips
- Hot Consort: To Luca.
- Killed Off for Real
- Morality Chain: For Luca. "I hope you know I will only do this things for you." Now that she's dead, things are bound to get worse.
Rana deSadar
- Eight Is Rana: In Basori. According to the wiki, she is named for her birthday (the eighth day of the eighth month).
- Hartman Hips
- Hollywood Pudgy: Supposedly she's always on a diet, even though she doesn't really need to.
- Rebellious Princess
Suda deSadar
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Based on the author's own younger brother.
- Inadequate Inheritor: It's obvious that his father Luca sees him as this.
- Write Who You Know: See above.
The Dagre
- Cats Are Mean: Or at least really freaky.
- Giggling Villain
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: According to Der-Shing, he technically has no eyes, but he still has this appearance.
- Painting the Fourth Wall/ Verbal Tic: Dagre's speech bubbles are sort of shaky, and he has a u nique man ner of speech in which each and eve ry sy la ble is pro nounced dis tinct ly.
- Panthera Awesome
- Spirit Advisor
Soli's Arc
Soli Areni
- Berserk Button: Saying that she doesn't know about sacrifice is a touchy subject.
- Bifauxnen
- Blue Eyes: Vividly so.
- Book Dumb: She still seems to be in the process of learning how to read and write. From Alamand. Naturally, her spelling and grammar have a long way to go.
- Cool Big Sis: There's some evidence that Alamand looks up to her this way, though the feeling's not exactly mutual.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Most strangers would mistake her for a man... in fact most fans would as well.
- Facial Markings: Her teardrop tattoo. Hmm.
- Guns Akimbo
- Jerkass: Soli can be pretty pushy, disrespectful, and quick to draw out a gun if someone pisses her off the wrong way. Not to mention that she's on a quest to kill her ex-boyfriend for as-of-yet unrevealed reasons.
- Nice Hat
- Sarashi: "Cheaper than a brassiere!"
- Smoking Is Cool
- Short Hair with Tail: As seen here most of her hair is cut short with the long part is gathered in a ponytail that extends to way below her hips.
- Woman Scorned: Her bio and a comment from Ali imply it.
Jai-avary Alamand
- Blue Eyes
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Circus Brat
- Deadpan Snarker
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Five-Finger Discount: Said on the Meekipedia to be a pickpocket.
- Keet: Though a more cynical example.
- Kid Sidekick
Amen deGladobet
- Blue Eyes
- By-The-Book Cop
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Mr. Fanservice
- Good-Looking Privates
- Hero Antagonist
- Meaningful Name
- Real Men Love Jesus: Well, whatever is the local stand-in. Or at least he appears. He's "from a fairly religious background".
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