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    Or the use of teeth in fiction.

    Most of the time, you get Hollywood Teeth- everybody has lovely straight pearly whites, even where this is unlikely (more on the lack of orthodontics front than access to sweets).

    This is occasionally subverted for realism's sake: in the Broadway version of Les Misérables, the characters have horrible teeth, which makes sense since most of them are, well, poor.

    However, teeth can have other connotations.

    • Missing teeth can be seen on roguish or villainous sort of characters, like Fagin.
      • Or, conversely, on cute little kids who are losing their baby teeth.
      • Or as a comedic effect.
    • Vampireth have fangth.
    • Someone's teeth may shatter in a cartoon situation.
    • British Teeth - Yellowing, busted piano keys may best describe the teeth of the British if this trope is to be believed.
    • Yellow Peril: Villainous Asians have crooked teeth.
    • Cute Little Fangs may express a character's hyperactivity.

    Toothy Tropes and Idioms:

    This is a Super-Trope to all other tooth-related tropes; please put all examples on the relevant subtropes' pages.

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