< The Meek
The Meek/YMMV
- Crosses the Line Twice: This image (from the author's Deviant ART gallery) skirts the line between funny and creepy, as does this one.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: "And that's when they kicked me out!"
- "You have more chest to cover up than I do!"
- "So. Shack in the middle of nowhere. How's that working out for you?"
- The entirety of this page.
- Chapter 3's sort of made of this. Soli has a rather nice derp face on panel three of this page.
- The whole page.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Aww.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The Dagre, for all that he appears for a handful of pages, has a massive amount of fanart on Deviantart.
- Ulyer, a character who hasn't even shown himself in the comic, has already circulated a wide amount of interest from being the author's favorite character and a few tumblr sketches.
- The unnamed "boss" of Chapter 3 got a bit of attention for his hilariously volatile manner and neat design. He appeared for all of 4 pages before being killed offscreen.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Phe's death. Gory Discretion Shot is averted for the tracheotomy incision, but her face (swollen, blue, covered in a rash) is in full view.
- Good Is Not Nice: Pinter's behavior toward Angora is rather cranky, and he has a tendency to flip out, but he's also protective of her, and agrees to help her on her quest.
- Jerkass Woobie: Luca, who for all his abrasive method of dealing with things, is a very tragic character.
- Soli is also implied to be this, with a heavily hinted Dark and Troubled Past.
- Memetic Molester: The Dagre, and the author's own involvement is pushing it further.
- Memetic Sex God: According to the female readers, it's not rape if it's with Amen -- it's surprise sex you totally know you wanted.
Gina: Angora is always naked because Amen looked at her. Once.
- Tear Jerker: Poor, poor Luca...
- Rana and Suda as well, in this strip. And it just gets worse.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Many viewers were confused about the gender of Ambassador Lethy. The author responded accordingly.
- The same happened to Soli with the beginning of Chapter 3.
- The author had a response to that too.
- This also happens with Alamand to a lesser extent, given that he has slightly long hair that he often wears into a ponytail and is rather hyperactive.
- The same happened to Soli with the beginning of Chapter 3.
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